(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['general-chart-properties-dialog'], { '++0f': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '2x13': function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { wrapper: 'wrapper-1S1BAxTC', container: 'container-2mBp3oqG', tab: 'tab-1EqAs-Lb', active: 'active-3u5zV0YP', title: 'title-1SrCEkqk', icon: 'icon-2RKetbyG', titleText: 'titleText-QNKMAlbN', nested: 'nested-H6CeL6Wc', isTablet: 'isTablet-2Pl3hVJ9', isMobile: 'isMobile-2OnSZ08h', }; }, An2S: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return d; }), n.d(t, 'c', function () { return p; }), n.d(t, 'b', function () { return h; }); var o = n('mrSG'), a = n('q1tI'), i = n.n(a), l = n('TSYQ'), r = n.n(l), s = n('Iivm'), c = n('++0f'), m = n('2x13'); function u(e) { return { isMobile: 'mobile' === e, isTablet: 'tablet' === e }; } function d(e) { var t = e.mode, n = e.className, a = Object(o.__rest)(e, ['mode', 'className']), l = u(t), s = l.isMobile, c = l.isTablet, d = r()(m.container, c && m.isTablet, s && m.isMobile, n); return i.a.createElement( 'div', Object(o.__assign)({}, a, { className: d, 'data-role': 'dialog-sidebar', }), ); } function p(e) { return i.a.createElement( 'div', Object(o.__assign)({ className: m.wrapper }, e), ); } function h(e) { var t = e.mode, n = e.title, a = e.icon, l = e.isActive, d = e.onClick, p = Object(o.__rest)(e, [ 'mode', 'title', 'icon', 'isActive', 'onClick', ]), h = u(t), b = h.isMobile, f = h.isTablet; return i.a.createElement( 'div', Object(o.__assign)({}, p, { className: r()( m.tab, f && m.isTablet, b && m.isMobile, l && m.active, ), onClick: d, }), i.a.createElement(s.Icon, { className: m.icon, icon: a }), !f && i.a.createElement( 'span', { className: m.title }, i.a.createElement('span', { className: m.titleText }, n), b && i.a.createElement(s.Icon, { className: m.nested, icon: c }), ), ); } }, KKsp: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }); var o = n('q1tI'), a = n('TSYQ'), i = n.n(a), l = n('NOPy'); function r(e) { var t = e.size, n = void 0 === t ? 'normal' : t, a = e.className; return o.createElement('div', { className: i()( l.separator, 'small' === n && l.small, 'normal' === n && l.normal, 'large' === n && l.large, a, ), }); } }, NOPy: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { separator: 'separator-25lkUpN-', small: 'small-1IE19htj', normal: 'normal-2jX5NqMI', large: 'large-3vmbMIE7', }; }, PI1I: function (e, t, n) { 'use strict'; n.r(t); n('YFKU'); var o = n('q1tI'), a = n('i8i4'), i = n('mrSG'), l = n('mwqF'), r = n('Iivm'), s = n('bvfV'), c = n('ycFu'), m = n('ybVX'), u = n('Q+1u'), d = n('Vdly'), p = n.n(d), h = n('VNzU'), b = n('/KDZ'), f = (n('bSeV'), n('H172')), y = n('N5tr'), _ = n('KKsp'), g = n('EsvI'), v = (n('HbRj'), n('CLNU')), C = n('oNDq'), T = window.t("Do you really want to delete Color Theme '{0}' ?"); var S = n('+EG+'), A = (n('bf9a'), n('i/MG')), k = n('PC8g'), w = n('8d0Q'), P = n('utEQ'); function E(e) { var t = e.themeName, n = e.chartWidgetCollection, a = e.onRemove, l = e.manager, r = Object(w.b)(), s = r[0], c = r[1], m = o.useCallback( function () { return (function (e, t, n) { if (window.is_authenticated) { var o = Object(v.clean)(T.format(e)); Object(C.createConfirmDialog)({ type: 'modal', content: o, manager: n || void 0, }).then(function (n) { n.on('action:yes', function (n) { Object(g.removeTheme)(e), t && t(e), n.close(); }), n.open(); }); } })(t, a, l); }, [t, a, l], ), u = o.useCallback( function () { Object(g.loadTheme)(t, !1, !1, n).then(function () { window.saver.saveChartSilently(), Object(k.trackEvent)('GUI', 'Switch to custom theme'); }); }, [t, n], ); return o.createElement( 'div', Object(i.