246 lines
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246 lines
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#include "pch.h"
#include "injector_model.h"
#include "fuel_computer.h"
void InjectorModelBase::prepare() {
float flowRatio = getInjectorFlowRatio();
// "large pulse" flow rate
m_massFlowRate = flowRatio * getBaseFlowRate();
m_deadtime = getDeadtime();
if (getNonlinearMode() == INJ_FordModel) {
m_smallPulseFlowRate = flowRatio * getSmallPulseFlowRate();
m_smallPulseBreakPoint = getSmallPulseBreakPoint();
// amount added to small pulses to correct for the "kink" from low flow region
m_smallPulseOffset = 1000 * ((m_smallPulseBreakPoint / m_massFlowRate) - (m_smallPulseBreakPoint / m_smallPulseFlowRate));
constexpr float convertToGramsPerSecond(float ccPerMinute) {
return ccPerMinute * (fuelDensity / 60.f);
float InjectorModelWithConfig::getBaseFlowRate() const {
if (engineConfiguration->injectorFlowAsMassFlow) {
return m_cfg->flow;
} else {
return convertToGramsPerSecond(m_cfg->flow);
float InjectorModelPrimary::getSmallPulseFlowRate() const {
return engineConfiguration->fordInjectorSmallPulseSlope;
float InjectorModelPrimary::getSmallPulseBreakPoint() const {
// convert milligrams -> grams
return 0.001f * engineConfiguration->fordInjectorSmallPulseBreakPoint;
InjectorNonlinearMode InjectorModelPrimary::getNonlinearMode() const {
return engineConfiguration->injectorNonlinearMode;
injector_compensation_mode_e InjectorModelPrimary::getInjectorCompensationMode() const {
return engineConfiguration->injectorCompensationMode;
float InjectorModelPrimary::getFuelReferencePressure() const {
return engineConfiguration->fuelReferencePressure;
float InjectorModelSecondary::getSmallPulseFlowRate() const {
// not supported on second bank
return 0;
float InjectorModelSecondary::getSmallPulseBreakPoint() const {
// not supported on second bank
return 0;
injector_compensation_mode_e InjectorModelSecondary::getInjectorCompensationMode() const {
return engineConfiguration->secondaryInjectorCompensationMode;
float InjectorModelSecondary::getFuelReferencePressure() const {
return engineConfiguration->secondaryInjectorFuelReferencePressure;
InjectorNonlinearMode InjectorModelSecondary::getNonlinearMode() const {
// nonlinear not supported on second bank
return InjectorNonlinearMode::INJ_None;
expected<float> InjectorModelWithConfig::getFuelDifferentialPressure() const {
auto map = Sensor::get(SensorType::Map);
auto baro = Sensor::get(SensorType::BarometricPressure);
float baroKpa = baro.Value;
if (!baro || baro.Value > 120 || baro.Value < 50) {
baroKpa = 101.325f;
switch (getInjectorCompensationMode()) {
case ICM_FixedRailPressure:
// Add barometric pressure, as "fixed" really means "fixed pressure above atmosphere"
return getFuelReferencePressure()
+ baroKpa
- map.value_or(101.325);
case ICM_SensedRailPressure: {
if (!Sensor::hasSensor(SensorType::FuelPressureInjector)) {
warning(ObdCode::OBD_Fuel_Pressure_Sensor_Missing, "Fuel pressure compensation is set to use a pressure sensor, but none is configured.");
return unexpected;
auto fps = Sensor::get(SensorType::FuelPressureInjector);
// TODO: what happens when the sensor fails?
if (!fps) {
return unexpected;
switch (engineConfiguration->fuelPressureSensorMode) {
case FPM_Differential:
// This sensor directly measures delta-P, no math needed!
return fps.Value;
case FPM_Gauge:
if (!map) {
return unexpected;
return fps.Value + baroKpa - map.Value;
case FPM_Absolute:
if (!map) {
return unexpected;
return fps.Value - map.Value;
} default: return unexpected;
float InjectorModelWithConfig::getInjectorFlowRatio() {
// Compensation disabled, use reference flow.
if (getInjectorCompensationMode() == ICM_None) {
return 1.0f;
const float referencePressure = getFuelReferencePressure();
if (referencePressure < 50) {
// impossibly low fuel ref pressure
criticalError("Impossible fuel reference pressure: %f", referencePressure);
return 1.0f;
expected<float> diffPressure = getFuelDifferentialPressure();
// If sensor failed, best we can do is disable correction
if (!diffPressure) {
return 1.0f;
pressureDelta = diffPressure.Value;
// Somehow pressure delta is less than 0, assume failed sensor and return default flow
if (pressureDelta <= 0) {
return 1.0f;
pressureRatio = pressureDelta / referencePressure;
// todo: live data model?
float flowRatio = sqrtf(pressureRatio);
// TODO: should the flow ratio be clamped?
return flowRatio;
float InjectorModelWithConfig::getDeadtime() const {
return interpolate2d(
float InjectorModelBase::getInjectionDuration(float fuelMassGram) const {
if (fuelMassGram <= 0) {
// If 0 mass, don't do any math, just skip the injection.
return 0.0f;
// Get the no-offset duration
float baseDuration = getBaseDurationImpl(fuelMassGram);
// Add deadtime offset
return baseDuration + m_deadtime;
float InjectorModelBase::getFuelMassForDuration(floatms_t duration) const {
// Convert from ms -> grams
return duration * m_massFlowRate * 0.001f;
float InjectorModelBase::getBaseDurationImpl(float fuelMassGram) const {
floatms_t baseDuration = fuelMassGram / m_massFlowRate * 1000;
switch (getNonlinearMode()) {
case INJ_FordModel:
if (fuelMassGram < m_smallPulseBreakPoint) {
// Small pulse uses a different slope, and adds the "zero fuel pulse" offset
return (fuelMassGram / m_smallPulseFlowRate * 1000) + m_smallPulseOffset;
} else {
// Large pulse
return baseDuration;
case INJ_PolynomialAdder:
return correctInjectionPolynomial(baseDuration);
case INJ_None:
return baseDuration;
float InjectorModelBase::correctInjectionPolynomial(float baseDuration) const {
if (baseDuration > engineConfiguration->applyNonlinearBelowPulse) {
// Large pulse, skip correction.
return baseDuration;
auto& is = engineConfiguration->injectorCorrectionPolynomial;
float xi = 1;
float adder = 0;
// Add polynomial terms, starting with x^0
for (size_t i = 0; i < efi::size(is); i++) {
adder += is[i] * xi;
xi *= baseDuration;
return baseDuration + adder;
InjectorModelWithConfig::InjectorModelWithConfig(const injector_s* const cfg)
: m_cfg(cfg)
: InjectorModelWithConfig(&engineConfiguration->injector)
// TODO: actual separate config for second bank!
: InjectorModelWithConfig(&engineConfiguration->injectorSecondary)