## Solana Geyser gRPC Multiplexing and Reconnect This project provides multiplexing of multiple [Yellowstone gRPC](https://github.com/rpcpool/yellowstone-grpc) subscriptions based on _Fastest Wins Strategy_. * Multiple _Futures_ get **merged** where the first next block that arrives will be emitted. * No __guarantees__ are made about if the messages are continuous or not. * __Reconnects__ are handled transparently inside the _Futures_. Disclaimer: The library is designed with the needs of [LiteRPC](https://github.com/blockworks-foundation/lite-rpc) in mind yet might be useful for other projects as well. The implementation is based on _Rust Futures_. Please open an issue if you have any questions or suggestions -> [New Issue](https://github.com/blockworks-foundation/geyser-grpc-connector/issues/new). ## Versions These are the currently maintained versions of the library: [see Wiki](https://github.com/blockworks-foundation/geyser-grpc-connector/wiki) ## Installation and Usage ```cargo add geyser-grpc-connector ``` An example how to use the library is provided in `stream_blocks_mainnet.rs`. ## Known issues * Library does not support other data than Blocks/Slots very well. * Should not be used with commitment level __PROCESSED__ because slot numbers are not monotoic. * Library needs messages to be in order and provide slot information to work properly.