add examples to traits::Fixed

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@ -88,6 +88,103 @@ depending on the crates [optional features].
/// This trait provides common methods to all fixed-point numbers.
/// It can be helpful when writing generic code that makes use of
/// fixed-point numbers.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// use fixed::{
/// traits::Fixed,
/// types::{I8F8, I16F16},
/// };
/// fn checked_add_twice<F: Fixed>(lhs: F, rhs: F) -> Option<F> {
/// lhs.checked_add(rhs)?.checked_add(rhs)
/// }
/// let val1 = checked_add_twice(I8F8::from_int(5), Fixed::from_float(1.75));
/// assert_eq!(val1, Some(Fixed::from_float(8.5)));
/// // can use with different fixed-point type
/// let val2 = checked_add_twice(I16F16::from_int(5), Fixed::from_float(1.75));
/// assert_eq!(val2, Some(Fixed::from_float(8.5)));
/// ```
/// The following example fails to compile, since the compiler cannot
/// infer that 500 in the `checked_mul_int` call is of type `F::Bits`.
/// ```compile_fail
/// use fixed::traits::Fixed;
/// fn checked_add_times_500<F: Fixed>(lhs: F, rhs: F) -> Option<F> {
/// rhs.checked_mul_int(500)?.checked_add(lhs)
/// }
/// ```
/// One way to fix this is to add a trait bound indicating that any
/// [`u16`] (which can represent 500) can be converted to `F::Bits`.
/// ```rust
/// use fixed::{traits::Fixed, types::U12F4};
/// fn checked_add_times_500<F: Fixed>(lhs: F, rhs: F) -> Option<F>
/// where
/// F::Bits: From<u16>,
/// {
/// rhs.checked_mul_int(F::Bits::from(500))?.checked_add(lhs)
/// }
/// let val = checked_add_times_500(U12F4::from_float(0.25), Fixed::from_float(1.5));
/// assert_eq!(val, Some(Fixed::from_float(750.25)));
/// ```
/// While this works in most cases, [`u16`] cannot be converted to
/// [`i16`], even if the value 500 does fit in [`i16`], so that the
/// following example would fail to compile.
/// ```compile_fail
/// use fixed::{traits::Fixed, types::I12F4};
/// fn checked_add_times_500<F: Fixed>(lhs: F, rhs: F) -> Option<F>
/// where
/// F::Bits: From<u16>,
/// {
/// rhs.checked_mul_int(F::Bits::from(500))?.checked_add(lhs)
/// }
/// // I12F4::Bits is i16, which does not implement From<u16>
/// let val = checked_add_times_500(I12F4::from_float(0.25), Fixed::from_float(1.5));
/// # let _ = val;
/// ```
/// We can use [`TryFrom`] to fix this, as we know that
/// `F::Bits::try_from(500_u16)` will work for both [`u16`] and
/// [`i16`]. (The function will always return [`None`] when `F::Bits`
/// is [`u8`] or [`i8`].)
/// ```rust
/// use fixed::{traits::Fixed, types::I12F4};
/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// fn checked_add_times_500<F: Fixed>(lhs: F, rhs: F) -> Option<F>
/// where
/// F::Bits: TryFrom<u16>,
/// {
/// let m = F::Bits::try_from(500).ok()?;
/// rhs.checked_mul_int(m)?.checked_add(lhs)
/// }
/// let val = checked_add_times_500(I12F4::from_float(0.25), Fixed::from_float(1.5));
/// assert_eq!(val, Some(Fixed::from_float(750.25)));
/// ```
/// [`None`]:
/// [`TryFrom`]:
/// [`i16`]:
/// [`i8`]:
/// [`u16`]:
/// [`u8`]:
pub trait Fixed
Self: Copy + Default + Hash + Ord,
@ -1104,10 +1201,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_fixed {
trait_delegate! { fn max_value() -> Self }
trait_delegate! { fn int_nbits() -> u32 }
trait_delegate! { fn frac_nbits() -> u32 }
fn from_bits(bits: Self::Bits) -> Self {
trait_delegate! { fn from_bits(bits: Self::Bits) -> Self }
trait_delegate! { fn to_bits(self) -> Self::Bits }
trait_delegate! { fn from_int<I: Int>(val: I) -> Self }
trait_delegate! { fn to_int<I: Int>(self) -> I }