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2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
# # ⚠ Warning
# [🥭 Mango Markets]( support is available at:
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import pandas
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
import typing
from decimal import Decimal
from solana.publickey import PublicKey
from solana.rpc.types import MemcmpOpts
from .accountinfo import AccountInfo
from .addressableaccount import AddressableAccount
from .cache import Cache, PerpMarketCache, RootBankCache, MarketCache
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
from .context import Context
from .encoding import encode_key
from .group import Group, GroupSlot, GroupSlotPerpMarket
from .instrumentvalue import InstrumentValue
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
from .layouts import layouts
from .metadata import Metadata
2021-10-04 10:27:07 -07:00
from .openorders import OpenOrders
from .orders import Side
from .perpaccount import PerpAccount
from .perpopenorders import PerpOpenOrders
from .placedorder import PlacedOrder
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
from .token import Instrument, Token
from .tokenbank import TokenBank
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
from .version import Version
# # 🥭 AccountSlot class
# `AccountSlot` gathers slot items together instead of separate arrays.
class AccountSlot:
def __init__(self, index: int, base_instrument: Instrument, base_token_bank: typing.Optional[TokenBank], quote_token_bank: TokenBank, raw_deposit: Decimal, deposit: InstrumentValue, raw_borrow: Decimal, borrow: InstrumentValue, spot_open_orders: typing.Optional[PublicKey], perp_account: typing.Optional[PerpAccount]) -> None:
self.index: int = index
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
self.base_instrument: Instrument = base_instrument
self.base_token_bank: typing.Optional[TokenBank] = base_token_bank
self.quote_token_bank: TokenBank = quote_token_bank
self.raw_deposit: Decimal = raw_deposit
self.deposit: InstrumentValue = deposit
self.raw_borrow: Decimal = raw_borrow
self.borrow: InstrumentValue = borrow
self.spot_open_orders: typing.Optional[PublicKey] = spot_open_orders
self.perp_account: typing.Optional[PerpAccount] = perp_account
def net_value(self) -> InstrumentValue:
return self.deposit - self.borrow
def raw_net_value(self) -> Decimal:
return self.raw_deposit - self.raw_borrow
def __str__(self) -> str:
perp_account: str = "None"
if self.perp_account is not None:
perp_account = f"{self.perp_account}".replace("\n", "\n ")
return f"""« AccountSlot [{self.index}] {self.base_instrument.symbol}
Net Value: {self.net_value}
Deposited: {self.deposit} (raw value: {self.raw_deposit})
Borrowed: {self.borrow} (raw value {self.raw_borrow})
Spot OpenOrders: {self.spot_open_orders or "None"}
Perp Account:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self}"
# # 🥭 Account class
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
# `Account` holds information about the account for a particular user/wallet for a particualr `Group`.
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
class Account(AddressableAccount):
def __sum_neg(dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, name: str) -> Decimal:
return typing.cast(Decimal, dataframe.loc[dataframe[name] < 0, name].sum())
def __sum_pos(dataframe: pandas.DataFrame, name: str) -> Decimal:
return typing.cast(Decimal, dataframe.loc[dataframe[name] > 0, name].sum())
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
def __init__(self, account_info: AccountInfo, version: Version,
2021-10-04 10:27:07 -07:00
meta_data: Metadata, group_name: str, group_address: PublicKey, owner: PublicKey,
info: str, shared_quote: AccountSlot,
in_margin_basket: typing.Sequence[bool],
slot_indices: typing.Sequence[bool],
base_slots: typing.Sequence[AccountSlot],
2022-01-18 06:35:01 -08:00
msrm_amount: Decimal, being_liquidated: bool, is_bankrupt: bool,
advanced_orders: PublicKey, not_upgradable: bool, delegate: PublicKey) -> None:
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
self.version: Version = version
self.meta_data: Metadata = meta_data
2021-10-04 10:27:07 -07:00
self.group_name: str = group_name
self.group_address: PublicKey = group_address
