use std::{ sync::{atomic::AtomicU64, Arc}, time::Duration, }; use anyhow::Context; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use dashmap::DashMap; use itertools::Itertools; use tokio_postgres::{tls::MakeTlsConnect, types::ToSql, Client, NoTls, Socket}; use crate::{block_info::BlockInfo, transaction_info::TransactionInfo}; pub struct PostgresSession { client: Client, } impl PostgresSession { pub async fn new() -> anyhow::Result { let pg_config = std::env::var("PG_CONFIG").context("env PG_CONFIG not found")?; let pg_config = pg_config.parse::()?; let client = Self::spawn_connection(pg_config, NoTls).await?; Ok(Self { client }) } async fn spawn_connection( pg_config: tokio_postgres::Config, connector: T, ) -> anyhow::Result where T: MakeTlsConnect + Send + 'static, >::Stream: Send, { let (client, connection) = pg_config .connect(connector) .await .context("Connecting to Postgres failed")?; tokio::spawn(async move { log::info!("Connecting to Postgres"); if let Err(err) = connection.await { log::error!("Connection to Postgres broke {err:?}"); return; } unreachable!("Postgres thread returned") }); Ok(client) } pub fn multiline_query(query: &mut String, args: usize, rows: usize, types: &[&str]) { let mut arg_index = 1usize; for row in 0..rows { query.push('('); for i in 0..args { if row == 0 && !types.is_empty() { query.push_str(&format!("(${arg_index})::{}", types[i])); } else { query.push_str(&format!("${arg_index}")); } arg_index += 1; if i != (args - 1) { query.push(','); } } query.push(')'); if row != (rows - 1) { query.push(','); } } } pub async fn save_banking_transaction_results( &self, txs: &[TransactionInfo], ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if txs.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } const NUMBER_OF_ARGS: usize = 11; let mut args: Vec<&(dyn ToSql + Sync)> = Vec::with_capacity(NUMBER_OF_ARGS * txs.len()); let txs: Vec = txs .iter() .map(|x| PostgresTransactionInfo::from(x)) .collect(); for tx in txs.iter() { args.push(&tx.signature); args.push(&tx.transaction_message); args.push(&tx.errors); args.push(&tx.is_executed); args.push(&tx.is_confirmed); args.push(&tx.first_notification_slot); args.push(&tx.cu_requested); args.push(&tx.prioritization_fees); args.push(&tx.utc_timestamp); args.push(&tx.accounts_used); args.push(&tx.processed_slot); } let mut query = String::from( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results.transaction_infos (signature, message, errors, is_executed, is_confirmed, first_notification_slot, cu_requested, prioritization_fees, utc_timestamp, accounts_used, processed_slot) VALUES "#, ); Self::multiline_query(&mut query, NUMBER_OF_ARGS, txs.len(), &[]); self.client.execute(&query, &args).await?; Ok(()) } pub async fn save_block(&self, block_info: BlockInfo) -> anyhow::Result<()> { const NUMBER_OF_ARGS: usize = 9; let mut args: Vec<&(dyn ToSql + Sync)> = Vec::with_capacity(NUMBER_OF_ARGS); args.push(&block_info.block_hash); args.push(&block_info.slot); args.push(&block_info.leader_identity); args.push(&block_info.successful_transactions); args.push(&block_info.banking_stage_errors); args.push(&block_info.processed_transactions); args.push(&block_info.total_cu_used); args.push(&block_info.total_cu_requested); args.push(&block_info.heavily_writelocked_accounts); let mut query = String::from( r#" INSERT INTO banking_stage_results.blocks (block_hash, slot, leader_identity, successful_transactions, banking_stage_errors, processed_transactions, total_cu_used, total_cu_requested, heavily_writelocked_accounts) VALUES "#, ); Self::multiline_query(&mut query, NUMBER_OF_ARGS, 1, &[]); self.client.execute(&query, &args).await?; Ok(()) } } pub struct Postgres { session: Arc, } impl Postgres { pub async fn new() -> Self { let session = PostgresSession::new().await.unwrap(); Self { session: Arc::new(session), } } pub fn start_saving_transaction( &self, map_of_transaction: Arc>, slots: Arc, ) { let session = self.session.clone(); tokio::task::spawn(async move { loop { tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)).await; let slot = slots.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed); let mut txs_to_store = vec![]; for tx in map_of_transaction.iter() { if slot > tx.first_notification_slot + 300 { txs_to_store.push(tx.clone()); } } if !txs_to_store.is_empty() { println!("saving {}", txs_to_store.len()); for tx in &txs_to_store { map_of_transaction.remove(&tx.signature); } let batches = txs_to_store.chunks(8).collect_vec(); for batch in batches { session .save_banking_transaction_results(batch) .await .unwrap(); } } } }); } pub async fn save_block_info(&self, block: BlockInfo) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.session.save_block(block).await } } pub struct PostgresTransactionInfo { pub signature: String, pub transaction_message: Option, pub errors: Vec, pub is_executed: bool, pub is_confirmed: bool, pub first_notification_slot: i64, pub cu_requested: Option, pub prioritization_fees: Option, pub utc_timestamp: DateTime, pub accounts_used: Vec, pub processed_slot: Option, } impl From<&TransactionInfo> for PostgresTransactionInfo { fn from(value: &TransactionInfo) -> Self { let errors = value .errors .iter() .map(|(key, size)| format!("key:{}, slot:{}, count:{}", key.error, key.slot, size)) .collect_vec(); let accounts_used = value .account_used .iter() .map(|x| format!("{}({})", x.0, x.1)) .collect(); Self { signature: value.signature.clone(), transaction_message: value .transaction_message .as_ref() .map(|x| base64::encode(bincode::serialize(&x).unwrap())), errors, is_executed: value.is_executed, is_confirmed: value.is_confirmed, cu_requested:|x| x as i64), first_notification_slot: value.first_notification_slot as i64, prioritization_fees:|x| x as i64), utc_timestamp: value.utc_timestamp, accounts_used, processed_slot:|x| x as i64), } } }