import { Market, DexInstructions, OpenOrders, } from "@project-serum/serum"; import { Connection, Keypair, LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, PublicKey, SystemProgram, TransactionInstruction, Transaction, sendAndConfirmTransaction, Signer, } from "@solana/web3.js"; import { BN } from "@project-serum/anchor"; import * as splToken from "@solana/spl-token"; export class SerumUtils { private authority: Keypair; private payer : PublicKey; private conn: Connection; private dexProgramId : PublicKey; constructor( conn: Connection, authority: Keypair, dexProgramId : PublicKey) { this.conn = conn; this.authority = authority; this.payer = authority.publicKey; this.dexProgramId = dexProgramId; } private async createAccountIx( account: PublicKey, space: number, programId: PublicKey ): Promise { return SystemProgram.createAccount({ newAccountPubkey: account, fromPubkey: this.payer, lamports: await this.conn.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(space), space, programId, }); } async createAccount( owner : Keypair, pid : PublicKey, space: number): Promise { const newAccount = new Keypair(); const createTx = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.createAccount({ fromPubkey: owner.publicKey, newAccountPubkey: newAccount.publicKey, programId: pid, lamports: await this.conn.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption( space ), space, }) ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(this.conn, createTx, [ owner, newAccount, ]); return newAccount; } async createTokenAccount(mint: PublicKey, payer: Keypair, owner: PublicKey) : Promise { return splToken.createAccount(this.conn, payer, mint, owner,) } async transaction(): Promise { return new Transaction({ feePayer: this.authority.publicKey, recentBlockhash: (await this.conn.getRecentBlockhash()).blockhash, }); } /** * Create a new Serum market */ public async createMarket(info: CreateMarketInfo): Promise { const owner = this.authority; const market = await this.createAccount( owner, this.dexProgramId, Market.getLayout(this.dexProgramId).span,); const requestQueue = await this.createAccount( owner, this.dexProgramId, 5132); const eventQueue = await this.createAccount( owner, this.dexProgramId, 262156); const bids = await this.createAccount( owner, this.dexProgramId, 65548); const asks = await this.createAccount( owner, this.dexProgramId, 65548); const quoteDustThreshold = new BN(100); const [vaultOwner, vaultOwnerBump] = await this.findVaultOwner( market.publicKey ); const [baseVault, quoteVault] = await Promise.all([ splToken.createAccount(this.conn, this.authority, info.baseToken, vaultOwner, Keypair.generate()), splToken.createAccount(this.conn, this.authority, info.quoteToken, vaultOwner, Keypair.generate()), ]); const initMarketTx = (await this.transaction()).add( DexInstructions.initializeMarket( toPublicKeys({ market, requestQueue, eventQueue, bids, asks, baseVault, quoteVault, baseMint: info.baseToken, quoteMint: info.quoteToken, baseLotSize: new BN(info.baseLotSize), quoteLotSize: new BN(info.quoteLotSize), feeRateBps: info.feeRateBps, vaultSignerNonce: vaultOwnerBump, quoteDustThreshold, programId: this.dexProgramId, }) ) ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(this.conn, initMarketTx, [this.authority]); let mkt = await Market.load( this.conn, market.publicKey, { commitment: "recent" }, this.dexProgramId ); return mkt; } async createWallet(lamports: number): Promise { const wallet = Keypair.generate(); const fundTx = new Transaction().add( SystemProgram.transfer({ fromPubkey: this.authority.publicKey, toPubkey: wallet.publicKey, lamports, }) ); await sendAndConfirmTransaction(this.conn, fundTx, [this.authority]); return wallet; } public async getMarket(market: PublicKey) { return Market.load(this.conn, market, {commitment: "confirmed"}, this.dexProgramId); } public async createMarketMaker( lamports: number, tokens: [PublicKey, BN][] ): Promise { const account = await this.createWallet(lamports); const tokenAccounts = {}; const transactions = []; for (const [token, amount] of tokens) { const publicKey = await