import { AnchorProvider, BN } from '@coral-xyz/anchor' import { Bank, FlashLoanType, Group, MangoAccount, MangoClient, MangoSignatureStatus, RouteInfo, createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction, getAssociatedTokenAddress, toNative, toUiDecimals, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4' import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from '@solana/spl-governance' import { NATIVE_MINT, createCloseAccountInstruction, createInitializeAccount3Instruction, } from '@solana/spl-token' import { AccountMeta, AddressLookupTableAccount, Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, SYSVAR_INSTRUCTIONS_PUBKEY, SystemProgram, TransactionInstruction, TransactionMessage, VersionedTransaction, } from '@solana/web3.js' import { floorToDecimal } from './numbers' import { BOOST_ACCOUNT_PREFIX } from './constants' export const unstakeAndClose = async ( client: MangoClient, group: Group, mangoAccount: MangoAccount, stakeMintPk: PublicKey, amount: number, ): Promise => { const payer = (client.program.provider as AnchorProvider).wallet.publicKey const solBank = group?.banksMapByName.get('SOL')?.[0] const stakeBank = group?.banksMapByMint.get(stakeMintPk.toString())?.[0] const instructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [] if (!solBank || !stakeBank || !mangoAccount) { throw Error('Unable to find SOL bank or stake bank or mango account') } const stakeBalance = mangoAccount.getTokenBalanceUi(stakeBank) const borrowedSol = mangoAccount.getTokenBalance(solBank) console.log('borrowedSol', borrowedSol) console.log('unstake amount', amount) let swapAlts: AddressLookupTableAccount[] = [] if (borrowedSol.toNumber()) { const { bestRoute: selectedRoute } = await fetchJupiterRoutes( stakeMintPk.toString(),, Math.ceil(borrowedSol.toNumber() * -1), 100, 'ExactOut', ) if (!selectedRoute) { throw Error('Unable to find a swap route') } const slippage = 100 // bips const [jupiterIxs, jupiterAlts] = await fetchJupiterTransaction( client.program.provider.connection, selectedRoute, payer, slippage,, stakeMintPk, ) const swapHealthRemainingAccounts: PublicKey[] = mangoAccount ? client.buildHealthRemainingAccounts(group, [mangoAccount], [], [], []) : [stakeBank.publicKey,] const [swapIxs, alts] = await createSwapIxs({ client: client, group: group, mangoAccountPk: mangoAccount.publicKey, owner: payer, inputMintPk:, amountIn: toUiDecimals(selectedRoute.inAmount, stakeBank.mintDecimals), outputMintPk:, userDefinedInstructions: jupiterIxs, userDefinedAlts: jupiterAlts, flashLoanType: FlashLoanType.swap, swapHealthRemainingAccounts, }) swapAlts = alts instructions.push(...swapIxs) } const nativeWithdrawAmount = toNative( amount, group.getMintDecimals(, ) console.log( 'amount, stakeBalance, nativeAmount', amount, floorToDecimal(stakeBalance, stakeBank.mintDecimals).toNumber(), nativeWithdrawAmount.toNumber(), ) const withdrawMax = amount == floorToDecimal(stakeBalance, stakeBank.mintDecimals).toNumber() const healthRemainingAccounts: PublicKey[] = withdrawMax ? [stakeBank.publicKey,] : client.buildHealthRemainingAccounts( group, [mangoAccount], [stakeBank], [], [], ) const withdrawIx = await tokenWithdrawNativeIx( client, group, mangoAccount,, withdrawMax ? new BN('18446744073709551615', 10) : nativeWithdrawAmount, false, healthRemainingAccounts, ) instructions.push(...withdrawIx) // if (withdrawMax) { // const closeIx = await client.program.methods // .accountClose(false) // .accounts({ // group: group.publicKey, // account: mangoAccount.publicKey, // owner: (client.program.provider as AnchorProvider).wallet.publicKey, // solDestination: mangoAccount.owner, // }) // .instruction() // instructions.push(closeIx) // } return await client.sendAndConfirmTransactionForGroup(group, instructions, { alts: [, ...swapAlts], }) } export const stakeAndCreate = async ( client: MangoClient, group: Group, mangoAccount: MangoAccount | undefined, borrowAmount: number, stakeMintPk: PublicKey, amount: number, accountNumber: number, name?: string, ): Promise => { const payer = (client.program.provider as AnchorProvider).wallet.publicKey const solBank = group?.banksMapByName.get('SOL')?.