-- communication with https://github.com/rusefi/rusefi-hardware/tree/main/GDI-4ch/firmware GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS = 0xF0 GDI_CHANGE_ADDRESS = GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x10 hexstr = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" } function toHexString(num) if num == 0 then return '0' end local result = "" while num > 0 do local n = num % 16 result = hexstr[n + 1] ..result num = math.floor(num / 16) end return result end function arrayToString(arr) local str = "" local index = 1 while arr[index] ~= nil do str = str.." "..toHexString(arr[index]) index = index + 1 end return str end function printPacket(bus, id, dlc, data) print('Received status packet ' ..arrayToString(data)) end function getTwoBytesLSB(data, offset, factor) return (data[offset + 2] * 256 + data[offset + 1]) * factor end function setTwoBytesLsb(data, offset, value) value = math.floor(value) data[offset + 2] = value >> 8 data[offset + 1] = value & 0xff end function onCanConfiguration1(bus, id, dlc, data) print("Received configuration1 "..arrayToString(data)) print("GDI4 says BoostVoltage "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 0, 1) ) print("GDI4 says BoostCurrent "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 2, 1 / 128) ) print("GDI4 says TBoostMin "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 4, 1) ) print("GDI4 says TBoostMax "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 6, 1) ) end function onCanConfiguration2(bus, id, dlc, data) print("Received configuration2 "..arrayToString(data)) print("GDI4 says PeakCurrent "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 0, 1 / 128) ) print("GDI4 says TpeakDuration "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 2, 1) ) print("GDI4 says TpeakOff "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 4, 1) ) print("GDI4 says Tbypass "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 6, 1) ) end function onCanConfiguration3(bus, id, dlc, data) print("Received configuration3 "..arrayToString(data)) print("GDI4 says HoldCurrent "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 0, 1 / 128) ) print("GDI4 says TholdOff "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 2, 1) ) print("GDI4 says THoldDuration "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 4, 1) ) print("GDI4 says PumpPeakCurrent"..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 6, 1 / 128) ) end function onCanConfiguration4(bus, id, dlc, data) print("Received configuration4 "..arrayToString(data)) print("GDI4 says PumpHoldCurrent "..getTwoBytesLSB(data, 0, 1 / 128) ) end function onCanVersion(bus, id, dlc, data) year = data[1] * 100 + data[2] month = data[3] day = data[4] print ("GDI4 firmware " .. year .. '/' .. month .. '/' .. day) end canRxAdd(GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS, printPacket) canRxAdd(GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS + 1, onCanConfiguration1) canRxAdd(GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS + 2, onCanConfiguration2) canRxAdd(GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS + 3, onCanConfiguration3) canRxAdd(GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS + 4, onCanConfiguration4) canRxAdd(GDI4_BASE_ADDRESS + 5, onCanVersion) GDI4_CAN_SET_TAG = 0x78 local data_set_settings = { GDI4_CAN_SET_TAG, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } FIXED_POINT = 128 setTickRate(2) function onTick() -- set mc33_hvolt 60 boostVoltage = getCalibration("mc33_hvolt") boostCurrent = getCalibration("mc33_i_boost") / 1000.0 TBoostMin = getCalibration("mc33_t_min_boost") print("To send 0: boostVoltage " .. boostVoltage .." boostCurrent " ..boostCurrent .." TBoostMin " ..TBoostMin) -- set mc33_t_max_boost 380 TBoostMax = getCalibration("mc33_t_max_boost") -- set mc33_i_peak 14500 peakCurrent = getCalibration("mc33_i_peak") / 1000.0 TpeakDuration = getCalibration("mc33_t_peak_tot") print("To send 1: TBoostMax " .. TBoostMax .." peakCurrent " ..peakCurrent .." TpeakDuration " ..TpeakDuration) TpeakOff = getCalibration("mc33_t_peak_off") Tbypass = getCalibration("mc33_t_bypass") holdCurrent = getCalibration("mc33_i_hold") / 1000.0 print("To send 2: TpeakOff " .. TpeakOff .. " Tbypass " .. Tbypass .." holdCurrent " ..holdCurrent) TholdOff = getCalibration("mc33_t_hold_off") THoldDuration = getCalibration("mc33_t_hold_tot") print("To send 3: TholdOff " .. TholdOff .. " THoldDuration " .. THoldDuration) pumpPeakCurrent = getCalibration("mc33_hpfp_i_peak") pumpHoldCurrent = getCalibration("mc33_i_hold") setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 1, boostVoltage) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 3, boostCurrent * FIXED_POINT) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 5, TBoostMin) print('Will be sending ' ..arrayToString(data_set_settings)) txCan(1, GDI_CHANGE_ADDRESS, 1, data_set_settings) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 1, TBoostMax) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 3, peakCurrent * FIXED_POINT) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 5, TpeakDuration) print('Will be sending ' ..arrayToString(data_set_settings)) txCan(1, GDI_CHANGE_ADDRESS + 1, 1, data_set_settings) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 1, TpeakOff) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 3, Tbypass) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 5, holdCurrent * FIXED_POINT) print('Will be sending ' ..arrayToString(data_set_settings)) txCan(1, GDI_CHANGE_ADDRESS + 2, 1, data_set_settings) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 1, TholdOff) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 3, THoldDuration) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 5, pumpPeakCurrent * FIXED_POINT) print('Will be sending ' ..arrayToString(data_set_settings)) txCan(1, GDI_CHANGE_ADDRESS + 3, 1, data_set_settings) setTwoBytesLsb(data_set_settings, 1, pumpHoldCurrent * FIXED_POINT) print('Will be sending ' ..arrayToString(data_set_settings)) txCan(1, GDI_CHANGE_ADDRESS + 4, 1, data_set_settings) end