""" From: https://github.com/knowsuchagency/jupyter-mypy/blob/master/main.py Add mypy type-checking cell magic to jupyter/ipython. """ from IPython.core.magic import register_cell_magic @register_cell_magic def mypy(line, cell): """ Run the following cell though mypy. Any parameters that would normally be passed to the mypy cli can be passed on the first line, with the exception of the -c flag we use to pass the code from the cell we want to execute i.e. %%mypy --something ... ... ... If mypy returns a 0 exit code nothing will be printed. """ from IPython import get_ipython from IPython.display import display, HTML from mypy import api result = api.run(line.split() + ['--ignore-missing-imports', '-c', cell]) # Result is a tuple with three parts: # 0 - mypy warnings/problems/issues. # 1 - mypy's stderr, for mypy problems. # 2 - mypy's exit code. if result[2] != 0: html = "" if result[0]: html += "
" if result[1]: html += "
" display(HTML(html)) shell = get_ipython() shell.run_cell(cell) # Delete these to avoid name conflicts. del mypy