[0] const stakeBank = group?.banksMapByMint.get(stakeMintPk.toString())?.[0] const instructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [] if (!solBank || !stakeBank) { throw Error('Unable to find SOL bank or Stake bank') } let mangoAccountPk = mangoAccount?.publicKey if (!mangoAccountPk) { const createMangoAccountIx = await client.program.methods .accountCreate( accountNumber ?? 0, 2, 0, // serum 0, // perp 0, // perp OO name ?? `${BOOST_ACCOUNT_PREFIX}${}`, ) .accounts({ group: group.publicKey, owner: payer, payer, }) .instruction() instructions.push(createMangoAccountIx) const acctNumBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4) acctNumBuffer.writeUInt32LE(accountNumber) const [mangoAccountPda] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync( [ Buffer.from('MangoAccount'), group.publicKey.toBuffer(), payer.toBuffer(), acctNumBuffer, ], client.program.programId, ) mangoAccountPk = mangoAccountPda } const depositHealthRemainingAccounts: PublicKey[] = mangoAccount ? client.buildHealthRemainingAccounts(group, [mangoAccount], [], [], []) : [stakeBank.publicKey,] const depositTokenIxs = await createDepositIx( client, group, payer, mangoAccountPk, stakeMintPk, amount, false, depositHealthRemainingAccounts, ) instructions.push(...depositTokenIxs) let swapAlts: AddressLookupTableAccount[] = [] const nativeBorrowAmount = toNative( borrowAmount, solBank.mintDecimals, ).toNumber() if (nativeBorrowAmount) { const { bestRoute: selectedRoute } = await fetchJupiterRoutes(, stakeMintPk.toString(), nativeBorrowAmount, ) if (!selectedRoute) { throw Error('Unable to find a swap route') } const slippage = 100 // bips const [jupiterIxs, jupiterAlts] = await fetchJupiterTransaction( client.program.provider.connection, selectedRoute, payer, slippage,, stakeMintPk, ) const [swapIxs, alts] = await createSwapIxs({ client: client, group: group, mangoAccountPk, owner: payer, inputMintPk:, amountIn: borrowAmount, outputMintPk:, userDefinedInstructions: jupiterIxs, userDefinedAlts: jupiterAlts, // margin trade is a general function flashLoanType: FlashLoanType.swap, }) swapAlts = alts instructions.push(...swapIxs) } return await client.sendAndConfirmTransactionForGroup(group, instructions, { alts: [, ...swapAlts], }) } const createDepositIx = async ( client: MangoClient, group: Group, mangoAccountOwner: PublicKey, mangoAccountPk: PublicKey, mintPk: PublicKey, amount: number, reduceOnly = false, healthRemainingAccounts: PublicKey[], ) => { const decimals = group.getMintDecimals(mintPk) const nativeAmount = toNative(amount, decimals) const bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(mintPk) const tokenAccountPk = await getAssociatedTokenAddress( mintPk, mangoAccountOwner, ) let wrappedSolAccount: PublicKey | undefined let preInstructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [] let postInstructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [] if (mintPk.equals(NATIVE_MINT)) { // Generate a random seed for wrappedSolAccount. const seed = Keypair.generate().publicKey.toBase58().slice(0, 32) // Calculate a publicKey that will be controlled by the `mangoAccountOwner`. wrappedSolAccount = await PublicKey.createWithSeed( mangoAccountOwner, seed, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, ) const lamports = nativeAmount.add(new BN(1e7)) preInstructions = [ SystemProgram.createAccountWithSeed({ fromPubkey: mangoAccountOwner, basePubkey: mangoAccountOwner, seed, newAccountPubkey: wrappedSolAccount, lamports: lamports.toNumber(), space: 165, programId: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, }), createInitializeAccount3Instruction( wrappedSolAccount, NATIVE_MINT, mangoAccountOwner, ), ] postInstructions = [ createCloseAccountInstruction( wrappedSolAccount, mangoAccountOwner, mangoAccountOwner, ), ] } const ix = await client.program.methods .tokenDeposit(new BN(nativeAmount), reduceOnly) .accounts({ group: group.publicKey, account: mangoAccountPk, owner: mangoAccountOwner, bank: bank.publicKey, vault: bank.vault, oracle:, tokenAccount: wrappedSolAccount ?? tokenAccountPk, tokenAuthority: mangoAccountOwner, }) .remainingAccounts( (pk) => ({ pubkey: pk, isWritable: false, isSigner: false }) as AccountMeta, ), ) .instruction() return [...preInstructions, ix, ...postInstructions] } const createSwapIxs = async ({ client, group, mangoAccountPk, owner, inputMintPk, amountIn, outputMintPk, userDefinedInstructions, userDefinedAlts = [], // margin trade is a general function // set flash_loan_type to FlashLoanType.swap if you desire the transaction to be recorded as a swap flashLoanType, swapHealthRemainingAccounts, }: { client: MangoClient group: Group mangoAccountPk: PublicKey owner: PublicKey inputMintPk: PublicKey amountIn: number outputMintPk: PublicKey userDefinedInstructions: TransactionInstruction[] userDefinedAlts: AddressLookupTableAccount[] flashLoanType: FlashLoanType swapHealthRemainingAccounts?: PublicKey[] }): Promise<[TransactionInstruction[], AddressLookupTableAccount[]]> => { const swapExecutingWallet = owner const inputBank: Bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(inputMintPk) const outputBank: Bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(outputMintPk) const healthRemainingAccounts: PublicKey[] = swapHealthRemainingAccounts ? swapHealthRemainingAccounts : [ outputBank.publicKey, inputBank.publicKey,,, ] // client.buildHealthRemainingAccounts( // group, // [], // [inputBank, outputBank], // [], // [], // ) const parsedHealthAccounts = (pk) => ({ pubkey: pk, isWritable: false, isSigner: false, }) as AccountMeta, ) /* * Find or create associated token accounts */ const inputTokenAccountPk = await getAssociatedTokenAddress(, swapExecutingWallet, true, ) const inputTokenAccExists = await client.program.provider.connection.getAccountInfo(inputTokenAccountPk) const preInstructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [] if (!inputTokenAccExists) { preInstructions.push( await createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction( swapExecutingWallet, swapExecutingWallet,, ), ) } const outputTokenAccountPk = await getAssociatedTokenAddress(, swapExecutingWallet, true, ) const outputTokenAccExists = await client.program.provider.connection.getAccountInfo( outputTokenAccountPk, ) if (!outputTokenAccExists) { preInstructions.push( await createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction( swapExecutingWallet, swapExecutingWallet,, ), ) } const inputBankAccount = { pubkey: inputBank.publicKey, isWritable: true, isSigner: false, } const outputBankAccount = { pubkey: outputBank.publicKey, isWritable: true, isSigner: false, } const inputBankVault = { pubkey: inputBank.vault, isWritable: true, isSigner: false, } const outputBankVault = { pubkey: outputBank.vault, isWritable: true, isSigner: false, } const inputATA = { pubkey: inputTokenAccountPk, isWritable: true, isSigner: false, } const outputATA = { pubkey: outputTokenAccountPk, isWritable: false, isSigner: false, } const groupAM = { pubkey: group.publicKey, isWritable: false, isSigner: false, } const flashLoanEndIx = await client.program.methods .flashLoanEndV2(2, flashLoanType) .accounts({ account: mangoAccountPk, owner: (client.program.provider as AnchorProvider).wallet.publicKey, }) .remainingAccounts([ ...parsedHealthAccounts, inputBankVault, outputBankVault, inputATA, { isWritable: true, pubkey: outputTokenAccountPk, isSigner: false, }, groupAM, ]) .instruction() const flashLoanBeginIx = await client.program.methods .flashLoanBegin([ toNative(amountIn, inputBank.mintDecimals), new BN( 0, ) /* we don't care about borrowing the target amount, this is just a dummy */, ]) .accounts({ account: mangoAccountPk, owner: (client.program.provider as AnchorProvider).wallet.publicKey, instructions: SYSVAR_INSTRUCTIONS_PUBKEY, }) .remainingAccounts([ inputBankAccount, outputBankAccount, inputBankVault, outputBankVault, inputATA, outputATA, groupAM, ]) .instruction() return [ [ ...preInstructions, flashLoanBeginIx, ...userDefinedInstructions.filter((ix) => ix.keys.length > 2), flashLoanEndIx, ], [, ...userDefinedAlts], ] } export const fetchJupiterTransaction = async ( connection: Connection, selectedRoute: RouteInfo, userPublicKey: PublicKey, slippage: number, inputMint: PublicKey, outputMint: PublicKey, ): Promise<[TransactionInstruction[], AddressLookupTableAccount[]]> => { const