this.createTokenAccount( token, this.authority, account.publicKey, ); splToken.mintTo( this.conn, this.authority, token, publicKey, this.authority, amount.toNumber()) tokenAccounts[token.toBase58()] = publicKey; } return new MarketMaker(account, tokenAccounts); } public async createAndMakeMarket(baseToken: PublicKey, quoteToken: PublicKey, marketPrice: number, exp : number): Promise { const market = await this.createMarket({ baseToken, quoteToken, baseLotSize: 1000, quoteLotSize: 100, feeRateBps: 0, }); let nb = Math.floor(40000/marketPrice); { const marketMaker = await this.createMarketMaker( 1 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, [ [baseToken, new BN(nb * 10)], [quoteToken, new BN(nb * 10)], ] ); const bids = MarketMaker.makeOrders([[marketPrice * 0.995, nb]]); const asks = MarketMaker.makeOrders([[marketPrice * 1.005, nb]]); await marketMaker.placeOrders(this.conn, market, bids, asks); } return market; } public async findVaultOwner(market: PublicKey): Promise<[PublicKey, BN]> { const bump = new BN(0); while (bump.toNumber() < 255) { try { const vaultOwner = await PublicKey.createProgramAddress( [market.toBuffer(), bump.toArrayLike(Buffer, "le", 8)], this.dexProgramId ); return [vaultOwner, bump]; } catch (_e) { bump.iaddn(1); } } throw new Error("no seed found for vault owner"); } } export interface CreateMarketInfo { baseToken: PublicKey; quoteToken: PublicKey; baseLotSize: number; quoteLotSize: number; feeRateBps: number; } export interface Order { price: number; size: number; } export class MarketMaker { public account: Keypair; public tokenAccounts: { [mint: string]: PublicKey }; constructor( account: Keypair, tokenAccounts: { [mint: string]: PublicKey } ) { this.account = account; this.tokenAccounts = tokenAccounts; } static makeOrders(orders: [number, number][]): Order[] { return[price, size]) => ({ price, size })); } async placeOrders(connection : Connection, market: Market, bids: Order[], asks: Order[]) { await connection.confirmTransaction( await connection.requestAirdrop(this.account.publicKey, 20 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL), "confirmed" ); const baseTokenAccount = this.tokenAccounts[market.baseMintAddress.toBase58()]; const quoteTokenAccount = this.tokenAccounts[market.quoteMintAddress.toBase58()]; const askOrderTxs = []; const bidOrderTxs = []; const placeOrderDefaultParams = { owner: this.account.publicKey, clientId: undefined, openOrdersAddressKey: undefined, openOrdersAccount: undefined, feeDiscountPubkey: null, }; for (const entry of asks) { const { transaction, signers } = await market.makePlaceOrderTransaction( connection, { payer: baseTokenAccount, side: "sell", price: entry.price, size: entry.size, orderType: "limit", selfTradeBehavior: "decrementTake", ...placeOrderDefaultParams, } ); askOrderTxs.push([transaction, [this.account, ...signers]]); } for (const entry of bids) { const { transaction, signers } = await market.makePlaceOrderTransaction( connection, { payer: quoteTokenAccount, side: "buy", price: entry.price, size: entry.size, orderType: "limit", selfTradeBehavior: "decrementTake", ...placeOrderDefaultParams, } ); bidOrderTxs.push([transaction, [this.account, ...signers]]); } await this.sendAndConfirmTransactionSet( connection, ...askOrderTxs, ...bidOrderTxs ); } async sendAndConfirmTransactionSet( connection: Connection, ...transactions: [Transaction, Signer[]][] ): Promise { const signatures = await Promise.all([t, s]) => connection.sendTransaction(t, s) ) ); const result = await Promise.all( => connection.confirmTransaction(s)) ); const failedTx = result.filter((r) => r.value.err != null); if (failedTx.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Transactions failed: ${failedTx}`); } return signatures; } } export function toPublicKeys( obj: Record ): any { const newObj = {}; for (const key in obj) { const value = obj[key]; if (typeof value == "string") { newObj[key] = new PublicKey(value); } else if (typeof value == "object" && "publicKey" in value) { newObj[key] = value.publicKey; } else { newObj[key] = value; } } return newObj; } interface HasPublicKey { publicKey: PublicKey; }