Version 1.6.0 (unreleased) ========================== * The crate now requires rustc version 1.47.0 or later. * The optional [*az* crate] dependency was updated to [version 1.1][az-1-1]. * The following methods are now `const` functions: * [`checked_neg`][f-cn-1-6], [`checked_add`][f-cad-1-6], [`checked_sub`][f-cs-1-6], [`checked_mul_int`][f-cmi-1-6], [`checked_shl`][f-cshl-1-6], [`checked_shr`][f-cshr-1-6], [`checked_abs`][f-cab-1-6] * The [`unwrapped_to_fixed`][f-utf-1-6] method was added to the [`ToFixed`][f-tf-1-6] trait. * The [`unwrapped_from_fixed`][f-uff-1-6] method was added to the [`FromFixed`][f-ff-1-6] trait. [az-1-1]: [f-cab-1-6]: [f-cad-1-6]: [f-cmi-1-6]: [f-cn-1-6]: [f-cs-1-6]: [f-cshl-1-6]: [f-cshr-1-6]: [f-ff-1-6]: [f-tf-1-6]: [f-uff-1-6]: [f-utf-1-6]: Version 1.5.0 (2020-11-05) ========================== * The [`wide_mul`][f-wm-1-5] method was added to all fixed-point numbers up to 64 bits wide ([issue 25]). * Unwrapped methods for arithmetic together with the [`Unwrapped`][unw-1-5] wrapper were added. Unwrapped methods panic on overflow, even when debug assertions are disabled, similar to how wrapping methods will wrap around even when debug assertions are enabled. (This was previously an experimental feature `unwrapped`.) * The [`serde-str`][feat-1-5] feature was added. (This was previously an experimental feature.) * For the experimental feature [`num-traits`][feat-exp-1-5], some missing supertraits were added to [`FixedOptionalFeatures`][tfof-1-5]. * Bug fix: multiplication of [`FixedI128`][i128-1-5] was panicking when multiplying some large negative numbers ([issue 26]). [i128-1-5]: [f-wm-1-5]: [feat-1-5]: [feat-exp-1-5]: [issue 25]: [issue 26]: [tfof-1-5]: [unw-1-5]: Version 1.4.0 (2020-10-22) ========================== * The following methods were added to all fixed-point types, to the [`Fixed`][tf-1-4] trait, and to the [`Wrapping`][w-1-4] wrapper: * [`recip`][f-rec-1-4], [`checked_recip`][f-crec-1-4], [`saturating_recip`][f-srec-1-4], [`wrapping_recip`][f-wrec-1-4], [`overflowing_recip`][f-orec-1-4] * For the experimental feature [`num-traits`][feat-exp-1-4], the following traits were implemented where applicable ([issue 23]): * [`Num`][nt-0-2-num] * [`Signed`][nt-0-2-signed], [`Unsigned`][nt-0-2-unsigned] * [`Inv`][nt-0-2-inv] * [`MulAdd`][nt-0-2-ma], [`MulAddAssign`][nt-0-2-maa] * [`FloatConst`][nt-0-2-fc] * [`ToPrimitive`][nt-0-2-tp], [`FromPrimitive`][nt-0-2-fp] * For the experimental feature [`serde-str`][feat-exp-1-4], serialization in human-readable formats was made more convenient to write manually ([issue 24]). This makes it incompatible with the version in 1.3.0. [f-crec-1-4]: [f-orec-1-4]: [f-rec-1-4]: [f-srec-1-4]: [f-wrec-1-4]: [feat-exp-1-4]: [issue 23]: [issue 24]: [nt-0-2-fc]:^0.2/num_traits/float/trait.FloatConst.html [nt-0-2-fp]:^0.2/num_traits/cast/trait.FromPrimitive.html [nt-0-2-inv]:^0.2/num_traits/ops/inv/trait.Inv.html [nt-0-2-ma]:^0.2/num_traits/ops/mul_add/trait.MulAdd.html [nt-0-2-maa]:^0.2/num_traits/ops/mul_add/trait.MulAddAssign.html [nt-0-2-num]:^0.2/num_traits/trait.Num.html [nt-0-2-signed]:^0.2/num_traits/sign/trait.Signed.html [nt-0-2-tp]:^0.2/num_traits/cast/trait.ToPrimitive.html [nt-0-2-unsigned]:^0.2/num_traits/sign/trait.Unsigned.html [tf-1-4]: [w-1-4]: Version 1.3.0 (2020-10-15) ========================== * The [`MulAssign`] implementation on fixed-point numbers now accepts an rhs fixed-point number with a different number of fractional bits from `self`. * The following methods were added to all fixed-point types, to the [`Fixed`][tf-1-3] trait, and to the [`Wrapping`][w-1-3] wrapper: * [`mul_add`][f-ma-1-3], [`checked_mul_add`][f-cma-1-3], [`saturating_mul_add`][f-sma-1-3], [`wrapping_mul_add`][f-wma-1-3], [`overflowing_mul_add`][f-oma-1-3] * The new experimental feature [`unwrapped`][feat-exp-1-3] was added, providing arithmetic methods that panic on overflow even when debug assertions are disabled. * The new experimental feature [`serde-str`][feat-exp-1-3] was added, which makes serialization use the number’s value in human-readable formats. [f-cma-1-3]: [f-ma-1-3]: [f-oma-1-3]: [f-sma-1-3]: [f-wma-1-3]: [feat-exp-1-3]: [tf-1-3]: [w-1-3]: Version 1.2.0 (2020-09-02) ========================== * The [`const_fixed_from_int!