import { Connection, Keypair, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, sendAndConfirmTransaction, SystemProgram, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js'; import * as splToken from "@solana/spl-token"; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import { get_postional_arg, serialized_keypair } from './util'; // number of users const nbUsers = +get_postional_arg(2, 10); // url const url = get_postional_arg(3, ""); // tokens to transfer to new accounts 0.5 sol const fee_payer_balance = +get_postional_arg(4, (LAMPORTS_PER_SOL / 2)); // tokens to transfer to new accounts 0.5 sol const number_of_fee_payers = +get_postional_arg(5, 10); // outfile const outFile = get_postional_arg(6, "out.json"); function check_if_out_file_exists() { if (!fs.existsSync(outFile)) return; console.warn(`{outFile} already exists. Potential loss of funds. Remove and re run`); process.exit(); } (async function main() { check_if_out_file_exists(); console.log(`Creating ${nbUsers} users on ${url} with ${number_of_fee_payers} with balance ${fee_payer_balance} and output file ${outFile}`); console.time('Time taken'); const connection = new Connection(url, 'confirmed'); const authority = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Uint8Array.from( JSON.parse( process.env.KEYPAIR || fs.readFileSync(os.homedir() + '/.config/solana/id.json', 'utf-8'), ), ), ); const authority_balance = await connection.getBalance(authority.publicKey); const required_balance = number_of_fee_payers * fee_payer_balance; if (authority_balance < required_balance) { console.warn(`Authority doesn't have enough balance. Required at least ${required_balance} Lamport`); process.exit(); } const fee_payers = Array(nbUsers).fill(0).map(() => Keypair.generate()); console.log(`Sending ${fee_payer_balance} to each of ${number_of_fee_payers} fee payers`); await Promise.all( fee_payer => { const ix = SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: authority.publicKey, toPubkey: fee_payer.publicKey, lamports: fee_payer_balance }); const tx = new Transaction().add(ix); const tx_sig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [authority]); console.log(`Sent ${tx_sig}`); })); const userKps = Array(nbUsers).fill(0).map(() => Keypair.generate()); const mint = await splToken.createMint( connection, authority, authority.publicKey, null, 6, ); const accounts = await Promise.all( user => { const account = await splToken.createAccount( connection, authority, mint, user.publicKey, ); console.log("Account created"); await splToken.mintTo( connection, authority, mint, account, authority, 1_000_000_000_000, ) console.log("Account minted"); return account; })); console.timeLog('Time taken'); const users =; const fee_payers_serialized =; const data = { 'fee_payers': fee_payers_serialized, 'users': users, 'tokenAccounts': accounts, 'mint': mint, 'minted_amount': 1_000_000_000_000 }; console.log('created ' + nbUsers + ' Users and minted 10^12 tokens for mint ' + mint); fs.writeFileSync(outFile, JSON.stringify(data)); })()