use std::{ collections::HashSet, sync::{atomic::AtomicU64, Arc}, time::Duration, }; use std::rc::Rc; use anyhow::Context; use base64::Engine; use dashmap::DashMap; use futures::{join, pin_mut, try_join}; use itertools::Itertools; use log::{debug, error, info, log, warn, Level}; use native_tls::{Certificate, Identity, TlsConnector}; use postgres_native_tls::MakeTlsConnector; use prometheus::{opts, register_int_gauge, IntGauge}; use serde::Serialize; use solana_sdk::clock::Slot; use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey; use solana_sdk::signature::Signature; use solana_sdk::transaction::TransactionError; use tokio::sync::mpsc::error::SendTimeoutError; use tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender; use tokio::time::Instant; use tokio_postgres::{ binary_copy::BinaryCopyInWriter, config::SslMode, tls::MakeTlsConnect, types::{ToSql, Type}, Client, CopyInSink, NoTls, Socket, }; use crate::{ block_info::{BlockInfo, BlockTransactionInfo}, transaction_info::TransactionInfo, }; const BLOCK_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 5; // requires 125.000.000 * 8 bytes * LIMIT_LATEST_TXS_PER_ACCOUNT const LIMIT_LATEST_TXS_PER_ACCOUNT: i64 = 100+20; lazy_static::lazy_static! { static ref ACCOUNTS_SAVING_QUEUE: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_accounts_save_queue", "Account in save queue")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_STORE_TX_ACCOUNT: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_tx_account_store", "Account in tx account")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_STORE_TX_SAVE_TIME: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_tx_save_time", "Account in tx save time")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_SAVE_BLOCK: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_save_block", "Account in tx save block time")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_SAVE_BLOCK_ACCOUNTS: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_block_accounts", "Account in tx save block accounts")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_SAVE_TRANSACTION: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_transaction_time", "Account in tx save transactions")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_SAVE_TRANSACTION_DATA: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_transaction_data_time", "Account in tx save transactions")).unwrap(); static ref ACCOUNT_SAVE_TIME: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_account_save_time", "Account save time")).unwrap(); static ref BLOCK_INFO_SAVE_TIME: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_block_info_save_time", "Block info save time")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_STORE_TX_ACCOUNT_OLD: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_tx_account_old", "Account in tx account old")).unwrap(); static ref TIME_TO_STORE_TX_ACCOUNT_NEW: IntGauge = register_int_gauge!(opts!("banking_stage_sidecar_tx_account_new", "Account in tx account new")).unwrap(); } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TempTableTracker { nb: usize, count: Arc, } impl TempTableTracker { pub fn new(nb: usize) -> Self { Self { nb, count: Arc::new(AtomicU64::new(1)), } } pub fn get_new_temp_table(&self) -> String { format!( "temp_table_{}_{}", self.nb, self.count .fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed) ) } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PostgresSession { client: Arc, temp_table_tracker: TempTableTracker, } impl PostgresSession { pub async fn new(nb: usize) -> anyhow::Result { let pg_config = std::env::var("PG_CONFIG").context("env PG_CONFIG not found")?; let pg_config = pg_config.parse::()?; info!("Using Postgres config to database {} with ssl_disabled={}", pg_config.get_dbname().unwrap_or("n/a"), matches!(pg_config.get_ssl_mode(), SslMode::Disable)); let client = if let SslMode::Disable = pg_config.get_ssl_mode() { Self::spawn_connection(pg_config, NoTls).await? } else { let ca_pem_b64 = std::env::var("CA_PEM_B64").context("env CA_PEM_B64 not found")?; let client_pks_b64 = std::env::var("CLIENT_PKS_B64").context("env CLIENT_PKS_B64 not found")?; let client_pks_password = std::env::var("CLIENT_PKS_PASS").context("env CLIENT_PKS_PASS not found")?; let ca_pem = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD .decode(ca_pem_b64) .context("ca pem decode")?; let client_pks = base64::engine::general_purpose::STANDARD .decode(client_pks_b64) .context("client pks decode")?; let connector = TlsConnector::builder() .add_root_certificate(Certificate::from_pem(&ca_pem)?) .identity( Identity::from_pkcs12(&client_pks, &client_pks_password).context("Identity")?, ) .danger_accept_invalid_hostnames(true) .danger_accept_invalid_certs(true) .build()?; Self::spawn_connection(pg_config, MakeTlsConnector::new(connector)).await? }; Ok(Self { client: Arc::new(client), temp_table_tracker: TempTableTracker::new(nb), }) } pub fn get_new_temp_table(&self) -> String { self.temp_table_tracker.get_new_temp_table() } async fn spawn_connection( pg_config: tokio_postgres::Config, connector: T, ) -> anyhow::Result where T: MakeTlsConnect + Send + 'static, >::Stream: Send, { let (client, connection) = pg_config .connect(connector) .await .context("Connecting to Postgres failed")?; tokio::spawn(async move { info!("Connecting to Postgres"); if let Err(err) = connection.await { error!("Connection to Postgres broke {err:?}"); // should restart the side car / currently no way around it std::process::exit(-1); } unreachable!("Postgres thread returned") }); Ok(client) } pub async fn configure_work_mem(&self) { self.client .execute("SET work_mem TO '256MB'", &[]) .await .unwrap(); let work_mem: String = self .client .query_one("show work_mem", &[]) .await .unwrap() .get("work_mem"); info!("Configured work_mem={}", work_mem); } pub async fn disable_postgres_workers(&self) { self.client .execute("SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0", &[]) .await .unwrap(); info!("Disable parallel postgres workers"); } pub async fn relax_commit_settings(&self) { self.client .execute("SET synchronous_commit TO 'off'", &[]) .await .unwrap(); // note: commit_delay can be changed but requires superuser info!("Configured synchronous_commit"); } pub async fn drop_temp_table(&self, table: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.client .execute(format!("drop table if exists {};", table).as_str(), &[]) .await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn create_transaction_ids(&self, signatures: Vec, slot: Slot) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // create temp table let temp_table = self.get_new_temp_table(); self.client .execute( format!( r#" CREATE TEMP TABLE {}( signature varchar(88) NOT NULL ); "#, temp_table ) .as_str(), &[], ) .await?; let statement = format!( r#" COPY {}( signature ) FROM STDIN BINARY "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let sink: CopyInSink = self.copy_in(statement.as_str()).await?; let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new(sink, &[Type::TEXT]); pin_mut!(writer); for signature in signatures { writer.as_mut().write(&[&signature]).await?; } let num_rows = writer.finish().await?; debug!( "inserted {} signatures into temp table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.transactions(signature) SELECT signature FROM {} ORDER BY signature ON CONFLICT(signature) DO NOTHING "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; self.drop_temp_table(temp_table).await?; debug!( "inserted {} signatures in transactions table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); Ok(()) } pub async fn create_accounts_for_transaction( &self, accounts: HashSet, slot: Slot, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // create temp table let temp_table = self.get_new_temp_table(); self.client .execute( format!( "CREATE TEMP TABLE {}( account_key VARCHAR(44) NOT NULL );", temp_table ) .as_str(), &[], ) .await?; let statement = format!( r#" COPY {}( account_key ) FROM STDIN BINARY "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let sink: CopyInSink = self.copy_in(statement.as_str()).await?; let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new(sink, &[Type::TEXT]); pin_mut!(writer); for account in accounts { writer.as_mut().write(&[&account]).await?; } let num_rows = writer.finish().await?; debug!( "inserted {} account keys into temp table in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.accounts(account_key) SELECT account_key FROM {} ORDER BY account_key ON CONFLICT(account_key) DO NOTHING "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; self.drop_temp_table(temp_table).await?; debug!( "inserted {} account keys into accounts table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); Ok(()) } pub async fn insert_transaction_in_txslot_table( &self, txs: &[TransactionInfo], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let temp_table = self.get_new_temp_table(); self.client .execute( format!