`][cffi-1-2] macro was added to make it easy to define constant fixed-point numbers using integer expressions ([issue 20]). [cffi-1-2]: [issue 20]: Version 1.1.0 (2020-07-21) ========================== * The new experimental feature [`num-traits`][feat-nt-1-1] was added to implement some traits, and to also add the relevant traits as supertraits to the [`FixedOptionalFeatures`][fof-1-1] trait ([issue 18]). [issue 18]: [feat-nt-1-1]: [fof-1-1]: Version 1.0.0 (2020-06-04) ========================== * The crate now requires rustc version 1.44.0 or later. * The following methods are now `const` functions: * [`from_be_bytes`][f-fbb-1-0], [`from_le_bytes`][f-flb-1-0], [`from_ne_bytes`][f-fnb-1-0] * [`to_be_bytes`][f-tbb-1-0], [`to_le_bytes`][f-tlb-1-0], [`to_ne_bytes`][f-tnb-1-0] * All deprecated items were removed. [f-fbb-1-0]: [f-flb-1-0]: [f-fnb-1-0]: [f-tbb-1-0]: [f-tlb-1-0]: [f-tnb-1-0]: Version 0.5.7 (2020-05-11) ========================== * The `LosslessTryFrom` and `LosslessTryInto` traits were added. * The following methods were added to all fixed-point types, to the `Fixed` trait, and to the `Wrapping` wrapper: * `leading_ones`, `trailing_ones` * The following method was added to unsigned fixed-point types and to the `FixedUnsigned` trait: * `wrapping_next_power_of_two` * The `PHI` and `FRAC_1_PHI` constants were added to the `consts` module and as associated constants for fixed-point types. Version 0.5.6 (2020-05-01) ========================== * The following methods were added to signed fixed-point types and to the `FixedSigned` trait: * `checked_signum`, `saturating_signum`, `wrapping_signum`, `overflowing_signum` * The `LossyFrom` and `LossyInto` traits were added to the prelude. * Casts deprecated in version 0.3.1 of the *az* crate were marked as deprecated. Version 0.5.5 (2020-04-16) ========================== * Bug fix: an incorrect result could be given when comparing a signed fixed-point number of type `FixedI` to a number that would overflow by exactly one bit when converting to `FixedI`. * The following associated constants were added to all fixed-point types, to the `Fixed` trait, and to the `Wrapping` wrapper: * `MIN`, `MAX` * The following associated constants were added to the `Fixed` trait and to the `Wrapping` wrapper: * `INT_NBITS`, `FRAC_NBITS` * The following methods were added to all fixed-point types and to the `Fixed` trait: * `int_log2`, `int_log10` * `checked_int_log2`, `checked_int_log10` * The following methods were added to the `Wrapping` wrapper: * `int_log2`, `int_log10` * The constants in the `consts` module were also added as associated constants to fixed-point types that can represent them. * The following methods were deprecated: * `min_value`, `max_value` * `int_nbits`, `frac_nbits` Version 0.5.4 (2020-02-21) ========================== * Bug fix: `rem_euclid_int` and its checked versions were handling overflow incorrectly. Version 0.5.3 (2020-02-13) ========================== * Bug fix: `round_to_zero` was returning incorrect results for negative whole number operands. * Bug fix: all remainder operations with a fixed-point LHS and an integer RHS were giving an incorrect answer ( * Bug fix: Euclidean division operations by integers were giving an incorrect answer. * `Rem` and `RemAssign` were implemented for fixed-point numbers. * The following methods were added to all fixed-point types and to the `Fixed` trait: * `checked_rem` * `div_euclid`, `rem_euclid` * `checked_div_euclid`, `checked_rem_euclid` * `saturating_div_euclid` * `wrapping_div_euclid` * `overflowing_div_euclid` * The following methods were added to the `Wrapping` wrapper: * `div_euclid`, `rem_euclid` * `div_euclid_int`, `rem_euclid_int` * The following methods were deprecated: * `wrapping_rem_int`, `overflowing_rem_int` Version 0.5.2 (2020-02-02) ========================== * `Wrapping` now supports serialization. (Thanks: Shane Pearman) Version 0.5.1 (2019-12-22) ========================== * `ParseFixedError` implements `Error` when the new `std` feature is enabled. Version 0.5.0 (2019-12-06) ========================== * The crate now requires rustc version 1.39.0 or later. * The following methods were added to all fixed-point types and to the `Fixed` trait: * `from_be_bytes`, `from_le_bytes`, `from_ne_bytes` * `to_be_bytes`, `to_le_bytes`, `to_ne_bytes` * `div_euclid_int`, `rem_euclid_int` * `checked_div_euclid_int`, `checked_rem_euclid_int` * `wrapping_div_euclid_int`, `wrapping_rem_euclid_int` * `overflowing_div_euclid_int`, `overflowing_rem_euclid_int` * Casts deprecated in version 0.3.1 of the *az* crate were marked as deprecated. Incompatible changes -------------------- * Deprecated methods and modules were removed. Version 0.4.6 (2019-10-16) ========================== * Conversions to/from `bf16` are now provided when the `f16` option is enabled. * The following methods are now `const` functions: `saturating_neg`, `saturating_add`, `saturating_sub`, `saturating_mul_int`, `saturating_abs` * Support for casts using the *az* crate was added. Version 0.4.5 (2019-08-30) ========================== * Bug fix: display of many decimal numbers was panicking in debug mode or including a leading zero in release mode. * Many methods were added to `Wrapping` for convenience, even if they do not involve wrapping. Version 0.4.4 (2019-08-24) ========================== * Bug fix: rounding could produce bad output for `Binary`, `Octal`, `LowerHex` and `UpperHex`. * The following methods are now `const` functions: `is_power_of_two`, `abs`, `wrapping_abs`, `overflowing_abs` * The method `round_to_zero` was added. * The method `round_ties_to_even` and its checked versions were added. Version 0.4.3 (2019-08-20) ========================== * The crate now requires rustc version 1.34.0 or later. * The precision argument is no longer ignored when formatting fixed-point numbers; precision should now be handled the same as for primitive floating-point numbers in the standard library. * Parsing strings now rounds to the nearest with ties rounded to even. * Checked versions of string parsing methods are now available as inherent methods to all fixed-point numbers, and as methods in the `Fixed` trait. * `Wrapping` now has methods for parsing with wrapping, including an implementation of `FromStr`. * The following methods are now `const` functions: * `min_value`, `max_value`, `from_bits`, `to_bits` * `count_ones`, `count_zeros`, `leading_zeros`, `trailing_zeros` `rotate_left`, `rotate_right` * `wrapping_neg`, `wrapping_add`, `wrapping_sub`, `wrapping_mul_int`, `wrapping_shl`, `wrapping_shr` * `overflowing_neg`, `overflowing_add`, `overflowing_sub`, `overflowing_mul_int`, `overflowing_shl`, `overflowing_shr` * `is_positive`, `is_negative` * The associated constants `INT_NBITS` and `FRAC_NBITS` were added. * The reexports in the `frac` module and the `LeEqU*` traits were moved into the new `types::extra` module. Version 0.4.2 (2019-08-16) ========================== * The new methods `from_num` and `to_num` together with their checked versions were added to all fixed-point numbers. * The methods `from_fixed`, `to_fixed`, `from_int`, `to_int`, `from_float`, and `to_float`, and their checked versions, were deprecated. * The new method `from_num` was added to the `Wrapping` wrapper. * Bug fix: parsing of decimal fractions was fixed to give correctly rounded results for long decimal fraction strings, for example with four fractional bits, 0.96874999… (just below 31⁄32) and 0.96875 (31⁄32) are now parsed correctly as 0.9375 (15⁄16) and 1.0. Version 0.4.1 (2019-08-12) ========================== * All fixed-point types now implement `FromStr`. * The methods `from_str_binary`, `from_str_octal` and `from_str_hex` were added. Version 0.4.0 (2019-08-08) ========================== * The crate now requires rustc version 1.31.0 or later. * The `traits` module was added, with its traits `Fixed`, `FixedSigned`, `FixedUnsigned`, `FromFixed`, `ToFixed`, `LossyFrom` and `LossyInto`. * The `saturating_neg` method was added to all fixed-point numbers, and the `saturating_abs` method was added to signed fixed-point numbers. * The `consts` module was added. * The `signum` method now wraps instead of panics in release mode. Incompatible changes -------------------- * The sealed traits `Int` and `Float` now have no provided methods; the methods in the old implementation are now provided by `FromFixed` and `ToFixed`. * Deprecated methods were removed. Contributors ------------ * @jean-airoldie * @tspiteri Version 0.3.3 (2019-06-27) ========================== * Conversions to/from `isize` and `usize` were added. Version 0.3.2 (2019-02-27) ========================== * The `Wrapping` wrapper was added. Version 