__assign)({}, c), o.createElement(y.b, { className: P.defaultsButtonItem, isActive: !1, label: t, onClick: u, toolbox: o.createElement(A.a, { hidden: !Modernizr.mobiletouch && !s, onClick: m, }), }), ); } var I = n('HWhk'), B = window.t('Template'), N = window.t('Apply Defaults'), x = (window.t('Save As...'), window.t('Apply to all')), M = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (n._manager = null), (n._handleApplyDefaults = function () { var e = n.props, t = e.model, o = e.chartWidgetCollection; t.restorePreferences(); var a = Object(g.getCurrentTheme)().name; Object(g.loadTheme)(a, !0, !0, o, void 0, void 0, !0); }), (n._handleSaveAs = function () {}), (n._handleRemoveTheme = function (e) { n.setState({ themes: n.state.themes.filter(function (t) { return t !== e; }), }); }), (n._syncThemeList = function () { 0; }), (n._defaultDropdownItems = [ { value: 'apply', readonly: !0, content: o.createElement(y.b, { className: P.defaultsButtonItem, isActive: !1, label: N, onClick: n._handleApplyDefaults, }), }, ]), (n._applyToAllDropdownItem = { value: 'apply_to_all', readonly: !0, content: o.createElement(y.b, { className: P.defaultsButtonItem, isActive: !1, label: x, onClick: t.applyToAllCallback, }), }), (n.state = { themes: [] }), n._syncThemeList(), n ); } return ( Object(i.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this; return o.createElement(S.b.Consumer, null, function (t) { return ( (e._manager = t), o.createElement( b.a, { rule: 'screen and (max-width: 768px)' }, function (t) { return o.createElement(f.a, { className: !t && P.themesButtonText, items: e._getThemeItems(t), hideArrowButton: t, value: 'defaults', 'data-name': 'theme-select', }); }, ) ); }); }), (t.prototype._getThemeItems = function (e) { var t = this, n = this.props, a = n.isApplyToAllVisible, l = n.chartWidgetCollection, r = e && a ? Object(i.__spreadArrays)( [ this._applyToAllDropdownItem, this._getPlaceHolderItem(e), ], this._defaultDropdownItems, ) : Object(i.__spreadArrays)( [this._getPlaceHolderItem(e)], this._defaultDropdownItems, ), s = this.state.themes; if (!s.length) return r; var c = s.map(function (e) { return { value: e, readonly: !0, content: o.createElement(E, { themeName: e, onRemove: t._handleRemoveTheme, chartWidgetCollection: l, manager: t._manager, }), }; }); return ( c.unshift({ readonly: !0, content: o.createElement(_.a, null), }), r.concat(c) ); }), (t.prototype._getPlaceHolderItem = function (e) { return { value: 'defaults', readonly: !0, content: '', selectedContent: e ? o.createElement(r.Icon, { className: P.themesButtonIcon, icon: I, }) : B, }; }), t ); })(o.PureComponent), O = n('tWVy'), z = n('yqnI'), V = n('uhCe'), j = n('An2S'), D = n('tmL0'), L = { areaSymbolMinTick: 'normal', areaSymbolTimezone: 'normal', barSymbolMinTick: 'normal', barSymbolTimezone: 'normal', baselineSymbolMinTick: 'normal', baselineSymbolTimezone: 'normal', candleSymbolMinTick: 'normal', candleSymbolTimezone: 'normal', dateFormat: 'normal', haSymbolMinTick: 'normal', haSymbolTimezone: 'normal', hiloSymbolMinTick: 'normal', hiloSymbolTimezone: 'normal', hollowCandleSymbolMinTick: 'normal', hollowCandleSymbolTimezone: 'normal', kagiAtrLength: 'normal', kagiReversalAmount: 'normal', kagiStyle: 'normal', kagiSymbolMinTick: 'normal', kagiSymbolTimezone: 'normal', lineSymbolMinTick: 'normal', lineSymbolTimezone: 'normal', lockScale: 'normal', mainSeriesSymbolAreaPriceSource: 'normal', mainSeriesSymbolBaseLevelPercentage: 'normal', mainSeriesSymbolBaseLinePriceSource: 'normal', mainSeriesSymbolLinePriceSource: 'normal', mainSeriesSymbolStyleType: 'normal', navButtons: 'big', paneButtons: 'big', pbLb: 'normal', pbSymbolMinTick: 'normal', pbSymbolTimezone: 'normal', pnfAtrLength: 'normal', pnfBoxSize: 'normal', pnfReversalAmount: 'normal', pnfSources: 'normal', pnfStyle: 'normal', pnfSymbolMinTick: 'normal', pnfSymbolTimezone: 'normal', rangeSymbolMinTick: 'normal', rangeSymbolTimezone: 'normal', renkoAtrLength: 'normal', renkoBoxSize: 'normal', renkoStyle: 'normal', renkoSymbolMinTick: 'normal', renkoSymbolTimezone: 