-- Simple ANTILAG strategy by TurboMarian (use at your own risk!) -- index 0, 100Hz, zero duty inititally startPwm(0, 100, 0) -- Output for external ALS valve (output 0) function onTick() als_valve = getSensor("RPM") > 1500 and getSensor("CLT") < 100 and getSensor("TPS1") < 5 if getSensor("RPM") > 1500 and getSensor("CLT") < 100 and getSensor("TPS1") < 5 then setIdleAdd(30) -- Add idle valve air setTimingAdd(-30) -- Add timing setFuelAdd(5) -- Add fuel setEtbAdd(0) -- Add air ETB else setIdleAdd(0) setTimingAdd(0) setFuelAdd(0) setEtbAdd(0) end -- lua does not have ternary ? : operator, this here means "1 if als_valve and 0 otherwise" setPwmDuty(0, als_valve and 1 or 0) end