( "CREATE TEMP TABLE {}( sig varchar(88) NOT NULL, slot BIGINT NOT NULL, error_code INT NOT NULL, count INT NOT NULL, utc_timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL );", temp_table ) .as_str(), &[], ) .await?; let statement = format!( r#" COPY {}( sig, slot, error_code, count, utc_timestamp ) FROM STDIN BINARY "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let sink: CopyInSink = self.copy_in(statement.as_str()).await?; let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new( sink, &[ Type::TEXT, Type::INT8, Type::INT4, Type::INT4, Type::TIMESTAMP, ], ); pin_mut!(writer); for tx in txs { let slot: i64 = tx.slot as i64; for (error, count) in &tx.errors { let error_code = error.to_int(); let count = *count as i32; let mut args: Vec<&(dyn ToSql + Sync)> = Vec::with_capacity(5); let timestamp = tx.utc_timestamp.naive_local(); args.push(&tx.signature); args.push(&slot); args.push(&error_code); args.push(&count); args.push(×tamp); writer.as_mut().write(&args).await?; } } let num_rows = writer.finish().await?; debug!( "inserted {} txs for tx_slot into temp table in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.transaction_slot(transaction_id, slot, error_code, count, utc_timestamp) SELECT ( select transaction_id from banking_stage_results_2.transactions where signature = t.sig ), t.slot, t.error_code, t.count, t.utc_timestamp FROM ( SELECT sig, slot, error_code, count, utc_timestamp from {} ) as t (sig, slot, error_code, count, utc_timestamp) ORDER BY 1,2,3 -- sorry ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; debug!( "inserted {} txs into transaction_slot table in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); self.drop_temp_table(temp_table).await?; Ok(()) } /// add accounts for transaction to accounts_map_transaction table and update accounts_map_transaction_latest pub async fn insert_accounts_for_transaction( &self, accounts_for_transaction: Vec, slot: Slot, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let instant = Instant::now(); let temp_table = self.get_new_temp_table(); self.client .execute( format!( "CREATE TEMP TABLE {}( account_key varchar(44) NOT NULL, signature varchar(88) NOT NULL, is_writable BOOL NOT NULL, is_signer BOOL NOT NULL, is_atl BOOL NOT NULL );", temp_table ) .as_str(), &[], ) .await?; let statement = format!( r#" COPY {}( account_key, signature, is_writable, is_signer, is_atl ) FROM STDIN BINARY "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let sink: CopyInSink = self.copy_in(statement.as_str()).await?; let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new( sink, &[Type::TEXT, Type::TEXT, Type::BOOL, Type::BOOL, Type::BOOL], ); pin_mut!(writer); for acc_tx in accounts_for_transaction { for acc in acc_tx.accounts { let mut args: Vec<&(dyn ToSql + Sync)> = Vec::with_capacity(4); let pubkey_str = &acc.key; args.push(&pubkey_str); args.push(&acc_tx.signature); args.push(&acc.writable); args.push(&acc.is_signer); args.push(&acc.is_atl); writer.as_mut().write(&args).await?; } } let num_rows = writer.finish().await?; debug!( "inserted {} accounts for transaction into temp table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); // note: no lock ordering here, as the accounts_map_transaction does not seem to cause deadlocks (issue 58) // merge data from temp table into accounts_map_transaction let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_transaction(acc_id, transaction_id, is_writable, is_signer, is_atl) SELECT ( select acc_id from banking_stage_results_2.accounts where account_key = new_amt_data.account_key ), ( select transaction_id from banking_stage_results_2.transactions where signature = new_amt_data.signature ), new_amt_data.is_writable, new_amt_data.is_signer, new_amt_data.is_atl FROM {} AS new_amt_data ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let rows = self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; debug!( "inserted {} accounts into accounts_map_transaction in {}ms (block {})", rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); TIME_TO_STORE_TX_ACCOUNT_OLD.set(instant.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); // DISABLED FOR NOW to see if the rest of the system works better without it warn!("DISABLED writing of table accounts_map_transaction_latest"); if false { let instant = Instant::now(); // merge data from temp table into accounts_map_transaction_latest // note: query uses the array_dedup_append postgres function to deduplicate and limit the array size // example: array_dedup_append('{8,3,2,1}', '{5,3}', 4) -> {2,1,5,3} let temp_table_latest_agged = self.get_new_temp_table(); let statement = format!