import { findLargestTokenAccountForOwner, getMultipleAccounts, IDS, MangoClient, MangoGroup, MarginAccount, nativeToUi, NUM_MARKETS, NUM_TOKENS, parseTokenAccount, parseTokenAccountData, tokenToDecimals, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-client'; import { Account, Commitment, Connection, PublicKey, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { homedir } from 'os'; import fs from 'fs'; import { notify, sleep } from './utils'; import { Market, OpenOrders } from '@project-serum/serum'; import { makeForceCancelOrdersInstruction, makePartialLiquidateInstruction, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-client/lib/instruction'; import BN = require('bn.js'); /* After a liquidation, the amounts in each wallet become unbalanced Make sure to sell or buy quantities different from the target on base currencies Convert excess into quote currency */ async function balanceWallets( connection: Connection, mangoGroup: MangoGroup, prices: number[], markets: Market[], liqor: Account, liqorWallets: PublicKey[], liqorValuesUi: number[], liqorOpenOrdersKeys: PublicKey[], targets: number[] ) { // Retrieve orders from order book by owner const liqorOrders = await Promise.all( => m.loadOrdersForOwner(connection, liqor.publicKey))); // Cancel all const cancelTransactions: Promise[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < NUM_MARKETS; i++) { for (let order of liqorOrders[i]) { console.log(`Cancelling liqor order on market ${i} size=${order.size} price=${order.price}`) cancelTransactions.push(markets[i].cancelOrder(connection, liqor, order)); } } await Promise.all(cancelTransactions) // Load open orders accounts const liqorOpenOrders = await Promise.all( => OpenOrders.load(connection, pk, mangoGroup.dexProgramId))) // Settle all const settleTransactions: Promise[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < NUM_MARKETS; i++) { const oo = liqorOpenOrders[i] if (parseFloat(oo.quoteTokenTotal.toString()) > 0 || parseFloat(oo.baseTokenTotal.toString()) > 0) { console.log(`Settling funds to liqor wallet ${i} quote:${oo.quoteTokenTotal.toString()} base:${oo.baseTokenTotal.toString()}`) settleTransactions.push(markets[i].settleFunds(connection, liqor, oo, liqorWallets[i], liqorWallets[NUM_TOKENS-1])) } } await Promise.all(settleTransactions) // Account wallets should instantly update const liqorWalletAccounts = await getMultipleAccounts(connection, liqorWallets, 'processed' as Commitment) liqorValuesUi = (a, i) => nativeToUi(parseTokenAccountData(, mangoGroup.mintDecimals[i]) ) const diffs: number[] = [] const netValues: [number, number][] = [] // Go to each base currency and see if it's above or below target for (let i = 0; i < NUM_TOKENS - 1; i++) { const diff = liqorValuesUi[i] - targets[i] diffs.push(diff) netValues.push([i, diff * prices[i]]) } // Sort in decreasing order so you sell first then buy netValues.sort((a, b) => (b[1] - a[1])) for (let i = 0; i < NUM_TOKENS - 1; i++) { const marketIndex = netValues[i][0] const market = markets[marketIndex] const tokenDecimals = tokenToDecimals[marketIndex === 0 ? 'BTC' : 'ETH'] // TODO make this mapping allow arbitrary mango groups const tokenDecimalAdj = Math.pow(10, tokenDecimals) if (netValues[i][1] > 0) { // sell to close const price = prices[marketIndex] * 0.95 const size = Math.floor(diffs[marketIndex] * tokenDecimalAdj) / tokenDecimalAdj // round down the size if (size === 0) { continue } console.log(`Sell to close ${marketIndex} ${size} @ ${price}`) let txid = await market.placeOrder( connection, { owner: liqor, payer: liqorWallets[marketIndex], side: 'sell', price, size, orderType: 'ioc', openOrdersAddressKey: liqorOpenOrdersKeys[marketIndex], feeDiscountPubkey: null // TODO find liqor's SRM fee account } ) // TODO add a SettleFunds instruction to this transaction console.log(`Place order successful: ${txid}; Settling funds`) await market.settleFunds(connection, liqor, liqorOpenOrders[marketIndex], liqorWallets[marketIndex], liqorWallets[NUM_TOKENS-1]) } else if (netValues[i][1] < 0) { // buy to close const price = prices[marketIndex] * 1.05 // buy at up to 5% higher than oracle price const size = Math.ceil(-diffs[marketIndex] * tokenDecimalAdj) / tokenDecimalAdj console.log(`Buy to close ${marketIndex} ${size} @ ${price}`) let txid = await market.placeOrder( connection, { owner: liqor, payer: liqorWallets[NUM_TOKENS-1], side: 'buy', price, size, orderType: 'ioc', openOrdersAddressKey: liqorOpenOrdersKeys[marketIndex], feeDiscountPubkey: null } ) console.log(`Place order successful: ${txid}; Settling funds`) await market.settleFunds(connection, liqor, liqorOpenOrders[marketIndex], liqorWallets[marketIndex], liqorWallets[NUM_TOKENS-1]) } } } async function runPartialLiquidator() { const client = new MangoClient() const cluster = process.env.CLUSTER || 'mainnet-beta' const group_name = process.env.GROUP_NAME || 'BTC_ETH_USDT' const clusterUrl = process.env.CLUSTER_URL || IDS.cluster_urls[cluster] const targetsStr = process.env.TARGETS || "0.1 2" const checkInterval = parseFloat(process.env.CHECK_INTERVAL || "1000.0") const targets = targetsStr.split(' ').map((s) => parseFloat(s)) const connection = new Connection(clusterUrl, 'singleGossip') // The address of the Mango Program on the blockchain const programId = new PublicKey(IDS[cluster].mango_program_id) // The address of the serum dex program on the blockchain: const dexProgramId = new PublicKey(IDS[cluster].dex_program_id) // Address of the MangoGroup const mangoGroupPk = new PublicKey(IDS[cluster].mango_groups[group_name].mango_group_pk) // liquidator's keypair const keyPairPath = process.env.KEYPAIR || homedir() + '/.config/solana/id.json' const payer = new Account(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(keyPairPath, 'utf-8'))) notify(`partial liquidator launched cluster=${cluster} group=${group_name}`); let mangoGroup = await client.getMangoGroup(connection, mangoGroupPk) const tokenWallets = (await Promise.all( (mint) => findLargestTokenAccountForOwner(connection, payer.publicKey, mint).then( (response) => response.publicKey ) ) )) // load all markets const markets = await Promise.all( (pk) => Market.load(connection, pk, {skipPreflight: true, commitment: 'singleGossip'}, dexProgramId) )) // TODO handle failures in any of the steps // Find a way to get all margin accounts without querying fresh--get incremental updates to margin accounts const liqorOpenOrdersKeys: PublicKey[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < NUM_MARKETS; i++) { let openOrdersAccounts: OpenOrders[] = await markets[i].findOpenOrdersAccountsForOwner(connection, payer.publicKey) if(openOrdersAccounts.length) { liqorOpenOrdersKeys.push(openOrdersAccounts[0].publicKey) } else { console.log(`No OpenOrders account found for market ${markets[i].publicKey.toBase58()}`) } } if(liqorOpenOrdersKeys.length != NUM_MARKETS) { console.log('Warning: Missing OpenOrders accounts. Wallet balancing has been disabled.') } const cancelLimit = 5 while (true) { try { mangoGroup = await client.getMangoGroup(connection, mangoGroupPk) let [marginAccounts, prices, vaultAccs, liqorAccs] = await Promise.all([ client.getAllMarginAccounts(connection, programId, mangoGroup), mangoGroup.getPrices(connection), getMultipleAccounts(connection, mangoGroup.vaults), getMultipleAccounts(connection, tokenWallets, 'processed' as Commitment), ]) const vaultValues = (a, i) => nativeToUi(parseTokenAccountData(, mangoGroup.mintDecimals[i]) ) const liqorTokenValues = (a) => parseTokenAccount( ) const liqorTokenUi = (a, i) => nativeToUi(parseTokenAccountData(, mangoGroup.mintDecimals[i]) ) console.log(prices) console.log(vaultValues) console.log(liqorTokenUi) // FIXME: added bias to collRatio to allow other liquidators to step in for testing let coll_bias = 0 if (process.env.COLL_BIAS) { coll_bias = parseFloat(process.env.COLL_BIAS) } let maxBorrAcc: MarginAccount | undefined = undefined; let maxBorrVal = 0; let minCollAcc: MarginAccount | undefined = undefined; let minCollVal = 99999; for (let ma of marginAccounts) { // parallelize this if possible let description = '' try { const assetsVal = ma.getAssetsVal(mangoGroup, prices) const liabsVal = ma.getLiabsVal(mangoGroup, prices) if (liabsVal > maxBorrVal) { maxBorrVal = liabsVal maxBorrAcc = ma } if (liabsVal < 0.1) { // too small of an account; number precision may cause errors continue } if (!ma.beingLiquidated) { let collRatio = (assetsVal / liabsVal) const deficit = liabsVal * mangoGroup.initCollRatio - assetsVal if (deficit < 0.1) { // too small of an account; number precision may cause errors continue } if (collRatio < minCollVal) { minCollVal = collRatio