
143 lines
3.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include "rusefi_types.h"
#include "port_mpu_util.h"
#include "mpu_watchdog.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
// Base MCU
void baseMCUInit(void);
void jump_to_bootloader();
void jump_to_openblt();
void causeHardFault();
// If mcu can erase/write part of its internal memory without stalling CPU
bool mcuCanFlashWhileRunning();
bool ramReadProbe(volatile const char *read_address);
#if defined(STM32F4)
bool isStm32F42x();
#endif // STM32F4
// ADC
adc_channel_e getAdcChannel(brain_pin_e pin);
brain_pin_e getAdcChannelBrainPin(const char *msg, adc_channel_e hwChannel);
bool adcIsMuxedInput(adc_channel_e hwChannel);
adc_channel_e adcMuxedGetParent(adc_channel_e hwChannel);
int getAdcInternalChannel(ADC_TypeDef *adc, adc_channel_e hwChannel);
// deprecated - migrate to 'getAdcChannelBrainPin'
ioportid_t getAdcChannelPort(const char *msg, adc_channel_e hwChannel);
// deprecated - migrate to 'getAdcChannelBrainPin'
int getAdcChannelPin(adc_channel_e hwChannel);
void portInitAdc();
float getMcuTemperature();
// Convert all slow ADC inputs. Returns true if the conversion succeeded, false if a failure occured.
bool readSlowAnalogInputs(adcsample_t* convertedSamples);
// CAN bus
bool isValidCanTxPin(brain_pin_e pin);
bool isValidCanRxPin(brain_pin_e pin);
CANDriver* detectCanDevice(brain_pin_e pinRx, brain_pin_e pinTx);
void canHwInfo(CANDriver* cand);
#endif // HAL_USE_CAN
// Serial
bool isValidSerialTxPin(brain_pin_e pin);
bool isValidSerialRxPin(brain_pin_e pin);
// SPI
void initSpiModule(SPIDriver *driver, brain_pin_e sck, brain_pin_e miso,
brain_pin_e mosi,
int sckMode,
int mosiMode,
int misoMode);
void initSpiCsNoOccupy(SPIConfig *spiConfig, brain_pin_e csPin);
void initSpiCs(SPIConfig *spiConfig, brain_pin_e csPin);
void turnOnSpi(spi_device_e device);
#endif // HAL_USE_SPI
bool getIcuParams(brain_pin_e hwPin, iomode_t *af_ptr, ICUDriver ** icu_ptr, icuchannel_t *channel_ptr, uint32_t *clock_ptr);
// MMC Card
// HS = max 50MHz SPI
extern SPIConfig mmc_hs_spicfg;
// LS = max 25MHz SPI
extern SPIConfig mmc_ls_spicfg;
// Hardware PWM
struct hardware_pwm {
static hardware_pwm* tryInitPin(const char* msg, brain_pin_e pin, float frequencyHz, float duty);
virtual void setDuty(float duty) = 0;
// Brownout Reset
typedef enum {
BOR_Result_Ok = 0x00,
} BOR_Result_t;
BOR_Level_t BOR_Get(void);
BOR_Result_t BOR_Set(BOR_Level_t BORValue);
// Reset Cause
typedef enum {
Reset_Cause_Unknown = 0,
Reset_Cause_IWatchdog, // Independent hardware watchdog (we use it)
Reset_Cause_WWatchdog, // Window watchdog
Reset_Cause_Soft_Reset, // NVIC_SystemReset or by debugger
Reset_Cause_NRST_Pin, // Reset from NRST pin
Reset_Cause_Illegal_Mode, // Reset after illegal Stop, Standby or Shutdown mode entry
Reset_Cause_BOR, // BOR reset
Reset_Cause_Firewall, // Firewall reset
Reset_Cause_Option_Byte, // Option byte load reset
} Reset_Cause_t;
Reset_Cause_t getMCUResetCause();
const char *getMCUResetCause(Reset_Cause_t cause);
#ifdef AT32F4XX
int at32GetMcuType(uint32_t id, const char **pn, const char **package, uint32_t *flashSize);
int at32GetRamSizeKb(void);
extern "C"
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// these need to be declared with C linkage - they're called from C and asm files
void DebugMonitorVector(void);
void UsageFaultVector(void);
void BusFaultVector(void);
void HardFaultVector(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// search:openblt_version
// ascii 'BL01' in reverse LBS byte order
#define BLT_CURRENT_VERSION 0x31304C42
#define BLT_BIN_VERSION_ADDR ((uint32_t)0x08000024U) /*! 3rd reserved DWORD in vector table search:openblt_version */
#define getOpenBltVersion() (((uint32_t *)BLT_BIN_VERSION_ADDR)[0])