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import {
} from 'utils/constants'
import useStakeRates from './useStakeRates'
import useMangoGroup from './useMangoGroup'
import { Bank } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-v4'
import { floorToDecimal } from 'utils/numbers'
import { getStakableTokensDataForTokenName } from 'utils/tokens'
type FinancialMetrics = {
APY: number
depositAPY: number
collectedReturnsAPY: number
collateralFeeAPY: number
borrowsAPY: number
nonMangoAPY: number
diffToNonMango: number
diffToNonLeveraged: number
export type StakeableToken = {
token: StakeableTokensData
financialMetrics: FinancialMetrics
estNetApy: number
const getLeverage = (
stakeBank: Bank | undefined,
borrowBank: Bank | undefined,
tokenSymbol: string,
) => {
if (!stakeBank || !borrowBank) return 0
const borrowInitLiabWeight = borrowBank.scaledInitLiabWeight(borrowBank.price)
const stakeInitAssetWeight = stakeBank.scaledInitAssetWeight(stakeBank.price)
if (!borrowInitLiabWeight || !stakeInitAssetWeight) return 1
const x = stakeInitAssetWeight.toNumber() / borrowInitLiabWeight.toNumber()
if (getStakableTokensDataForTokenName(tokenSymbol).clientContext === 'jlp') {
const leverageFactor = 1 / (1 - x)
const max = floorToDecimal(leverageFactor, 1).toNumber()
return max * 0.9 // Multiplied by 0.975 because you cant actually get to the end of the infinite geometric series?
} else {
const leverageFactor = 1 / (1 - x)
const max = floorToDecimal(leverageFactor, 2).toNumber()
return max * 0.9 // Multiplied by 0.975 because you cant actually get to the end of the infinite geometric series?
const getFinancialMetrics = (
stakeBank: Bank | undefined,
borrowBank: Bank | undefined,
leverage: number,
tokenStakeRateAPY: number,
) => {
const borrowBankBorrowRate = borrowBank
? Number(borrowBank.getBorrowRate())
: 0
// Collateral fee is charged on the assets needed to back borrows and
// 1 deposited JLP can back maintAssetWeight * (1 JLP-value) USDC borrows.
const collateralFeePerBorrowPerDay =
Number(stakeBank?.collateralFeePerDay) / Number(stakeBank?.maintAssetWeight)
// Convert the borrow APR to a daily rate
const borrowRatePerDay = Number(borrowBankBorrowRate) / 365
// Convert the JLP APY to a daily rate
const tokenRatePerDay = (1 + tokenStakeRateAPY) ** (1 / 365) - 1
// Assume the user deposits 1 JLP, then these are the starting deposits and
// borrows for the desired leverage (in terms of starting-value JLP)
const initialBorrows = leverage - 1
const initialDeposits = leverage
// In the following, we'll simulate time passing and how the deposits and
// borrows evolve.
// Note that these will be in terms of starting-value JLP, meaning that JLP
// price increases will be modelled as deposits increasing in amount.
let borrows = initialBorrows
let deposits = initialDeposits
let collectedCollateralFees = 0
let collectedReturns = 0
for (let day = 1; day <= 365; day++) {
borrows *= 1 + borrowRatePerDay
const collateralFees = collateralFeePerBorrowPerDay * borrows
deposits -= collateralFees
collectedCollateralFees += collateralFees
const tokenReturns = tokenRatePerDay * deposits
deposits += tokenReturns
collectedReturns += tokenReturns
// APY's for the calculation
const depositAPY = (deposits - initialDeposits) * 100
const collateralFeeAPY = collectedCollateralFees * 100
const collectedReturnsAPY = collectedReturns * 100
// Interest Fee APY: Reflecting borrowing cost as an annual percentage yield
const borrowsAPY = (borrows - initialBorrows) * 100
const stakeBankDepositRate = stakeBank ? stakeBank.getDepositRate() : 0
// Total APY, comparing the end value (deposits - borrows) to the starting value (1)
const APY = (deposits - borrows - 1) * 100
const APY_Daily_Compound =
Math.pow(1 + Number(stakeBankDepositRate) / 365, 365) - 1
const UiRate = stakeBank
? stakeBank.name === 'USDC'
? APY_Daily_Compound * 100
: 0
// Comparisons to outside
const nonMangoAPY = tokenStakeRateAPY * leverage * 100
const diffToNonMango = APY - nonMangoAPY
const diffToNonLeveraged = APY - tokenStakeRateAPY * 100
return {
APY: UiRate,
export default function useStakeableTokens() {
const { data: stakeRates } = useStakeRates()
const { jlpGroup, lstGroup } = useMangoGroup()
const stakeableTokens: StakeableToken[] = []
for (const token of STAKEABLE_TOKENS_DATA) {
const { symbol } = token
const isJlpGroup = symbol === 'JLP' || symbol === 'USDC'
const stakeBank = isJlpGroup
? jlpGroup?.banksMapByName.get(symbol)?.[0]
: lstGroup?.banksMapByName.get(symbol)?.[0]
const borrowBank = isJlpGroup
? jlpGroup?.banksMapByName.get(JLP_BORROW_TOKEN)?.[0]
: lstGroup?.banksMapByName.get(LST_BORROW_TOKEN)?.[0]
const tokenStakeRateAPY = stakeRates ? stakeRates[symbol.toLowerCase()] : 0
const leverage = getLeverage(stakeBank, borrowBank, symbol)
const financialMetrics = getFinancialMetrics(
const financialMetricsAt1x = getFinancialMetrics(
const estNetApy = Math.max(financialMetrics.APY, financialMetricsAt1x.APY)
stakeableTokens.push({ token, financialMetrics, estNetApy })
return { stakeableTokens }