# Combine the related files for a specific platform and MCU. # Target ECU board design BOARDCPPSRC = $(BOARDS_DIR)/hellen/hellen88bmw/board_configuration.cpp BOARDINC = $(BOARDS_DIR)/hellen/hellen88bmw # Set this if you want a default engine type other than normal hellen88bmw ifeq ($(DEFAULT_ENGINE_TYPE),) DEFAULT_ENGINE_TYPE = -DDEFAULT_ENGINE_TYPE=HELLEN_88_BMW endif # 144 package MCU ifeq ($(LED_CRITICAL_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN),) LED_CRITICAL_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN = -DLED_CRITICAL_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN=GPIOG_0 endif DDEFS += -DEFI_MAIN_RELAY_CONTROL=TRUE # Disable serial ports on this board as UART3 causes a DMA conflict with the SD card DDEFS += -DTS_NO_PRIMARY=1 -DTS_NO_SECONDARY=1 # Add them all together DDEFS += -DEFI_USE_OSC=TRUE -DFIRMWARE_ID=\"hellen88bmw\" $(DEFAULT_ENGINE_TYPE) $(LED_CRITICAL_ERROR_BRAIN_PIN) $(LED_COMMUNICATION_BRAIN_PIN) DDEFS += -DEFI_SOFTWARE_KNOCK=TRUE -DSTM32_ADC_USE_ADC3=TRUE DDEFS += -DEFI_ICU_INPUTS=FALSE -DHAL_TRIGGER_USE_PAL=TRUE # todo: is it broken? DDEFS += -DEFI_LOGIC_ANALYZER=FALSE include $(BOARDS_DIR)/hellen/hellen-common.mk