( r#" CREATE TEMP TABLE {temp_table_name} AS WITH amt_new AS ( SELECT acc_id, array_agg(transactions.transaction_id) AS tx_agged FROM {temp_table_newdata} AS newdata inner join banking_stage_results_2.accounts on accounts.account_key=newdata.account_key inner join banking_stage_results_2.transactions on transactions.signature=newdata.signature GROUP BY acc_id ) SELECT acc_id, array_dedup_append( (SELECT tx_ids FROM banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_transaction_latest WHERE acc_id=amt_new.acc_id), amt_new.tx_agged, {limit}) AS tx_ids_agg FROM amt_new "#, temp_table_newdata = temp_table, temp_table_name = temp_table_latest_agged, limit = LIMIT_LATEST_TXS_PER_ACCOUNT ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; debug!( "merged new transactions into accounts_map_transaction_latest temp table for {} accounts in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_transaction_latest(acc_id, tx_ids) SELECT acc_id, tx_ids_agg FROM {temp_table_name} ORDER BY acc_id ON CONFLICT (acc_id) DO UPDATE SET tx_ids = EXCLUDED.tx_ids "#, temp_table_name = temp_table_latest_agged ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; debug!( "upserted {} merged transaction arrays into accounts_map_transaction_latest in {}ms", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis() ); TIME_TO_STORE_TX_ACCOUNT_NEW.set(instant.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); self.drop_temp_table(temp_table_latest_agged).await?; } self.drop_temp_table(temp_table).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn insert_transactions_for_block( &self, transactions: &Vec, slot: Slot, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let temp_table = self.get_new_temp_table(); self.client .execute( format!( "CREATE TEMP TABLE {}( signature varchar(88) NOT NULL, processed_slot BIGINT NOT NULL, is_successful BOOL NOT NULL, cu_requested BIGINT NOT NULL, cu_consumed BIGINT NOT NULL, prioritization_fees BIGINT NOT NULL, supp_infos text )", temp_table ) .as_str(), &[], ) .await?; let statement = format!( r#" COPY {}( signature, processed_slot, is_successful, cu_requested, cu_consumed, prioritization_fees, supp_infos ) FROM STDIN BINARY "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let sink: CopyInSink = self.copy_in(statement.as_str()).await?; let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new( sink, &[ Type::TEXT, Type::INT8, Type::BOOL, Type::INT8, Type::INT8, Type::INT8, Type::TEXT, ], ); pin_mut!(writer); let slot_db = slot as i64; for transaction in transactions { let mut args: Vec<&(dyn ToSql + Sync)> = Vec::with_capacity(7); args.push(&transaction.signature); args.push(&slot_db); args.push(&transaction.is_successful); args.push(&transaction.cu_requested); args.push(&transaction.cu_consumed); args.push(&transaction.prioritization_fees); args.push(&transaction.supp_infos); writer.as_mut().write(&args).await?; } let num_rows = writer.finish().await?; debug!( "inserted {} transactions for block into temp table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.transaction_infos (transaction_id, processed_slot, is_successful, cu_requested, cu_consumed, prioritization_fees, supp_infos) SELECT ( select transaction_id from banking_stage_results_2.transactions where signature = t.signature ), t.processed_slot, t.is_successful, t.cu_requested, t.cu_consumed, t.prioritization_fees, t.supp_infos FROM {} AS t ORDER BY 1 -- sorry ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; debug!( "inserted {} transactions for block into transaction_infos table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); self.drop_temp_table(temp_table).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn save_account_usage_in_block(&self, block_info: &BlockInfo) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let slot = block_info.slot; let temp_table = self.get_new_temp_table(); self.client .execute( format!( "CREATE TEMP TABLE {}( account_key varchar(44) NOT NULL, slot BIGINT NOT NULL, is_write_locked BOOL NOT NULL, total_cu_requested BIGINT NOT NULL, total_cu_consumed BIGINT NOT NULL, prioritization_fees_info text )", temp_table ) .as_str(), &[], ) .await?; let statement = format!( r#" COPY {}( account_key, slot, is_write_locked, total_cu_requested, total_cu_consumed, prioritization_fees_info ) FROM STDIN BINARY "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let sink: CopyInSink = self.copy_in(statement.as_str()).await?; let writer = BinaryCopyInWriter::new( sink, &[ Type::TEXT, Type::INT8, Type::BOOL, Type::INT8, Type::INT8, Type::TEXT, ], ); pin_mut!