
398 lines
10 KiB

import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'
// lev stake
export const JLP_BORROW_TOKEN = 'USDC'
export const LST_BORROW_TOKEN = 'SOL'
export type StakeableTokensData = {
name: string
symbol: string
description: string
id: number
active: boolean
mint_address: string
clientContext: ClientContextKeys
borrowToken: 'USDC' | 'SOL'
links: {
website: string | undefined
twitter: string | undefined
export const STAKEABLE_TOKENS_DATA: StakeableTokensData[] = [
name: 'Jupiter Perps LP',
symbol: 'JLP',
description: '',
id: 1,
active: true,
mint_address: '27G8MtK7VtTcCHkpASjSDdkWWYfoqT6ggEuKidVJidD4',
clientContext: 'jlp',
borrowToken: 'USDC',
links: {
website: 'https://jup.ag/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/JupiterExchange',
name: 'USD Coin',
symbol: 'USDC',
description: '',
id: 0,
active: true,
mint_address: 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v',
clientContext: 'jlp',
borrowToken: 'USDC',
links: {
website: 'https://www.circle.com/en/usdc',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/circle',
name: 'Marinade Staked SOL',
symbol: 'MSOL',
'Marinade is a stake automation platform that monitors all Solana validators and delegates to the 100+ best-performing ones.',
id: 521,
active: true,
mint_address: 'mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://marinade.finance/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/marinadefinance',
name: 'Jito Staked SOL',
symbol: 'JitoSOL',
'JitoSOL supports the decentralization and health of the Solana network through efficient MEV extraction and spam reduction.',
id: 621,
active: true,
mint_address: 'J1toso1uCk3RLmjorhTtrVwY9HJ7X8V9yYac6Y7kGCPn',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://www.jito.wtf/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/jito_labs',
name: 'BlazeStake Staked SOL',
symbol: 'bSOL',
description: '',
id: 721,
active: true,
mint_address: 'bSo13r4TkiE4KumL71LsHTPpL2euBYLFx6h9HP3piy1',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://solblaze.org/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/solblaze_org',
name: 'JPool Staked SOL',
symbol: 'JSOL',
description: '',
id: 1063,
active: true,
mint_address: '7Q2afV64in6N6SeZsAAB81TJzwDoD6zpqmHkzi9Dcavn',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://jpool.one/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/JPoolSolana',
name: 'Sanctum Infinity',
symbol: 'INF',
"Infinity is the first infinite-LST pool and is Sanctum's flagship product. Infinity holds a basket of LSTs and earns staking yields and trading fees.",
id: 1105,
active: true,
mint_address: '5oVNBeEEQvYi1cX3ir8Dx5n1P7pdxydbGF2X4TxVusJm',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://www.sanctum.so/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/sanctumso',
name: 'SolanaHub Staked SOL',
symbol: 'hubSOL',
description: 'A revenue-sharing validator empowering SolanaHub users',
id: 1153,
active: true,
mint_address: 'HUBsveNpjo5pWqNkH57QzxjQASdTVXcSK7bVKTSZtcSX',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://www.solanahub.app/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/SolanaHubApp',
name: 'Simpdigit Staked SOL',
symbol: 'digitSOL',
'High performance LST with MEV and voting rewards kickback. Support developers in South America.',
id: 1161,
active: true,
mint_address: 'D1gittVxgtszzY4fMwiTfM4Hp7uL5Tdi1S9LYaepAUUm',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://simpdigit.com/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/simpdigit',
name: 'Dual Finance Staked SOL',
symbol: 'dualSOL',
description: 'The LST to grow onchain options',
id: 1158,
active: true,
mint_address: 'DUAL6T9pATmQUFPYmrWq2BkkGdRxLtERySGScYmbHMER',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: '',
twitter: 'https://x.com/DualFinance',
name: 'Mango Staked SOL',
symbol: 'mangoSOL',
description: 'The juiciest LST to borrow everything & trade anything',
id: 1162,
active: true,
mint_address: 'MangmsBgFqJhW4cLUR9LxfVgMboY1xAoP8UUBiWwwuY',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://mango.markets/',
twitter: 'https://x.com/mangomarkets',
name: 'Solana Compass Staked SOL',
symbol: 'compassSOL',
'Earn boosted yield from staking yields, MEV tips and priority fees, then put your tokens to work in high performance liquidity pools for even more yield on your SOL.',
id: 1163,
active: true,
mint_address: 'Comp4ssDzXcLeu2MnLuGNNFC4cmLPMng8qWHPvzAMU1h',
clientContext: 'lst',
borrowToken: 'SOL',
links: {
website: 'https://solanacompass.com/',
