import dayjs from 'dayjs' import produce from 'immer' import create from 'zustand' import { subscribeWithSelector } from 'zustand/middleware' import { AnchorProvider, Wallet, web3 } from '@coral-xyz/anchor' import { ConfirmOptions, Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, RecentPrioritizationFees, } from '@solana/web3.js' import { OpenOrders, Order } from '@project-serum/serum/lib/market' import { Orderbook } from '@project-serum/serum' import { Wallet as WalletAdapter } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react' import { MangoClient, Group, MangoAccount, Serum3Market, MANGO_V4_ID, Bank, PerpOrder, PerpPosition, BookSide, ParsedFillEvent, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import EmptyWallet from '../utils/wallet' import { TransactionNotification, notify } from '../utils/notifications' import { getNFTsByOwner, getTokenAccountsByOwnerWithWrappedSol, TokenAccount, } from '../utils/tokens' import { BOOST_ACCOUNT_PREFIX, CONNECTION_COMMITMENT, DEFAULT_MARKET_NAME, INPUT_TOKEN_DEFAULT, MANGO_DATA_API_URL, MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_KEYS, OUTPUT_TOKEN_DEFAULT, PAGINATION_PAGE_LENGTH, RPC_PROVIDER_KEY, STAKEABLE_TOKENS, SWAP_MARGIN_KEY, } from '../utils/constants' import { ActivityFeed, EmptyObject, OrderbookL2, PerpStatsItem, PerpTradeHistory, SerumEvent, SpotBalances, SpotTradeHistory, SwapHistoryItem, TotalInterestDataItem, TradeForm, TokenStatsItem, NFT, TourSettings, ProfileDetails, MangoTokenStatsItem, ThemeData, PositionStat, OrderbookTooltip, } from 'types' import spotBalancesUpdater from './spotBalancesUpdater' import { PerpMarket } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4/' import perpPositionsUpdater from './perpPositionsUpdater' import { DEFAULT_PRIORITY_FEE, TRITON_DEDICATED_URL, } from '@components/settings/RpcSettings' import { themeData } from 'utils/theme' import maxBy from 'lodash/maxBy' import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues' import groupBy from 'lodash/groupBy' import sampleSize from 'lodash/sampleSize' import { Token } from 'types/jupiter' import { sleep } from 'utils' const GROUP = new PublicKey('78b8f4cGCwmZ9ysPFMWLaLTkkaYnUjwMJYStWe5RTSSX') const ENDPOINTS = [ { name: 'mainnet-beta', url: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT || TRITON_DEDICATED_URL, websocket: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT || TRITON_DEDICATED_URL, custom: false, }, { name: 'devnet', url: '', websocket: '', custom: false, }, ] const options = { ...AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(), preflightCommitment: 'confirmed', } as ConfirmOptions export const CLUSTER: 'mainnet-beta' | 'devnet' = 'mainnet-beta' const ENDPOINT = ENDPOINTS.find((e) => === CLUSTER) || ENDPOINTS[0] export const emptyWallet = new EmptyWallet(Keypair.generate()) const initMangoClient = ( provider: AnchorProvider, opts = { prioritizationFee: DEFAULT_PRIORITY_FEE }, ): MangoClient => { return MangoClient.connect(provider, CLUSTER, MANGO_V4_ID[CLUSTER], { prioritizationFee: opts.prioritizationFee, idsSource: 'api', postSendTxCallback: ({ txid }: { txid: string }) => { notify({ title: 'Transaction sent', description: 'Waiting for confirmation', type: 'confirm', txid: txid, }) }, }) } export const DEFAULT_TRADE_FORM: TradeForm = { side: 'buy', price: undefined, baseSize: '', quoteSize: '', tradeType: 'Limit', triggerPrice: '', postOnly: false, ioc: false, reduceOnly: false, } export type MangoStore = { // leverage stake selectedToken: string estimatedMaxAPY: { current: number } submittingBoost: boolean //end activityFeed: { feed: Array loading: boolean queryParams: string } connected: boolean connection: Connection group: Group | undefined groupLoaded: boolean client: MangoClient showUserSetup: boolean mangoAccount: { current: MangoAccount | undefined initialLoad: boolean lastSlot: number openOrderAccounts: OpenOrders[] openOrders: Record perpPositions: PerpPosition[] spotBalances: SpotBalances interestTotals: { data: TotalInterestDataItem[]; loading: boolean } swapHistory: { data: SwapHistoryItem[] initialLoad: boolean loading: boolean } tradeHistory: { data: Array loading: boolean } } mangoAccounts: MangoAccount[] markets: Serum3Market[] | undefined transactionNotificationIdCounter: number transactionNotifications: Array perpMarkets: PerpMarket[] perpStats: { loading: boolean data: PerpStatsItem[] | null positions: { initialLoad: boolean loading: boolean largest: PositionStat[] closestToLiq: PositionStat[] } } orderbookTooltip: OrderbookTooltip | undefined profile: { details: ProfileDetails | null loadDetails: boolean } priorityFee: number selectedMarket: { name: string | undefined current: Serum3Market | PerpMarket | undefined fills: (ParsedFillEvent | SerumEvent)[] bidsAccount: BookSide | Orderbook | undefined asksAccount: BookSide | Orderbook | undefined orderbook: OrderbookL2 markPrice: number lastSeenSlot: { bids: number asks: number } } serumMarkets: Serum3Market[] serumOrders: Order[] | undefined settings: { loading: boolean tours: TourSettings uiLocked: boolean } successAnimation: { swap: boolean theme: boolean trade: boolean } swap: { inputBank: Bank | undefined outputBank: Bank | undefined inputTokenInfo: Token | undefined outputTokenInfo: Token | undefined margin: boolean slippage: number swapMode: 'ExactIn' | 'ExactOut' amountIn: string amountOut: string flipPrices: boolean } set: (x: (x: MangoStore) => void) => void themeData: ThemeData tokenStats: { initialLoad: boolean loading: boolean data: TokenStatsItem[] | null mangoStats: MangoTokenStatsItem[] } tradeForm: TradeForm wallet: { tokens: TokenAccount[] nfts: { data: NFT[] | [] loading: boolean } } window: { width: number height: number } actions: { fetchAccountInterestTotals: (mangoAccountPk: string) => Promise fetchActivityFeed: ( mangoAccountPk: string, offset?: number, params?: string, limit?: number, ) => Promise fetchGroup: () => Promise reloadMangoAccount: (slot?: number) => Promise fetchMangoAccounts: (ownerPk: PublicKey) => Promise fetchNfts: (connection: Connection, walletPk: PublicKey) => void fetchProfileDetails: (walletPk: string) => void fetchSwapHistory: ( mangoAccountPk: string, timeout?: number, offset?: number, limit?: number, ) => Promise fetchWalletTokens: (walletPk: PublicKey) => Promise connectMangoClientWithWallet: (wallet: WalletAdapter) => Promise updateConnection: (url: string) => void estimatePriorityFee: (feeMultiplier: number) => Promise } } const mangoStore = create()( subscribeWithSelector((_set, get) => { let rpcUrl = ENDPOINT.url let swapMargin = true if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && CLUSTER === 'mainnet-beta') { const urlFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem(RPC_PROVIDER_KEY) const swapMarginFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem(SWAP_MARGIN_KEY) rpcUrl = urlFromLocalStorage ? JSON.parse(urlFromLocalStorage) : ENDPOINT.url swapMargin = swapMarginFromLocalStorage ? JSON.parse(swapMarginFromLocalStorage) : true } let connection: Connection try { connection = new web3.Connection(rpcUrl, CONNECTION_COMMITMENT) } catch { connection = new web3.Connection(ENDPOINT.url, CONNECTION_COMMITMENT) } const provider = new AnchorProvider(connection, emptyWallet, options) provider.opts.skipPreflight = true const client = initMangoClient(provider) return { // leverage stake selectedToken: STAKEABLE_TOKENS[0], estimatedMaxAPY: { current: 0, }, submittingBoost: false, //end activityFeed: { feed: [], loading: true, queryParams: '', }, connected: false, connection, group: undefined, groupLoaded: false, client, showUserSetup: false, mangoAccount: { current: undefined, initialLoad: true, lastSlot: 0, openOrderAccounts: [], openOrders: {}, perpPositions: [], spotBalances: {}, interestTotals: { data: [], loading: false }, swapHistory: { data: [], loading: true, initialLoad: true }, tradeHistory: { data: [], loading: true }, }, mangoAccounts: [], markets: undefined, transactionNotificationIdCounter: 0, transactionNotifications: [], perpMarkets: [], perpStats: { loading: false, data: [], positions: { initialLoad: true, loading: true, largest: [], closestToLiq: [], }, }, orderbookTooltip: undefined, profile: { loadDetails: false, details: { profile_name: '', trader_category: '', wallet_pk: '' }, }, priorityFee: DEFAULT_PRIORITY_FEE, selectedMarket: { name: 'SOL/USDC', current: undefined, fills: [], bidsAccount: undefined, asksAccount: undefined, lastSeenSlot: { bids: 0, asks: 0, }, orderbook: { bids: [], asks: [], }, markPrice: 0, }, serumMarkets: [], serumOrders: undefined, set: (fn) => _set(produce(fn)), settings: { loading: false, tours: { account_tour_seen: true, swap_tour_seen: true, trade_tour_seen: true, wallet_pk: '', }, uiLocked: true, }, successAnimation: { swap: false, theme: false, trade: false, }, swap: { inputBank: undefined, outputBank: undefined, inputTokenInfo: undefined, outputTokenInfo: undefined, margin: swapMargin, slippage: 0.5, swapMode: 'ExactIn', amountIn: '', amountOut: '', flipPrices: false, }, themeData: themeData.default, tokenStats: { initialLoad: false, loading: true, data: [], mangoStats: [], }, tradeForm: DEFAULT_TRADE_FORM, tradingView: { orderLines: new Map(), tradeExecutions: new Map(), }, wallet: { tokens: [], nfts: { data: [], loading: false, }, }, window: { width: 0, height: 0, }, actions: { fetchAccountInterestTotals: async (mangoAccountPk: string) => { const set = get().set set((state) => { state.mangoAccount.interestTotals.loading = true }) try { const response = await fetch( `${MANGO_DATA_API_URL}/stats/interest-account-total?mango-account=${mangoAccountPk}`, ) const parsedResponse: | Omit[] | null = await response.json() if (parsedResponse) { const entries: [string, Omit][] = Object.entries(parsedResponse).sort((a, b) => b[0].localeCompare(a[0]), ) const stats: TotalInterestDataItem[] = entries .map(([key, value]) => { return { ...value, symbol: key } }) .filter((x) => x) set((state) => { = stats state.mangoAccount.interestTotals.loading = false }) } } catch { set((state) => { state.mangoAccount.interestTotals.loading = false }) console.error({ title: 'Failed to load account interest totals', type: 'error', }) } }, fetchActivityFeed: async ( mangoAccountPk: string, offset = 0, params = '', limit = PAGINATION_PAGE_LENGTH, ) => { const set = get().set const loadedFeed = mangoStore.getState().activityFeed.feed try { const response = await fetch( `${MANGO_DATA_API_URL}/stats/activity-feed?mango-account=${mangoAccountPk}&offset=${offset}&limit=${limit}${ params ? params : '' }`, ) const parsedResponse: null | EmptyObject | Array = await response.json() if (Array.isArray(parsedResponse)) { const entries = Object.entries(parsedResponse).sort((a, b) => b[0].localeCompare(a[0]), ) const latestFeed = entries .map(([key, value]) => { // ETH should be renamed to ETH (Portal) in the database const symbol = value.activity_details.symbol if (symbol === 'ETH') { value.activity_details.symbol = 'ETH (Portal)' } return { ...value, symbol: key, } }) .sort( (a, b) => dayjs(b.block_datetime).unix() - dayjs(a.block_datetime).unix(), ) // only add to current feed if data request is offset and the mango account hasn't changed const combinedFeed = offset !== 0 ? loadedFeed.concat(latestFeed) : latestFeed set((state) => { state.activityFeed.feed = combinedFeed }) } } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to fetch account activity feed', e) } finally { set((state) => { state.activityFeed.loading = false }) } }, fetchGroup: async () => { try { const set = get().set const client = get().client const group = await client.getGroup(GROUP) let selectedMarketName = get() if (!selectedMarketName) { selectedMarketName = DEFAULT_MARKET_NAME } const inputBank = group?.banksMapByName.get(INPUT_TOKEN_DEFAULT)?.[0] const outputBank = group?.banksMapByName.get(OUTPUT_TOKEN_DEFAULT)?.[0] const serumMarkets = Array.from( group.serum3MarketsMapByExternal.values(), ).map((m) => { // remove this when market name is updated if ( === 'MSOL/SOL') { = 'mSOL/SOL' } return m }) const perpMarkets = Array.from(group.perpMarketsMapByName.values()) .filter( (p) => p.publicKey.toString() !