(writer); const LIMIT: usize = 100; let mut nb_read_accounts: usize = 0; let mut nb_write_accounts: usize = 0; for account_usage in block_info.heavily_locked_accounts.iter() { if nb_read_accounts >= LIMIT && nb_write_accounts >= LIMIT { break; } let is_writable = account_usage.is_write_locked; if is_writable { if nb_write_accounts >= LIMIT { continue; } nb_write_accounts += 1; } else { if nb_read_accounts >= LIMIT { continue; } nb_read_accounts += 1; } let mut args: Vec<&(dyn ToSql + Sync)> = Vec::with_capacity(6); let pf_json = serde_json::to_string(&account_usage.prioritization_fee_data)?; args.push(&account_usage.key); args.push(&block_info.slot); args.push(&is_writable); args.push(&account_usage.cu_requested); args.push(&account_usage.cu_consumed); args.push(&pf_json); writer.as_mut().write(&args).await?; } let num_rows = writer.finish().await?; debug!( "inserted {} heavily_locked_accounts into temp table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); let statement = format!( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_blocks ( acc_id, slot, is_write_locked, total_cu_requested, total_cu_consumed, prioritization_fees_info ) SELECT ( select acc_id from banking_stage_results_2.accounts where account_key = t.account_key ), t.slot, t.is_write_locked, t.total_cu_requested, t.total_cu_consumed, t.prioritization_fees_info FROM ( SELECT account_key, slot, is_write_locked, total_cu_requested, total_cu_consumed, prioritization_fees_info from {} ) as t (account_key, slot, is_write_locked, total_cu_requested, total_cu_consumed, prioritization_fees_info ) ORDER BY 1,2 -- sorry ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING "#, temp_table ); let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = self.client.execute(statement.as_str(), &[]).await?; self.drop_temp_table(temp_table).await?; debug!( "inserted {} heavily_locked_accounts into accounts_map_blocks table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), slot ); Ok(()) } pub async fn save_block_info(&self, block_info: &BlockInfo) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let statement = r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results_2.blocks ( slot, successful_transactions, processed_transactions, total_cu_used, total_cu_requested, block_hash, leader_identity, supp_infos ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING "#; let started_at = Instant::now(); let num_rows = self .client .execute( statement, &[ &block_info.slot, &block_info.successful_transactions, &block_info.processed_transactions, &block_info.total_cu_used, &block_info.total_cu_requested, &block_info.block_hash, &block_info.leader_identity.clone().unwrap_or_default(), &serde_json::to_string(&block_info.sup_info)?, ], ) .await?; debug!( "inserted {} block info into blocks table in {}ms (block {})", num_rows, started_at.elapsed().as_millis(), block_info.slot, ); if num_rows == 0 { warn!("block_info already exists in blocks table - skipping insert"); } Ok(()) } pub async fn save_banking_transaction_results( &self, txs: Vec, slot: Slot, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if txs.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } // create transaction ids let signatures: Vec = txs .iter() .map(|transaction| transaction.signature.clone()) .unique() .collect(); self.create_transaction_ids(signatures, slot).await?; // create account ids let accounts = txs .iter() .flat_map(|transaction| transaction.account_used.clone()) .map(|(acc, _)| acc) .collect(); self.create_accounts_for_transaction(accounts, slot).await?; // add transaction in tx slot table self.insert_transaction_in_txslot_table(txs.as_slice()) .await?; let txs_accounts = txs .iter() .map(|tx| AccountsForTransaction { signature: tx.signature.clone(), accounts: tx .account_used .iter() .map(|(key, is_writable)| AccountUsed { key: fd_bs58::encode_32(key), writable: *is_writable, is_signer: false, is_atl: false, }) .collect(), }) .collect_vec(); // insert accounts for transaction; let instant: Instant = Instant::now(); ACCOUNTS_SAVING_QUEUE.dec(); if let Err(e) = self.insert_accounts_for_transaction(txs_accounts, slot).await { error!("Error inserting accounts for transactions : {e:?}"); } TIME_TO_STORE_TX_ACCOUNT.set(instant.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); Ok(()) } pub async fn copy_in( &self, statement: &str, ) -> Result, tokio_postgres::error::Error> { // BinaryCopyInWriter // self.client.copy_in(statement).await } pub async fn save_block(&self, block_info: BlockInfo) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let slot = block_info.slot as Slot; debug!