twitter: 'https://twitter.com/SolanaCompass',
export type ClientContextKeys = 'lst' | 'jlp'
(d) => d.active,
).map((d) => d.symbol)
export const SHOW_INACTIVE_POSITIONS_KEY = 'showInactivePositions-0.1'
// end
export const LAST_ACCOUNT_KEY = 'mangoAccount-0.4'
export const BOOST_ACCOUNT_PREFIX = 'Leverage Stake '
export const BOOST_DEPOSIT_PREFIX = 'Deposit Leverage Stake '
export const CLIENT_TX_TIMEOUT = 90000
export const SECONDS = 1000
export const MANGO_MINT = 'MangoCzJ36AjZyKwVj3VnYU4GTonjfVEnJmvvWaxLac'
export const USDC_MINT = 'EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v'
export const SOL_MINT = 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112'
export const JUPITER_V4_PROGRAM_ID =
export const CONNECTION_COMMITMENT = 'processed'
// Local storage keys for settings
export const IS_ONBOARDED_KEY = 'isOnboarded-0.1'
export const SHOW_ZERO_BALANCES_KEY = 'show-zero-balances-0.2'
export const SIDEBAR_COLLAPSE_KEY = 'sidebar-0.1'
export const ONBOARDING_TOUR_KEY = 'showOnboardingTour-0.1'
export const PREFERRED_EXPLORER_KEY = 'preferredExplorer-0.1'
export const ANIMATION_SETTINGS_KEY = 'animationSettings-0.1'
export const SOUND_SETTINGS_KEY = 'soundSettings-0.1'
export const SIZE_INPUT_UI_KEY = 'tradeFormUi-0.2'
export const TRADE_CHECKBOXES_KEY = 'tradeCheckboxes-0.1'
export const TV_USER_ID_KEY = 'tv-userId-0.1'
export const GRID_LAYOUT_KEY = 'savedLayouts-0.2'
export const NOTIFICATION_POSITION_KEY = 'notificationPosition-0.2'
export const TRADE_CHART_UI_KEY = 'tradeChart-0.3'
export const FAVORITE_MARKETS_KEY = 'favoriteMarkets-0.2'
export const FAVORITE_SWAPS_KEY = 'favoriteSwaps-0.1'
export const THEME_KEY = 'theme-0.1'
export const RPC_PROVIDER_KEY = 'rpcProviderKey-0.8'
export const PRIORITY_FEE_KEY = 'priorityFeeKey-0.2'
export const SHOW_ORDER_LINES_KEY = 'showOrderLines-0.1'
export const SWAP_MARGIN_KEY = 'swapMargin-0.1'
export const SHOW_SWAP_INTRO_MODAL = 'showSwapModal-0.1'
export const ACCEPT_TERMS_KEY = 'termsOfUseAccepted-0.1'
export const YIELD_FANS_INTRO_KEY = 'YieldFansIntro-0.1'
export const TRADE_LAYOUT_KEY = 'tradeLayoutKey-0.1'
export const STATS_TAB_KEY = 'activeStatsTab-0.1'
export const USE_ORDERBOOK_FEED_KEY = 'useOrderbookFeed-0.1'
export const HOT_KEYS_KEY = 'hotKeys-0.1'
export const AUTO_CONNECT_WALLET = 'auto-connect-0.1'
export const LAST_WALLET_NAME = 'lastWalletName'
export const PRIVACY_MODE = 'privacy-mode-0.1'
export const JUPITER_V6_QUOTE_API_MAINNET = 'https://quote-api.jup.ag/v6'
// Unused
export const PROFILE_CATEGORIES = [
export const MANGO_ROUTER_API_URL = 'https://api.mngo.cloud/router/v1'
export const MANGO_DATA_API_URL = 'https://api.mngo.cloud/data/v4'
export const BOOST_DATA_API_URL = 'https://api.mngo.cloud/data/boost'
export const MANGO_DATA_OPENBOOK_URL = 'https://api.mngo.cloud/openbook/v1'
export const MIN_SOL_BALANCE = 0.001
export const MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_KEYS = 128
export const ACCOUNT_ACTION_MODAL_HEIGHT = '462px'
export const TRADE_VOLUME_ALERT_KEY = 'tradeVolumeAlert-0.1'
export const PAGINATION_PAGE_LENGTH = 250
export const JUPITER_API_MAINNET = 'https://token.jup.ag/strict'
export const JUPITER_API_DEVNET = 'https://api.jup.ag/api/tokens/devnet'
export const JUPITER_PRICE_API_MAINNET = 'https://price.jup.ag/v4/'
export const NOTIFICATION_API = 'https://notifications-api.herokuapp.com/'
export const CUSTOM_TOKEN_ICONS: { [key: string]: boolean } = {
bonk: true,
btc: true,
dai: true,
dual: true,
eth: true,
ethpo: true,
'eth (portal)': true,
hnt: true,
jitosol: true,
jlp: true,
kin: true,
ldo: true,
mngo: true,
msol: true,
orca: true,
ray: true,
rndr: true,
sol: true,
stsol: true,
usdc: true,
usdh: true,
usdt: true,
wbtcpo: true,
'wbtc (portal)': true,
inf: true,
hubsol: true,
mangosol: true,
dualsol: true,
digitsol: true,
compasssol: true,
export const DEFAULT_FAVORITE_MKTS = [
export const WHITE_LIST_API = 'https://api.mngo.cloud/whitelist/v1/'
export const DAILY_SECONDS = 86400
export const DAILY_MILLISECONDS = 86400000
// max slot numbers for mango account
export const MAX_ACCOUNTS = {
tokenAccounts: '8',
spotOpenOrders: '4',
perpAccounts: '4',
perpOpenOrders: '64',
tcsOrders: '64',
'w-full rounded-lg rounded-l-none border border-th-input-border bg-th-input-bkg p-3 text-right font-mono text-xl text-th-fgd-1 focus-visible:border-th-fgd-4 focus:outline-none md:hover:border-th-input-border-hover md:hover:focus-visible:border-th-fgd-4'
export const FALLBACK_ORACLES = [
new PublicKey('Gnt27xtC473ZT2Mw5u8wZ68Z3gULkSTb5DuxJy7eJotD'),
] // USDC