/* * @file trigger_central.h * * @date Feb 23, 2014 * @author Andrey Belomutskiy, (c) 2012-2020 */ #pragma once #include "rusefi_enums.h" #include "listener_array.h" #include "trigger_decoder.h" #include "instant_rpm_calculator.h" #include "trigger_central_generated.h" #include #include "pin_repository.h" #include "local_version_holder.h" #include "cyclic_buffer.h" #define MAP_CAM_BUFFER 64 #ifndef RPM_LOW_THRESHOLD // no idea what is the best value, 25 is as good as any other guess #define RPM_LOW_THRESHOLD 25 #endif class Engine; typedef void (*ShaftPositionListener)(trigger_event_e signal, uint32_t index, efitick_t edgeTimestamp); #define HAVE_CAM_INPUT() (isBrainPinValid(engineConfiguration->camInputs[0])) class TriggerNoiseFilter { public: void resetAccumSignalData(); bool noiseFilter(efitick_t nowNt, TriggerDecoderBase* triggerState, trigger_event_e signal); efitick_t lastSignalTimes[HW_EVENT_TYPES]; efitick_t accumSignalPeriods[HW_EVENT_TYPES]; efitick_t accumSignalPrevPeriods[HW_EVENT_TYPES]; }; /** * Maybe merge TriggerCentral and TriggerState classes into one class? * Probably not: we have an instance of TriggerState which is used for trigger initialization, * also composition probably better than inheritance here */ class TriggerCentral final : public trigger_central_s { public: TriggerCentral(); /** * we have two kinds of sync: * this method is about detecting of exact engine phase with 720 degree precision usually based on cam wheel decoding * not to be confused with a totally different trigger _wheel_ sync which could be either crank wheel sync or cam wheel sync */ angle_t syncEnginePhaseAndReport(int divider, int remainder); void handleShaftSignal(trigger_event_e signal, efitick_t timestamp); int getHwEventCounter(int index) const; void resetCounters(); void validateCamVvtCounters(); void updateWaveform(); angle_t findNextTriggerToothAngle(int nextToothIndex); InstantRpmCalculator instantRpm; void prepareTriggerShape() { #if EFI_ENGINE_CONTROL && EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT if (triggerShape.shapeDefinitionError) { // Nothing to do here if there's a problem with the trigger shape return; } triggerFormDetails.prepareEventAngles(&triggerShape); #endif } // this is useful at least for real hardware integration testing - maybe a proper solution would be to simply // GND input pins instead of leaving them floating bool hwTriggerInputEnabled = true; cyclic_buffer triggerErrorDetection; /** * See also triggerSimulatorRpm */ bool directSelfStimulation = false; PrimaryTriggerConfiguration primaryTriggerConfiguration; #if CAMS_PER_BANK == 1 VvtTriggerConfiguration vvtTriggerConfiguration[CAMS_PER_BANK] = {{"VVT1 ", 0}}; #else VvtTriggerConfiguration vvtTriggerConfiguration[CAMS_PER_BANK] = {{"VVT1 ", 0}, {"VVT2 ", 1}}; #endif LocalVersionHolder triggerVersion; /** * By the way: * 'cranking' means engine is not stopped and the rpm are below crankingRpm * 'running' means RPM are above crankingRpm * 'spinning' means the engine is not stopped */ // todo: combine with other RpmCalculator fields? /** * this is set to true each time we register a trigger tooth signal */ bool isSpinningJustForWatchdog = false; float mapCamPrevCycleValue = 0; int prevChangeAtCycle = 0; /** * value of 'triggerShape.getLength()' * pre-calculating this value is a performance optimization */ uint32_t engineCycleEventCount = 0; /** * true if a recent configuration change has changed any of the