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
self.owner: PublicKey = owner
2021-08-13 04:15:17 -07:00 str = info
self.shared_quote: AccountSlot = shared_quote
self.in_margin_basket: typing.Sequence[bool] = in_margin_basket
self.slot_indices: typing.Sequence[bool] = slot_indices
self.base_slots: typing.Sequence[AccountSlot] = base_slots
self.msrm_amount: Decimal = msrm_amount
self.being_liquidated: bool = being_liquidated
self.is_bankrupt: bool = is_bankrupt
2022-01-18 06:35:01 -08:00
self.advanced_orders: PublicKey = advanced_orders
self.not_upgradable: bool = not_upgradable
self.delegate: PublicKey = delegate
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def shared_quote_token(self) -> Token:
token_bank = self.shared_quote.base_token_bank
if token_bank is None:
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
raise Exception(f"Shared quote does not have a token: {self.shared_quote}")
return Token.ensure(token_bank.token)
def slots(self) -> typing.Sequence[AccountSlot]:
return [*[slot for slot in self.base_slots], self.shared_quote]
def slots_by_index(self) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Optional[AccountSlot]]:
mapped_items: typing.List[typing.Optional[AccountSlot]] = []
slot_counter = 0
for available in self.slot_indices:
if available:
mapped_items += [self.base_slots[slot_counter]]
slot_counter += 1
mapped_items += [None]
mapped_items += [self.shared_quote]
return mapped_items
def deposits(self) -> typing.Sequence[InstrumentValue]:
return [slot.deposit for slot in self.slots]
def deposits_by_index(self) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Optional[InstrumentValue]]:
return [slot.deposit if slot is not None else None for slot in self.slots_by_index]
def borrows(self) -> typing.Sequence[InstrumentValue]:
return [slot.borrow for slot in self.slots]
def borrows_by_index(self) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Optional[InstrumentValue]]:
return [slot.borrow if slot is not None else None for slot in self.slots_by_index]
def net_values(self) -> typing.Sequence[InstrumentValue]:
return [slot.net_value for slot in self.slots]
def net_values_by_index(self) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Optional[InstrumentValue]]:
return [slot.net_value if slot is not None else None for slot in self.slots_by_index]
def spot_open_orders(self) -> typing.Sequence[PublicKey]:
return [slot.spot_open_orders for slot in self.base_slots if slot.spot_open_orders is not None]
def spot_open_orders_by_index(self) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Optional[PublicKey]]:
return [slot.spot_open_orders if slot is not None else None for slot in self.slots_by_index]
def perp_accounts(self) -> typing.Sequence[PerpAccount]:
return [slot.perp_account for slot in self.base_slots if slot.perp_account is not None]
def perp_accounts_by_index(self) -> typing.Sequence[typing.Optional[PerpAccount]]:
return [slot.perp_account if slot is not None else None for slot in self.slots_by_index]
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
def from_layout(layout: typing.Any, account_info: AccountInfo, version: Version, group: Group, cache: Cache) -> "Account":
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
meta_data = Metadata.from_layout(layout.meta_data)
owner: PublicKey = layout.owner
2021-08-13 04:15:17 -07:00
info: str =
mngo_token = group.liquidity_incentive_token
in_margin_basket: typing.Sequence[bool] = list([bool(in_basket) for in_basket in layout.in_margin_basket])
active_in_basket: typing.List[bool] = []
slots: typing.List[AccountSlot] = []
placed_orders_all_markets: typing.List[typing.List[PlacedOrder]] = [[]
for _ in range(len(group.slot_indices) - 1)]
for index, order_market in enumerate(layout.order_market):
if order_market != 0xFF:
side = Side.from_value(layout.order_side[index])
id = layout.order_ids[index]
client_id = layout.client_order_ids[index]
placed_order = PlacedOrder(id, client_id, side)
placed_orders_all_markets[int(order_market)] += [placed_order]
quote_token_bank: TokenBank = group.shared_quote
quote_token: Token = group.shared_quote_token
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
for index in range(len(group.slots_by_index)):
group_slot = group.slots_by_index[index]
if group_slot is not None:
