entry = sd_present, "SD: Present", int, "%d" entry = sd_logging_internal, "SD: Logging", int, "%d" entry = triggerScopeReady, "triggerScopeReady", int, "%d" entry = antilagTriggered, "antilagTriggered", int, "%d" entry = isFanOn, "Radiator Fan", int, "%d" entry = isO2HeaterOn, "isO2HeaterOn", int, "%d" entry = checkEngine, "checkEngine", int, "%d" entry = needBurn, "needBurn", int, "%d" entry = sd_msd, "SD: MSD", int, "%d" entry = isFan2On, "Radiator Fan 2", int, "%d" entry = toothLogReady, "Tooth Logger Ready", int, "%d" entry = isTpsError, "Error: TPS", int, "%d" entry = isCltError, "Error: CLT", int, "%d" entry = isMapError, "Error: MAP", int, "%d" entry = isIatError, "Error: IAT", int, "%d" entry = isTriggerError, "Error: Trigger", int, "%d" entry = hasCriticalError, "Error: Active", int, "%d" entry = isWarnNow, "Warning: Active", int, "%d" entry = isPedalError, "Error: Pedal", int, "%d" entry = isKnockChipOk, "isKnockChipOk", int, "%d" entry = launchTriggered, "Launch Control Triggered", int, "%d" entry = isTps2Error, "Error: TPS2", int, "%d" entry = injectorFault, "Injector Fault", int, "%d" entry = ignitionFault, "Ignition Fault", int, "%d" entry = isMainRelayOn, "isMainRelayOn", int, "%d" entry = isUsbConnected, "isUsbConnected", int, "%d" entry = dfcoActive, "dfcoActive", int, "%d" entry = RPMValue, "RPM", int, "%d" entry = rpmAcceleration, "dRPM", int, "%d" entry = speedToRpmRatio, "Gearbox Ratio", float, "%.3f" entry = internalMcuTemperature, "CPU Temperature", int, "%d" entry = coolant, "CLT", float, "%.3f" entry = intake, "IAT", float, "%.3f" entry = auxTemp1, "auxTemp1", float, "%.3f" entry = auxTemp2, "auxTemp2", float, "%.3f" entry = TPSValue, "TPS", float, "%.3f" entry = throttlePedalPosition, "Throttle pedal position", float, "%.3f" entry = tpsADC, "tpsADC", int, "%d" entry = rawMaf, "rawMaf", float, "%.3f" entry = mafMeasured, "MAF", float, "%.3f" entry = MAPValue, "MAP", float, "%.3f" entry = baroPressure, "baroPressure", float, "%.3f" entry = lambdaValue, "Lambda", float, "%.3f" entry = VBatt, "VBatt", float, "%.3f" entry = oilPressure, "Oil Pressure", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtPositionB1I, "VVT: bank 1 intake", float, "%.3f" entry = actualLastInjection, "Fuel: Last inj pulse width", float, "%.3f" entry = injectorDutyCycle, "Fuel: injector duty cycle", float, "%.3f" entry = injectionOffset, "Fuel: Injection timing SOI", int, "%d" entry = engineMakeCodeNameCrc16, "Engine CRC16", int, "%d" entry = wallFuelAmount, "Fuel: wall amount", float, "%.3f" entry = wallFuelCorrectionValue, "Fuel: wall correction", float, "%.3f" entry = revolutionCounterSinceStart, "revolutionCounterSinceStart", int, "%d" entry = canReadCounter, "CAN: Rx", int, "%d" entry = tpsAccelFuel, "Fuel: TPS AE add fuel ms", float, "%.3f" entry = currentIgnitionMode, "Ignition: Mode", int, "%d" entry = currentInjectionMode, "Fuel: Injection mode", int, "%d" entry = coilDutyCycle, "Ignition: coil duty cycle", float, "%.3f" entry = etbTarget, "ETB Target", float, "%.3f" entry = etb1DutyCycle, "ETB: Duty", float, "%.3f" entry = fuelTankLevel, "Fuel level", float, "%.3f" entry = totalFuelConsumption, "Fuel: Total consumed", int, "%d" entry = fuelFlowRate, "Fuel: Flow rate", float, "%.3f" entry = TPS2Value, "TPS2", float, "%.3f" entry = tuneCrc16, "Tune CRC16", int, "%d" entry = veValue, "Fuel: VE", float, "%.3f" entry = seconds, "Uptime", int, "%d" entry = engineMode, "Engine Mode", int, "%d" entry = firmwareVersion, "firmware", int, "%d" entry = rawIdlePositionSensor, "rawIdlePositionSensor", float, "%.3f" entry = rawWastegatePosition, "rawWastegatePosition", float, "%.3f" entry = accelerationLat, "Accel: Lateral", float, "%.3f" entry = accelerationLon, "Accel: Longitudinal", float, "%.3f" entry = detectedGear, "Detected Gear", int, "%d" entry = maxTriggerReentrant, "maxTriggerReentrant", int, "%d" entry = rawLowFuelPressure, "rawLowFuelPressure", float, "%.3f" entry = rawHighFuelPressure, "rawHighFuelPressure", float, "%.3f" entry = lowFuelPressure, "Fuel pressure (low)", float, "%.3f" entry = tcuDesiredGear, "TCU: Desired Gear", int, "%d" entry = flexPercent, "Flex Ethanol %", float, "%.3f" entry = wastegatePositionSensor, "Wastegate position sensor", float, "%.3f" entry = highFuelPressure, "Fuel pressure (high)", float, "%.3f" entry = calibrationValue, "calibrationValue", float, "%.3f" entry = calibrationMode, "calibrationMode", int, "%d" entry = idleStepperTargetPosition, "Idle: Stepper target position", int, "%d" entry = tsConfigVersion, "tsConfigVersion", int, "%d" entry = totalTriggerErrorCounter, "Trigger Error Counter", int, "%d" entry = orderingErrorCounter, "orderingErrorCounter", int, "%d" entry = warningCounter, "Warning: counter", int, "%d" entry = lastErrorCode, "Warning: last", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode1, "Warning code 1", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode2, "Warning code 2", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode3, "Warning code 3", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode4, "Warning code 4", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode5, "Warning code 5", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode6, "Warning code 6", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode7, "Warning code 7", int, "%d" entry = recentErrorCode8, "Warning code 8", int, "%d" entry = debugFloatField1, "debugFloatField1", float, "%.3f" entry = debugFloatField2, "debugFloatField2", float, "%.3f" entry = debugFloatField3, "debugFloatField3", float, "%.3f" entry = debugFloatField4, "debugFloatField4", float, "%.3f" entry = debugFloatField5, "debugFloatField5", float, "%.3f" entry = debugFloatField6, "debugFloatField6", float, "%.3f" entry = debugFloatField7, "debugFloatField7", float, "%.3f" entry = debugIntField1, "debugIntField1", int, "%d" entry = debugIntField2, "debugIntField2", int, "%d" entry = debugIntField3, "debugIntField3", int, "%d" entry = debugIntField4, "debugIntField4", int, "%d" entry = debugIntField5, "debugIntField5", int, "%d" entry = egt1, "EGT 1", float, "%.3f" entry = egt2, "EGT 2", float, "%.3f" entry = egt3, "EGT 3", float, "%.3f" entry = egt4, "EGT 4", float, "%.3f" entry = egt5, "EGT 5", float, "%.3f" entry = egt6, "EGT 6", float, "%.3f" entry = egt7, "EGT 7", float, "%.3f" entry = egt8, "EGT 8", float, "%.3f" entry = rawTps1Primary, "rawTps1Primary", float, "%.3f" entry = rawClt, "rawClt", float, "%.3f" entry = rawIat, "rawIat", float, "%.3f" entry = rawOilPressure, "rawOilPressure", float, "%.3f" entry = fuelClosedLoopBinIdx, "fuelClosedLoopBinIdx", int, "%d" entry = rawPpsPrimary, "rawPpsPrimary", float, "%.3f" entry = rawPpsSecondary, "rawPpsSecondary", float, "%.3f" entry = rawRawPpsPrimary, "rawRawPpsPrimary", float, "%.3f" entry = rawRawPpsSecondary, "rawRawPpsSecondary", float, "%.3f" entry = idlePositionSensor, "Idle: Position sensor", float, "%.3f" entry = AFRValue, "Air/Fuel Ratio", float, "%.3f" entry = VssAcceleration, "Vss Accel", float, "%.3f" entry = lambdaValue2, "Lambda 2", float, "%.3f" entry = AFRValue2, "Air/Fuel Ratio 2", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtPositionB1E, "VVT: bank 1 exhaust", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtPositionB2I, "VVT: bank 2 intake", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtPositionB2E, "VVT: bank 2 exhaust", float, "%.3f" entry = fuelPidCorrection1, "Fuel: Trim bank 1", float, "%.3f" entry = fuelPidCorrection2, "Fuel: Trim bank 2", float, "%.3f" entry = rawTps1Secondary, "rawTps1Secondary", float, "%.3f" entry = rawTps2Primary, "rawTps2Primary", float, "%.3f" entry = rawTps2Secondary, "rawTps2Secondary", float, "%.3f" entry = accelerationVert, "Accel: Vertical", float, "%.3f" entry = gyroYaw, "Gyro: Yaw rate", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtTargets1, "vvtTargets 1", int, "%d" entry = vvtTargets2, "vvtTargets 2", int, "%d" entry = vvtTargets3, "vvtTargets 3", int, "%d" entry = vvtTargets4, "vvtTargets 4", int, "%d" entry = turboSpeed, "Turbocharger Speed", int, "%d" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl1, "Ign: Timing Cyl 1", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl2, "Ign: Timing Cyl 2", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl3, "Ign: Timing Cyl 3", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl4, "Ign: Timing Cyl 4", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl5, "Ign: Timing Cyl 5", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl6, "Ign: Timing Cyl 6", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl7, "Ign: Timing Cyl 7", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl8, "Ign: Timing Cyl 8", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl9, "Ign: Timing Cyl 9", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl10, "Ign: Timing Cyl 10", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl11, "Ign: Timing Cyl 11", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionAdvanceCyl12, "Ign: Timing Cyl 12", float, "%.3f" entry = tps1Split, "tps1Split", float, "%.3f" entry = tps2Split, "tps2Split", float, "%.3f" entry = tps12Split, "tps12Split", float, "%.3f" entry = accPedalSplit, "accPedalSplit", float, "%.3f" entry = sparkCutReason, "Ign: Cut Code", int, "%d" entry = fuelCutReason, "Fuel: Cut Code", int, "%d" entry = mafEstimate, "Air: Flow estimate", float, "%.3f" entry = instantRpm, "sync: instant RPM", int, "%d" entry = rawMap, "rawMap", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAfr, "rawAfr", float, "%.3f" entry = calibrationValue2, "calibrationValue2", float, "%.3f" entry = luaInvocationCounter, "Lua: Tick counter", int, "%d" entry = luaLastCycleDuration, "Lua: Last tick duration", int, "%d" entry = vssEdgeCounter, "vssEdgeCounter", int, "%d" entry = issEdgeCounter, "issEdgeCounter", int, "%d" entry = auxLinear1, "Aux linear #1", float, "%.3f" entry = auxLinear2, "Aux linear #2", float, "%.3f" entry = fallbackMap, "fallbackMap", float, "%.3f" entry = instantMAPValue, "Instant MAP", float, "%.3f" entry = maxLockedDuration, "maxLockedDuration", int, "%d" entry = canWriteOk, "CAN: Tx OK", int, "%d" entry = canWriteNotOk, "CAN: Tx err", int, "%d" entry = triggerPrimaryFall, "triggerPrimaryFall", int, "%d" entry = triggerPrimaryRise, "triggerPrimaryRise", int, "%d" entry = triggerSecondaryFall, "triggerSecondaryFall", int, "%d" entry = triggerSecondaryRise, "triggerSecondaryRise", int, "%d" entry = triggerVvtFall, "triggerVvtFall", int, "%d" entry = triggerVvtRise, "triggerVvtRise", int, "%d" entry = triggerVvt2Fall, "triggerVvt2Fall", int, "%d" entry = triggerVvt2Rise, "triggerVvt2Rise", int, "%d" entry = starterState, "starterState", int, "%d" entry = starterRelayDisable, "starterRelayDisable", int, "%d" entry = multiSparkCounter, "Ign: Multispark count", int, "%d" entry = extiOverflowCount, "extiOverflowCount", int, "%d" entry = alternatorStatus_pTerm, "alternatorStatus_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = alternatorStatus_iTerm, "alternatorStatus_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = alternatorStatus_dTerm, "alternatorStatus_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = alternatorStatus_output, "alternatorStatus_output", float, "%.3f" entry = alternatorStatus_error, "alternatorStatus_error", float, "%.3f" entry = alternatorStatus_resetCounter, "alternatorStatus_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = idleStatus_pTerm, "idleStatus_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = idleStatus_iTerm, "idleStatus_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = idleStatus_dTerm, "idleStatus_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = idleStatus_output, "idleStatus_output", float, "%.3f" entry = idleStatus_error, "idleStatus_error", float, "%.3f" entry = idleStatus_resetCounter, "idleStatus_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = etbStatus_pTerm, "etbStatus_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = etbStatus_iTerm, "etbStatus_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = etbStatus_dTerm, "etbStatus_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = etbStatus_output, "etbStatus_output", float, "%.3f" entry = etbStatus_error, "etbStatus_error", float, "%.3f" entry = etbStatus_resetCounter, "etbStatus_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = boostStatus_pTerm, "boostStatus_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = boostStatus_iTerm, "boostStatus_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = boostStatus_dTerm, "boostStatus_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = boostStatus_output, "boostStatus_output", float, "%.3f" entry = boostStatus_error, "boostStatus_error", float, "%.3f" entry = boostStatus_resetCounter, "boostStatus_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = wastegateDcStatus_pTerm, "wastegateDcStatus_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = wastegateDcStatus_iTerm, "wastegateDcStatus_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = wastegateDcStatus_dTerm, "wastegateDcStatus_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = wastegateDcStatus_output, "wastegateDcStatus_output", float, "%.3f" entry = wastegateDcStatus_error, "wastegateDcStatus_error", float, "%.3f" entry = wastegateDcStatus_resetCounter, "wastegateDcStatus_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = vvtStatus1_pTerm, "vvtStatus1_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus1_iTerm, "vvtStatus1_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus1_dTerm, "vvtStatus1_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus1_output, "vvtStatus1_output", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus1_error, "vvtStatus1_error", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus1_resetCounter, "vvtStatus1_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = vvtStatus2_pTerm, "vvtStatus2_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus2_iTerm, "vvtStatus2_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus2_dTerm, "vvtStatus2_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus2_output, "vvtStatus2_output", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus2_error, "vvtStatus2_error", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus2_resetCounter, "vvtStatus2_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = vvtStatus3_pTerm, "vvtStatus3_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus3_iTerm, "vvtStatus3_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus3_dTerm, "vvtStatus3_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus3_output, "vvtStatus3_output", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus3_error, "vvtStatus3_error", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus3_resetCounter, "vvtStatus3_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = vvtStatus4_pTerm, "vvtStatus4_pTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus4_iTerm, "vvtStatus4_iTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus4_dTerm, "vvtStatus4_dTerm", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus4_output, "vvtStatus4_output", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus4_error, "vvtStatus4_error", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtStatus4_resetCounter, "vvtStatus4_resetCounter", int, "%d" entry = auxSpeed1, "Aux speed 1", int, "%d" entry = auxSpeed2, "Aux speed 2", int, "%d" entry = ISSValue, "TCU: Input Shaft Speed", int, "%d" entry = rawAnalogInput1, "rawAnalogInput 1", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAnalogInput2, "rawAnalogInput 2", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAnalogInput3, "rawAnalogInput 3", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAnalogInput4, "rawAnalogInput 4", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAnalogInput5, "rawAnalogInput 5", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAnalogInput6, "rawAnalogInput 6", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAnalogInput7, "rawAnalogInput 7", float, "%.3f" entry = rawAnalogInput8, "rawAnalogInput 8", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmOutput1, "GPPWM Output 1", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmOutput2, "GPPWM Output 2", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmOutput3, "GPPWM Output 3", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmOutput4, "GPPWM Output 4", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmXAxis1, "gppwmXAxis 1", int, "%d" entry = gppwmXAxis2, "gppwmXAxis 2", int, "%d" entry = gppwmXAxis3, "gppwmXAxis 3", int, "%d" entry = gppwmXAxis4, "gppwmXAxis 4", int, "%d" entry = gppwmYAxis1, "gppwmYAxis 1", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmYAxis2, "gppwmYAxis 2", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmYAxis3, "gppwmYAxis 3", float, "%.3f" entry = gppwmYAxis4, "gppwmYAxis 4", float, "%.3f" entry = rawBattery, "rawBattery", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendParameter1, "ignBlendParameter 1", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendParameter2, "ignBlendParameter 2", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendParameter3, "ignBlendParameter 3", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendParameter4, "ignBlendParameter 4", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendBias1, "ignBlendBias 1", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendBias2, "ignBlendBias 2", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendBias3, "ignBlendBias 3", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendBias4, "ignBlendBias 4", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendOutput1, "ignBlendOutput 1", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendOutput2, "ignBlendOutput 2", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendOutput3, "ignBlendOutput 3", float, "%.3f" entry = ignBlendOutput4, "ignBlendOutput 4", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendParameter1, "veBlendParameter 1", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendParameter2, "veBlendParameter 2", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendParameter3, "veBlendParameter 3", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendParameter4, "veBlendParameter 4", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendBias1, "veBlendBias 1", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendBias2, "veBlendBias 2", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendBias3, "veBlendBias 3", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendBias4, "veBlendBias 4", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendOutput1, "veBlendOutput 1", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendOutput2, "veBlendOutput 2", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendOutput3, "veBlendOutput 3", float, "%.3f" entry = veBlendOutput4, "veBlendOutput 4", float, "%.3f" entry = boostOpenLoopBlendParameter1, "boostOpenLoopBlendParameter 1", float, "%.3f" entry = boostOpenLoopBlendParameter2, "boostOpenLoopBlendParameter 2", float, "%.3f" entry = boostOpenLoopBlendBias1, "boostOpenLoopBlendBias 1", float, "%.3f" entry = boostOpenLoopBlendBias2, "boostOpenLoopBlendBias 2", float, "%.3f" entry = boostOpenLoopBlendOutput1, "boostOpenLoopBlendOutput 1", int, "%d" entry = boostOpenLoopBlendOutput2, "boostOpenLoopBlendOutput 2", int, "%d" entry = boostClosedLoopBlendParameter1, "boostClosedLoopBlendParameter 1", float, "%.3f" entry = boostClosedLoopBlendParameter2, "boostClosedLoopBlendParameter 2", float, "%.3f" entry = boostClosedLoopBlendBias1, "boostClosedLoopBlendBias 1", float, "%.3f" entry = boostClosedLoopBlendBias2, "boostClosedLoopBlendBias 2", float, "%.3f" entry = boostClosedLoopBlendOutput1, "boostClosedLoopBlendOutput 1", float, "%.3f" entry = boostClosedLoopBlendOutput2, "boostClosedLoopBlendOutput 2", float, "%.3f" entry = coilState1, "coilState1", int, "%d" entry = coilState2, "coilState2", int, "%d" entry = coilState3, "coilState3", int, "%d" entry = coilState4, "coilState4", int, "%d" entry = coilState5, "coilState5", int, "%d" entry = coilState6, "coilState6", int, "%d" entry = coilState7, "coilState7", int, "%d" entry = coilState8, "coilState8", int, "%d" entry = coilState9, "coilState9", int, "%d" entry = coilState10, "coilState10", int, "%d" entry = coilState11, "coilState11", int, "%d" entry = coilState12, "coilState12", int, "%d" entry = injectorState1, "injectorState1", int, "%d" entry = injectorState2, "injectorState2", int, "%d" entry = injectorState3, "injectorState3", int, "%d" entry = injectorState4, "injectorState4", int, "%d" entry = injectorState5, "injectorState5", int, "%d" entry = injectorState6, "injectorState6", int, "%d" entry = injectorState7, "injectorState7", int, "%d" entry = injectorState8, "injectorState8", int, "%d" entry = injectorState9, "injectorState9", int, "%d" entry = injectorState10, "injectorState10", int, "%d" entry = injectorState11, "injectorState11", int, "%d" entry = injectorState12, "injectorState12", int, "%d" entry = triggerChannel1, "triggerChannel1", int, "%d" entry = triggerChannel2, "triggerChannel2", int, "%d" entry = vvtChannel1, "bank 1 intake cam input", int, "%d" entry = vvtChannel2, "bank 1 exhaust cam input", int, "%d" entry = vvtChannel3, "bank 2 intake cam input", int, "%d" entry = vvtChannel4, "bank 2 exhaust cam input", int, "%d" entry = outputRequestPeriod, "outputRequestPeriod", int, "%d" entry = mapFast, "mapFast", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges1, "Lua: Gauge 1", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges2, "Lua: Gauge 2", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges3, "Lua: Gauge 3", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges4, "Lua: Gauge 4", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges5, "Lua: Gauge 5", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges6, "Lua: Gauge 6", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges7, "Lua: Gauge 7", float, "%.3f" entry = luaGauges8, "Lua: Gauge 8", float, "%.3f" entry = rawMaf2, "rawMaf2", float, "%.3f" entry = mafMeasured2, "MAF #2", float, "%.3f" entry = schedulingUsedCount, "schedulingUsedCount", int, "%d" entry = vehicleSpeedKph, "Vehicle Speed", float, "%.3f" entry = Gego, "Gego", float, "%.3f" entry = testBenchIter, "testBenchIter", int, "%d" entry = oilTemp, "oilTemp", float, "%.3f" entry = fuelTemp, "fuelTemp", float, "%.3f" entry = ambientTemp, "ambientTemp", float, "%.3f" entry = compressorDischargeTemp, "compressorDischargeTemp", float, "%.3f" entry = compressorDischargePressure, "compressorDischargePressure", float, "%.3f" entry = throttleInletPressure, "throttleInletPressure", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionOnTime, "ignitionOnTime", int, "%d" entry = engineRunTime, "engineRunTime", int, "%d" entry = distanceTraveled, "distanceTraveled", float, "%.3f" entry = afrGasolineScale, "Air/Fuel Ratio (Gas Scale)", float, "%.3f" entry = afr2GasolineScale, "Air/Fuel Ratio 2 (Gas Scale)", float, "%.3f" entry = wheelSlipRatio, "wheelSlipRatio", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitorDiagnostic1, "ignitorDiagnostic 1", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic2, "ignitorDiagnostic 2", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic3, "ignitorDiagnostic 3", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic4, "ignitorDiagnostic 4", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic5, "ignitorDiagnostic 5", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic6, "ignitorDiagnostic 6", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic7, "ignitorDiagnostic 7", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic8, "ignitorDiagnostic 8", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic9, "ignitorDiagnostic 9", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic10, "ignitorDiagnostic 10", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic11, "ignitorDiagnostic 11", int, "%d" entry = ignitorDiagnostic12, "ignitorDiagnostic 12", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic1, "injectorDiagnostic 1", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic2, "injectorDiagnostic 2", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic3, "injectorDiagnostic 3", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic4, "injectorDiagnostic 4", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic5, "injectorDiagnostic 5", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic6, "injectorDiagnostic 6", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic7, "injectorDiagnostic 7", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic8, "injectorDiagnostic 8", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic9, "injectorDiagnostic 9", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic10, "injectorDiagnostic 10", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic11, "injectorDiagnostic 11", int, "%d" entry = injectorDiagnostic12, "injectorDiagnostic 12", int, "%d" entry = actualLastInjectionStage2, "Fuel: Last inj pulse width stg 2", float, "%.3f" entry = injectorDutyCycleStage2, "Fuel: injector duty cycle stage 2", float, "%.3f" entry = adc13bitCounter, "adc13bitCounter", int, "%d" entry = fastAdcErrorsCount, "fastAdcErrorsCount", int, "%d" entry = unexpectedAdcSample, "unexpectedAdcSample", int, "%d" entry = totalFuelCorrection, "Fuel: Total correction", float, "%.3f" entry = running_postCrankingFuelCorrection, "Fuel: Post cranking mult", float, "%.3f" entry = running_intakeTemperatureCoefficient, "Fuel: IAT correction", float, "%.3f" entry = running_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "Fuel: CLT correction", float, "%.3f" entry = running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs, "running_timeSinceCrankingInSecs", float, "%.3f" entry = running_baseFuel, "Fuel: base cycle mass", float, "%.3f" entry = running_fuel, "Fuel: running", float, "%.3f" entry = afrTableYAxis, "afrTableYAxis", float, "%.3f" entry = targetLambda, "Fuel: target lambda", float, "%.3f" entry = targetAFR, "Fuel: target AFR", float, "%.3f" entry = stoichiometricRatio, "Fuel: Stoich ratio", float, "%.3f" entry = sdTcharge_coff, "sdTcharge_coff", float, "%.3f" entry = sdAirMassInOneCylinder, "Air: Cylinder airmass", float, "%.3f" entry = normalizedCylinderFilling, "Air: Normalized cyl filling", float, "%.3f" entry = brokenInjector, "brokenInjector", int, "%d" entry = idealEngineTorque, "idealEngineTorque", int, "%d" entry = injectorHwIssue, "injectorHwIssue", int, "%d" entry = baseDwell, "Ignition: base dwell", float, "%.3f" entry = sparkDwell, "Ignition: coil charge time", float, "%.3f" entry = dwellDurationAngle, "Ignition: dwell duration", float, "%.3f" entry = cltTimingCorrection, "Ign: CLT correction", float, "%.3f" entry = timingIatCorrection, "Ign: IAT correction", float, "%.3f" entry = timingPidCorrection, "Idle: Timing adjustment", float, "%.3f" entry = baseIgnitionAdvance, "Ignition: Timing", float, "%.3f" entry = correctedIgnitionAdvance, "Timing: ignition", float, "%.3f" entry = tractionAdvanceDrop, "Traction: timing correction", float, "%.3f" entry = dwellVoltageCorrection, "Ign: Dwell voltage correction", float, "%.3f" entry = luaTimingAdd, "Ign: Lua timing add", float, "%.3f" entry = luaTimingMult, "Ign: Lua timing mult", float, "%.3f" entry = luaIgnitionSkip, "Ign: Lua Spark Skip", int, "%d" entry = m_knockLevel, "Knock: Current level", float, "%.3f" entry = m_knockCyl1, "Knock: Cyl 1", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl2, "Knock: Cyl 2", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl3, "Knock: Cyl 3", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl4, "Knock: Cyl 4", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl5, "Knock: Cyl 5", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl6, "Knock: Cyl 6", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl7, "Knock: Cyl 7", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl8, "Knock: Cyl 8", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl9, "Knock: Cyl 9", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl10, "Knock: Cyl 10", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl11, "Knock: Cyl 11", int, "%d" entry = m_knockCyl12, "Knock: Cyl 12", int, "%d" entry = m_knockRetard, "Knock: Retard", float, "%.3f" entry = m_knockThreshold, "Knock: Threshold", float, "%.3f" entry = m_knockCount, "Knock: Count", int, "%d" entry = m_maximumRetard, "Knock: Max retard", float, "%.3f" entry = tcuCurrentGear, "Current Gear", int, "%d" entry = tcRatio, "TCU: Torque Converter Ratio", float, "%.3f" entry = lastShiftTime, "lastShiftTime", float, "%.3f" entry = tcu_currentRange, "TCU: Current Range", int, "%d" entry = pressureControlDuty, "TCU: EPC Duty", int, "%d" entry = torqueConverterDuty, "TCU: TC Duty", int, "%d" entry = isShifting, "isShifting", int, "%d" entry = throttleUseWotModel, "Air: Throttle model WOT", int, "%d" entry = throttleModelCrossoverAngle, "Air: Throttle crossover pos", float, "%.3f" entry = throttleEstimatedFlow, "Air: Throttle flow estimate", float, "%.3f" entry = m_requested_pump, "GDI: HPFP duration", float, "%.3f" entry = fuel_requested_percent, "GDI: requested_percent", float, "%.3f" entry = fuel_requested_percent_pi, "GDI: percent_pi", float, "%.3f" entry = noValve, "noValve", int, "%d" entry = angleAboveMin, "angleAboveMin", int, "%d" entry = isHpfpInactive, "isHpfpInactive", int, "%d" entry = m_pressureTarget_kPa, "GDI: target pressure", float, "%.3f" entry = nextLobe, "GDI: nextLobe", float, "%.3f" entry = di_nextStart, "GDI: next start", float, "%.3f" entry = m_deadtime, "Fuel: injector lag", float, "%.3f" entry = pressureDelta, "Fuel: Injector pressure delta", float, "%.3f" entry = pressureRatio, "Fuel: Injector pressure ratio", float, "%.3f" entry = retardThresholdRpm, "retardThresholdRpm", int, "%d" entry = combinedConditions, "combinedConditions", int, "%d" entry = launchActivatePinState, "launchActivatePinState", int, "%d" entry = isLaunchPreCondition, "isLaunchPreCondition", int, "%d" entry = isLaunchCondition, "isLaunchCondition", int, "%d" entry = isSwitchActivated, "isSwitchActivated", int, "%d" entry = isClutchActivated, "isClutchActivated", int, "%d" entry = isValidInputPin, "isValidInputPin", int, "%d" entry = activateSwitchCondition, "activateSwitchCondition", int, "%d" entry = rpmCondition, "rpmCondition", int, "%d" entry = speedCondition, "speedCondition", int, "%d" entry = tpsCondition, "tpsCondition", int, "%d" entry = isAntilagCondition, "isAntilagCondition", int, "%d" entry = ALSMinRPMCondition, "ALSMinRPMCondition", int, "%d" entry = ALSMaxRPMCondition, "ALSMaxRPMCondition", int, "%d" entry = ALSMinCLTCondition, "ALSMinCLTCondition", int, "%d" entry = ALSMaxCLTCondition, "ALSMaxCLTCondition", int, "%d" entry = ALSMaxThrottleIntentCondition, "ALSMaxThrottleIntentCondition", int, "%d" entry = isALSSwitchActivated, "isALSSwitchActivated", int, "%d" entry = ALSActivatePinState, "ALSActivatePinState", int, "%d" entry = ALSSwitchCondition, "ALSSwitchCondition", int, "%d" entry = ALSTimerCondition, "ALSTimerCondition", int, "%d" entry = fuelALSCorrection, "fuelALSCorrection", float, "%.3f" entry = timingALSCorrection, "timingALSCorrection", float, "%.3f" entry = timingALSSkip, "timingALSSkip", float, "%.3f" entry = isTpsInvalid, "isTpsInvalid", int, "%d" entry = m_shouldResetPid, "m_shouldResetPid", int, "%d" entry = isBelowClosedLoopThreshold, "isBelowClosedLoopThreshold", int, "%d" entry = isNotClosedLoop, "isNotClosedLoop", int, "%d" entry = isZeroRpm, "isZeroRpm", int, "%d" entry = hasInitBoost, "hasInitBoost", int, "%d" entry = rpmTooLow, "rpmTooLow", int, "%d" entry = tpsTooLow, "tpsTooLow", int, "%d" entry = mapTooLow, "mapTooLow", int, "%d" entry = isPlantValid, "isPlantValid", int, "%d" entry = isBoostControlled, "isBoostControlled", int, "%d" entry = luaTargetAdd, "Boost: Lua target add", float, "%.3f" entry = boostOutput, "Boost: Output", float, "%.3f" entry = luaTargetMult, "Boost: Lua target mult", float, "%.3f" entry = openLoopPart, "Boost: Open loop", float, "%.3f" entry = luaOpenLoopAdd, "Boost: Lua open loop add", float, "%.3f" entry = boostControllerClosedLoopPart, "Boost: Closed loop", float, "%.3f" entry = boostControlTarget, "Boost: Target", float, "%.3f" entry = acButtonState, "AC switch", int, "%d" entry = m_acEnabled, "AC enabled", int, "%d" entry = engineTooSlow, "AC engine too slow", int, "%d" entry = engineTooFast, "AC engine too fast", int, "%d" entry = noClt, "AC no CLT", int, "%d" entry = engineTooHot, "AC engine too hot", int, "%d" entry = tpsTooHigh, "AC tps too high", int, "%d" entry = isDisabledByLua, "AC disabled by Lua", int, "%d" entry = acCompressorState, "AC compressor on", int, "%d" entry = latest_usage_ac_control, "AC latest activity", int, "%d" entry = acSwitchLastChangeTimeMs, "acSwitchLastChangeTimeMs", int, "%d" entry = cranking0, "cranking0", int, "%d" entry = notRunning0, "notRunning0", int, "%d" entry = disabledWhileEngineStopped0, "disabledWhileEngineStopped0", int, "%d" entry = brokenClt0, "brokenClt0", int, "%d" entry = enabledForAc0, "enabledForAc0", int, "%d" entry = hot0, "hot0", int, "%d" entry = cold0, "cold0", int, "%d" entry = disabledBySpeed0, "disabledBySpeed0", int, "%d" entry = tempAlive0, "tempAlive0", int, "%d" entry = tempCode0, "tempCode0", int, "%d" entry = cranking1, "cranking1", int, "%d" entry = notRunning1, "notRunning1", int, "%d" entry = disabledWhileEngineStopped1, "disabledWhileEngineStopped1", int, "%d" entry = brokenClt1, "brokenClt1", int, "%d" entry = enabledForAc1, "enabledForAc1", int, "%d" entry = hot1, "hot1", int, "%d" entry = cold1, "cold1", int, "%d" entry = disabledBySpeed1, "disabledBySpeed1", int, "%d" entry = tempAlive1, "tempAlive1", int, "%d" entry = tempCode1, "tempCode1", int, "%d" entry = isPrime, "isPrime", int, "%d" entry = engineTurnedRecently, "engineTurnedRecently", int, "%d" entry = isFuelPumpOn, "isFuelPumpOn", int, "%d" entry = ignitionOn, "ignitionOn", int, "%d" entry = isBenchTest, "isBenchTest", int, "%d" entry = hasIgnitionVoltage, "hasIgnitionVoltage", int, "%d" entry = mainRelayState, "mainRelayState", int, "%d" entry = delayedShutoffRequested, "delayedShutoffRequested", int, "%d" entry = lua_fuelAdd, "Lua: Fuel add", float, "%.3f" entry = lua_fuelMult, "Lua: Fuel mult", float, "%.3f" entry = lua_clutchUpState, "lua_clutchUpState", int, "%d" entry = lua_brakePedalState, "lua_brakePedalState", int, "%d" entry = lua_acRequestState, "lua_acRequestState", int, "%d" entry = lua_luaDisableEtb, "lua_luaDisableEtb", int, "%d" entry = lua_luaIgnCut, "lua_luaIgnCut", int, "%d" entry = sd_tCharge, "Air: Charge temperature estimate", float, "%.3f" entry = sd_tChargeK, "Air: Charge temperature estimate K", float, "%.3f" entry = crankingFuel_coolantTemperatureCoefficient, "Fuel: cranking CLT mult", float, "%.3f" entry = crankingFuel_tpsCoefficient, "Fuel: cranking TPS mult", float, "%.3f" entry = crankingFuel_durationCoefficient, "Fuel: cranking duration mult", float, "%.3f" entry = crankingFuel_fuel, "Fuel: Cranking cycle mass", float, "%.3f" entry = baroCorrection, "Fuel: Barometric pressure mult", float, "%.3f" entry = hellenBoardId, "Detected Board ID", int, "%d" entry = clutchUpState, "Clutch: up", int, "%d" entry = clutchDownState, "Clutch: down", int, "%d" entry = brakePedalState, "Brake switch", int, "%d" entry = startStopState, "startStopState", int, "%d" entry = smartChipState, "smartChipState", int, "%d" entry = smartChipRestartCounter, "smartChipRestartCounter", int, "%d" entry = smartChipAliveCounter, "smartChipAliveCounter", int, "%d" entry = startStopPhysicalState, "startStopPhysicalState", int, "%d" entry = acrActive, "Harley ACR Active", int, "%d" entry = acrEngineMovedRecently, "acrEngineMovedRecently", int, "%d" entry = heaterControlEnabled, "heaterControlEnabled", int, "%d" entry = luaDigitalState0, "luaDigitalState0", int, "%d" entry = luaDigitalState1, "luaDigitalState1", int, "%d" entry = luaDigitalState2, "luaDigitalState2", int, "%d" entry = luaDigitalState3, "luaDigitalState3", int, "%d" entry = startStopStateToggleCounter, "startStopStateToggleCounter", int, "%d" entry = luaSoftSparkSkip, "luaSoftSparkSkip", float, "%.3f" entry = luaHardSparkSkip, "luaHardSparkSkip", float, "%.3f" entry = tractionControlSparkSkip, "tractionControlSparkSkip", float, "%.3f" entry = desiredRpmLimit, "User-defined RPM hard limit", int, "%d" entry = fuelInjectionCounter, "Fuel: Injection counter", int, "%d" entry = globalSparkCounter, "Ign: Spark counter", int, "%d" entry = fuelingLoad, "Fuel: Load", float, "%.3f" entry = ignitionLoad, "Ignition: load", float, "%.3f" entry = veTableYAxis, "veTableYAxis", float, "%.3f" entry = overDwellCounter, "overDwellCounter", int, "%d" entry = overDwellNotScheduledCounter, "overDwellNotScheduledCounter", int, "%d" entry = sparkOutOfOrderCounter, "sparkOutOfOrderCounter", int, "%d" entry = tpsFrom, "Fuel: TPS AE from", float, "%.3f" entry = tpsTo, "Fuel: TPS AE to", float, "%.3f" entry = deltaTps, "Fuel: TPS AE change", float, "%.3f" entry = extraFuel, "extraFuel", float, "%.3f" entry = valueFromTable, "valueFromTable", float, "%.3f" entry = isAboveAccelThreshold, "Fuel: TPS AE Active", int, "%d" entry = isBelowDecelThreshold, "isBelowDecelThreshold", int, "%d" entry = isTimeToResetAccumulator, "Fuel: TPS AE: reset time", int, "%d" entry = isFractionalEnrichment, "isFractionalEnrichment", int, "%d" entry = belowEpsilon, "Fuel: TPS AE: below threshold", int, "%d" entry = tooShort, "Fuel: TPS AE: too short", int, "%d" entry = fractionalInjFuel, "fractionalInjFuel", float, "%.3f" entry = accumulatedValue, "accumulatedValue", float, "%.3f" entry = maxExtraPerCycle, "maxExtraPerCycle", float, "%.3f" entry = maxExtraPerPeriod, "maxExtraPerPeriod", float, "%.3f" entry = maxInjectedPerPeriod, "maxInjectedPerPeriod", float, "%.3f" entry = cycleCnt, "cycleCnt", int, "%d" entry = hwEventCounters1, "Hardware events since boot 1", int, "%d" entry = hwEventCounters2, "Hardware events since boot 2", int, "%d" entry = hwEventCounters3, "Hardware events since boot 3", int, "%d" entry = hwEventCounters4, "Hardware events since boot 4", int, "%d" entry = hwEventCounters5, "Hardware events since boot 5", int, "%d" entry = hwEventCounters6, "Hardware events since boot 6", int, "%d" entry = vvtCamCounter, "Sync: total cams front counter", int, "%d" entry = mapVvt_MAP_AT_SPECIAL_POINT, "mapVvt_MAP_AT_SPECIAL_POINT", float, "%.3f" entry = mapVvt_MAP_AT_DIFF, "mapVvt_MAP_AT_DIFF", float, "%.3f" entry = mapVvt_MAP_AT_CYCLE_COUNT, "mapVvt_MAP_AT_CYCLE_COUNT", int, "%d" entry = mapVvt_map_peak, "mapVvt_map_peak", int, "%d" entry = currentEngineDecodedPhase, "Sync: Engine Phase", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerToothAngleError, "Sync: trigger angle error", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerIgnoredToothCount, "triggerIgnoredToothCount", int, "%d" entry = mapCamPrevToothAngle, "Sync: MAP: prev angle", float, "%.3f" entry = isDecodingMapCam, "isDecodingMapCam", int, "%d" entry = crankSynchronizationCounter0, "sync: Crank sync counter0", int, "%d" entry = vvtSyncGapRatio0, "vvtSyncGapRatio0", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothDurations00, "vvtToothDurations00", int, "%d" entry = vvtCurrentPosition0, "vvtCurrentPosition0", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition10, "vvtToothPosition 10", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition20, "vvtToothPosition 20", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition30, "vvtToothPosition 30", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition40, "vvtToothPosition 40", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerSyncGapRatio0, "Trigger Sync Latest Ratio0", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerStateIndex0, "triggerStateIndex0", int, "%d" entry = vvtStateIndex0, "vvtStateIndex0", int, "%d" entry = crankSynchronizationCounter1, "sync: Crank sync counter1", int, "%d" entry = vvtSyncGapRatio1, "vvtSyncGapRatio1", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothDurations01, "vvtToothDurations01", int, "%d" entry = vvtCurrentPosition1, "vvtCurrentPosition1", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition11, "vvtToothPosition 11", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition21, "vvtToothPosition 21", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition31, "vvtToothPosition 31", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition41, "vvtToothPosition 41", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerSyncGapRatio1, "Trigger Sync Latest Ratio1", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerStateIndex1, "triggerStateIndex1", int, "%d" entry = vvtStateIndex1, "vvtStateIndex1", int, "%d" entry = crankSynchronizationCounter2, "sync: Crank sync counter2", int, "%d" entry = vvtSyncGapRatio2, "vvtSyncGapRatio2", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothDurations02, "vvtToothDurations02", int, "%d" entry = vvtCurrentPosition2, "vvtCurrentPosition2", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition12, "vvtToothPosition 12", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition22, "vvtToothPosition 22", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition32, "vvtToothPosition 32", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition42, "vvtToothPosition 42", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerSyncGapRatio2, "Trigger Sync Latest Ratio2", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerStateIndex2, "triggerStateIndex2", int, "%d" entry = vvtStateIndex2, "vvtStateIndex2", int, "%d" entry = crankSynchronizationCounter3, "sync: Crank sync counter3", int, "%d" entry = vvtSyncGapRatio3, "vvtSyncGapRatio3", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothDurations03, "vvtToothDurations03", int, "%d" entry = vvtCurrentPosition3, "vvtCurrentPosition3", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition13, "vvtToothPosition 13", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition23, "vvtToothPosition 23", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition33, "vvtToothPosition 33", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition43, "vvtToothPosition 43", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerSyncGapRatio3, "Trigger