trigger settings which * we have not adjusted for yet */ bool triggerConfigChangedOnLastConfigurationChange = false; bool checkIfTriggerConfigChanged(); #if EFI_UNIT_TEST bool isTriggerConfigChanged(); #endif // EFI_UNIT_TEST bool isTriggerDecoderError(); expected getCurrentEnginePhase(efitick_t nowNt) const; float getSecondsSinceTriggerEvent(efitick_t nowNt) const { return m_lastEventTimer.getElapsedSeconds(nowNt); } bool engineMovedRecently(efitick_t nowNt) const { constexpr float oneRevolutionLimitInSeconds = 60.0 / RPM_LOW_THRESHOLD; auto maxAverageToothTime = oneRevolutionLimitInSeconds / triggerShape.getSize(); // Some triggers may have long gaps (with many teeth), don't count that as stopped! auto maxAllowedGap = maxAverageToothTime * 10; // Clamp between 0.1 seconds ("instant" for a human) and worst case of one engine cycle on low tooth count wheel maxAllowedGap = clampF(0.1f, maxAllowedGap, oneRevolutionLimitInSeconds); return getSecondsSinceTriggerEvent(nowNt) < maxAllowedGap; } bool engineMovedRecently() const { return engineMovedRecently(getTimeNowNt()); } TriggerNoiseFilter noiseFilter; int vvtEventRiseCounter[CAM_INPUTS_COUNT]; int vvtEventFallCounter[CAM_INPUTS_COUNT]; angle_t getVVTPosition(uint8_t bankIndex, uint8_t camIndex); #if EFI_UNIT_TEST // latest VVT event position (could be not synchronization event) angle_t currentVVTEventPosition[BANKS_COUNT][CAMS_PER_BANK]; #endif // EFI_UNIT_TEST // synchronization event position angle_t vvtPosition[BANKS_COUNT][CAMS_PER_BANK]; #if EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT PrimaryTriggerDecoder triggerState; #endif //EFI_SHAFT_POSITION_INPUT TriggerWaveform triggerShape; VvtTriggerDecoder vvtState[BANKS_COUNT][CAMS_PER_BANK] = { { "VVT B1 Int", #if CAMS_PER_BANK >= 2 "VVT B1 Exh" #endif }, #if BANKS_COUNT >= 2 { "VVT B2 Int", #if CAMS_PER_BANK >= 2 "VVT B1 Exh" #endif } #endif }; TriggerWaveform vvtShape[CAMS_PER_BANK]; TriggerFormDetails triggerFormDetails; // Keep track of the last time we got a valid trigger event Timer m_lastEventTimer; /** * this is based on engineSnifferRpmThreshold settings and current RPM */ bool isEngineSnifferEnabled = false; private: void decodeMapCam(efitick_t nowNt, float currentPhase); bool isToothExpectedNow(efitick_t timestamp); // Time since the last tooth Timer m_lastToothTimer; // Phase of the last tooth relative to the sync point float m_lastToothPhaseFromSyncPoint; // At what engine phase do we expect the next tooth to arrive? // Used for checking whether your trigger pattern is correct. expected expectedNextPhase = unexpected; }; void triggerInfo(void); void hwHandleShaftSignal(int signalIndex, bool isRising, efitick_t timestamp); void handleShaftSignal(int signalIndex, bool isRising, efitick_t timestamp); void hwHandleVvtCamSignal(TriggerValue front, efitick_t timestamp, int index); void hwHandleVvtCamSignal(bool isRising, efitick_t timestamp, int index); void handleVvtCamSignal(TriggerValue front, efitick_t timestamp, int index); void validateTriggerInputs(); void initTriggerCentral(); int isSignalDecoderError(void); void onConfigurationChangeTriggerCallback(); #define SYMMETRICAL_CRANK_SENSOR_DIVIDER (2 * 2) #define SYMMETRICAL_THREE_TIMES_CRANK_SENSOR_DIVIDER (3 * 2) #define SYMMETRICAL_SIX_TIMES_CRANK_SENSOR_DIVIDER (6 * 2) #define SYMMETRICAL_TWELVE_TIMES_CRANK_SENSOR_DIVIDER (12 * 2) TriggerCentral * getTriggerCentral(); int getCrankDivider(operation_mode_e operationMode);