# Mango Liquidator ## Setup Full Liquidator Make sure to edit the .env file to look something like this: ``` export CLUSTER="mainnet-beta" export CLUSTER_URL="https://solana-api.projectserum.com" export KEYPAIR=~/.config/solana/id.json export NODE_ENV=production export GROUP_NAME="BTC_ETH_USDT" ``` ### Run ``` yarn install source .env yarn liquidate ``` ## Setup Partial Liquidator Make sure to edit the .env file to look something like this: ``` export CLUSTER="mainnet-beta" export CLUSTER_URL="https://solana-api.projectserum.com" export KEYPAIR=~/.config/solana/id.json export NODE_ENV=production export TARGETS="0.1 2" export GROUP_NAME="BTC_ETH_USDT" ``` TARGETS represents the BTC and ETH amounts the partial liquidator should try to maintain in the liquidator's wallet ### Run ``` yarn install source .env yarn partialLiquidate ```