instrument = group_slot.base_instrument
token_bank = group_slot.base_token_bank
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
raw_deposit: Decimal = Decimal(0)
intrinsic_deposit: Decimal = Decimal(0)
raw_borrow: Decimal = Decimal(0)
intrinsic_borrow: Decimal = Decimal(0)
if token_bank is not None:
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
raw_deposit = layout.deposits[index]
root_bank_cache: typing.Optional[RootBankCache] = token_bank.root_bank_cache_from_cache(
cache, index)
if root_bank_cache is None:
raise Exception(f"No root bank cache found for token {token_bank} at index {index}")
intrinsic_deposit = root_bank_cache.deposit_index * raw_deposit
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
raw_borrow = layout.borrows[index]
intrinsic_borrow = root_bank_cache.borrow_index * raw_borrow
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
deposit = InstrumentValue(instrument, instrument.shift_to_decimals(intrinsic_deposit))
borrow = InstrumentValue(instrument, instrument.shift_to_decimals(intrinsic_borrow))
perp_open_orders = PerpOpenOrders(placed_orders_all_markets[index])
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
perp_account = PerpAccount.from_layout(
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
spot_open_orders = layout.spot_open_orders[index]
account_slot: AccountSlot = AccountSlot(index, instrument, token_bank, quote_token_bank,
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
raw_deposit, deposit, raw_borrow, borrow,
spot_open_orders, perp_account)
slots += [account_slot]
active_in_basket += [True]
active_in_basket += [False]
quote_index: int = len(layout.deposits) - 1
raw_quote_deposit: Decimal = layout.deposits[quote_index]
quote_root_bank_cache: typing.Optional[RootBankCache] = quote_token_bank.root_bank_cache_from_cache(
cache, quote_index)
if quote_root_bank_cache is None:
raise Exception(f"No root bank cache found for quote token {quote_token_bank} at index {index}")
intrinsic_quote_deposit = quote_root_bank_cache.deposit_index * raw_quote_deposit
quote_deposit = InstrumentValue(quote_token, quote_token.shift_to_decimals(intrinsic_quote_deposit))
raw_quote_borrow: Decimal = layout.borrows[quote_index]
intrinsic_quote_borrow = quote_root_bank_cache.borrow_index * raw_quote_borrow
quote_borrow = InstrumentValue(quote_token, quote_token.shift_to_decimals(intrinsic_quote_borrow))
quote: AccountSlot = AccountSlot(len(layout.deposits) - 1, quote_token_bank.token, quote_token_bank,
quote_token_bank, raw_quote_deposit, quote_deposit, raw_quote_borrow,
quote_borrow, None, None)
msrm_amount: Decimal = layout.msrm_amount
being_liquidated: bool = bool(layout.being_liquidated)
is_bankrupt: bool = bool(layout.is_bankrupt)
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advanced_orders: PublicKey = layout.advanced_orders
not_upgradable: bool = bool(layout.not_upgradable)
delegate: PublicKey = layout.delegate
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2022-01-18 06:35:01 -08:00
return Account(account_info, version, meta_data,, group.address, owner, info, quote,
in_margin_basket, active_in_basket, slots, msrm_amount, being_liquidated, is_bankrupt,
advanced_orders, not_upgradable, delegate)
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
def parse(account_info: AccountInfo, group: Group, cache: Cache) -> "Account":
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
data =
if len(data) != layouts.MANGO_ACCOUNT.sizeof():
raise Exception(
f"Account data length ({len(data)}) does not match expected size ({layouts.MANGO_ACCOUNT.sizeof()})")
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
layout = layouts.MANGO_ACCOUNT.parse(data)
return Account.from_layout(layout, account_info, Version.V3, group, cache)
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
def load(context: Context, address: PublicKey, group: Group) -> "Account":
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
account_info = AccountInfo.load(context, address)
if account_info is None:
raise Exception(f"Account account not found at address '{address}'")
cache: Cache = group.fetch_cache(context)
return Account.parse(account_info, group, cache)
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
def load_all(context: Context, group: Group) -> typing.Sequence["Account"]:
# mango_group is just after the METADATA, which is the first entry.
group_offset = layouts.METADATA.sizeof()
# owner is just after mango_group in the layout, and it's a PublicKey which is 32 bytes.
filters = [
results = context.client.get_program_accounts(
context.mango_program_address, memcmp_opts=filters, data_size=layouts.MANGO_ACCOUNT.sizeof())
cache: Cache = group.fetch_cache(context)
accounts: typing.List[Account] = []
for account_data in results:
address = PublicKey(account_data["pubkey"])
account_info = AccountInfo._from_response_values(account_data["account"], address)
account = Account.parse(account_info, group, cache)
accounts += [account]
return accounts
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
def load_all_for_owner(context: Context, owner: PublicKey, group: Group) -> typing.Sequence["Account"]:
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
# mango_group is just after the METADATA, which is the first entry.
group_offset = layouts.METADATA.sizeof()
# owner is just after mango_group in the layout, and it's a PublicKey which is 32 bytes.
owner_offset = group_offset + 32
filters = [
results = context.client.get_program_accounts(
context.mango_program_address, memcmp_opts=filters, data_size=layouts.MANGO_ACCOUNT.sizeof())
cache: Cache = group.fetch_cache(context)
accounts: typing.List[Account] = []
for account_data in results:
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
address = PublicKey(account_data["pubkey"])
account_info = AccountInfo._from_response_values(account_data["account"], address)
account = Account.parse(account_info, group, cache)
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
accounts += [account]
return accounts
def load_for_owner_by_address(context: Context, owner: PublicKey, group: Group, account_address: typing.Optional[PublicKey]) -> "Account":
if account_address is not None:
return Account.load(context, account_address, group)
accounts: typing.Sequence[Account] = Account.load_all_for_owner(context, owner, group)
if len(accounts) > 1:
raise Exception(f"More than 1 Mango account for owner '{owner}' and which to choose not specified.")
return accounts[0]
def slot_by_instrument_or_none(self, instrument: Instrument) -> typing.Optional[AccountSlot]:
for slot in self.slots:
if slot.base_instrument == instrument:
return slot
return None
def slot_by_instrument(self, instrument: Instrument) -> AccountSlot:
slot: typing.Optional[AccountSlot] = self.slot_by_instrument_or_none(instrument)
if slot is not None:
return slot
raise Exception(f"Could not find token {instrument} in account {self.address}")
2021-10-04 10:27:07 -07:00
def load_all_spot_open_orders(self, context: Context) -> typing.Dict[str, OpenOrders]:
spot_open_orders_account_infos = AccountInfo.load_multiple(context, self.spot_open_orders)
2021-10-04 10:27:07 -07:00
spot_open_orders_account_infos_by_address = {
str(account_info.address): account_info for account_info in spot_open_orders_account_infos}
spot_open_orders: typing.Dict[str, OpenOrders] = {}
for slot in self.base_slots:
if slot.spot_open_orders is not None:
account_info = spot_open_orders_account_infos_by_address[str(slot.spot_open_orders)]
2021-11-09 11:54:50 -08:00
oo = OpenOrders.parse(account_info, slot.base_instrument.decimals,
spot_open_orders[str(slot.spot_open_orders)] = oo
2021-10-04 10:27:07 -07:00
return spot_open_orders
def update_spot_open_orders_for_market(self, spot_market_index: int, spot_open_orders: PublicKey) -> None:
item_to_update = self.slots_by_index[spot_market_index]
if item_to_update is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not find AccountBasketItem in Account {self.address} at index {spot_market_index}.")