'normal', scalesPlacement: 'normal', symbolLastValueLabel: 'big', symbolTextSource: 'normal', }, W = n('U0JK'), q = n('sXZi'), R = (function (e) { function t(t) { var n = e.call(this, t) || this; (n._renderChildren = function (e) { var t = e.requestResize, a = e.isSmallWidth; return ( (n._requestResize = t), o.createElement( 'div', { className: q.content }, n._renderTabs(a), n._renderTabContent(a), ) ); }), (n._renderApplyToAllButton = function () { return o.createElement( b.a, { rule: V.a.TabletNormal }, function (e) { return n._renderApplyToAll(e); }, ); }), (n._renderFooterLeft = function () { var e = n.props, t = e.model, a = e.chartWidgetCollection, i = n.state.isApplyToAllVisible; return o.createElement(M, { model: t, isApplyToAllVisible: i, applyToAllCallback: n._handleApplyToAll, chartWidgetCollection: a, }); }), (n._createTabClickHandler = function (e) { return function () { return n._selectPage(e); }; }), (n._selectPage = function (e) { var t = n.state.activePage; e !== t && (t && t.definitions.unsubscribe(n._onChangeActivePageDefinitions), p.a.setValue('properties_dialog.last_page_id', e.id), e.definitions.subscribe(n._onChangeActivePageDefinitions), n.setState( { activePage: e, tableKey: Date.now() }, function () { n._requestResize && n._requestResize(); }, )); }), (n._onChangeActivePageDefinitions = function () { z.a.logNormal('Definition collection was updated'), n.setState({ tableKey: Date.now() }, function () { n._requestResize && n._requestResize(); }); }), (n._handleCancel = function () { n.props.onCancel(), n.props.onClose(); }), (n._handleSubmit = function () { n.props.onSubmit(), n.props.onClose(); }), (n._handleScroll = function () { O.a.fire(); }), (n._handleApplyToAll = function () { var e = n.props, t = e.chartWidgetCollection, o = e.model; n.state.isApplyToAllVisible && t.applyPreferencesToAllCharts(o); }), (n._syncApplyToAllVisibility = function () { var e = n.props.chartWidgetCollection; n.setState({ isApplyToAllVisible: Object(h.isMultipleLayout)( e.layout.value(), ), }); }), (n._handleBackClick = function () { var e = n.state.activePage; e && e.definitions.unsubscribe(n._onChangeActivePageDefinitions), n.setState({ activePage: null }); }); var a = t.pages, i = t.activePageId, l = a.find(function (e) { return e.id === i; }); if (!l) { var r = p.a.getValue('properties_dialog.last_page_id'), s = a.find(function (e) { return e.id === r; }); l = s || a[0]; } return ( (n.state = { activePage: l, isApplyToAllVisible: Object(h.isMultipleLayout)( t.chartWidgetCollection.layout.value(), ), tableKey: Date.now(), }), n ); } return ( Object(i.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this.props.chartWidgetCollection, t = this.state.activePage; e.layout.subscribe(this._syncApplyToAllVisibility), t && t.definitions.subscribe(this._onChangeActivePageDefinitions); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { var e = this.props.chartWidgetCollection, t = this.state.activePage; t && t.definitions.unsubscribe(this._onChangeActivePageDefinitions), e.layout.unsubscribe(this._syncApplyToAllVisibility); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = this.props, n = t.isOpened, a = t.onClose, i = this.state.activePage; return o.createElement( b.a, { rule: V.a.TabletSmall }, function (t) { return o.createElement(c.a, { className: q.withSidebar, dataName: 'series-properties-dialog', onClose: a, isOpened: n, title: null !== i && t ? i.title : window.t('Chart settings'), footerLeftRenderer: e._renderFooterLeft, additionalButtons: e._renderApplyToAllButton(), additionalHeaderElement: null !