-- 11 bit MS protocol for TCM integration please select "listen to CAN broadcast" in "Use CAN for TPS/RPM/CLT" -- TPS MAP CLT RPM -- http://www.msextra.com/doc/pdf/Megasquirt_CAN_Broadcast.pdf packetALL = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} setTickRate(66) every100msTimer = Timer.new() function onTick() rpm = getSensor("RPM") rpm = (rpm == nil and 0 or rpm) packetALL[3] = rpm / 256 packetALL[4] = rpm tps = getSensor("Tps1") tps = (tps == nil and 0 or tps) tps = tps * 10 packetALL[7] = tps / 256 packetALL[8] = tps clt = getSensor("Clt") clt = (clt == nil and 0 or clt) clt = clt * 1.8 clt = clt + 32 clt = clt * 10 packetALL[5] = clt / 256 packetALL[6] = clt MAP = getSensor("Map") MAP = (MAP == nil and 0 or MAP) MAP = MAP * 10 packetALL[1] = MAP / 256 packetALL[2] = MAP if every100msTimer:getElapsedSeconds() > 0.1 then every100msTimer:reset() txCan(1, 0x5E8, 0, packetALL) end end