minCollAcc = ma } if (collRatio + coll_bias >= mangoGroup.maintCollRatio) { continue } } description = ma.toPrettyString(mangoGroup, prices) console.log(`Liquidatable\n${description}\nbeingLiquidated: ${ma.beingLiquidated}`) notify(`Liquidatable\n${description}\nbeingLiquidated: ${ma.beingLiquidated}`) // find the market with the most value in OpenOrdersAccount let maxMarketIndex = -1 let maxMarketVal = 0 for (let i = 0; i < NUM_MARKETS; i++) { const openOrdersAccount = ma.openOrdersAccounts[i] if (openOrdersAccount === undefined) { continue } const marketVal = openOrdersAccount.quoteTokenTotal.toNumber() + openOrdersAccount.baseTokenTotal.toNumber() * prices[i] if (marketVal > maxMarketVal) { maxMarketIndex = i maxMarketVal = marketVal } } const transaction = new Transaction() if (maxMarketIndex !== -1) { // force cancel orders on this particular market const spotMarket = markets[maxMarketIndex] const [bids, asks] = await Promise.all([spotMarket.loadBids(connection), spotMarket.loadAsks(connection)]) const openOrdersAccount = ma.openOrdersAccounts[maxMarketIndex] if (openOrdersAccount === undefined) { console.log('error state') continue } let numOrders = spotMarket.filterForOpenOrders(bids, asks, [openOrdersAccount]).length const dexSigner = await PublicKey.createProgramAddress( [ spotMarket.publicKey.toBuffer(), spotMarket['_decoded'].vaultSignerNonce.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'le', 8) ], spotMarket.programId ) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const instruction = makeForceCancelOrdersInstruction( programId, mangoGroup.publicKey, payer.publicKey, ma.publicKey, mangoGroup.vaults[maxMarketIndex], mangoGroup.vaults[NUM_TOKENS-1], spotMarket.publicKey, spotMarket.bidsAddress, spotMarket.asksAddress, mangoGroup.signerKey, spotMarket['_decoded'].eventQueue, spotMarket['_decoded'].baseVault, spotMarket['_decoded'].quoteVault, dexSigner, spotMarket.programId, ma.openOrders, mangoGroup.oracles, new BN(cancelLimit) ) transaction.add(instruction) numOrders -= cancelLimit if (numOrders <= 0) { break } } } // Find the market with the highest borrows and lowest deposits const deposits = ma.getAssets(mangoGroup) const borrows = ma.getLiabs(mangoGroup) let minNet = 0 let minNetIndex = -1 let maxNet = 0 let maxNetIndex = NUM_TOKENS-1 for (let i = 0; i < NUM_TOKENS; i++) { const netDeposit = (deposits[i] - borrows[i]) * prices[i] if (netDeposit < minNet) { minNet = netDeposit minNetIndex = i } else if (netDeposit > maxNet) { maxNet = netDeposit maxNetIndex = i } } transaction.add(makePartialLiquidateInstruction( programId, mangoGroup.publicKey, payer.publicKey, liqorAccs[minNetIndex].publicKey, liqorAccs[maxNetIndex].publicKey, ma.publicKey, mangoGroup.vaults[minNetIndex], mangoGroup.vaults[maxNetIndex], mangoGroup.signerKey, ma.openOrders, mangoGroup.oracles, liqorTokenValues[minNetIndex] )) await client.sendTransaction(connection, transaction, payer, []) await sleep(2000) ma = await client.getMarginAccount(connection, ma.publicKey, dexProgramId) console.log(`Successful partial liquidation\n${ma.toPrettyString(mangoGroup, prices)}\nbeingLiquidated: ${ma.beingLiquidated}`) notify(`Successful partial liquidation\n${ma.toPrettyString(mangoGroup, prices)}\nbeingLiquidated: ${ma.beingLiquidated}`) break // This is so wallets get balanced } catch (e) { if (!e.timeout) { throw e } else { notify(`unknown error: ${e}`); console.error(e); } } } const maxBorrAccPk = maxBorrAcc ? maxBorrAcc.publicKey.toBase58() : "" const maxBorrAccCr = maxBorrAcc ? maxBorrAcc.getCollateralRatio(mangoGroup, prices) : 0 const minCollAccPk = minCollAcc ? minCollAcc.publicKey.toBase58() : "" const minCollBorrVal = minCollAcc ? minCollAcc.getLiabsVal(mangoGroup, prices) : 0 console.log(`Max Borrow Account: ${maxBorrAccPk} | Borrow Val: ${maxBorrVal} | CR: ${maxBorrAccCr}`) console.log(`Min Coll-Ratio Account: ${minCollAccPk} | Borrow Val: ${minCollBorrVal} | CR: ${minCollVal}`) if(liqorOpenOrdersKeys.length == NUM_MARKETS) { await balanceWallets(connection, mangoGroup, prices, markets, payer, tokenWallets, liqorTokenUi, liqorOpenOrdersKeys, targets) } else { console.log('Could not balance wallets due to missing OpenOrders account') } } catch (e) { notify(`unknown error: ${e}`); console.error(e); } finally { await sleep(checkInterval) } } } runPartialLiquidator()