#include "pch.h" #include "usbconsole.h" #include "hardware.h" #ifdef HW_HELLEN #include "hellen_meta.h" #endif // HW_HELLEN extern "C" { #include "boot.h" #include "flash.h" #include "shared_params.h" } static blt_bool waitedLongerThanTimeout = BLT_FALSE; class BlinkyThread : public chibios_rt::BaseStaticThread<256> { protected: void main(void) override { Gpio yellow = getWarningLedPin(); Gpio blue = getCommsLedPin(); Gpio green = getRunningLedPin(); Gpio red = LED_CRITICAL_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN; efiSetPadMode("yellow", yellow, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); efiSetPadMode("blue", blue, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); efiSetPadMode("green", green, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); efiSetPadMode("red", red, PAL_MODE_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); auto yellowPort = getBrainPinPort(yellow); auto yellowPin = getBrainPinIndex(yellow); auto bluePort = getBrainPinPort(blue); auto bluePin = getBrainPinIndex(blue); auto greenPort = getBrainPinPort(green); auto greenPin = getBrainPinIndex(green); auto redPort = getBrainPinPort(red); auto redPin = getBrainPinIndex(red); #ifdef BOOTLOADER_ENABLE_OUTPUT_PIN { ioportid_t en_port = getHwPort("blt-en-pin", BOOTLOADER_ENABLE_OUTPUT_PIN); uint8_t en_pin = getHwPin("blt-en-pin", BOOTLOADER_ENABLE_OUTPUT_PIN); palWritePad(en_port, en_pin, 1); } #endif // BOOTLOADER_ENABLE_OUTPUT_PIN #ifdef BOOTLOADER_DISABLE_GREEN_LED greenPort = NULL; #endif // BOOTLOADER_DISABLE_GREEN_LED if (yellowPort) { palSetPad(yellowPort, yellowPin); } if (bluePort) { palSetPad(bluePort, bluePin); } if (greenPort) { palSetPad(greenPort, greenPin); } if (redPort) { palSetPad(redPort, redPin); } while (true) { if (yellowPort) { palTogglePad(yellowPort, yellowPin); } if (bluePort) { palTogglePad(bluePort, bluePin); } if (greenPort) { palTogglePad(greenPort, greenPin); } if (redPort) { palTogglePad(redPort, redPin); } // blink 3 times faster if Dual Bank is not enabled auto delay = isFlashDualBank() ? 125 : 40; // blink faster if not in the waiting mode chThdSleepMilliseconds(waitedLongerThanTimeout ? (delay * 2) : delay); } } }; static BlinkyThread blinky; blt_bool stayInBootloader; static blt_bool checkIfRebootIntoOpenBltRequested(void) { uint8_t value = 0x00; if (SharedParamsReadByIndex(0, &value) && (value == 0x01)) { /* clear */ SharedParamsWriteByIndex(0, 0x00); return BLT_TRUE; } return BLT_FALSE; } int main(void) { halInit(); chSysInit(); baseMCUInit(); // start the blinky thread blinky.start(NORMALPRIO + 10); // Init openblt shared params SharedParamsInit(); stayInBootloader = checkIfRebootIntoOpenBltRequested(); // Init openblt itself BootInit(); blt_bool wasConnected = BLT_FALSE; while (true) { BootTask(); // since BOOT_BACKDOOR_HOOKS_ENABLE==TRUE, BackDoorCheck() is not working // so we have to manually check if we need to jump to the main firmware if (ComIsConnected() == BLT_TRUE) { // remember we had connection attempt wasConnected = BLT_TRUE; continue; } if (stayInBootloader || wasConnected) continue; #if (BOOT_BACKDOOR_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_MS > 0) blt_bool isTimeout = (TIME_I2MS(chVTGetSystemTime()) >= BOOT_BACKDOOR_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_MS); #else blt_bool isTimeout = BLT_TRUE; #endif // BOOT_BACKDOOR_ENTRY_TIMEOUT_MS if (isTimeout == BLT_TRUE) { waitedLongerThanTimeout = BLT_TRUE; CpuStartUserProgram(); } } } // very basic version, supports on chip pins only (really only used for USB) void efiSetPadMode(const char* msg, brain_pin_e brainPin, iomode_t mode) { ioportid_t port = getHwPort(msg, brainPin); ioportmask_t pin = getHwPin(msg, brainPin); /* paranoid */ if (port == GPIO_NULL) { return; } palSetPadMode(port, pin, mode); }