Sync Latest Ratio3", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerStateIndex3, "triggerStateIndex3", int, "%d" entry = vvtStateIndex3, "vvtStateIndex3", int, "%d" entry = crankSynchronizationCounter4, "sync: Crank sync counter4", int, "%d" entry = vvtSyncGapRatio4, "vvtSyncGapRatio4", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothDurations04, "vvtToothDurations04", int, "%d" entry = vvtCurrentPosition4, "vvtCurrentPosition4", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition14, "vvtToothPosition 14", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition24, "vvtToothPosition 24", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition34, "vvtToothPosition 34", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtToothPosition44, "vvtToothPosition 44", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerSyncGapRatio4, "Trigger Sync Latest Ratio4", float, "%.3f" entry = triggerStateIndex4, "triggerStateIndex4", int, "%d" entry = vvtStateIndex4, "vvtStateIndex4", int, "%d" entry = camResyncCounter, "sync: Phase Re-Sync Counter", int, "%d" entry = m_hasSynchronizedPhase, "sync: Known Engine Phase", int, "%d" entry = wallFuelCorrection, "fuel wallwetting injection time", float, "%.3f" entry = wallFuel, "Fuel on the wall", float, "%.3f" entry = idleState, "idleState", int, "%d" entry = currentIdlePosition, "Idle: Position", float, "%.3f" entry = baseIdlePosition, "idle: base value", float, "%.3f" entry = idleClosedLoop, "Idle: Closed loop", float, "%.3f" entry = iacByTpsTaper, "idle: iacByTpsTaper portion", float, "%.3f" entry = throttlePedalUpState, "idle: throttlePedalUpState", int, "%d" entry = mightResetPid, "idle: mightResetPid", int, "%d" entry = shouldResetPid, "Idle: shouldResetPid", int, "%d" entry = wasResetPid, "Idle: wasResetPid", int, "%d" entry = mustResetPid, "Idle: mustResetPid", int, "%d" entry = isCranking, "Idle: cranking", int, "%d" entry = isIacTableForCoasting, "isIacTableForCoasting", int, "%d" entry = notIdling, "notIdling", int, "%d" entry = needReset, "Idle: reset", int, "%d" entry = isInDeadZone, "Idle: dead zone", int, "%d" entry = isBlipping, "isBlipping", int, "%d" entry = useClosedLoop, "useClosedLoop", int, "%d" entry = badTps, "badTps", int, "%d" entry = looksLikeRunning, "looksLikeRunning", int, "%d" entry = looksLikeCoasting, "looksLikeCoasting", int, "%d" entry = looksLikeCrankToIdle, "looksLikeCrankToIdle", int, "%d" entry = isIdleCoasting, "Idle: coasting", int, "%d" entry = isIdleClosedLoop, "Idle: Closed loop active", int, "%d" entry = idleTarget, "Idle: Target RPM", int, "%d" entry = targetRpmByClt, "Idle: Target RPM base", int, "%d" entry = targetRpmAc, "Idle: Target A/C RPM", int, "%d" entry = iacByRpmTaper, "idle: iacByRpmTaper portion", float, "%.3f" entry = luaAdd, "idle: Lua Adder", float, "%.3f" entry = idlePosition0, "ETB: idlePosition0", float, "%.3f" entry = trim0, "ETB: trim0", float, "%.3f" entry = luaAdjustment0, "ETB: luaAdjustment0", float, "%.3f" entry = m_wastegatePosition0, "DC: wastegatePosition0", float, "%.3f" entry = etbFeedForward0, "etbFeedForward0", float, "%.3f" entry = etbIntegralError0, "etbIntegralError0", float, "%.3f" entry = etbCurrentTarget0, "etbCurrentTarget0", float, "%.3f" entry = etbCurrentAdjustedTarget0, "etbCurrentAdjustedTarget0", float, "%.3f" entry = etbRevLimitActive0, "etbRevLimitActive0", int, "%d" entry = jamDetected0, "jamDetected0", int, "%d" entry = etbDutyRateOfChange0, "ETB duty rate of change0", float, "%.3f" entry = etbDutyAverage0, "ETB average duty0", float, "%.3f" entry = etbTpsErrorCounter0, "ETB TPS error counter0", int, "%d" entry = etbPpsErrorCounter0, "ETB pedal error counter0", int, "%d" entry = etbErrorCode0, "etbErrorCode0", int, "%d" entry = tcEtbDrop0, "tcEtbDrop0", int, "%d" entry = jamTimer0, "ETB jam timer0", float, "%.3f" entry = idlePosition1, "ETB: idlePosition1", float, "%.3f" entry = trim1, "ETB: trim1", float, "%.3f" entry = luaAdjustment1, "ETB: luaAdjustment1", float, "%.3f" entry = m_wastegatePosition1, "DC: wastegatePosition1", float, "%.3f" entry = etbFeedForward1, "etbFeedForward1", float, "%.3f" entry = etbIntegralError1, "etbIntegralError1", float, "%.3f" entry = etbCurrentTarget1, "etbCurrentTarget1", float, "%.3f" entry = etbCurrentAdjustedTarget1, "etbCurrentAdjustedTarget1", float, "%.3f" entry = etbRevLimitActive1, "etbRevLimitActive1", int, "%d" entry = jamDetected1, "jamDetected1", int, "%d" entry = etbDutyRateOfChange1, "ETB duty rate of change1", float, "%.3f" entry = etbDutyAverage1, "ETB average duty1", float, "%.3f" entry = etbTpsErrorCounter1, "ETB TPS error counter1", int, "%d" entry = etbPpsErrorCounter1, "ETB pedal error counter1", int, "%d" entry = etbErrorCode1, "etbErrorCode1", int, "%d" entry = tcEtbDrop1, "tcEtbDrop1", int, "%d" entry = jamTimer1, "ETB jam timer1", float, "%.3f" entry = faultCode0, "WBO: Fault code0", int, "%d" entry = heaterDuty0, "WBO: Heater duty0", int, "%d" entry = pumpDuty0, "WBO: Pump duty0", int, "%d" entry = tempC0, "WBO: Temperature0", int, "%d" entry = nernstVoltage0, "WBO: Nernst Voltage0", float, "%.3f" entry = esr0, "WBO: ESR0", int, "%d" entry = faultCode1, "WBO: Fault code1", int, "%d" entry = heaterDuty1, "WBO: Heater duty1", int, "%d" entry = pumpDuty1, "WBO: Pump duty1", int, "%d" entry = tempC1, "WBO: Temperature1", int, "%d" entry = nernstVoltage1, "WBO: Nernst Voltage1", float, "%.3f" entry = esr1, "WBO: ESR1", int, "%d" entry = dcOutput0, "DC: output0", float, "%.3f" entry = isEnabled0_int, "DC: en0", int, "%d" entry = isEnabled0, "isEnabled0", int, "%d" entry = value0, "ETB: SENT value0", int, "%d" entry = value1, "ETB: SENT value1", int, "%d" entry = errorRate, "ETB: SENT error rate", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtTarget, "vvtTarget", float, "%.3f" entry = vvtOutput, "vvtOutput", float, "%.3f" entry = lambdaCurrentlyGood, "lambdaCurrentlyGood", int, "%d" entry = lambdaMonitorCut, "lambdaMonitorCut", int, "%d" entry = lambdaTimeSinceGood, "lambdaTimeSinceGood", float, "%.3f"