rm -rf temp set folder=snapshot_%date:~10%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%_%bundle_name%_rusefi set folder=temp\%folder% rem this replaces spaces with 0s - that's needed before 10am set folder=%folder: =0% echo Building file call misc\jenkins\build_working_folder.bat rem TODO: extract FTP duplication with 407 build echo open ftp://u71977750-build:%RUSEFI_BUILD_FTP_PASS%@%FTP_SERVER%/ > ftp_commands.txt echo binary >> ftp_commands.txt echo put rusefi_bundle.zip rusefi_bundle_%bundle_name%.zip >> ftp_commands.txt echo exit >> ftp_commands.txt cd temp call winscp.com /script=../ftp_commands.txt IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 echo winscp error DETECTED IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 0 EXIT /B 1 cd ..