2023-09-12 17:37:41 -07:00
import '../styles/globals.css'
import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import { useCallback , useMemo } from 'react'
import {
Adapter ,
WalletAdapterNetwork ,
WalletError ,
WalletNotReadyError ,
} from '@solana/wallet-adapter-base'
import {
ConnectionProvider ,
WalletProvider ,
} from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react'
import {
PhantomWalletAdapter ,
SolflareWalletAdapter ,
GlowWalletAdapter ,
BackpackWalletAdapter ,
BraveWalletAdapter ,
CoinbaseWalletAdapter ,
MathWalletAdapter ,
Coin98WalletAdapter ,
CloverWalletAdapter ,
LedgerWalletAdapter ,
ExodusWalletAdapter ,
WalletConnectWalletAdapter ,
} from '@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets'
import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js'
import TransactionNotification from '@components/notifications/TransactionNotification'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'next-themes'
import { appWithTranslation } from 'next-i18next'
import Layout from '../components/Layout'
import MangoProvider from '@components/MangoProvider'
import { QueryClient , QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { notify } from 'utils/notifications'
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
import useSelectedMarket from 'hooks/useSelectedMarket'
import Head from 'next/head'
import useMangoGroup from 'hooks/useMangoGroup'
import { PerpMarket } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4'
import { getDecimalCount } from 'utils/numbers'
import { AUTO_CONNECT_WALLET , THEME_KEY } from 'utils/constants'
import useLocalStorageState from 'hooks/useLocalStorageState'
// init react-query
export const queryClient = new QueryClient ( )
const metaTitle = 'Mango Markets – Safer. Smarter. Faster.'
const metaDescription =
'A magical new way to interact with DeFi. Groundbreaking safety features designed to keep your funds secure. The easiest way to margin trade any token pair. All powered by flashloans.'
// Do not add hooks to this component, that will cause unnecessary rerenders
// Top level state hydrating/updating should go in MangoProvider
function MyApp ( { Component , pageProps } : AppProps ) {
const network = WalletAdapterNetwork . Mainnet
const endpoint = useMemo ( ( ) = > clusterApiUrl ( network ) , [ network ] )
const router = useRouter ( )
const wallets = useMemo ( ( ) = > {
return [
new PhantomWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new SolflareWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new BackpackWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new GlowWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new BraveWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new CoinbaseWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new MathWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new Coin98WalletAdapter ( ) ,
new CloverWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new LedgerWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new ExodusWalletAdapter ( ) ,
new WalletConnectWalletAdapter ( { network , options : { } } ) ,
} , [ network ] )
const onError = useCallback ( ( error : WalletError , adapter? : Adapter ) = > {
console . error ( error , adapter )
if ( error instanceof WalletNotReadyError && adapter ) {
notify ( {
title : ` ${ adapter . name } Error ` ,
type : 'error' ,
description : ` Please install ${ adapter . name } and then reload this page. ` ,
} )
if ( typeof window !== 'undefined' ) {
window . open ( adapter . url , '_blank' )
} else {
notify ( {
title : ` ${ adapter ? . name } ${ error . error ? . message || 'Error' } ` ,
type : 'info' ,
} )
} , [ ] )
const [ autoConnectSetting ] = useLocalStorageState ( AUTO_CONNECT_WALLET , true )
const autoConnect =
autoConnectSetting === false || router . asPath . includes ( '?address' )
? false
: true
return (
< >
< Head >
< title > Mango Markets < / title >
< link rel = "icon" href = "/favicon.ico" / >
< meta property = "og:title" content = { metaTitle } / >
< meta name = "description" content = { metaDescription } / >
< meta name = "viewport" content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" / >
< link
rel = "apple-touch-icon"
sizes = "192x192"
href = "/apple-touch-icon.png"
/ >
< meta name = "msapplication-TileColor" content = "#da532c" / >
< meta name = "theme-color" content = "#ffffff" / >
< meta name = "twitter:card" content = "summary_large_image" / >
< meta name = "twitter:title" content = { metaTitle } / >
< meta name = "twitter:description" content = { metaDescription } / >
< meta
name = "twitter:image"
content = "https://app.mango.markets/images/1200x600-share.png?34567879"
/ >
< meta name = "google" content = "notranslate" / >
< link rel = "manifest" href = "/manifest.json" > < / link >
< / Head >
< QueryClientProvider client = { queryClient } >
< ConnectionProvider endpoint = { endpoint } >
< WalletProvider
wallets = { wallets }
onError = { onError }
autoConnect = { autoConnect }
< MangoProvider / >
2023-09-14 06:18:39 -07:00
< ThemeProvider defaultTheme = "Light" storageKey = { THEME_KEY } >
2023-09-12 17:37:41 -07:00
< PageTitle / >
< Layout >
< Component { ...pageProps } / >
< / Layout >
< TransactionNotification / >
< / ThemeProvider >
< / WalletProvider >
< / ConnectionProvider >
< / QueryClientProvider >
< / >
export default appWithTranslation ( MyApp )
const PageTitle = ( ) = > {
const router = useRouter ( )
const { selectedMarket } = useSelectedMarket ( )
const { group } = useMangoGroup ( )
const [ market , price ] = useMemo ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! selectedMarket || ! group ) return [ ]
if ( selectedMarket instanceof PerpMarket ) {
return [ selectedMarket , selectedMarket . uiPrice ]
} else {
const baseBank = group . getFirstBankByTokenIndex (
selectedMarket . baseTokenIndex ,
const quoteBank = group . getFirstBankByTokenIndex (
selectedMarket . quoteTokenIndex ,
const market = group . getSerum3ExternalMarket (
selectedMarket . serumMarketExternal ,
const price = baseBank . uiPrice / quoteBank . uiPrice
return [ market , price ]
} , [ selectedMarket , group ] )
const marketTitleString =
market && selectedMarket && router . pathname == '/trade'
? ` ${ price ? . toFixed ( getDecimalCount ( market . tickSize ) ) } ${
selectedMarket . name
} - Mango `
: 'Mango Markets'
return (
< Head >
< title > { marketTitleString } < / title >
< / Head >