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Before you jump in

Boost! is high risk. Make sure you understand how it works before risking any funds.

The basics of JLP

JLP is the liquidity provider token for Jupiter Perps. It represents a pool of assets that traders borrow from to open leveraged perp positions on the Jupiter platform.

Liquidity providers can deposit assets like BTC or SOL into the pool and receive JLP in return. To incentivize this liquidity, JLP earns 70% of all perp trading fees. This is automatically accrued in the price of JLP over time and is represented as an APR.

The basics of boosting JLP

Boost! offers a simple way to add leverage to your JLP position. It works by borrowing USDC against your deposited JLP and then swapping the borrowed USDC to JLP. This leaves you with more JLP than you deposited and a borrowed amount of USDC.

The idea is to increase your return by harvesting more of the native yield of JLP. So... borrow USDC to buy JLP to get more exposure to the JLP yield. As long as your borrow costs are less than the extra JLP yield you make a profit.

Is boosting JLP always profitable?

No. For one, there is a real risk of liquidation. If the price of JLP drops below your liquidation threshold you will lose some or all of your JLP.

There are also fees and costs for borrowing USDC that will affect your positions profitability.

USDC Borrow Rate

This variable APR can change significantly and frequently depending on the ratio or USDC deposits and borrows. It is charged continuosly on the balance of your USDC borrow and paid to USDC depositors (lenders) on Boost!.

USDC Loan Origination Fee

This is a one-time, 50 basis points (0.5%) fee applied to the balance of your USDC borrow and paid to Mango DAO.

JLP Collateral Fee

This is charged on your JLP collateral once every two days as insurance for JLP suffering a catastrophic failure resulting in bad debt. It will reduce the size of your JLP position over time. The fee accrues to Mango DAO.

The collateral fee is a dynamic formula that uses a fixed Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of 41%. This rate is then multiplied by the ratio of your USDC liabilities (the amount you've borrowed) against your "weighted" JLP deposits (the value of your position adjusted by a factor between 0 and 1). The JLP weight is currently set at 0.9.

The key aspect of this fee is its dynamism; it scales with your position's proximity to the liquidation price. Positions closer to liquidation are subjected to a higher fee, reflecting increased risk, while positions further from liquidation incur a lower fee. Consequently, the more leverage you take on the more collateral fees you'll pay.

Position Entry Costs

When boosting JLP the USDC you borrow gets swapped via Jupiter to more JLP. This can incur some slippage resulting in an entry price worse than expected.

So, for boosting JLP to be profitable the extra yield needs to be greater than these costs. It can also take some time for your position to be in profit because of the upfront fees paid to borrow USDC.

Boosting USDC

Boosting USDC is simply supplying it to the lending pool. Your USDC balance will be lent to JLP boosters and will continously earn the variable interest rate. There are no fees associated with lending USDC.


There are no fees associated with lending USDC but there are risks. If there was a catastrophic failure in JLP or Boost! you could lose all of your funds.



The following risks are non-exhaustive.


JLP's value relies on complex market dynamics and smart contract code. This exposes it to multiple potential failure points that could result in total loss of funds.

If JLP were to have a large depegging event it could leave Boost! with bad debt. JLP boosters would lose due to JLP losing value and USDC depositors would lose if the JLP was unable to be liquidated in time.


Boost! uses 3rd party oracle providers for pricing data. It is possible that bad data from these oracle services could result in liquidations and/or total loss of funds.


Opening and closing positions on Boost! relies on swapping between JLP and USDC without significant price impact. During an extreme market event there could be issues liquidating positions effectively. This could affect the liquidity available to open/close positions.

Boost! Code

Boost! is an integration with the Mango v4 contracts. These are audited by{' '} OtterSec {' '} on every release. It is still possible for exploitable vulnerabilities to exist that could result in total loss of funds.

Boost! UI

As the Boost! UI changes fairly regularly it's possible for errors to be introduced that could temporaily affect your ability to enter or exit positions.

Solana Network and RPCs

Boost! relies on the Solana Network and external RPCs to function. If these services are down access to your funds on Boost! will be affected. If this coincides with a market event you could lose funds.

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