("Saving block {} ...", slot); // 750ms let _span = tracing::info_span!("save_block", slot = block_info.slot); let save_block_started_at = Instant::now(); let fut_signatures = async { // .3ms let _span = tracing::debug_span!("map_signatures", slot = block_info.slot); block_info .transactions .iter() .map(|transaction| transaction.signature.clone()) .collect_vec() }; let fut_accounts = async { // .6ms let _span = tracing::debug_span!("map_accounts", slot = block_info.slot); block_info .heavily_locked_accounts .iter() .map(|acc| acc.key.clone()) .collect::>() }; let fut_txs_accounts = async { // 90ms let _span = tracing::debug_span!("map_txs_accounts", slot = block_info.slot); block_info .transactions .iter() .map(|tx| AccountsForTransaction { signature: tx.signature.clone(), accounts: tx .accounts .iter() .map(|acc| AccountUsed { key: fd_bs58::encode_32(&acc.key), writable: acc.is_writable, is_signer: acc.is_signer, is_atl: acc.is_alt, }) .collect_vec(), }) .collect() }; let (signatures, accounts, txs_accounts) = join!(fut_signatures, fut_accounts, fut_txs_accounts); let both_started_at = Instant::now(); let fut_create_tx_ids = self.create_transaction_ids(signatures, slot); let fut_create_accs = self.create_accounts_for_transaction(accounts, slot); try_join!(fut_create_tx_ids, fut_create_accs)?; TIME_TO_SAVE_TRANSACTION.set(both_started_at.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); ACCOUNT_SAVE_TIME.set(both_started_at.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); let both_started_at = Instant::now(); // depends on transactions and accounts mapping tables let fut_insert_accounts_for_transaction = self.insert_accounts_for_transaction(txs_accounts, slot); // depends on transactions mapping table let fut_insert_transactions_for_block = self.insert_transactions_for_block(&block_info.transactions, slot); // depends on accounts mapping table let fut_save_account_usage_in_block = self.save_account_usage_in_block(&block_info); // no dependencies let fut_save_block_info = self.save_block_info(&block_info); let ((), (), (), ()) = try_join!( fut_insert_accounts_for_transaction, fut_insert_transactions_for_block, fut_save_account_usage_in_block, fut_save_block_info)?; TIME_TO_STORE_TX_ACCOUNT.set(both_started_at.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); TIME_TO_SAVE_TRANSACTION_DATA.set(both_started_at.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); TIME_TO_SAVE_BLOCK_ACCOUNTS.set(both_started_at.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); BLOCK_INFO_SAVE_TIME.set(both_started_at.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); TIME_TO_SAVE_BLOCK.set(save_block_started_at.elapsed().as_millis() as i64); Ok(()) } } impl PostgresSession { // "errors" -> lookup data // "blocks" -> keep, it its small // "accounts" -> keep, table is used for pkey lookup // "transactions" -> keep, table is used for pkey lookup // "accounts_map_blocks" -> delete rows slot before X // "accounts_map_transaction" -> delete rows with transaction_id before X // "transaction_infos" -> delete rows processed_slot before X // "transaction_slot" -> delete transaction with slot before X // count_rows=true might be very expensive pub async fn cleanup_old_data(&self, slots_to_keep: i64, dry_run: bool, count_rows: bool) { // keep 1mio slots (apprx 4 days) info!( "{}Running cleanup job with slots_to_keep={}", if dry_run { "DRY-RUN: " } else { "" }, slots_to_keep ); self.configure_work_mem().await; self.disable_postgres_workers().await; if count_rows { info!("Rows before cleanup:"); self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "blocks").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "accounts").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "transactions").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "accounts_map_blocks").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "accounts_map_transaction") .await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "transaction_infos").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "transaction_slot").await; } else { info!("Skipping row count before cleanup"); } // max slot from blocks table let latest_slot = self .client .query_one( "SELECT max(slot) as latest_slot FROM banking_stage_results_2.blocks", &[], ) .await .unwrap(); // assume not null let latest_slot: i64 = latest_slot.get("latest_slot"); // do not delete cutoff_slot let cutoff_slot_excl = latest_slot - slots_to_keep; info!