transactions = await ( await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ // route from /quote api route: selectedRoute, // user public key to be used for the swap userPublicKey, // feeAccount is optional. Use if you want to charge a fee. feeBps must have been passed in /quote API. // This is the ATA account for the output token where the fee will be sent to. If you are swapping from SOL->USDC then this would be the USDC ATA you want to collect the fee. // feeAccount: 'fee_account_public_key', slippageBps: Math.ceil(slippage * 100), }), }) ).json() const { swapTransaction } = transactions const [ixs, alts] = await deserializeJupiterIxAndAlt( connection, swapTransaction, ) const isSetupIx = (pk: PublicKey): boolean => pk.toString() === 'ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111' || pk.toString() === 'TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA' const isDuplicateAta = (ix: TransactionInstruction): boolean => { return ( ix.programId.toString() === 'ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL' && (ix.keys[3].pubkey.toString() === inputMint.toString() || ix.keys[3].pubkey.toString() === outputMint.toString()) ) } const filtered_jup_ixs = ixs .filter((ix) => !isSetupIx(ix.programId)) .filter((ix) => !isDuplicateAta(ix)) return [filtered_jup_ixs, alts] } const deserializeJupiterIxAndAlt = async ( connection: Connection, swapTransaction: string, ): Promise<[TransactionInstruction[], AddressLookupTableAccount[]]> => { const parsedSwapTransaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize( Buffer.from(swapTransaction, 'base64'), ) const message = parsedSwapTransaction.message // const lookups = message.addressTableLookups const addressLookupTablesResponses = await Promise.all( => connection.getAddressLookupTable(alt.accountKey), ), ) const addressLookupTables: AddressLookupTableAccount[] = addressLookupTablesResponses .map((alt) => alt.value) .filter((x): x is AddressLookupTableAccount => x !== null) const decompiledMessage = TransactionMessage.decompile(message, { addressLookupTableAccounts: addressLookupTables, }) return [decompiledMessage.instructions, addressLookupTables] } const fetchJupiterRoutes = async ( inputMint = 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112', outputMint = 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v', amount = 0, slippage = 50, swapMode = 'ExactIn', feeBps = 0, onlyDirectRoutes = true, ) => { { const paramsString = new URLSearchParams({ inputMint: inputMint.toString(), outputMint: outputMint.toString(), amount: amount.toString(), slippageBps: Math.ceil(slippage * 100).toString(), feeBps: feeBps.toString(), swapMode, onlyDirectRoutes: `${onlyDirectRoutes}`, }).toString() const response = await fetch( `${paramsString}`, ) const res = await response.json() const data = return { routes: as RouteInfo[], bestRoute: (data.length ? data[0] : null) as RouteInfo | null, } } } const tokenWithdrawNativeIx = async ( client: MangoClient, group: Group, mangoAccount: MangoAccount, mintPk: PublicKey, nativeAmount: BN, allowBorrow: boolean, healthRemainingAccounts: PublicKey[], ): Promise => { const bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(mintPk) const tokenAccountPk = await getAssociatedTokenAddress(, mangoAccount.owner, true, ) // ensure withdraws don't fail with missing ATAs const preInstructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [ await createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction( mangoAccount.owner, mangoAccount.owner,, ), ] const postInstructions: TransactionInstruction[] = [] if (mintPk.equals(NATIVE_MINT)) { postInstructions.push( createCloseAccountInstruction( tokenAccountPk, mangoAccount.owner, mangoAccount.owner, ), ) } const ix = await client.program.methods .tokenWithdraw(new BN(nativeAmount), allowBorrow) .accounts({ group: group.publicKey, account: mangoAccount.publicKey, owner: mangoAccount.owner, bank: bank.publicKey, vault: bank.vault, oracle:, tokenAccount: tokenAccountPk, }) .remainingAccounts( (pk) => ({ pubkey: pk, isWritable: false, isSigner: false, }) as AccountMeta, ), ) .instruction() return [...preInstructions, ix, ...postInstructions] }