== '9Y8paZ5wUpzLFfQuHz8j2RtPrKsDtHx9sbgFmWb5abCw', ) .sort((a, b) => const selectedMarket = serumMarkets.find((m) => === selectedMarketName) || perpMarkets.find((m) => === selectedMarketName) || serumMarkets[0] set((state) => { = group state.groupLoaded = true state.serumMarkets = serumMarkets state.perpMarkets = perpMarkets state.selectedMarket.current = selectedMarket if (!state.swap.inputBank && !state.swap.outputBank) { state.swap.inputBank = inputBank state.swap.outputBank = outputBank } else { state.swap.inputBank = group.getFirstBankByMint( state.swap.inputBank!.mint, ) state.swap.outputBank = group.getFirstBankByMint( state.swap.outputBank!.mint, ) } }) } catch (e) { notify({ type: 'info', title: 'Unable to refresh data' }) console.error('Error fetching group', e) } }, reloadMangoAccount: async (confirmationSlot) => { const set = get().set const actions = get().actions try { const group = get().group const client = get().client const mangoAccount = get().mangoAccount.current if (!group) throw new Error('Group not loaded') if (!mangoAccount) throw new Error('No mango account exists for reload') const { value: reloadedMangoAccount, slot } = await mangoAccount.reloadWithSlot(client) console.log('confirmationSlot', confirmationSlot) console.log('mango account slo', slot) const lastSlot = get().mangoAccount.lastSlot if ( !confirmationSlot || (confirmationSlot && slot > confirmationSlot) ) { if (slot > lastSlot) { const ma = get().mangoAccounts.find((ma) => ma.publicKey.equals(reloadedMangoAccount.publicKey), ) if (ma) { Object.assign(ma, reloadedMangoAccount) } set((state) => { state.mangoAccount.current = reloadedMangoAccount state.mangoAccount.lastSlot = slot }) } } else if (confirmationSlot && slot < confirmationSlot) { await actions.reloadMangoAccount(confirmationSlot) await sleep(100) } } catch (e) { console.error('Error reloading mango acct', e) } finally { set((state) => { state.mangoAccount.initialLoad = false }) } }, fetchMangoAccounts: async (ownerPk: PublicKey) => { const set = get().set // const actions = get().actions try { const group = get().group const client = get().client const selectedMangoAccount = get().mangoAccount.current if (!group) throw new Error('Group not loaded') if (!client) throw new Error('Client not loaded') const [ownerMangoAccounts, delegateAccounts] = await Promise.all([ client.getMangoAccountsForOwner(group, ownerPk), client.getMangoAccountsForDelegate(group, ownerPk), ]) const mangoAccounts = [...ownerMangoAccounts, ...delegateAccounts] console.log('mango accounts: ', mangoAccounts) const selectedAccountIsNotInAccountsList = mangoAccounts.find( (x) => x.publicKey.toBase58() === selectedMangoAccount?.publicKey.toBase58(), ) if (!mangoAccounts?.length) { set((state) => { state.mangoAccounts = [] state.mangoAccount.current = undefined }) return } let newSelectedMangoAccount = selectedMangoAccount if (!selectedMangoAccount || !selectedAccountIsNotInAccountsList) { try { newSelectedMangoAccount = mangoAccounts.find( (m) => === `${BOOST_ACCOUNT_PREFIX}MSOL`, ) } catch (e) { console.error('Error parsing last account', e) } } console.log('newSelectedMangoAccount', newSelectedMangoAccount) // await newSelectedMangoAccount.reloadSerum3OpenOrders(client) set((state) => { state.mangoAccount.current = newSelectedMangoAccount state.mangoAccount.initialLoad = false }) // actions.fetchOpenOrders() // await Promise.all( // => ma.reloadSerum3OpenOrders(client)), // ) set((state) => { state.mangoAccounts = mangoAccounts }) } catch (e) { console.error('Error fetching mango accts', e) } finally { set((state) => { state.mangoAccount.initialLoad = false }) } }, fetchNfts: async (connection: Connection, ownerPk: PublicKey) => { const set = get().set set((state) => { state.wallet.nfts.loading = true }) try { const nfts = await getNFTsByOwner(ownerPk, connection) set((state) => { = nfts }) } catch (error) { console.warn('Error: unable to fetch nfts.', error) } finally { set((state) => { state.wallet.nfts.loading = false }) } }, fetchSwapHistory: async ( mangoAccountPk: string, timeout = 0, offset = 0, limit = PAGINATION_PAGE_LENGTH, ) => { const set = get().set const loadedSwapHistory = mangoStore.getState() setTimeout(async () => { try { const history = await fetch( `${MANGO_DATA_API_URL}/stats/swap-history?mango-account=${mangoAccountPk}&offset=${offset}&limit=${limit}`, ) const parsedHistory = await history.json() const sortedHistory = parsedHistory && parsedHistory.length ? parsedHistory.sort( (a: SwapHistoryItem, b: SwapHistoryItem) => dayjs(b.block_datetime).unix() - dayjs(a.block_datetime).unix(), ) : [] const combinedHistory = offset !