(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ [35], { DxCR: function (t, e, i) { 'use strict'; (function (t) { i('jgM0'), i('QBwY'); var o = i('56W2'); i('pay7'); var n = i('Eyy1').ensureNotNull, r = i('ivNn').isNaN, s = i('eJTA'), a = s.rgba, l = s.rgbaToString, c = s.parseRgb, u = i('XPit').TimePointIndexSearchMode, p = i('zXvd').NumericFormatter, h = i('T6Of').LimitedPrecisionNumericFormatter, d = i('Tmoa'), f = i('jNEI').addColorPicker, v = i('2h0C').Binding, g = i('uOxu').getLogger('Chart.PropertyPage'), m = i('MWAT').allPriceScaleSelectionStrategyInfo; function _(t, e) { return ''; } function b(t, e) { (this._model = e), (this._bindings = []), (this._property = t), (this.supportThemeSwitcher = !1); } function y(t) { return function (e) { return e < t ? t : e; }; } function C(t) { return function (e) { return e > t ? t : e; }; } function T(t) { return function (e) { var i = parseInt(e, 10); return r(i) ? t : i; }; } function k(t) { var e = new p(); return function (i) { var o = e.parse(i); return r(o) ? t : o; }; } function w(t, e, i, o, n, r, s) { v.call(this, t, e, o, n, r), (this._transformFunction = i), (this._setter = s), this._attachToControl(t, o); } function x(t, e, i, o, n) { w.call(this, t, e, k(e.value()), i, o, n), this.addFormatter(function (t) { return new p().format(t); }); } function M(t, e, i, o, n, r) { (this._subControlIds = e), v.call(this, t, i, o, n, r), this._forEachSubControl(function (t) { this._attachToControl(t, o); }); } function V(t, e, i, o, n, r, s) { (this._model = o), (this._mainSeries = r), (this._toIntTransformer = T(s)), (this._disabled = !1), v.call(this, t, e, i, o, n); var a = this; i && t.change(function () { a.setValueToProperty(a.value()); }), this._mainSeries .dataEvents() .barReceived() .subscribe(this, function () { a.setValue(this.property().value()); }); } function S(t, e, i, o, n, r, s) { v.call(this, t, e, i, o, n), (this._transform = r), i && t.on( 'accept-symbol', function (t, e) { this.setValueToProperty(e), this.setValue(e); }.bind(this), ), s && (s.subscribe(this, this._updateDisplayedSymbol), (this._updateDelegate = s)); } function E(t, e, i, o, n, r, s, a) { v.call(this, t, e, o, n, r), (this._transformFunction = i), (this._propertyChangedHook = a), (this._setter = s); var l = this; o && t.change(function () { l._setter ? l._setter.call(l, l.value()) : l.setValueToProperty(l.value()); }); } function P(t, e) { v.call(this, t, e); } function O(t, e, i, o, n, r) { if (!t.is(':checkbox, :radio')) return new D(t, e, i, o, n); v.call(this, t, e, i, o, n), (this._setter = r); var s = this; i && t.change(function () { s._setter ? s._setter.call(s, s.value()) : s.setValueToProperty(s.value()); }); } function I(t, e, i, o, n, r) { v.call(this, t, e, i, o, n), (this._inverted = !0 === r); } function D(t, e, i, o, n) { v.call(this, t, e, i, o, n); var r = this; i && t.click(function () { var t = $(this).toggleClass('active').hasClass('active'); r.setValueToProperty(t); }); } function F(t, e, i, o, n, r) { var s; (s = t.is('input') ? t : t.find('input')), v.call(this, s, e, i, o, n), (this._transparencyProperty = r), this.applyOldTransparency(); var a = this; i && s.change(function () { a.setValueToProperty(a.value()); }); } function R(e, i, o, n, r, s) { isNumber(i.value()) || (g.logWarn( 'Property cannot be binded to control, bad value (expect number): ' + i.value(), ), (i = new t())), v.call(this, e, i, o, n, r); var a = this; function l(t, e) { var i = a.control().slider('option', 'min'), o = a.control().slider('option', 'max'), n = a._property.value(); ((i <= n && n <= o) || (i < e.value && e.value < o)) && a.setValueToProperty(e.value); } function c(t, e) { a.setValueToProperty(e.value); } o && (s ? (e.bind('slidechange', l), e.bind('slide', l)) : (e.bind('slidechange', c), e.bind('slide', c))), e.bind('slidestart', function (t, e) { n.beginUndoMacro(r); }), e.bind('slidestop', function (t, e) { n.endUndoMacro(); }); } function A(t, e, i, o, n) { (this._control = t), (this._wv = e), (this._transformFunction = i), (this._undoModel = o), (this._undoText = n), this._attachToControl(this._control), (this._setValueBinded = this.setValue.bind(this)); } function L(t, e, i, o, n, r) { (this._not = !!r), A.apply(this, arguments); } function H(t, e, i, o, n, r, s, a) { (this._propFrom = e[0]), (this._propTo = e[1]), (this._control = t), (this._applyOnFly = o), (this._undoModel = n), (this._undoText = s), (this._properties = e), (this._inputsText = r), (this._transformers = i); var l = this; t.slider({ range: !0, min: i[0], max: i[1], values: [l._propFrom.value(), l._propTo.value()], }), (this.$rangeHandleFrom = $(t.find('.ui-slider-handle')[0]).addClass( 'from', )), (this.$rangeHandleTo = $(t.find('.ui-slider-handle')[1]).addClass( 'to', )), this.setValue(this._propFrom, 0), this.setValue(this._propTo, 1), a && ($(a).on('change', function (t) { $(this).is(':checked') ? (l._control.slider('enable'), $(l._inputsText[0]).prop('disabled', !1), $(l._inputsText[1]).prop('disabled', !1)) : (l._control.slider('disable'), $(l._inputsText[0]).prop('disabled', !0), $(l._inputsText[1]).prop('disabled', !0)); }), $(a).is(':checked') ? (l._control.slider('enable'), $(l._inputsText[0]).prop('disabled', !1), $(l._inputsText[1]).prop('disabled', !1)) : (l._control.slider('disable'), $(l._inputsText[0]).prop('disabled', !0), $(l._inputsText[1]).prop('disabled', !0))), r && ($(r[0]).val(this._control.slider('values', 0)), $(r[1]).val(this._control.slider('values', 1)), t.slider({ slide: function (t, e) { $(r[0]).val(e.values[0]), $(r[1]).val(e.values[1]); }, }), $(r).each(function () { $(this).on('keydown', function (t) { parseInt($(r[0]).val()) < l._transformers[0] ? $(r[0]).val(l._transformers[0]) : parseInt($(r[1]).val()) > l._transformers[1] && $(r[1]).val(l._transformers[1]), -1 !== $.inArray(t.keyCode, [46, 8, 9, 27, 13, 110, 190]) || (65 === t.keyCode && !0 === t.ctrlKey) || (67 === t.keyCode && !0 === t.ctrlKey) || (88 === t.keyCode && !0 === t.ctrlKey) || (t.keyCode >= 35 && t.keyCode <= 39) || ((t.shiftKey || t.keyCode < 48 || t.keyCode > 57) && (t.keyCode < 96 || t.keyCode > 105) && t.preventDefault()); }); }), $(r[0]).on('keyup', function (t) { parseInt($(this).val()) < l._transformers[0] ? $(this).val(l._transformers[0]) : parseInt($(this).val()) > l._transformers[1] && $(this).val(l._transformers[1]), parseInt($(this).val()) > parseInt($(r[1]).val()) && $(this).val(r[1].val()), l._control.slider('values', 0, $(this).val()), H.prototype.setValueToProperty.call( l, l._control.slider('values'), 'from', ); }), $(r[1]).on('keyup', function (t) { parseInt($(this).val()) < l._transformers[0] ? $(this).val(l._transformers[0]) : parseInt($(this).val()) > l._transformers[1] && $(this).val(l._transformers[1]), parseInt($(this).val()) < $(r[0]).val() && $(this).val(r[0].val()), l._control.slider('values', 1, $(this).val()), H.prototype.setValueToProperty.call( l, l._control.slider('values'), 