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Raw Permalink Normal View History

// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v5.3.0
export declare type DomeCallback = (data: DOMData) => void;
export declare type ErrorCallback = (reason: string) => void;
export declare type GetMarksCallback<T> = (marks: T[]) => void;
export declare type HistoryCallback = (bars: Bar[], meta: HistoryMetadata) => void;
export declare type MarkConstColors = "red" | "green" | "blue" | "yellow";
* This is the generic type useful for declaring a nominal type,
* which does not structurally matches with the base type and
* the other types declared over the same base type
* Usage:
* @example
* type Index = Nominal<number, 'Index'>;
* // let i: Index = 42; // this fails to compile
* let i: Index = 42 as Index; // OK
* @example
* type TagName = Nominal<string, 'TagName'>;
export declare type Nominal<T, Name extends string> = T & {
[Symbol.species]: Name;
export declare type OnReadyCallback = (configuration: DatafeedConfiguration) => void;
export declare type QuoteData = QuoteOkData | QuoteErrorData;
export declare type QuotesCallback = (data: QuoteData[]) => void;
export declare type ResolutionBackValues = "D" | "M";
export declare type ResolutionString = Nominal<string, "ResolutionString">;
export declare type ResolveCallback = (symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo) => void;
export declare type SearchSymbolsCallback = (items: SearchSymbolResultItem[]) => void;
export declare type SeriesFormat = "price" | "volume";
export declare type ServerTimeCallback = (serverTime: number) => void;
export declare type SubscribeBarsCallback = (bar: Bar) => void;
export declare type Timezone = "Etc/UTC" | CustomTimezones;
export interface Bar {
time: number;
open: number;
high: number;
low: number;
close: number;
volume?: number;
export interface DOMData {
snapshot: boolean;
asks: DOMLevel[];
bids: DOMLevel[];
export interface DOMLevel {
price: number;
volume: number;
export interface DatafeedConfiguration {
exchanges?: Exchange[];
supported_resolutions?: ResolutionString[];
currency_codes?: string[];
supports_marks?: boolean;
supports_time?: boolean;
supports_timescale_marks?: boolean;
symbols_types?: DatafeedSymbolType[];
export interface DatafeedQuoteValues {
ch?: number;
chp?: number;
short_name?: string;
exchange?: string;
description?: string;
lp?: number;
ask?: number;
bid?: number;
spread?: number;
open_price?: number;
high_price?: number;
low_price?: number;
prev_close_price?: number;
volume?: number;
original_name?: string;
[valueName: string]: string | number | undefined;
export interface DatafeedSymbolType {
name: string;
value: string;
export interface Exchange {
value: string;
name: string;
desc: string;
export interface HistoryDepth {
resolutionBack: ResolutionBackValues;
intervalBack: number;
export interface HistoryMetadata {
noData: boolean;
nextTime?: number | null;
export interface IDatafeedChartApi {
calculateHistoryDepth?(resolution: ResolutionString, resolutionBack: ResolutionBackValues, intervalBack: number): HistoryDepth | undefined;
getMarks?(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, from: number, to: number, onDataCallback: GetMarksCallback<Mark>, resolution: ResolutionString): void;
getTimescaleMarks?(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, from: number, to: number, onDataCallback: GetMarksCallback<TimescaleMark>, resolution: ResolutionString): void;
* This function is called if configuration flag supports_time is set to true when chart needs to know the server time.
* The charting library expects callback to be called once.
* The time is provided without milliseconds. Example: 1445324591. It is used to display Countdown on the price scale.
getServerTime?(callback: ServerTimeCallback): void;
searchSymbols(userInput: string, exchange: string, symbolType: string, onResult: SearchSymbolsCallback): void;
resolveSymbol(symbolName: string, onResolve: ResolveCallback, onError: ErrorCallback): void;
getBars(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, resolution: ResolutionString, rangeStartDate: number, rangeEndDate: number, onResult: HistoryCallback, onError: ErrorCallback, isFirstCall: boolean): void;
subscribeBars(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, resolution: ResolutionString, onTick: SubscribeBarsCallback, listenerGuid: string, onResetCacheNeededCallback: () => void): void;
unsubscribeBars(listenerGuid: string): void;
subscribeDepth?(symbol: string, callback: DomeCallback): string;
unsubscribeDepth?(subscriberUID: string): void;
export interface IDatafeedQuotesApi {
getQuotes(symbols: string[], onDataCallback: QuotesCallback, onErrorCallback: (msg: string) => void): void;
subscribeQuotes(symbols: string[], fastSymbols: string[], onRealtimeCallback: QuotesCallback, listenerGUID: string): void;
unsubscribeQuotes(listenerGUID: string): void;
export interface IExternalDatafeed {
onReady(callback: OnReadyCallback): void;
export interface LibrarySymbolInfo {
* Symbol Name
name: string;
full_name: string;
base_name?: [string];
* Unique symbol id
ticker?: string;
description: string;
type: string;
* @example "1700-0200"
session: string;
* @example "20181105,20181107,20181112"
holidays?: string;
* @example "1900F4-2350F4,1000-1845:20181113;1000-1400:20181114"
corrections?: string;
* Traded exchange
* @example "NYSE"
exchange: string;
listed_exchange: string;
timezone: Timezone;
* Prices format: "price" or "volume"
format: SeriesFormat;
* Code (Tick)
* @example 8/16/.../256 (1/8/100 1/16/100 ... 1/256/100) or 1/10/.../10000000 (1 0.1 ... 0.0000001)
pricescale: number;
* The number of units that make up one tick.