( "latest_slot={} from blocks table; keeping {} slots - i.e. slot {}", latest_slot, slots_to_keep, cutoff_slot_excl ); let cutoff_transaction_incl: i64 = { let cutoff_transaction_from_txi_incl = self.client.query_one( &format!( r" SELECT max(transaction_id) as transaction_id FROM banking_stage_results_2.transaction_infos WHERE processed_slot < {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); let cutoff_transaction_from_txi_incl: Option = cutoff_transaction_from_txi_incl.get("transaction_id"); let cutoff_transaction_from_txslot_incl = self.client.query_one( &format!( r" SELECT max(transaction_id) as transaction_id FROM banking_stage_results_2.transaction_slot WHERE slot < {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); let cutoff_transaction_from_txslot_incl: Option = cutoff_transaction_from_txslot_incl.get("transaction_id"); debug!( "cutoff_transaction_from_txi_incl: {:?}", cutoff_transaction_from_txi_incl ); debug!( "cutoff_transaction_from_txslot_incl: {:?}", cutoff_transaction_from_txslot_incl ); let min_transaction_id: Option = vec![ cutoff_transaction_from_txi_incl, cutoff_transaction_from_txslot_incl, ] .into_iter() .flatten() .min(); if min_transaction_id.is_none() { info!("nothing to delete - abort"); return; } min_transaction_id.unwrap() }; info!( "delete slots but keep slots including and after {}", cutoff_slot_excl ); info!( "should delete transactions with id =< {}", cutoff_transaction_incl ); { let txs_to_delete = self .client .query_one( &format!( r" SELECT count(*) as cnt_tx FROM banking_stage_results_2.transactions txs WHERE txs.transaction_id <= {cutoff_transaction} ", cutoff_transaction = cutoff_transaction_incl ), &[], ) .await .unwrap(); let txs_to_delete: i64 = txs_to_delete.get("cnt_tx"); info!("would delete transactions: {}", txs_to_delete); } { let amt_to_delete = self.client.query_one( &format!( r" SELECT count(*) as cnt_amt FROM banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_transaction amt WHERE amt.transaction_id <= {cutoff_transaction} ", cutoff_transaction = cutoff_transaction_incl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); let amt_to_delete: i64 = amt_to_delete.get("cnt_amt"); info!("would delete accounts_map_transaction: {}", amt_to_delete); } { let amb_to_delete = self.client.query_one( &format!( r" SELECT count(*) as cnt_amb FROM banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_blocks amb WHERE amb.slot < {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); let amb_to_delete: i64 = amb_to_delete.get("cnt_amb"); info!("would delete from accounts_map_blocks: {}", amb_to_delete); } { let txi_to_delete = self.client.query_one( &format!( r" SELECT count(*) as cnt_txis FROM banking_stage_results_2.transaction_infos txi WHERE txi.processed_slot < {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); let txi_to_delete: i64 = txi_to_delete.get("cnt_txis"); info!("would delete from transaction_infos: {}", txi_to_delete); } { let txslot_to_delete = self.client.query_one( &format!( r" SELECT count(*) as cnt_txslots FROM banking_stage_results_2.transaction_slot tx_slot WHERE tx_slot.slot < {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); let txslot_to_delete: i64 = txslot_to_delete.get("cnt_txslots"); info!("would delete from transaction_slot: {}", txslot_to_delete); } if dry_run { warn!("dry-run: stop now without changing anything"); return; } { let started = Instant::now(); let deleted_rows = self.client.execute( &format!( r" DELETE FROM banking_stage_results_2.transactions WHERE transaction_id <= {transaction_id} ", transaction_id = cutoff_transaction_incl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); info!( "Deleted {} rows from transactions in {:.3}s", deleted_rows, started.elapsed().as_secs_f32() ); } { let started = Instant::now(); let deleted_rows = self.client.execute( &format!( r" DELETE FROM banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_transaction WHERE transaction_id <= {transaction_id} ", transaction_id = cutoff_transaction_incl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); info!( "Deleted {} rows from accounts_map_transaction in {:.3}s", deleted_rows, started.elapsed().as_secs_f32() ); } { let started = Instant::now(); let deleted_rows = self.client.execute( &format!( r" DELETE FROM banking_stage_results_2.accounts_map_blocks WHERE slot <= {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); info!( "Deleted {} rows from accounts_map_blocks in {:.3}s", deleted_rows, started.elapsed().as_secs_f32() ); } { let started = Instant::now(); let deleted_rows = self.client.execute( &format!