#!/bin/bash # from firmware folder: # hw_layer/mass_storage/create_ini_image.sh tunerstudio/generated/rusefi.ini hw_layer/mass_storage/ramdisk_image.h 112 test https://rusefi.com/s/test # fail on error set -e FULL_INI=$1 H_OUTPUT=$2 FS_SIZE=$3 SHORT_BOARDNAME=$4 BOARD_SPECIFIC_URL=$5 IMAGE=ramdisk.image ZIP=rusefi.ini.zip # mkfs.fat and fatlabel are privileged on some systems PATH="$PATH:/usr/sbin" echo "create_ini_image: ini $FULL_INI to $H_OUTPUT size $FS_SIZE for $SHORT_BOARDNAME [$BOARD_SPECIFIC_URL]" rm -f $ZIP $IMAGE # copy *FS_SIZE*KB of zeroes dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMAGE bs=1024 count=$FS_SIZE # create a FAT filesystem inside, name it RUSEFI mkfs.fat -v -r 64 $IMAGE # labels can be no longer than 11 characters fatlabel $IMAGE RUSEFI # -j option dumps all files in the root of the zip (instead of inside directories) zip -j $ZIP $FULL_INI cp hw_layer/mass_storage/filesystem_contents/rusEFI_Wiki_template.url hw_layer/mass_storage/wiki.temp echo "URL=${BOARD_SPECIFIC_URL}" >> hw_layer/mass_storage/wiki.temp cp hw_layer/mass_storage/filesystem_contents/README.template.txt hw_layer/mass_storage/readme.temp echo ${BOARD_SPECIFIC_URL} >> hw_layer/mass_storage/readme.temp if [[ $OSTYPE == 'darwin'* ]]; then # Mac OS comes with Bash version 3 which is quite limiting and lack key features current_date='huh-MAC' else bash --version # bash >=4.3 magic printf -v current_date '%(%Y-%m-%d)T' -1 echo "create_ini_image.sh says [${current_date}]" fi # Put the zip inside the filesystem mcopy -i $IMAGE $ZIP :: # Put a readme text file in there too mcopy -i $IMAGE hw_layer/mass_storage/readme.temp ::README-${current_date}.txt mcopy -i $IMAGE hw_layer/mass_storage/filesystem_contents/rusEFI\ Forum.url :: mcopy -i $IMAGE hw_layer/mass_storage/filesystem_contents/rusEFI\ Quick\ Start.url :: mcopy -i $IMAGE hw_layer/mass_storage/wiki.temp ::rusEFI\ ${SHORT_BOARDNAME}\ Wiki.url # write out as a C array, with "static const" tacked on the front xxd -i $IMAGE \ | cat <(echo -n "static const ") - \ > $H_OUTPUT rm $ZIP $IMAGE exit 0