== i && t ? o.createElement(r.Icon, { className: q.backButton, icon: W, onClick: e._handleBackClick, }) : void 0, onSubmit: e._handleSubmit, onCancel: e._handleCancel, render: e._renderChildren, submitOnEnterKey: !1, }); }, ); }), (t.prototype._renderTabContent = function (e) { var t = this.props.pages, n = this._getCurrentPage(e); if (n) { var a = t.find(function (e) { return e.id === n.id; }), i = a ? a.definitions.value() : []; return o.createElement( D.a, { className: q.tabContent, onScroll: this._handleScroll }, o.createElement( m.b.Provider, { value: L }, o.createElement( u.a, { key: this.state.tableKey }, i.map(function (e) { return o.createElement(s.a, { key: e.id, definition: e, }); }), ), ), ); } return null; }), (t.prototype._renderTabs = function (e) { var t = this, n = this.props.pages; if (this.state.activePage && e) return null; var a = this._getCurrentPage(e); return o.createElement( b.a, { rule: V.a.TabletNormal }, function (e) { return o.createElement( b.a, { rule: V.a.TabletSmall }, function (i) { var l = i ? 'mobile' : e ? 'tablet' : void 0; return o.createElement( j.a, { mode: l, onScroll: t._handleScroll }, n.map(function (e) { return o.createElement(j.b, { key: e.id, mode: l, 'data-name': e.id, title: e.title, icon: e.icon, onClick: t._createTabClickHandler(e), isActive: a ? e.id === a.id : void 0, }); }), ); }, ); }, ); }), (t.prototype._renderApplyToAll = function (e) { var t = this.state.isApplyToAllVisible; return ( !e && t && o.createElement( 'span', { className: q.applyToAllButton }, o.createElement( l.Button, { appearance: 'stroke', onClick: this._handleApplyToAll }, window.t('Apply to all'), ), ) ); }), (t.prototype._getCurrentPage = function (e) { var t = this.props.pages, n = this.state.activePage, o = null; return n ? (o = n) : !e && t.length && (o = t[0]), o; }), t ); })(o.PureComponent), K = n('FQhm'); n.d(t, 'GeneralChartPropertiesDialogRenderer', function () { return Q; }); var H = window.t('Chart settings'), Q = (function () { function e(e) { var t = this; (this._container = document.createElement('div')), (this._isVisible = !1), (this._handleClose = function () { a.unmountComponentAtNode(t._container), (t._isVisible = !1), t._onClose && t._onClose(); }), (this._handleSubmit = function () {}), (this._handleCancel = function () { t._model.undoToCheckpoint(t._checkpoint); }), (this._propertyPages = e.propertyPages), (this._model = e.model), (this._activePageId = e.activePageId), (this._onClose = e.onClose), (this._chartWidgetCollection = e.chartWidgetCollection), (this._checkpoint = this._ensureCheckpoint(e.undoCheckPoint)); } return ( (e.prototype.hide = function (e) { e ? this._handleCancel() : this._handleSubmit(), this._handleClose(); }), (e.prototype.isVisible = function () { return this._isVisible; }), (e.prototype.focusOnText = function () {}), (e.prototype.show = function () { a.render( o.createElement(R, { title: H, isOpened: !0, onSubmit: this._handleSubmit, onClose: this._handleClose, onCancel: this._handleCancel, pages: this._propertyPages, model: this._model, activePageId: this._activePageId, chartWidgetCollection: this._chartWidgetCollection, }), this._container, ), (this._isVisible = !0), K.emit('edit_object_dialog', { objectType: 'mainSeries', scriptTitle: this._model.mainSeries().title(), }); }), (e.prototype._ensureCheckpoint = function (e) { return ( void 0 === e && (e = this._model.createUndoCheckpoint()), e ); }), e ); })(); }, U0JK: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, sXZi: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { 'tablet-normal-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 768px)', 'tablet-small-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 419px)', withSidebar: 'withSidebar-1v16TX_2', content: 'content-1KOxICHZ', tabContent: 'tabContent-uYpWHhq0', backButton: 'backButton-1BRkbiCz', applyToAllButton: 'applyToAllButton-1mQDSNsO', }; }, utEQ: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { themesButtonText: 'themesButtonText-2QMmFP4s', themesButtonIcon: 'themesButtonIcon-7BX3V6du', defaultsButtonText: 'defaultsButtonText-ezA5ZCBQ', defaultsButtonItem: 'defaultsButtonItem-3eSfgMfv', }; }, }, ]);