item_to_update.spot_open_orders = spot_open_orders
def to_dataframe(self, group: Group, all_spot_open_orders: typing.Dict[str, OpenOrders], cache: Cache) -> pandas.DataFrame:
asset_data = []
for slot in self.slots:
market_cache: typing.Optional[MarketCache] = group.market_cache_from_cache_or_none(
cache, slot.base_instrument)
price: InstrumentValue = group.token_price_from_cache(cache, slot.base_instrument)
spot_open_orders: typing.Optional[OpenOrders] = None
spot_health_base: Decimal = Decimal(0)
spot_health_quote: Decimal = Decimal(0)
spot_bids_base_net: Decimal = Decimal(0)
spot_asks_base_net: Decimal = Decimal(0)
if slot.spot_open_orders is not None:
spot_open_orders = all_spot_open_orders[str(slot.spot_open_orders)]
if spot_open_orders is None:
raise Exception(f"OpenOrders address {slot.spot_open_orders} at index {slot.index} not loaded.")
# Here's a comment from ckamm in
# that describes some of the health calculations.
# // Two "worst-case" scenarios are considered:
# // 1. All bids are executed at current price, producing a base amount of bids_base_net
# // when all quote_locked are converted to base.
# // 2. All asks are executed at current price, producing a base amount of asks_base_net
# // because base_locked would be converted to quote.
# // Report the scenario that would have a worse outcome on health.
# //
# // Explanation: This function returns (base, quote) and the values later get used in
# // health += (if base > 0 { asset_weight } else { liab_weight }) * base + quote
# // and here we return the scenario that will increase health the least.
# //
# // Correctness proof:
# // - always bids_base_net >= asks_base_net
# // - note that scenario 1 returns (a + b, c)
# // and scenario 2 returns (a, c + b), and b >= 0, c >= 0
# // - if a >= 0: scenario 1 will lead to less health as asset_weight <= 1.
# // - if a < 0 and b <= -a: scenario 2 will lead to less health as liab_weight >= 1.
# // - if a < 0 and b > -a:
# // The health contributions of both scenarios are identical if
# // asset_weight * (a + b) + c = liab_weight * a + c + b
# // <=> b = (asset_weight - liab_weight) / (1 - asset_weight) * a
# // <=> b = -2 a since asset_weight + liab_weight = 2 by weight construction
# // So the worse scenario switches when a + b = -a.
# // That means scenario 1 leads to less health whenever |a + b| > |a|.
# base total if all bids were executed
spot_bids_base_net = slot.net_value.value + \
(spot_open_orders.quote_token_locked / price.value) + spot_open_orders.base_token_total
# base total if all asks were executed
spot_asks_base_net = slot.net_value.value + spot_open_orders.base_token_free
if abs(spot_bids_base_net) > abs(spot_asks_base_net):
spot_health_base = spot_bids_base_net
spot_health_quote = spot_open_orders.quote_token_free
spot_health_base = spot_asks_base_net
spot_health_quote = (spot_open_orders.base_token_locked * price.value) + \
# From Daffy in Discord 2021-11-23:
# --
# There's a long_funding field on the PerpMarketCache which holds the current native USDC per
# base position accrued. The long_settled_funding stores the last time funding was settled for
# this particular user. So the funding owed is
# (PerpMarketCache.long_funding - PerpAccount.long_settled_funding) * PerpAccount.base_position
# if base position greater than 0 (i.e. long)
# And we use short_funding if base_position < 0
# The long_funding field in PerpMarketCache changes across time according to the
# update_funding() function. If orderbook is above index price, then long_funding and
# short_funding both increase.
# Usually long_funding and short_funding will be the same unless there was a socialized loss
# event. IF you have negative equity and insurance fund is empty, then half of the negative
# equity goes to longs and half goes to shorts. The way that's done is by increasing
# long_funding and decreasing short_funding by same amount.
# But unless there's a socialized loss, long_funding == short_funding
# --
perp_position: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_notional_position: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_value: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_health_base: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_health_quote: Decimal = Decimal(0)
unsettled_funding: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_health_base_value: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_asset: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_liability: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_current_value: Decimal = Decimal(0)
if slot.perp_account is not None and not slot.perp_account.empty and market_cache is not None:
perp_market: typing.Optional[GroupSlotPerpMarket] = group.perp_markets_by_index[slot.index]
if perp_market is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not find perp market in Group at index {slot.index}.")
