#define TS_PROTOCOL "001" ! These commands are used by TunerStudio and the rusEFI console ! 0x4F ochGetCommand #define TS_OUTPUT_COMMAND 'O' ! getCommand #define TS_OUTPUT_ALL_COMMAND 'A' ! 0x53 queryCommand - this one is about detailed signature #define TS_HELLO_COMMAND 'S' ! todo: replace all usages of TS_HELLO_COMMAND with TS_QUERY_COMMAND ! todo#2: actually is above still the case? ! TS auto-detect depends on well-known queryCommand value 'Q' which is not yet mentioned in https://www.tunerstudio.com/index.php/support/manuals/tsdevmanuals/137-ecu-definition-specification-aka-the-ini-document ! that Q command is not mentioned in the .ini neither since it could happen during ECU auto-detection phase before any .ini is available #define TS_QUERY_COMMAND 'Q' ! 0x6B 107 #define TS_CRC_CHECK_COMMAND 'k' ! 0x46 #define TS_COMMAND_F 'F' #define TS_GET_PROTOCOL_VERSION_COMMAND_F 'F' ! versionInfo 0x56 86 this one is only used for TS title bar #define TS_GET_FIRMWARE_VERSION 'V' ! returns getFirmwareError(), works together with ind_hasFatalError #define TS_GET_CONFIG_ERROR 'e' #define TS_SIMULATE_CAN '>' ! 0x42 burnCommand #define TS_BURN_COMMAND 'B' ! 0x77 #define TS_IO_TEST_COMMAND 'Z' #define TS_RESPONSE_OK 0 #define TS_RESPONSE_BURN_OK 4 ! Engine Sniffer time stamp unit, in microseconds #define ENGINE_SNIFFER_UNIT_US 10 #define REBOOT_COMMAND 0xbb #define TS_COMPOSITE_ENABLE 1 #define TS_COMPOSITE_DISABLE 2 #define TS_COMPOSITE_READ 3 #define TS_TRIGGER_SCOPE_ENABLE 4 #define TS_TRIGGER_SCOPE_DISABLE 5 #define TS_TRIGGER_SCOPE_READ 6 #define PROTOCOL_MSG "msg" #define PROTOCOL_HELLO_PREFIX "***" #define TS_RESPONSE_UNDERRUN 0x80 #define TS_RESPONSE_OVERRUN 0x81 #define TS_RESPONSE_CRC_FAILURE 0x82 #define TS_RESPONSE_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND 0x83 #define TS_RESPONSE_OUT_OF_RANGE 0x84 #define TS_RESPONSE_FRAMING_ERROR 0x8D ! 0x52 82 #define TS_READ_COMMAND 'R' ! 0x47 #define TS_GET_TEXT 'G' ! 0x45 #define TS_EXECUTE 'E' #define TS_ONLINE_PROTOCOL 'z' ! 0x34 #define TS_GET_OUTPUTS_SIZE '4' #define TS_GET_COMPOSITE_BUFFER_DONE_DIFFERENTLY '8' #define TS_GET_SCATTERED_GET_COMMAND '9' #define TS_QUERY_BOOTLOADER 'L' #define TS_QUERY_BOOTLOADER_NONE 0 #define TS_QUERY_BOOTLOADER_OPENBLT 1 ! Performance tracing #define TS_PERF_TRACE_BEGIN '_' #define TS_PERF_TRACE_GET_BUFFER 'b' ! 0x57 pageValueWrite #define TS_SINGLE_WRITE_COMMAND 'W' ! 0x43 pageChunkWrite #define TS_CHUNK_WRITE_COMMAND 'C' ! These commands are used exclusively by the rusEFI console ! 