== 0 ? loadedSwapHistory.concat(sortedHistory) : sortedHistory set((state) => { = combinedHistory }) } catch (e) { console.error('Unable to fetch swap history', e) } finally { const notLoaded = mangoStore.getState().mangoAccount.swapHistory.initialLoad set((state) => { state.mangoAccount.swapHistory.loading = false if (notLoaded) { state.mangoAccount.swapHistory.initialLoad = false } }) } }, timeout) }, fetchWalletTokens: async (walletPk: PublicKey) => { const set = get().set const connection = get().connection if (walletPk) { try { const token = await getTokenAccountsByOwnerWithWrappedSol( connection, walletPk, ) set((state) => { state.wallet.tokens = token }) } catch (e) { notify({ title: 'Failed to refresh wallet balances.', type: 'info', }) } } else { set((state) => { state.wallet.tokens = [] }) } }, connectMangoClientWithWallet: async (wallet: WalletAdapter) => { const set = get().set try { const provider = new AnchorProvider( connection, wallet.adapter as unknown as Wallet, options, ) provider.opts.skipPreflight = true const priorityFee = get().priorityFee ?? DEFAULT_PRIORITY_FEE const client = initMangoClient(provider, { prioritizationFee: priorityFee, }) set((s) => { s.client = client }) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error &&'WalletLoadError')) { notify({ title: `${} Error`, type: 'error', description: `Please install ${} and then reload this page.`, }) } } }, async fetchProfileDetails(walletPk: string) { const set = get().set set((state) => { state.profile.loadDetails = true }) try { const response = await fetch( `${MANGO_DATA_API_URL}/user-data/profile-details?wallet-pk=${walletPk}`, ) const data = await response.json() set((state) => { state.profile.details = data state.profile.loadDetails = false }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) set((state) => { state.profile.loadDetails = false }) } }, updateConnection(endpointUrl) { const set = get().set const client = mangoStore.getState().client const newConnection = new web3.Connection( endpointUrl, CONNECTION_COMMITMENT, ) const oldProvider = client.program.provider as AnchorProvider const newProvider = new AnchorProvider( newConnection, oldProvider.wallet, options, ) newProvider.opts.skipPreflight = true const newClient = initMangoClient(newProvider) set((state) => { state.connection = newConnection state.client = newClient }) }, estimatePriorityFee: async (feeMultiplier) => { const set = get().set const group = mangoStore.getState().group const client = mangoStore.getState().client const mangoAccount = get().mangoAccount.current if (!mangoAccount || !group || !client) return const altResponse = await connection.getAddressLookupTable( group.addressLookupTables[0], ) const altKeys = altResponse.value?.state.addresses if (!altKeys) return const addresses = sampleSize(altKeys, MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_KEYS) const fees = await connection.getRecentPrioritizationFees({ lockedWritableAccounts: addresses, }) if (fees.length < 1) return // get max priority fee per slot (and sort by slot from old to new) const maxFeeBySlot = mapValues(groupBy(fees, 'slot'), (items) => maxBy(items, 'prioritizationFee'), ) const maximumFees = Object.values(maxFeeBySlot).sort( (a, b) => a!.slot - b!.slot, ) as RecentPrioritizationFees[] // get median of last 20 fees const recentFees = maximumFees.slice( Math.max(maximumFees.length - 20, 0), ) const mid = Math.floor(recentFees.length / 2) const medianFee = recentFees.length % 2 !== 0 ? recentFees[mid].prioritizationFee : (recentFees[mid - 1].prioritizationFee + recentFees[mid].prioritizationFee) / 2 const feeEstimate = Math.ceil(medianFee * feeMultiplier) const provider = client.program.provider as AnchorProvider provider.opts.skipPreflight = true const newClient = initMangoClient(provider, { prioritizationFee: feeEstimate, }) set((state) => { state.priorityFee = feeEstimate state.client = newClient }) }, }, } }), ) mangoStore.subscribe((state) => state.mangoAccount.current, spotBalancesUpdater) mangoStore.subscribe( (state) => state.mangoAccount.openOrderAccounts, spotBalancesUpdater, ) mangoStore.subscribe( (state) => state.mangoAccount.current, perpPositionsUpdater, ) export default mangoStore