perp_position = slot.perp_account.lot_size_converter.base_size_lots_to_number(
perp_notional_position = perp_position * price.value
perp_value = slot.perp_account.quote_position_raw
cached_perp_market: typing.Optional[PerpMarketCache] = market_cache.perp_market
if cached_perp_market is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not find perp market in Cache at index {slot.index}.")
unsettled_funding = slot.perp_account.unsettled_funding(cached_perp_market)
bids_quantity = slot.perp_account.lot_size_converter.base_size_lots_to_number(
asks_quantity = slot.perp_account.lot_size_converter.base_size_lots_to_number(
taker_quote = slot.perp_account.lot_size_converter.quote_size_lots_to_number(
perp_bids_base_net: Decimal = perp_position + bids_quantity
perp_asks_base_net: Decimal = perp_position - asks_quantity
perp_asset = slot.perp_account.asset_value(cached_perp_market, price.value)
perp_liability = slot.perp_account.liability_value(cached_perp_market, price.value)
perp_current_value = slot.perp_account.current_value(cached_perp_market, price.value)
quote_pos = slot.perp_account.quote_position / (10 ** self.shared_quote_token.decimals)
if abs(perp_bids_base_net) > abs(perp_asks_base_net):
perp_health_base = perp_bids_base_net
perp_health_quote = (quote_pos + unsettled_funding) + \
taker_quote - (bids_quantity * price.value)
perp_health_base = perp_asks_base_net
perp_health_quote = (quote_pos + unsettled_funding) + \
taker_quote + (asks_quantity * price.value)
perp_health_base_value = perp_health_base * price.value
group_slot: typing.Optional[GroupSlot] = None
if market_cache is not None:
group_slot = group.slot_by_instrument(slot.base_instrument)
spot_init_asset_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
spot_maint_asset_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
spot_init_liab_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
spot_maint_liab_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
if group_slot is not None and group_slot.spot_market is not None:
spot_init_asset_weight = group_slot.spot_market.init_asset_weight
spot_maint_asset_weight = group_slot.spot_market.maint_asset_weight
spot_init_liab_weight = group_slot.spot_market.init_liab_weight
spot_maint_liab_weight = group_slot.spot_market.maint_liab_weight
elif slot.base_instrument == self.shared_quote_token:
spot_init_asset_weight = Decimal(1)
spot_maint_asset_weight = Decimal(1)
spot_init_liab_weight = Decimal(1)
spot_maint_liab_weight = Decimal(1)
perp_init_asset_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_maint_asset_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_init_liab_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
perp_maint_liab_weight: Decimal = Decimal(0)
if group_slot is not None and group_slot.perp_market is not None:
perp_init_asset_weight = group_slot.perp_market.init_asset_weight
perp_maint_asset_weight = group_slot.perp_market.maint_asset_weight
perp_init_liab_weight = group_slot.perp_market.init_liab_weight
perp_maint_liab_weight = group_slot.perp_market.maint_liab_weight
elif slot.base_instrument == self.shared_quote_token:
perp_init_asset_weight = Decimal(1)
perp_maint_asset_weight = Decimal(1)
perp_init_liab_weight = Decimal(1)
perp_maint_liab_weight = Decimal(1)
base_open_unsettled: Decimal = Decimal(0)
base_open_locked: Decimal = Decimal(0)
base_open_total: Decimal = Decimal(0)
quote_open_unsettled: Decimal = Decimal(0)
quote_open_locked: Decimal = Decimal(0)
if spot_open_orders is not None:
base_open_unsettled = spot_open_orders.base_token_free
base_open_locked = spot_open_orders.base_token_locked
base_open_total = spot_open_orders.base_token_total