0.3.1 (2019-02-07) ========================== * Reimplement `From` for all fixed-point types which can represent the integer 1. This was inadvertently removed in 0.3.0. Version 0.3.0 (2019-02-03) ========================== * Incompatible change: the return type of `to_int` is now generic. * Incompatible change: the `Int` trait implementation for `bool` was removed. * The new method `to_fixed` was added. * The new methods `checked_to_fixed`, `checked_to_int`, `saturating_to_fixed`, `saturating_to_int`, `wrapping_to_fixed`, `wrapping_to_int`, `overflowing_to_fixed` and `overflowing_to_int` were added. * The methods `from_fixed`, `to_fixed`, `checked_from_fixed`, `checked_to_fixed`, `saturating_from_fixed`, `saturating_to_fixed`, `wrapping_from_fixed`, `wrapping_to_fixed`, `overflowing_from_fixed` and `overflowing_to_fixed` were added to the `Int` trait. * The methods `from_fixed`, `to_fixed`, `checked_to_fixed`, `saturating_to_fixed`, `wrapping_to_fixed` and `overflowing_to_fixed` were added to the `Float` trait. * `PartialEq` and `PartialCmp` are now implemented for all combinations of fixed-point numbers and primitive integers. * The methods `int_bits` and `frac_bits` were deprecated and replaced by the methods `int_nbits` and `frac_nbits`. Version 0.2.1 (2019-01-29) ========================== * Bug fix: the `from_fixed` and `from_int` methods (and their checked counterparts) could return wrong values for negative values. * Bug fix: display was using one fractional digit less than required, thus yielding the same output for diffent fixed-point numbers. Version 0.2.0 (2019-01-29) ========================== * Incompatible change: The method `from_int` was change to accept a generic parameter. * The new methods `from_fixed`, `checked_from_fixed`, `saturating_from_fixed`, `wrapping_from_fixed` and `overflowing_from_fixed` were added. * The new methods `checked_from_int`, `saturating_from_int`, `wrapping_from_int` and `overflowing_from_int` were added. * The new methods `from_float`, `checked_from_float`, `saturating_from_float`, `wrapping_from_float` and `overflowing_from_float` were added. * The new method `to_float` was added. * The methods `from_f16`, `from_f32`, `from_f64`, `to_f16`, `to_f32` and `to_f64` were deprecated. * The `to_int` method was fixed to truncate fractional bits as documented for negative values. * The new methods `ceil`, `floor`, `round`, `checked_ceil`, `checked_floor`, `checked_round`, `saturating_ceil`, `saturating_floor`, `saturating_round`, `wrapping_ceil`, `wrapping_floor`, `wrapping_round`, `overflowing_ceil`, `overflowing_floor` and `overflowing_round` were added. * The methods `to_int_ceil`, `to_int_floor` and `to_int_round` were deprecated. Version 0.1.6 (2019-01-27) ========================== * Optional serde support was added. Version 0.1.5 (2019-01-26) ========================== * Lossless infallible conversions between fixed-point numbers and numeric primitives are now supported using `From` and `Into`. * A new module `types` is available with aliases for all supported fixed-point numbers. Version 0.1.4 (2018-11-29) ========================== * Division is now implemented for `FixedI128` and `FixedU128`. Version 0.1.3 (2018-08-23) ========================== * The `f16` feature was added, and new methods `from_f16` and `to_f16` were added. Version 0.1.2 (2018-08-15) ========================== * The crate can now be used without the standard library `std`. * New methods `from_f32` and `from_f64` were added. * New methods `is_positive` and `is_negative` were added to signed fixed-point numbers. Version 0.1.1 (2018-08-11) ========================== * Comparisons are now supported between all fixed-point numbers with the same underlying integer type. * New static methods `int_bits` and `frac_bits` were added. * New methods `from_int`, `to_int`, `to_int_ceil`, `to_int_floor` and `to_int_round` were added. * New methods `int` and `frac` were added. * Support for multiplication and division by integers was added. Version 0.1.0 (2018-08-10) ========================== * `Unsigned` constants provided by the *typenum* crate are now used for the number of fractional bits. * Many methods and trait implementations available for primitive integers are now also supported by the fixed-point numbers. [*az* crate]: [`MulAssign`]: