
60 lines
2.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import os
import os.path
import sys
from decimal import Decimal
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
import mango # nopep8
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="deposit funds into a Mango account")
parser.add_argument("--symbol", type=str, required=True, help="token symbol to deposit (e.g. USDC)")
parser.add_argument("--quantity", type=Decimal, required=True, help="quantity token to deposit")
parser.add_argument("--account-index", type=int, default=0,
help="index of the account to use, if more than one available")
args: argparse.Namespace = mango.parse_args(parser)
context = mango.ContextBuilder.from_command_line_parameters(args)
wallet = mango.Wallet.from_command_line_parameters_or_raise(args)
group = mango.Group.load(context, context.group_address)
accounts = mango.Account.load_all_for_owner(context, wallet.address, group)
if len(accounts) == 0:
raise Exception(f"Could not find any Mango accounts for '{wallet.address}'.")
account = accounts[args.account_index]
token = context.token_lookup.find_by_symbol(args.symbol.upper())
if token is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not find token with symbol '{args.symbol}'.")
token_account = mango.TokenAccount.fetch_largest_for_owner_and_token(context, wallet.keypair.public_key, token)
if token_account is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not find token account for token {token} with owner {wallet.keypair}.")
deposit_value = mango.TokenValue(token, args.quantity)
deposit_token_account = mango.TokenAccount(
token_account.account_info, token_account.version, token_account.owner, deposit_value)
root_bank = None
for token_info in group.tokens:
if token_info is not None and token_info.token is not None and ==
root_bank = token_info.root_bank
if root_bank is None:
raise Exception(f"Could not find token root bank for symbol '{args.symbol}'.")
node_bank = root_bank.pick_node_bank(context)
signers: mango.CombinableInstructions = mango.CombinableInstructions.from_wallet(wallet)
deposit = mango.build_deposit_instructions(
context, wallet, group, account, root_bank, node_bank, deposit_token_account)
all_instructions = signers + deposit
transaction_ids = all_instructions.execute(context)
print("Transaction IDs:", transaction_ids)