#include "pch.h" #include "gppwm_channel.h" #include "gppwm.h" #include "mocks.h" using ::testing::InSequence; using ::testing::StrictMock; TEST(GpPwm, OutputWithPwm) { GppwmChannel ch; gppwm_channel cfg; StrictMock pwm; // Shouldn't throw with no config EXPECT_NO_THROW(ch.setOutput(10)); { InSequence i; EXPECT_CALL(pwm, setSimplePwmDutyCycle(0.25f)); EXPECT_CALL(pwm, setSimplePwmDutyCycle(0.75f)); EXPECT_CALL(pwm, setSimplePwmDutyCycle(0.0f)); EXPECT_CALL(pwm, setSimplePwmDutyCycle(1.0f)); } ch.init(true, &pwm, nullptr, nullptr, &cfg); // Set the output - should set directly to PWM ch.setOutput(25.0f); ch.setOutput(75.0f); // Test clamping behavior - should clamp to [0, 100] ch.setOutput(-10.0f); ch.setOutput(110.0f); } TEST(GpPwm, OutputOnOff) { GppwmChannel ch; gppwm_channel cfg; cfg.onAboveDuty = 50; cfg.offBelowDuty = 40; MockOutputPin pin; { InSequence i; // Rising edge test EXPECT_CALL(pin, setValue(0, false)); EXPECT_CALL(pin, setValue(1, false)); EXPECT_CALL(pin, setValue(1, false)); // Falling edge test EXPECT_CALL(pin, setValue(1, false)); EXPECT_CALL(pin, setValue(0, false)); EXPECT_CALL(pin, setValue(0, false)); } ch.init(false, nullptr, &pin, nullptr, &cfg); // Test rising edge - these should output 0, 1, 1 ch.setOutput(49.0f); ch.setOutput(51.0f); ch.setOutput(49.0f); // Test falling edge - these should output 1, 0, 0 ch.setOutput(41.0f); ch.setOutput(39.0f); ch.setOutput(41.0f); } TEST(GpPwm, TestGetOutput) { EngineTestHelper eth(engine_type_e::TEST_ENGINE); GppwmChannel ch; gppwm_channel cfg; cfg.loadAxis = GPPWM_Tps; cfg.rpmAxis = GPPWM_Rpm; cfg.dutyIfError = 21.0f; MockVp3d table; EXPECT_CALL(table, getValue(1200, 35.0f)) .WillRepeatedly([](float x, float tps) { return tps; }); ch.init(false, nullptr, nullptr, &table, &cfg); Sensor::resetAllMocks(); // Should return dutyIfError EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(21.0f, ch.getOutput().Result); // Set TPS, should return tps value Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Tps1, 35.0f); Sensor::setMockValue(SensorType::Rpm, 1200); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(35.0f, ch.getOutput().Result); }