# # ⚠ Warning # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT # LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN # NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # [🥭 Mango Markets](https://mango.markets/) support is available at: # [Docs](https://docs.mango.markets/) # [Discord](https://discord.gg/67jySBhxrg) # [Twitter](https://twitter.com/mangomarkets) # [Github](https://github.com/blockworks-foundation) # [Email](mailto:hello@blockworks.foundation) import abc import csv import logging import os.path import requests import typing from urllib.parse import unquote from .liquidationevent import LiquidationEvent from .output import output # # 🥭 Notification # # This file contains code to send arbitrary notifications. # # # 🥭 NotificationTarget class # # This base class is the root of the different notification mechanisms. # # Derived classes should override `send_notification()` to implement their own sending logic. # # Derived classes should not override `send()` since that is the interface outside classes call and it's used to ensure `NotificationTarget`s don't throw an exception when sending. # class NotificationTarget(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): def __init__(self) -> None: self._logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def send(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: try: self.send_notification(item) except Exception as exception: self._logger.error(f"Error sending {item} - {self} - {exception}") @abc.abstractmethod def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("NotificationTarget.send() is not implemented on the base type.") def __str__(self) -> str: return "« NotificationTarget »" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self}" # # 🥭 TelegramNotificationTarget class # # The `TelegramNotificationTarget` sends messages to Telegram. # # The format for the telegram notification is: # 1. The word 'telegram' # 2. A colon ':' # 3. The chat ID # 4. An '@' symbol # 5. The bot token # # For example: # ``` # telegram:@ # ``` # # The [Telegram instructions to create a bot](https://core.telegram.org/bots#creating-a-new-bot) # show you how to create the bot token. class TelegramNotificationTarget(NotificationTarget): def __init__(self, address: str) -> None: super().__init__() chat_id, bot_id = address.split("@", 1) self.chat_id = chat_id self.bot_id = bot_id def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: payload = {"disable_notification": True, "chat_id": self.chat_id, "text": str(item)} url = f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{self.bot_id}/sendMessage" headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"« TelegramNotificationTarget Chat ID: {self.chat_id} »" # # 🥭 DiscordNotificationTarget class # # The `DiscordNotificationTarget` sends messages to Discord. # class DiscordNotificationTarget(NotificationTarget): def __init__(self, address: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.address = address def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: payload = { "content": str(item) } url = self.address headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"« DiscordNotificationTarget Address: {self.address} »" # # 🥭 MailjetNotificationTarget class # # The `MailjetNotificationTarget` sends an email through [Mailjet](https://mailjet.com). # # In order to pass everything in to the notifier as a single string (needed to stop # command-line parameters form getting messy), `MailjetNotificationTarget` requires a # compound string, separated by colons. # ``` # mailjet:::FROM-NAME:FROM-ADDRESS:TO-NAME:TO-ADDRESS # # ``` # Individual components are URL-encoded (so, for example, spaces are replaces with %20, # colons are replaced with %3A). # # * `` and `` are from your [Mailjet](https://mailjet.com) account. # * `FROM-NAME` and `TO-NAME` are just text fields that are used as descriptors in the email messages. # * `FROM-ADDRESS` is the address the email appears to come from. This must be validated with [Mailjet](https://mailjet.com). # * `TO-ADDRESS` is the destination address - the email account to which the email is being sent. # # Mailjet provides a client library, but really we don't need or want more dependencies. This` # code just replicates the `curl` way of doing things: # ``` # curl -s \ # -X POST \ # --user "$MJ_APIKEY_PUBLIC:$MJ_APIKEY_PRIVATE" \ # https://api.mailjet.com/v3.1/send \ # -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ # -d '{ # "SandboxMode":"true", # "Messages":[ # { # "From":[ # { # "Email":"pilot@mailjet.com", # "Name":"Your Mailjet Pilot" # } # ], # "HTMLPart":"

Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet!