* @example For example, U.S. equities are quotes in decimals, and tick in decimals, and can go up +/- .01. So the tick increment is 1. But the e-mini S&P futures contract, though quoted in decimals, goes up in .25 increments, so the tick increment is 25. (see also Tick Size)
minmov: number;
fractional?: boolean;
* @example Quarters of 1/32: pricescale=128, minmovement=1, minmovement2=4
minmove2?: number;
* false if DWM only
has_intraday?: boolean;
* An array of resolutions which should be enabled in resolutions picker for this symbol.
supported_resolutions: ResolutionString[];
* @example (for ex.: "1,5,60") - only these resolutions will be requested, all others will be built using them if possible
intraday_multipliers?: string[];
has_seconds?: boolean;
* It is an array containing seconds resolutions (in seconds without a postfix) the datafeed builds by itself.
seconds_multipliers?: string[];
has_daily?: boolean;
has_weekly_and_monthly?: boolean;
has_empty_bars?: boolean;
force_session_rebuild?: boolean;
has_no_volume?: boolean;
* Integer showing typical volume value decimal places for this symbol
volume_precision?: number;
data_status?: "streaming" | "endofday" | "pulsed" | "delayed_streaming";
* Boolean showing whether this symbol is expired futures contract or not.
expired?: boolean;
* Unix timestamp of expiration date.
expiration_date?: number;
sector?: string;
industry?: string;
currency_code?: string;
original_currency_code?: string;
export interface Mark {
id: string | number;
time: number;
color: MarkConstColors | MarkCustomColor;
text: string;
label: string;
labelFontColor: string;
minSize: number;
export interface MarkCustomColor {
color: string;
background: string;
export interface QuoteErrorData {
s: "error";
n: string;
v: object;
export interface QuoteOkData {
s: "ok";
n: string;
v: DatafeedQuoteValues;
export interface SearchSymbolResultItem {
symbol: string;
full_name: string;
description: string;
exchange: string;
ticker: string;
type: string;
export interface SymbolResolveExtension {
currencyCode?: string;
export interface TimescaleMark {
id: string | number;
time: number;
color: MarkConstColors | string;
label: string;
tooltip: string[];
export type CustomTimezones = "Africa/Cairo" | "Africa/Johannesburg" | "Africa/Lagos" | "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" | "America/Bogota" | "America/Caracas" | "America/Chicago" | "America/El_Salvador" | "America/Juneau" | "America/Lima" | "America/Los_Angeles" | "America/Mexico_City" | "America/New_York" | "America/Phoenix" | "America/Santiago" | "America/Sao_Paulo" | "America/Toronto" | "America/Vancouver" | "Asia/Almaty" | "Asia/Ashkhabad" | "Asia/Bahrain" | "Asia/Bangkok" | "Asia/Chongqing" | "Asia/Dubai" | "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" | "Asia/Hong_Kong" | "Asia/Jakarta" | "Asia/Jerusalem" | "Asia/Kathmandu" | "Asia/Kolkata" | "Asia/Kuwait" | "Asia/Muscat" | "Asia/Qatar" | "Asia/Riyadh" | "Asia/Seoul" | "Asia/Shanghai" | "Asia/Singapore" | "Asia/Taipei" | "Asia/Tehran" | "Asia/Tokyo" | "Atlantic/Reykjavik" | "Australia/ACT" | "Australia/Adelaide" | "Australia/Brisbane" | "Australia/Perth" | "Australia/Sydney" | "Europe/Athens" | "Europe/Belgrade" | "Europe/Berlin" | "Europe/Copenhagen" | "Europe/Helsinki" | "Europe/Istanbul" | "Europe/London" | "Europe/Luxembourg" | "Europe/Madrid" | "Europe/Moscow" | "Europe/Oslo" | "Europe/Paris" | "Europe/Riga" | "Europe/Rome" | "Europe/Stockholm" | "Europe/Tallinn" | "Europe/Vilnius" | "Europe/Warsaw" | "Europe/Zurich" | "Pacific/Auckland" | "Pacific/Chatham" | "Pacific/Fakaofo" | "Pacific/Honolulu" | "Pacific/Norfolk" | "US/Mountain";
export as namespace TradingView;
export {};