import create, { State } from 'zustand' import produce from 'immer' import { Connection, PublicKey, Transaction } from '@solana/web3.js' import * as anchor from '@project-serum/anchor' import { EndpointInfo, WalletAdapter } from '../@types/types' // @ts-ignore import poolIdl from '../idls/ido_pool' import { getOwnedTokenAccounts, getMint, ProgramAccount, TokenAccount, MintAccount, getTokenAccount, } from '../utils/tokens' import { findLargestBalanceAccountForMint } from '../hooks/useLargestAccounts' import { TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } from '@solana/spl-token' import { createAssociatedTokenAccount } from '../utils/associated' import { sendTransaction } from '../utils/send' import { DEFAULT_PROVIDER } from '../utils/wallet-adapters' import { calculateNativeAmountUnsafe } from '../utils/balance' export const ENDPOINTS: EndpointInfo[] = [ { name: 'mainnet-beta', url: '', websocket: '', programId: 'AgGftdn4t6Ws2hEwYmpjPdSHve7QiqhLY3WQyA689kCt', poolKey: 'D5tRvh6dUeerHVwM5DAEnq3Pv2njGEaZoMX9qHfo4HoF', }, { name: 'devnet', url: '', websocket: '', programId: '2oBtRS2AAQfsMxXQfg41fKFY9zjvHwSSD7G5idrCFziV', // owned by devnet key // programId: 'CRU6hX2GgtdabESgkoMswMrUdRFxHhCVYmS292VN1Nnn', // owned by governance //poolKey: 'GvSyVjGwLBeWdURMLDmSffQPqA8g547A6TURbbBnDpa4', // governance test // poolKey: '82ndgp58GXpwuLrEc9svHFdhiEsPaZoNUEWwgc79WHqk', // already over poolKey: '5heMyYtJK1Us9Hx2w6s5rLDNj8RufeyCR1ZUJAVFLQL7', // long deposits // poolKey: '7Dr2Ksnz5evoT9mEUgvvkmirH8KDC99b5oVPHbqSpx4K', // short deposit //poolKey: 'CdKyD4Qazo72Bm6SsPBWrT1AnH1NEuoUzvQg7b67EBac', // not started yet }, { name: 'localnet', url: 'http://localhost:8899', websocket: 'http://localhost:8899', programId: 'FF8zcQ1aEmyXeBt99hohoyYprgpEVmWsRK44qta3emno', poolKey: '8gswb9g1JdYEVj662KXr9p6p9SMgR77NryyqvWn9GPXJ', }, ] const CLUSTER = 'mainnet-beta' const ENDPOINT = ENDPOINTS.find((e) => === CLUSTER) const DEFAULT_CONNECTION = new Connection(ENDPOINT.url, 'recent') const WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION = new Connection(ENDPOINT.websocket, 'recent') const PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey(ENDPOINT.programId) const POOL_PK = new PublicKey(ENDPOINT.poolKey) interface PoolAccount { distributionAuthority: PublicKey endDepositsTs: anchor.BN endIdoTs: anchor.BN nonce: number numIdoTokens: anchor.BN poolUsdc: PublicKey poolWatermelon: PublicKey redeemableMint: PublicKey startIdoTs: anchor.BN watermelonMint: PublicKey } interface WalletStore extends State { connected: boolean connection: { cluster: string current: Connection websocket: Connection endpoint: string programId: PublicKey } current: WalletAdapter | undefined providerUrl: string provider: anchor.Provider | undefined program: anchor.Program | undefined pool: PoolAccount | undefined mangoVault: TokenAccount | undefined usdcVault: TokenAccount | undefined tokenAccounts: ProgramAccount[] mints: { [pubkey: string]: MintAccount } set: (x: any) => void actions: any } const useWalletStore = create((set, get) => ({ connected: false, connection: { cluster: CLUSTER, current: DEFAULT_CONNECTION, websocket: WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION, endpoint: ENDPOINT.url, programId: PROGRAM_ID, }, current: null, providerUrl: DEFAULT_PROVIDER.url, provider: undefined, program: undefined, pool: undefined, mangoVault: undefined, usdcVault: undefined, tokenAccounts: [], mints: {}, actions: { async fetchPool() { const connection = get().connection.current const wallet = get().current const programId = get().connection.programId const set = get().set // console.log('fetchPool', connection, poolIdl) if (connection) { const provider = new anchor.Provider( connection, wallet, anchor.Provider.defaultOptions() ) const program = new anchor.Program(poolIdl, programId, provider) const pool = (await program.account.poolAccount.fetch( POOL_PK )) as PoolAccount const [usdcVault, mangoVault] = await Promise.all([ getTokenAccount(connection, pool.poolUsdc), getTokenAccount(connection, pool.poolWatermelon), ]) // console.log('fetchPool', { program, pool, usdcVault, mangoVault }) set((state) => { state.provider = provider state.program = program state.pool = pool state.usdcVault = usdcVault.account state.mangoVault = mangoVault.account }) } }, async fetchWalletTokenAccounts() { const connection = get().connection.current const connected = get().connected const wallet = get().current const walletOwner = wallet?.publicKey const set = get().set console.log( 'fetchWalletTokenAccounts', connected, walletOwner?.toString() ) if (connected && walletOwner) { const ownedTokenAccounts = await getOwnedTokenAccounts( connection, walletOwner ) set((state) => { state.tokenAccounts = ownedTokenAccounts }) } else { set((state) => { state.tokenAccounts = [] }) } }, async fetchUsdcVault() { const connection = get().connection.current const pool = get().pool const set = get().set if (!pool) return const { account: vault } = await getTokenAccount( connection, pool.poolUsdc ) // console.log('fetchUsdcVault', vault) set((state) => { state.usdcVault = vault }) }, async fetchMints() { const