'to', ); })), this._propFrom .listeners() .subscribe(this, H.prototype.propertyChanged), this._propTo .listeners() .subscribe(this, H.prototype.propertyChanged), o && t.on('slide', function (t, e) { l.setValueToProperty(l._control.slider('values'), e.handle); }), t.slider({ stop: function (t, e) { r && ($(r[0]).val(l._control.slider('values', 0)), $(r[1]).val(l._control.slider('values', 1))), l.setValueToProperty(l._control.slider('values'), e.handle); }, start: function (t, e) { r && ($(r[0]).val(l._control.slider('values', 0)), $(r[1]).val(l._control.slider('values', 1))), l.setValueToProperty(l._control.slider('values'), e.handle); }, }); } function B(t, e, i, o, n, r) { v.call(this, t, e, i, o, n), (this._separator = r || ' '); var s = this; i && t.change(function () { s.setValueToProperty(s.value()); }); } (b.prototype.model = function () { return this._model; }), (b.prototype.bindControl = function (t) { return this._bindings.push(t), t; }), (b.prototype.unbindControl = function (t) { var e = this._bindings.indexOf(t); -1 !== e && this._bindings.splice(e, 1); }), (b.prototype.loadData = function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._bindings.length; t++) { var e = this._bindings[t]; if (e.properties) { var i = e.properties(); e.setValue(i[0], 0), e.setValue(i[1], 1); } else e.property && (e.transparencyProperty && e.transparencyProperty() ? e.applyOldTransparency() : e.setValue(e.property().value())); } }), (b.prototype.saveData = function () { this._model.beginUndoMacro(); for (var t = 0; t < this._bindings.length; t++) { var e = this._bindings[t]; e.changed() && this._model.setProperty(e.property(), e.value()); } this._model.endUndoMacro(); }), (b.prototype.createLineWidthEditor = function () { var t = this._model._chartWidget.widget().prop('ownerDocument'); return $('
', t).slider({ max: 4, min: 1, step: 1, }); }), (b.prototype.createColorPicker = function (t) { return f(null, t); }), (b.prototype.createTextEditor = function (t, e) { var i = {}; return ( t && (i.width = t), e && (i.height = e), $(document.createElement('textarea')) .css(i) .addClass('tv-control-input') ); }), (b.prototype.createCombo = function (t) { var e = $(document.createElement('select')), i = t.reduce(function (t, e) { return t.add( $(document.createElement('option')).prop({ value: e, text: e, }), ); }, $()); return e.append(i); }), (b.prototype.createKeyCombo = function (t) { var e = $(document.createElement('select')); return ( $.each(t || [], function (t, i) { $(document.createElement('option')) .prop({ value: t, text: i }) .appendTo(e); }), e ); }), (b.prototype.createFontEditor = function (t) { var e = t || TradingView.factoryDefaults('chartproperties.editorFontsList'); return this.createCombo(e); }), (b.prototype.createFontSizeEditor = function (t) { var e = t || [10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40]; return this.createCombo(e).addClass('tv-select-container-fontsize'); }), (b.prototype.createSeriesMinTickEditor = function () { var t = "'), $(t); }), (b.prototype.createPriceScaleStrategyEditor = function () { var t = m().reduce(function (t, e) { return ( t + "' ); }, ''; return $(t); }), (b.prototype.createPrecisionEditor = function () { for ( var t = "'), $(t); }), (b.prototype.createLabeledCell = function (t, e, i) { var o, n, r = null; 'number' == typeof t.valueOf() ? ((r = t), (o = e), (n = i)) : ((o = t), (n = e)), (o += ''); var s = this._labelToId(o), a = $(''); return ( $('