import { Connection, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { IDS, MangoClient, } from '@blockworks-foundation/mango-client'; import * as cron from "node-cron"; import { Pool } from 'pg' const pgp = require('pg-promise')({ capSQL: true }); import axios from 'axios'; import {getPricesSql, updatePnlCacheSql, getLiquidationsSql} from './updatePnlCacheSqlStatements'; async function getOpenOrdersMarginAccounts(connection, mangoClient, mangoGroup, programId) { const marginAccounts = await mangoClient.getAllMarginAccounts(connection, programId, mangoGroup) let openOrdersMarginAccounts: any[] = [] for (let m of marginAccounts) { let marginAccountPk = m.publicKey.toString() let ownerPk = m.owner.toString() let name = String.fromCharCode( => x !== 0)) for (let o of m.openOrdersAccounts) { if (o !== undefined) { openOrdersMarginAccounts.push({ 'open_orders_account': o.publicKey.toString(), 'margin_account': marginAccountPk, 'owner': ownerPk, 'name': name === '' ? null : name }) } } } return openOrdersMarginAccounts } async function getPrices(pool, mangoGroupPk) { const client = await pool.connect(); let prices = (await client.query(getPricesSql, [mangoGroupPk])).rows client.release() return prices } async function getLiquidations(pool, mangoGroupPk) { const client = await pool.connect(); let liquidations = (await client.query(getLiquidationsSql, [mangoGroupPk])).rows client.release() return liquidations } async function updateCache() { const cluster = 'mainnet-beta' const clusterUrl = process.env.CLUSTER_URL || IDS.cluster_urls[cluster] const connection = new Connection(clusterUrl, 'singleGossip') const programId = new PublicKey(IDS[cluster].mango_program_id) const dexProgramId = new PublicKey(IDS[cluster].dex_program_id) const mangoGroupPk = new PublicKey(IDS[cluster].mango_groups['BTC_ETH_SOL_SRM_USDC'].mango_group_pk) const tradeHistoryConnectionString = process.env.TRADE_HISTORY_CONNECTION_STRING const tradesPool = new Pool({connectionString: tradeHistoryConnectionString,ssl: {rejectUnauthorized: false,}}) const transactionsConnectionString = process.env.TRANSACTIONS_CONNECTION_STRING const transactionsPool = new Pool({connectionString: transactionsConnectionString,ssl: {rejectUnauthorized: false,}}) const mangoClient: MangoClient = new MangoClient() const priceCs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['price_date', 'currency', 'price', 'block_datetime'], {table: 'prices'}); const liquidationsCs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet([ 'signature', 'liqor', 'liqee', 'coll_ratio', 'in_token_symbol', 'in_token_amount', 'in_token_price', 'out_token_symbol', 'out_token_amount', 'out_token_price', 'socialized_losses', 'in_token_usd', 'out_token_usd', 'liquidation_fee_usd', 'mango_group', 'block_datetime'], {table: 'liquidations'}); const openOrdersMarginAccountsCs = new pgp.helpers.ColumnSet(['open_orders_account', 'margin_account', 'owner', 'name'], {table: 'open_orders_meta'}); let batchSize = 1000; const tradesClient = await tradesPool.connect(); try { await tradesClient.query('BEGIN') // TODO: this could be improved by only inserting new prices - prices >= max date for each currency // If I cached the hourly prices query for the deposit/withdraw history api it could alternatively pull from that - just take max price timestamp from each day let prices = await getPrices(transactionsPool, mangoGroupPk.toString()) await tradesClient.query('truncate table prices') for (let i = 0, j = prices.length; i < j; i += batchSize) { let insertsBatch = prices.slice(i, i + batchSize); let insertsSql = pgp.helpers.insert(insertsBatch, priceCs); await tradesClient.query(insertsSql) } let liquidations = await getLiquidations(transactionsPool, mangoGroupPk.toString()) await tradesClient.query('truncate table liquidations') for (let i = 0, j = liquidations.length; i < j; i += batchSize) { let insertsBatch = liquidations.slice(i, i + batchSize); let insertsSql = pgp.helpers.insert(insertsBatch, liquidationsCs); await tradesClient.query(insertsSql) } // Could use an upsert here - insert with on constraint do nothing let mangoGroup = await mangoClient.getMangoGroup(connection, mangoGroupPk) let openOrdersMarginAccounts = await getOpenOrdersMarginAccounts(connection, mangoClient, mangoGroup, programId) await tradesClient.query('truncate table open_orders_meta') for (let i = 0, j = openOrdersMarginAccounts.length; i < j; i += batchSize) { let insertsBatch = openOrdersMarginAccounts.slice(i, i + batchSize); let insertsSql = pgp.helpers.insert(insertsBatch, openOrdersMarginAccountsCs); await tradesClient.query(insertsSql) } await tradesClient.query('truncate table pnl_cache') await tradesClient.query(updatePnlCacheSql) await tradesClient.query('COMMIT') } catch (e) { await tradesClient.query('ROLLBACK') throw e } finally { tradesClient.release() } } function notify(content) { if (process.env.UPDATE_PNL_CACHE_WEBHOOK_URL) {, {content}); } } async function runCron() { let hrstart let hrend notify('Initialized mango-pnl') console.log('Initialized mango-pnl') cron.schedule("*/10 * * * *", async () => { try { console.log('updating cache') console.log((new Date()).toISOString()) hrstart = process.hrtime() await updateCache() hrend = process.hrtime(hrstart) console.log('Execution time (hr): %ds %dms', hrend[0], hrend[1] / 1000000) } catch(e) { notify(e.toString()) throw e } }) } runCron()