connection = get().connection.current const pool = get().pool const mangoVault = get().mangoVault const usdcVault = get().usdcVault const set = get().set const mintKeys = [,, pool.redeemableMint] const mints = await Promise.all( => getMint(connection, pk)) ) // console.log('fetchMints', mints) set((state) => { for (const pa of mints) { state.mints[pa.publicKey.toBase58()] = pa.account // console.log('mint', pa.publicKey.toBase58(), pa.account) } }) }, async fetchMNGOVault() { const connection = get().connection.current const pool = get().pool const set = get().set if (!pool) return const { account: vault } = await getTokenAccount( connection, pool.poolWatermelon ) // console.log('fetchMNGOVault', vault) set((state) => { state.mangoVault = vault }) }, async fetchRedeemableMint() { const connection = get().connection.current const pool = get().pool const set = get().set const mintKeys = [pool.redeemableMint] const mints = await Promise.all( => getMint(connection, pk)) ) // console.log('fetchMints', mints) set((state) => { for (const pa of mints) { state.mints[pa.publicKey.toBase58()] = pa.account // console.log('mint', pa.publicKey.toBase58(), pa.account) } }) }, async submitContribution(amount: number) { console.log('submitContribution', amount) const actions = get().actions await actions.fetchWalletTokenAccounts() const { program, provider, pool, tokenAccounts, mints, usdcVault, current: wallet, connection: { current: connection }, } = get() const redeemable = findLargestBalanceAccountForMint( mints, tokenAccounts, pool.redeemableMint ) const usdc = findLargestBalanceAccountForMint( mints, tokenAccounts, ) const difference = amount - (redeemable?.balance || 0) const [poolSigner] = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress( [pool.watermelonMint.toBuffer()], program.programId ) if (difference > 0) { const depositAmount = calculateNativeAmountUnsafe( mints,, difference ) console.log(depositAmount.toString(), 'exchangeUsdcForReemable') let redeemableAccPk = redeemable?.account?.publicKey const transaction = new Transaction() if (!redeemable) { const [ins, pk] = await createAssociatedTokenAccount( wallet.publicKey, wallet.publicKey, pool.redeemableMint ) transaction.add(ins) redeemableAccPk = pk } transaction.add( program.instruction.exchangeUsdcForRedeemable(depositAmount, { accounts: { poolAccount: POOL_PK, poolSigner: poolSigner, redeemableMint: pool.redeemableMint, poolUsdc: pool.poolUsdc, userAuthority: provider.wallet.publicKey, userUsdc: usdc.account.publicKey, userRedeemable: redeemableAccPk, tokenProgram: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, clock: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, }, }) ) await sendTransaction({ transaction, wallet, connection }) } else if (difference < 0) { const withdrawAmount = calculateNativeAmountUnsafe( mints,, -1 * difference ) console.log(withdrawAmount.toString(), 'exchangeRedeemableForUsdc') await program.rpc.exchangeRedeemableForUsdc(withdrawAmount, { accounts: { poolAccount: POOL_PK, poolSigner: poolSigner, redeemableMint: pool.redeemableMint, poolUsdc: pool.poolUsdc, userAuthority: provider.wallet.publicKey, userUsdc: usdc.account.publicKey, userRedeemable: redeemable.account.publicKey, tokenProgram: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, clock: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, }, }) } else { console.log('difference = 0 no submission needed', difference) return } await actions.fetchWalletTokenAccounts() actions.fetchUsdcVault() }, async redeem() { const actions = get().actions await actions.fetchWalletTokenAccounts() const { program, pool, tokenAccounts, mints, current: wallet, connection: { current: connection }, } = get() const redeemable = findLargestBalanceAccountForMint( mints, tokenAccounts, pool.redeemableMint ) const watermelon = findLargestBalanceAccountForMint( mints, tokenAccounts, pool.watermelonMint ) console.log('exchangeRedeemableForMango', redeemable, watermelon) const [poolSigner] = await anchor.web3.PublicKey.findProgramAddress( [pool.watermelonMint.toBuffer()], program.programId ) const transaction = new Transaction() let watermelonAccount = watermelon?.account?.publicKey if (!watermelonAccount) { const [ins, pk] = await createAssociatedTokenAccount( wallet.publicKey, wallet.publicKey, pool.watermelonMint ) transaction.add(ins) watermelonAccount = pk } transaction.add( program.instruction.exchangeRedeemableForWatermelon( redeemable.account.account.amount, { accounts: { poolAccount: POOL_PK, poolSigner, redeemableMint: pool.redeemableMint, poolWatermelon: pool.poolWatermelon, userAuthority: wallet.publicKey, userWatermelon: watermelonAccount, userRedeemable: redeemable.account.publicKey, tokenProgram: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID, clock: anchor.web3.SYSVAR_CLOCK_PUBKEY, }, } ) ) await sendTransaction({ transaction, wallet, connection, sendingMessage: 'Sending redeem MNGO transaction...', successMessage: 'MNGO redeemed successfully!', }) await Promise.all([ actions.fetchPool(), actions.fetchWalletTokenAccounts(), ]) }, }, set: (fn) => set(produce(fn)), })) export default useWalletStore