quote_open_unsettled = (spot_open_orders.quote_token_free
+ spot_open_orders.referrer_rebate_accrued)
quote_open_locked = spot_open_orders.quote_token_locked
base_total: Decimal = slot.deposit.value - slot.borrow.value + base_open_total
base_total_value: Decimal = base_total * price.value
spot_init_value: Decimal
spot_maint_value: Decimal
if base_total_value >= 0:
spot_init_value = base_total_value * spot_init_asset_weight
spot_maint_value = base_total_value * spot_maint_asset_weight
spot_init_value = base_total_value * spot_init_liab_weight
spot_maint_value = base_total_value * spot_maint_liab_weight
perp_init_value: Decimal
perp_maint_value: Decimal
if perp_health_base >= 0:
perp_init_value = perp_notional_position * perp_init_asset_weight
perp_maint_value = perp_notional_position * perp_maint_asset_weight
perp_init_health_base_value = perp_health_base_value * perp_init_asset_weight
perp_maint_health_base_value = perp_health_base_value * perp_maint_asset_weight
perp_init_value = perp_notional_position * perp_init_liab_weight
perp_maint_value = perp_notional_position * perp_maint_liab_weight
perp_init_health_base_value = perp_health_base_value * perp_init_liab_weight
perp_maint_health_base_value = perp_health_base_value * perp_maint_liab_weight
data = {
"Symbol": slot.base_instrument.symbol,
"Spot": base_total,
"SpotDeposit": slot.deposit.value,
"SpotBorrow": slot.borrow.value,
"SpotValue": base_total_value,
"SpotInitValue": spot_init_value,
"SpotMaintValue": spot_maint_value,
"PerpInitValue": perp_init_value,
"PerpMaintValue": perp_maint_value,
"BaseUnsettled": base_open_unsettled,
"BaseLocked": base_open_locked,
"QuoteUnsettled": quote_open_unsettled,
"QuoteLocked": quote_open_locked,
"BaseUnsettledInMarginBasket": base_open_unsettled if slot.index < len(self.in_margin_basket) and self.in_margin_basket[slot.index] else Decimal(0),
"BaseLockedInMarginBasket": base_open_locked if slot.index < len(self.in_margin_basket) and self.in_margin_basket[slot.index] else Decimal(0),
"QuoteUnsettledInMarginBasket": quote_open_unsettled if slot.index < len(self.in_margin_basket) and self.in_margin_basket[slot.index] else Decimal(0),
"QuoteLockedInMarginBasket": quote_open_locked if slot.index < len(self.in_margin_basket) and self.in_margin_basket[slot.index] else Decimal(0),
"PerpPositionSize": perp_position,
"PerpNotionalPositionSize": perp_notional_position,
"PerpValue": perp_value,
"UnsettledFunding": unsettled_funding,
"SpotInitAssetWeight": spot_init_asset_weight,
"SpotMaintAssetWeight": spot_maint_asset_weight,
"SpotInitLiabilityWeight": spot_init_liab_weight,
"SpotMaintLiabilityWeight": spot_maint_liab_weight,
"PerpInitAssetWeight": perp_init_asset_weight,
"PerpMaintAssetWeight": perp_maint_asset_weight,
"PerpInitLiabilityWeight": perp_init_liab_weight,
"PerpMaintLiabilityWeight": perp_maint_liab_weight,
"SpotHealthBase": spot_health_base,
"SpotHealthQuote": spot_health_quote,
"PerpHealthBase": perp_health_base,
"PerpHealthBaseValue": perp_health_base_value,
"PerpInitHealthBaseValue": perp_init_health_base_value,
"PerpMaintHealthBaseValue": perp_maint_health_base_value,
"PerpHealthQuote": perp_health_quote,
"PerpAsset": perp_asset,
"PerpLiability": perp_liability,
"PerpCurrentValue": perp_current_value,
asset_data += [data]
frame: pandas.DataFrame = pandas.DataFrame(asset_data)
return frame
def weighted_assets(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame, weighting_name: str = "") -> typing.Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]:
non_quote = frame.loc[frame["Symbol"] != self.shared_quote_token.symbol]
