TL, DR: just follow tests folder as examples.
- Run 'make' to build desktop binary.
- Execute rusefi_test binary on your PC/Mac, it's expected to say SUCCESS and not fail :) Googletest will also print results summary.
- To run only one test uncomment and modify main.cpp line
In this folder we have rusEFI unit tests using
Unit tests are not aware of ChibiOS or ARM or else, they are just plain C/C++ which you build for your desktop, not your MCU.
See also
Triggers Images
Trigger images generation is still a two-step manual process:
Step 1: Invoke unit_tests. One of the unit_tests artifacts is triggers.txt
Step 2: Once we have triggers.txt updated by unit_tests we can invoke firmware/gen_trigger_images.bat in order to generate actual trigger images.