( r" DELETE FROM banking_stage_results_2.transaction_infos WHERE processed_slot < {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[]).await.unwrap(); info!( "Deleted {} rows from transaction_infos in {:.3}s", deleted_rows, started.elapsed().as_secs_f32() ); } { let started = Instant::now(); let deleted_rows = self .client .execute( &format!( r" DELETE FROM banking_stage_results_2.transaction_slot WHERE slot < {cutoff_slot} ", cutoff_slot = cutoff_slot_excl ), &[], ) .await .unwrap(); info!( "Deleted {} rows from transaction_slot in {:.3}s", deleted_rows, started.elapsed().as_secs_f32() ); } if count_rows { info!("Rows after cleanup:"); self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "blocks").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "accounts").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "transactions").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "accounts_map_blocks").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "accounts_map_transaction") .await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "transaction_infos").await; self.log_rowcount(Level::Info, "transaction_slot").await; } else { info!("Skipping row count after cleanup"); } info!("Cleanup job completed."); } async fn log_rowcount(&self, level: Level, table: &str) { let count: i64 = self .client .query_one( &format!( "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM banking_stage_results_2.{tablename}", tablename = table ), &[], ) .await .unwrap() .get("cnt"); log!(level, "- rows count in table <{}>: {}", table, count); } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Postgres { session: Arc, } impl Postgres { pub async fn new_with_workmem(nb: usize) -> Self { let session = PostgresSession::new(nb).await.unwrap(); let session = Arc::new(session); session.configure_work_mem().await; session.relax_commit_settings().await; Self { session } } pub fn spawn_block_saver(&self) -> Sender { let (block_sender, mut block_receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel::(BLOCK_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE); let session = self.session.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { match block_receiver.recv().await { None => { warn!("block_receiver closed - stopping thread"); return; } Some(block) => { let slot = block.slot; let instant = Instant::now(); match session.save_block(block).await { Ok(_) => { info!( "saving block {} took {} ms", slot, instant.elapsed().as_millis() ); } Err(err) => { error!("saving block failed {}", err); } } } }; } }); block_sender } pub fn spawn_transaction_infos_saver( &self, map_of_transaction: Arc>, slot: Arc, ) { let session = self.session.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { loop { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)).await; let slot = slot.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); let mut txs_to_store = vec![]; // restore transactions sort order for tx in map_of_transaction.iter() .sorted_by_key(|txi| txi.write_version) { if tx.key().1 < slot - 300 { txs_to_store.push(tx.key().clone()); } } if !txs_to_store.is_empty() { info!("saving transaction infos for {} txs", txs_to_store.len()); let batches = txs_to_store .iter() .filter_map(|key| map_of_transaction.remove(key)) .map(|(_, trans)| trans) .collect_vec(); if let Err(err) = session.save_banking_transaction_results(batches, slot).await { panic!("saving transaction infos failed {}", err); } } } }); } } #[derive(Serialize, Clone)] pub struct TransactionErrorData { error: TransactionError, count: usize, } pub struct AccountUsed { key: String, writable: bool, is_signer: bool, is_atl: bool, } pub struct AccountsForTransaction { pub signature: String, pub accounts: Vec, } pub async fn send_block_info_to_buffer( block_sender_postgres: Sender, block_info: BlockInfo, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { debug!( "block buffer remaining capacity: {}", block_sender_postgres.max_capacity() - block_sender_postgres.capacity() ); const WARNING_THRESHOLD: Duration = Duration::from_millis(3000); let started_at = Instant::now(); if let Err(SendTimeoutError::Timeout(block)) = block_sender_postgres .send_timeout(block_info, WARNING_THRESHOLD) .await { let slot = block.slot; warn!( "Block {} was not buffered for {:.3}s - continue waiting", slot, WARNING_THRESHOLD.as_secs_f32() ); block_sender_postgres.send(block).await?; info!( "Block {} was finally buffered after {:.3}s", slot, started_at.elapsed().as_secs_f32() ); } Ok(()) }