0x74 #define TS_TEST_COMMAND 't' ! High speed logger commands #define TS_SET_LOGGER_SWITCH 'l' #define CMD_SET_SENSOR_MOCK "set_sensor_mock" #define CMD_RESET_SENSOR_MOCKS "reset_sensor_mocks" #define CMD_RESET_SIMULATOR "reset_simulator" #define CMD_SET "set" #define CMD_GET "get" #define CMD_ENGINESNIFFERRPMTHRESHOLD "engineSnifferRpmThreshold" #define CMD_INDIVIDUAL_INJECTION "set_individual_coils_ignition" #define CMD_MIL_BENCH "milbench" #define CMD_FUEL_BENCH "fuelbench" #define CMD_FUEL_PUMP_BENCH "fuelpumpbench" #define CMD_IDLE_BENCH "idlebench" #define CMD_SPARK_BENCH "sparkbench" #define CMD_STARTER_BENCH "starterbench" #define CMD_HPFP_BENCH "hpfpbench" #define CMD_AC_RELAY_BENCH "acrelaybench" #define CMD_FAN_BENCH "fanbench" #define CMD_FAN2_BENCH "fan2bench" #define CMD_PINS "pins" #define CMD_ETB_DUTY "set_etb_duty" #define CMD_SELF_STIMULATION "self_stimulation" #define CMD_EXTERNAL_STIMULATION "ext_stimulation" #define CMD_RPM "rpm" #define CMD_VSS_PIN "vss_pin" #define CMD_TRIGGER_PIN "set_trigger_input_pin" #define CMD_LOGIC_PIN "set_logic_input_pin" #define CMD_ALTERNATOR_PIN "set_alternator_pin" #define CMD_IDLE_PIN "set_idle_pin" #define CMD_BOOST_PIN "set_boost_pin" #define CMD_TRIGGER_SIMULATOR_PIN "set_trigger_simulator_pin" #define CMD_IGNITION_PIN "set_ignition_pin" #define CMD_INJECTION_PIN "set_injection_pin" #define CMD_RESET_ENGINE_SNIFFER "reset_engine_chart" #define CMD_FUNCTIONAL_TEST_MODE "test_mode" #define CMD_ECU_UNLOCK "unlock" #define CMD_ENGINE_TYPE "engine_type" #define CMD_INJECTION "injection" #define CMD_IGNITION "ignition" #define CMD_PWM "pwm" #define CMD_TRIGGERINFO "triggerinfo" #define CMD_WRITECONFIG "writeconfig" #define CMD_BURNCONFIG "burnconfig" #define CMD_DATE "date" #define CMD_REBOOT "reboot" #define CMD_REBOOT_DFU "reboot_dfu" #define CMD_REBOOT_OPENBLT "reboot_openblt" #define CMD_ENABLE "enable" #define CMD_DISABLE "disable" #define CMD_TRIGGER_HW_INPUT "trigger_hw_input" #define PROTOCOL_OUTPIN "outpin" #define PROTOCOL_ANALOG_CHART "analog_chart" #define PROTOCOL_ENGINE_SNIFFER "wave_chart" #define PROTOCOL_VERSION_TAG "rusEfiVersion" #define PROTOCOL_TEST_RESPONSE_TAG "ts_p_alive" #define PROTOCOL_SIGNATURE_PREFIX "rusEFI " #define FRONTEND_TITLE_BAR_NAME "rusEFI" ! Engine Sniffer Protocol #define PROTOCOL_ES_DOWN "d" #define PROTOCOL_ES_UP "u" #define TOP_DEAD_CENTER_MESSAGE "r" ! Engine Sniffer channel names #define PROTOCOL_CRANK1 "t1" #define PROTOCOL_CRANK2 "t2" #define MLQ_HEADER_SIZE 24 #define MLQ_FIELD_HEADER_SIZE 89 ! TEST_CONTROL_MAGIC_WORD copy-paste while we are learning how to share between rusEFI and stim firmware #define CAN_BENCH_HEADER2 0x66 #define BENCH_FUEL_PUMP_DURATION 3000 #define BENCH_FAN_DURATION 2000 #define BENCH_VVT_DURATION 300 #define BENCH_MAIN_RELAY_DURATION 1000 #define BENCH_STARTER_DURATION 4000 #define BENCH_AC_RELAY_DURATION 800 #define DEFAULT_SELT_STIM_RPM 1200 #define DEFAULT_SELT_STIM_VVT0 23