/** * @file dc_motors.h * * @date March 3, 2020 * @author Matthew Kennedy (c) 2020 */ #pragma once #include "dc_motor.h" #include DcMotor* initDcMotor(const char *disPinMsg, const dc_io& io, size_t index, bool useTwoWires); DcMotor* initDcMotor(brain_pin_e coil_p, brain_pin_e coil_m, size_t index); // Manual control of motors for use by console commands void setDcMotorFrequency(size_t index, int hz); void setDcMotorDuty(size_t index, float duty); void showDcMotorInfo(int i); // Simple wrapper to use an OutputPin as "PWM" that can only do 0 or 1 struct PwmWrapper : public IPwm { OutputPin& m_pin; PwmWrapper(OutputPin& pin) : m_pin(pin) { } void setSimplePwmDutyCycle(float dutyCycle) override { m_pin.setValue(dutyCycle > 0.5f); } }; class DcHardware { private: OutputPin m_pinEnable; OutputPin m_pinDir1; OutputPin m_pinDir2; OutputPin m_disablePin; PwmWrapper wrappedEnable{m_pinEnable}; PwmWrapper wrappedDir1{m_pinDir1}; PwmWrapper wrappedDir2{m_pinDir2}; SimplePwm m_pwm1; SimplePwm m_pwm2; bool isStarted = false; public: DcHardware() : dcMotor(m_disablePin) {} void start(bool useTwoWires, brain_pin_e pinEnable, brain_pin_e pinDir1, brain_pin_e pinDir2, const char *disPinMsg, brain_pin_e pinDisable, bool isInverted, ExecutorInterface* executor, int frequency); TwoPinDcMotor dcMotor; void setFrequency(int frequency) { m_pwm1.setFrequency(frequency); m_pwm2.setFrequency(frequency); } const char *msg() { return dcMotor.msg(); } void stop() { // todo: replace 'isStarted' with 'stop' } }; DcHardware *getdcHardware();