#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys from pathlib import Path # Get the full path to this script. script_path = Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # The parent of the script is the bin directory. # The parent of the bin directory is the notebook directory. # It's this notebook directory we want. notebook_directory = script_path.parent.parent # Add the notebook directory to our import path. sys.path.append(str(notebook_directory)) # Add the startup directory to our import path. startup_directory = notebook_directory / "meta" / "startup" sys.path.append(str(startup_directory)) import argparse import logging import os.path import projectsetup import traceback from decimal import Decimal from BaseModel import Group from Constants import WARNING_DISCLAIMER_TEXT from Context import Context, default_cluster, default_cluster_url, default_program_id, default_dex_program_id, default_group_name, default_group_id from TradeExecutor import SerumImmediateTradeExecutor from Wallet import Wallet # We explicitly want argument parsing to be outside the main try-except block because some arguments # (like --help) will cause an exit, which our except: block traps. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sells one of the tokens in a Mango Markets group.') parser.add_argument("--cluster", type=str, default=default_cluster, help="Solana RPC cluster name") parser.add_argument("--cluster-url", type=str, default=default_cluster_url, help="Solana RPC cluster URL") parser.add_argument("--program-id", type=str, default=default_program_id, help="Mango program ID/address") parser.add_argument("--dex-program-id", type=str, default=default_dex_program_id, help="DEX program ID/address") parser.add_argument("--group-name", type=str, default=default_group_name, help="Mango group name") parser.add_argument("--group-id", type=str, default=default_group_id, help="Mango group ID/address") parser.add_argument("--id-file", type=str, default="id.json", help="file containing the JSON-formatted wallet private key") parser.add_argument("--log-level", default=logging.WARNING, type=lambda level: getattr(logging, level), help="level of verbosity to log (possible values: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)") parser.add_argument("--token-symbol", type=str, required=True, help="token symbol to buy (e.g. ETH)") parser.add_argument("--quantity", type=Decimal, required=True, help="quantity of token to buy") parser.add_argument("--adjustment-factor", type=Decimal, default=Decimal("0.05"), help="factor by which to adjust the SELL price (akin to maximum slippage)") args = parser.parse_args() logging.getLogger().setLevel(args.log_level) logging.warning(WARNING_DISCLAIMER_TEXT) try: id_filename = args.id_file if not os.path.isfile(id_filename): logging.error(f"Wallet file '{id_filename}' is not present.") sys.exit(1) wallet = Wallet.load(id_filename) adjustment_factor = args.adjustment_factor context = Context(args.cluster, args.cluster_url, args.program_id, args.dex_program_id, args.group_name, args.group_id) logging.info(f"Context: {context}") logging.info(f"Wallet address: {wallet.address}") group = Group.load(context) symbol = args.token_symbol.upper() trade_executor = SerumImmediateTradeExecutor(context, wallet, group, adjustment_factor) trade_executor.sell(symbol, args.quantity) logging.info("Sell completed.") except Exception as exception: logging.critical(f"Buy stopped because of exception: {exception} - {traceback.format_exc()}") except: logging.critical(f"Buy stopped because of uncatchable error: {traceback.format_exc()}")