quote = frame.loc[frame["Symbol"] == self.shared_quote_token.symbol, "SpotValue"].sum()
quote += frame["PerpHealthQuote"].sum()
quote += frame["QuoteUnsettledInMarginBasket"].sum()
assets = Decimal(0)
liabilities = Decimal(0)
if quote > 0:
assets = quote
liabilities = quote
spot_value_key = f"Spot{weighting_name}Value"
perp_value_key = f"Perp{weighting_name}HealthBaseValue"
liabilities += Account.__sum_neg(non_quote, spot_value_key) + Account.__sum_neg(non_quote, perp_value_key)
assets += Account.__sum_pos(non_quote, spot_value_key) + Account.__sum_pos(non_quote, perp_value_key)
return assets, liabilities
def unweighted_assets(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> typing.Tuple[Decimal, Decimal]:
non_quote = frame.loc[frame["Symbol"] != self.shared_quote_token.symbol]
quote = frame.loc[frame["Symbol"] == self.shared_quote_token.symbol, "SpotValue"].sum()
assets = Decimal(0)
liabilities = Decimal(0)
if quote > 0:
assets = quote
liabilities = quote
liabilities += Account.__sum_neg(non_quote, "SpotValue") + non_quote['PerpLiability'].sum()
assets += Account.__sum_pos(non_quote, "SpotValue") + \
non_quote['PerpAsset'].sum() + \
Account.__sum_pos(non_quote, "QuoteUnsettled")
return assets, liabilities
def init_health(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> Decimal:
assets, liabilities = self.weighted_assets(frame, "Init")
return assets + liabilities
def maint_health(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> Decimal:
assets, liabilities = self.weighted_assets(frame, "Maint")
return assets + liabilities
def init_health_ratio(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> Decimal:
assets, liabilities = self.weighted_assets(frame, "Init")
if liabilities == 0:
return Decimal(100)
return ((assets / -liabilities) - 1) * 100
def maint_health_ratio(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> Decimal:
assets, liabilities = self.weighted_assets(frame, "Maint")
if liabilities == 0:
return Decimal(100)
return ((assets / -liabilities) - 1) * 100
def total_value(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> Decimal:
assets, liabilities = self.unweighted_assets(frame)
return assets + liabilities
def is_liquidatable(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> bool:
if self.being_liquidated and self.init_health(frame) < 0:
return True
elif self.init_health(frame) < 0:
return True
return False
def leverage(self, frame: pandas.DataFrame) -> Decimal:
assets, liabilities = self.unweighted_assets(frame)
if assets <= 0:
return Decimal(0)
return -liabilities / (assets + liabilities)
2021-08-01 10:03:46 -07:00
def __str__(self) -> str:
info = f"'{}'" if else "(un-named)"
shared_quote: str = f"{self.shared_quote}".replace("\n", "\n ")
slot_count = len(self.base_slots)
slots = "\n ".join([f"{item}".replace("\n", "\n ") for item in self.base_slots])
symbols: typing.Sequence[str] = [slot.base_instrument.symbol for slot in self.base_slots]
in_margin_basket = ", ".join(symbols) or "None"
return f"""« Account {info}, {self.version} [{self.address}]
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
Owner: {self.owner}
2022-01-18 06:35:01 -08:00
Delegated To: {self.delegate}
Group: « Group '{self.group_name}' [{self.group_address}] »
2022-01-18 06:35:01 -08:00
Advanced Orders Account: {self.advanced_orders}
MSRM: {self.msrm_amount}
Bankrupt? {self.is_bankrupt}
2022-01-18 06:35:01 -08:00
Upgradable? {not self.not_upgradable}
Being Liquidated? {self.being_liquidated}
2021-08-07 10:42:39 -07:00
Shared Quote Token:
In Basket: {in_margin_basket}
Basket [{slot_count} in basket]:
2021-06-25 02:33:40 -07:00
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self}"