import axios from 'axios'; const pgp = require('pg-promise')({ capSQL: true }); export async function bulkBatchInsert(pool, table, columns, inserts, batchSize) { // Creates bulk insert statements from an array of inserts - avoids performance cost of insert roundtrips to the server // Batches the inserts to stop the individual statements getting too large // All inserts are done in a transaction - so if one fails they all will if (inserts.length === 0) { return } else if (batchSize < 1) { throw 'batchSize must be at least 1' } let client = await pool.connect() const cs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(columns, {table: table}); try { await client.query('BEGIN') for (let i = 0, j = inserts.length; i < j; i += batchSize) { let insertsBatch = inserts.slice(i, i + batchSize); let updatesSql = pgp.helpers.insert(insertsBatch, cs); await client.query(updatesSql) } await client.query('COMMIT') } catch (e) { await client.query('ROLLBACK') throw e } finally { client.release() } } export function notify(content) { if (process.env.TRANSACTIONS_SCRAPER_WEBHOOK_URL) {, {content}); } }