
231 lines
9.9 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
use log::{debug, info, trace};
use solana_sdk::clock::Slot;
use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig;
use std::env;
use std::pin::pin;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use dashmap::DashMap;
use solana_account_decoder::parse_token::{parse_token, spl_token_ids, TokenAccountType, UiTokenAccount};
use solana_account_decoder::parse_token::UiAccountState::Initialized;
use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey;
use geyser_grpc_connector::grpc_subscription_autoreconnect_streams::create_geyser_reconnecting_stream;
use geyser_grpc_connector::grpcmultiplex_fastestwins::FromYellowstoneExtractor;
use geyser_grpc_connector::{GeyserFilter, GrpcConnectionTimeouts, GrpcSourceConfig, Message};
use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
use tracing::field::debug;
use tracing::warn;
use yellowstone_grpc_proto::geyser::subscribe_update::UpdateOneof;
use yellowstone_grpc_proto::geyser::{SubscribeRequest, SubscribeRequestFilterAccounts, SubscribeRequestFilterSlots, SubscribeUpdate};
use yellowstone_grpc_proto::prost::Message as _;
const ENABLE_TIMESTAMP_TAGGING: bool = false;
pub async fn main() {
// RUST_LOG=info,stream_blocks_mainnet=debug,geyser_grpc_connector=trace
// console_subscriber::init();
let grpc_addr_green = env::var("GRPC_ADDR").expect("need grpc url for green");
let grpc_x_token_green = env::var("GRPC_X_TOKEN").ok();
"Using grpc source on {} ({})",
let timeouts = GrpcConnectionTimeouts {
connect_timeout: Duration::from_secs(25),
request_timeout: Duration::from_secs(25),
subscribe_timeout: Duration::from_secs(25),
receive_timeout: Duration::from_secs(25),
let config = GrpcSourceConfig::new(grpc_addr_green, grpc_x_token_green, None, timeouts.clone());
info!("Write Block stream..");
let green_stream = create_geyser_reconnecting_stream(
// owner x mint -> amount
let token_account_by_ownermint: Arc<DashMap<Pubkey, DashMap<Pubkey, UiTokenAccount>>> = Arc::new(DashMap::with_capacity(10000));
let token_account_by_ownermint_read = token_account_by_ownermint.clone();
let token_account_by_ownermint = token_account_by_ownermint.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut bytes_per_slot: HashMap<Slot, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut updates_per_slot: HashMap<Slot, u64> = HashMap::new();
let mut changing_slot = 0;
let mut current_slot = 0;
let mut green_stream = pin!(green_stream);
while let Some(message) = {
match message {
Message::GeyserSubscribeUpdate(subscriber_update) => {
match subscriber_update.update_oneof {
Some(UpdateOneof::Slot(update)) => {
current_slot = update.slot;
Some(UpdateOneof::Account(update)) => {
let slot = update.slot as Slot;
let account = update.account.unwrap();
let account_pk = Pubkey::try_from(account.pubkey).unwrap();
let size = as u64;
trace!("got account update (green)!!! {} - {:?} - {} bytes",
update.slot, account_pk,;
let since_the_epoch = std::time::SystemTime::now().duration_since(std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH).expect("Time went backwards");
info!("got account update: write_version={};timestamp_us={};slot={}", account.write_version, since_the_epoch.as_micros(), update.slot);
match parse_token(&, Some(6)) {
Ok(TokenAccountType::Account(account_ui)) => {
// UiTokenAccount {
// mint: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
// owner: "9un5wqE3q4oCjyrDkwsdD48KteCJitQX5978Vh7KKxHo",
// token_amount: UiTokenAmount {
// ui_amount: Some(8229995.070667),
// decimals: 6, amount: "8229995070667",
// ui_amount_string: "8229995.070667"
// },
// delegate: None,
// state: Initialized,
// is_native: false,
// rent_exempt_reserve: None,
// delegated_amount: None,
// close_authority: None,
// extensions: []
// }
// all different states are covered
// is_native: both true+false are sent
assert_eq!(account.executable, false);
assert_eq!(account.rent_epoch, u64::MAX);
let owner = Pubkey::from_str(&account_ui.owner).unwrap();
let mint = Pubkey::from_str(&;
// 6 decimals as requested
let amount = &account_ui.token_amount.amount;
// groovie wallet
if account_ui.owner.starts_with("66fEFnKy") {
info!("update balance for mint {} of owner {}: {}", mint, owner, amount);
// if pubkey.starts_with(b"JUP") {
// info!("update balance for mint {} of owner {}: {}", mint, owner, amount);
// }
.insert(mint, account_ui);
.and_modify(|total| *total += size).or_insert(size);
.and_modify(|total| *total += 1).or_insert(1);
info!("delta: {}", (slot as i64) - (current_slot as i64));
if slot != changing_slot && changing_slot != 0 {
let total_bytes = bytes_per_slot.get(&changing_slot).unwrap();
let updates_count = updates_per_slot.get(&changing_slot).unwrap();
// info!("Slot {} - Total bytes: {} in {} updates", slot, total_bytes, updates_count);
changing_slot = slot;
Ok(TokenAccountType::Mint(mint)) => {
// not interesting
Ok(TokenAccountType::Multisig(_)) => {}
Err(parse_error) => {
trace!("Could not parse account {} - {}", account_pk, parse_error);
let bytes: [u8; 32] =
_ => {}
Message::Connecting(attempt) => {
warn!("Connection attempt: {}", attempt);
warn!("Stream aborted");
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let mut total = 0;
for accounts_by_mint in token_account_by_ownermint_read.iter() {
for token_account_mint in accounts_by_mint.iter() {
total += 1;
let (owner, mint, account) = (accounts_by_mint.key(), token_account_mint.key(), token_account_mint.value());
// debug!("{} - {} - {}", owner, mint, account.token_amount.ui_amount_string);
info!("Total owner x mint entries in cache map: {}", total);
// "infinite" sleep
pub fn token_accounts() -> SubscribeRequest {
let mut accounts_subs = HashMap::new();
SubscribeRequestFilterAccounts {
account: vec![],
// vec!["4DoNfFBfF7UokCC2FQzriy7yHK6DY6NVdYpuekQ5pRgg".to_string()],
spl_token_ids().iter().map(|pubkey| pubkey.to_string()).collect(),
filters: vec![],
let mut slots_subs = HashMap::new();
slots_subs.insert("client".to_string(), SubscribeRequestFilterSlots {
filter_by_commitment: Some(true),
SubscribeRequest {
slots: slots_subs,
accounts: accounts_subs,
transactions: HashMap::new(),
entry: Default::default(),
blocks: Default::default(),
blocks_meta: HashMap::new(),
commitment: None,
accounts_data_slice: Default::default(),
ping: None,