import localFont from 'next/font/local' import { Nunito, Short_Stack } from 'next/font/google' // this font should be used as the mono variant for all themes export const ttCommonsMono = localFont({ src: '../fonts/TT_Commons_Pro_Mono_Medium.woff2', variable: '--font-mono', }) export const ttCommons = localFont({ src: [ { path: '../fonts/TT_Commons_Pro_Normal.woff2', weight: '500', style: 'normal', }, { path: '../fonts/TT_Commons_Pro_Medium.woff2', weight: '600', style: 'medium', }, { path: '../fonts/TT_Commons_Pro_DemiBold.woff2', weight: '700', style: 'bold', }, ], variable: '--font-body', }) export const ttCommonsExpanded = localFont({ src: '../fonts/TT_Commons_Pro_Expanded_DemiBold.woff2', variable: '--font-display', }) // bonk skin export const nunitoDisplay = Nunito({ weight: '900', subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-display', }) export const nunitoBody = Nunito({ subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-body', }) // pepe theme export const shortStackDisplay = Short_Stack({ weight: '400', subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-display', }) export const shortStackBody = Short_Stack({ weight: '400', subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-body', })