/** * @file alternator_controller.cpp * @brief alternator controller - some newer vehicles control alternator with ECU * * @date Apr 6, 2014 * @author Dmitry Sidin * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 */ #include "pch.h" #if EFI_ALTERNATOR_CONTROL #include "alternator_controller.h" #include "efi_pid.h" #include "local_version_holder.h" #include "periodic_task.h" #if defined(HAS_OS_ACCESS) #error "Unexpected OS ACCESS HERE" #endif /* HAS_OS_ACCESS */ static SimplePwm alternatorControl("alt"); static percent_t currentAltDuty; static bool shouldResetPid = false; void AlternatorController::init() { alternatorPid.initPidClass(&engineConfiguration->alternatorControl); } expected AlternatorController::observePlant() { auto vBatt = Sensor::get(SensorType::BatteryVoltage); // if somehow battery voltage isn't valid if (!vBatt) return unexpected; return vBatt.Value; } expected AlternatorController::getSetpoint() { // check if the engine is not running bool alternatorShouldBeEnabledAtCurrentRpm = Sensor::getOrZero(SensorType::Rpm) > engineConfiguration->cranking.rpm; if (!engineConfiguration->isAlternatorControlEnabled || !alternatorShouldBeEnabledAtCurrentRpm) { return unexpected; } return engineConfiguration->targetVBatt; } expected AlternatorController::getOpenLoop(float target) { UNUSED(target); return 0; } expected AlternatorController::getClosedLoop(float targetVoltage, float vBattVoltage) { percent_t altDuty = alternatorPid.getOutput(targetVoltage, vBattVoltage, FAST_CALLBACK_PERIOD_MS / 1000.0f); // this block could be executed even in on/off alternator control mode // but at least we would reflect latest state #if EFI_TUNER_STUDIO alternatorPid.postState(engine->outputChannels.alternatorStatus); #endif /* EFI_TUNER_STUDIO */ // see "idle air Bump for AC" comment int acDutyBump = engine->module().unmock().acButtonState ? engineConfiguration->acRelayAlternatorDutyAdder : 0; altDuty += acDutyBump; return altDuty; } void AlternatorController::setOutput(expected outputValue) { if (outputValue) { currentAltDuty = outputValue.Value; alternatorControl.setSimplePwmDutyCycle(PERCENT_TO_DUTY(outputValue.Value)); } else { // Shut off output if not needed alternatorControl.setSimplePwmDutyCycle(0); // we need to avoid accumulating iTerm while the alternator is not working pidReset(); } } void AlternatorController::pidReset() { alternatorPid.reset(); } void AlternatorController::onFastCallback() { if (!isBrainPinValid(engineConfiguration->alternatorControlPin)) { return; } #if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST if (shouldResetPid) { pidReset(); shouldResetPid = false; } #endif ClosedLoopController::update(); } void setAltPFactor(float p) { engineConfiguration->alternatorControl.pFactor = p; efiPrintf("setAltPid: %.2f", p); engine->module()->pidReset(); } void AlternatorController::onConfigurationChange(engine_configuration_s const * previousConfiguration) { shouldResetPid = !previousConfiguration || !alternatorPid.isSame(&previousConfiguration->alternatorControl); } void initAlternatorCtrl() { engine->module()->init(); if (!isBrainPinValid(engineConfiguration->alternatorControlPin)) return; startSimplePwm(&alternatorControl, "Alternator control", &engine->executor, &enginePins.alternatorPin, engineConfiguration->alternatorPwmFrequency, 0); } #endif /* EFI_ALTERNATOR_CONTROL */