May the delivery force be with you!", # "Subject":"Your email flight plan!", # "TextPart":"Dear passenger, welcome to Mailjet! May the delivery force be with you!", # "To":[ # { # "Email":"passenger@mailjet.com", # "Name":"Passenger 1" # } # ] # } # ] # }' # ``` class MailjetNotificationTarget(NotificationTarget): def __init__(self, encoded_parameters: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.address = "https://api.mailjet.com/v3.1/send" api_key, api_secret, subject, from_name, from_address, to_name, to_address = encoded_parameters.split(":") self.api_key: str = unquote(api_key) self.api_secret: str = unquote(api_secret) self.subject: str = unquote(subject) self.from_name: str = unquote(from_name) self.from_address: str = unquote(from_address) self.to_name: str = unquote(to_name) self.to_address: str = unquote(to_address) def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: payload = { "Messages": [ { "From": { "Email": self.from_address, "Name": self.from_name }, "Subject": self.subject, "TextPart": str(item), "To": [ { "Email": self.to_address, "Name": self.to_name } ] } ] } url = self.address headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} requests.post(url, json=payload, headers=headers, auth=(self.api_key, self.api_secret)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"« MailjetNotificationTarget To: '{self.to_name}' '{self.to_address}' with subject '{self.subject}' »" # # 🥭 CsvFileNotificationTarget class # # Outputs a liquidation event to CSV. Nothing is written if the item is not a # `LiquidationEvent`. # # Headers for the CSV file should be: # ``` # "Timestamp","Liquidator Name","Group","Succeeded","Signature","Wallet","Margin Account","Token Changes" # ``` # Token changes are listed as pairs of value plus symbol, so each token change adds two # columns to the output. Token changes may arrive in different orders, so ordering of token # changes is not guaranteed to be consistent from transaction to transaction. # class CsvFileNotificationTarget(NotificationTarget): def __init__(self, filename: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.filename = filename def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: if isinstance(item, LiquidationEvent): event: LiquidationEvent = item if not os.path.isfile(self.filename) or os.path.getsize(self.filename) == 0: with open(self.filename, "w") as empty_file: empty_file.write( '"Timestamp","Liquidator Name","Group","Succeeded","Signature","Wallet","Margin Account","Token Changes"\n') with open(self.filename, "a") as csvfile: result = "Succeeded" if event.succeeded else "Failed" row_data = [event.timestamp, event.liquidator_name, event.group_name, result, " ".join(event.signatures), event.wallet_address, event.account_address] for change in event.changes: row_data += [f"{change.value:.8f}", change.token.name] file_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) file_writer.writerow(row_data) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"« CsvFileNotificationTarget File: {self.filename} »" # # 🥭 FilteringNotificationTarget class # # This class takes a `NotificationTarget` and a filter function, and only calls the # `NotificationTarget` if the filter function returns `True` for the notification item. # class FilteringNotificationTarget(NotificationTarget): def __init__(self, inner_notifier: NotificationTarget, filter_func: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], bool]) -> None: super().__init__() self.inner_notifier: NotificationTarget = inner_notifier self.filter_func = filter_func def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: if self.filter_func(item): self.inner_notifier.send_notification(item) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"« FilteringNotificationTarget For: {self.inner_notifier} »" # # 🥭 ConsoleNotificationTarget class # # The `ConsoleNotificationTarget` prints messages on the console. # class ConsoleNotificationTarget(NotificationTarget): def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.name = name def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: output(self.name, item) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"« ConsoleNotificationTarget '{self.name}' »" # # 🥭 CompoundNotificationTarget class # # The `CompoundNotificationTarget` acts as a single `NotificationTarget`, sending notifications to all # inner `NotificationTarget`s. # class CompoundNotificationTarget(NotificationTarget): def __init__(self, targets: typing.Sequence[NotificationTarget]) -> None: super().__init__() self.targets: typing.Sequence[NotificationTarget] = targets self.in_exception_handler: bool = False def send_notification(self, item: typing.Any) -> None: for target in self.targets: try: target.send(item) except Exception as exception: if not self.in_exception_handler: self.in_exception_handler = True self._logger.error(f"Failed to send notification to: {target} - {exception}") finally: self.in_exception_handler = False def __str__(self) -> str: inner: typing.List[str] = [] for target in self.targets: inner += [f"{target}"] inner_text: str = "\n ".join(inner) return f"""« CompoundNotificationTarget with {len(self.targets)} inner targets: {inner_text} »""" # # 🥭 parse_notification_target() function # # `parse_notification_target()` takes a parameter as a string and returns a notification # target. # # This is most likely used when parsing command-line arguments - this function can be used # in the `type` parameter of an `add_argument()` call. # def parse_notification_target(target: str) -> NotificationTarget: protocol, destination = target.split(":", 1) if protocol == "telegram": return TelegramNotificationTarget(destination) elif protocol == "discord": return DiscordNotificationTarget(destination) elif protocol == "mailjet": return MailjetNotificationTarget(destination) elif protocol == "csvfile": return CsvFileNotificationTarget(destination) elif protocol == "console": return ConsoleNotificationTarget(destination) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown protocol: {protocol}") # # 🥭 NotificationHandler class # # A bridge between the worlds of notifications and logging. This allows any # `NotificationTarget` to be plugged in to the `logging` subsystem to receive log messages # and notify however it chooses. # class NotificationHandler(logging.StreamHandler): # type: ignore def __init__(self, target: NotificationTarget) -> None: super().__init__() self.target = target def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: # Don't send error logging from solanaweb3 if record.name == "solanaweb3.rpc.httprpc.HTTPClient": return message = self.format(record) self.target.send_notification(message) def __str__(self) -> str: return "« NotificationHandler »"