# BankingStage Sidecar This is a sidecar application for the BankingStage project. It is responsible for importing data from the Solana blockchain into the PostgreSQL database. Data is retrieved via Solana RPC and Geysers gRPC API. ## Database Configuration ### Database Roles * `bankingstage_sidecar` - write access to the database for the sidecar importer * `bankingstage_dashboard` - read-only access to the database for the dashboard web application * `query_user` - group for read-only access to the database intended for human user interaction with database ```sql CREATE USER some_user_in_group_query_user PASSWORD 'test'; GRANT query_user TO some_user_in_group_query_user; ``` ### Configure sidecar PostgreSQL connection export PG_CONFIG="host=localhost dbname=the_banking_stage_db user=some_user_in_group_query_user password=test sslmode=disable" ### Database Schema The database schema is defined in the [migration.sql](migration.sql) file. For new database installations start with the [init-database.sql](init-database.sql) file. Required is a PostgreSQL database (tested version 15). (optional) Create tablespaces following the naming convention (see postgres.rs and [init-database.sql](init-database.sql)).