
1850 lines
62 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Generated by dts-bundle-generator v5.3.0
/// <reference types="jquery" />
declare enum OrderOrPositionMessageType {
Information = "information",
Warning = "warning",
Error = "error"
declare enum StopType {
StopLoss = 0,
TrailingStop = 1
export declare const enum ChartStyle {
Bar = 0,
Candle = 1,
Line = 2,
Area = 3,
Renko = 4,
Kagi = 5,
PnF = 6,
LineBreak = 7,
HeikinAshi = 8,
HollowCandle = 9,
Baseline = 10,
HiLo = 12
export declare const enum ConnectionStatus {
Connected = 1,
Connecting = 2,
Disconnected = 3,
Error = 4
export declare const enum NotificationType {
Error = 0,
Success = 1
export declare const enum OrderStatus {
Canceled = 1,
Filled = 2,
Inactive = 3,
Placing = 4,
Rejected = 5,
Working = 6
export declare const enum OrderStatusFilter {
All = 0,
Canceled = 1,
Filled = 2,
Inactive = 3,
Rejected = 5,
Working = 6
export declare const enum OrderTicketFocusControl {
LimitPrice = 1,
StopPrice = 2,
TakeProfit = 3,
StopLoss = 4,
Quantity = 5
export declare const enum OrderType {
Limit = 1,
Market = 2,
Stop = 3,
StopLimit = 4
export declare const enum ParentType {
Order = 1,
Position = 2,
Trade = 3
export declare const enum PriceScaleMode {
Normal = 0,
Log = 1,
Percentage = 2,
IndexedTo100 = 3
export declare const enum SeriesStyle {
Bars = 0,
Candles = 1,
Line = 2,
Area = 3,
HeikenAshi = 8,
HollowCandles = 9,
Renko = 4,
Kagi = 5,
PointAndFigure = 6,
LineBreak = 7
export declare const enum Side {
Buy = 1,
Sell = -1
export declare const widget: ChartingLibraryWidgetConstructor;
export declare function version(): string;
export declare type ActionMetaInfo = ActionDescriptionWithCallback | MenuSeparator;
export declare type AvailableSaveloadVersions = "1.0" | "1.1";
export declare type ChartActionId = "chartProperties" | "compareOrAdd" | "scalesProperties" | "paneObjectTree" | "insertIndicator" | "symbolSearch" | "changeInterval" | "timeScaleReset" | "chartReset" | "seriesHide" | "studyHide" | "lineToggleLock" | "lineHide" | "scaleSeriesOnly" | "drawingToolbarAction" | "stayInDrawingModeAction" | "hideAllMarks" | "showCountdown" | "showSeriesLastValue" | "showSymbolLabelsAction" | "showStudyLastValue" | "showStudyPlotNamesAction" | "undo" | "redo" | "paneRemoveAllStudiesDrawingTools";
export declare type Direction = "buy" | "sell";
export declare type DomeCallback = (data: DOMData) => void;
export declare type DrawingEventType = "click" | "move" | "remove" | "hide" | "show";
export declare type EditObjectDialogObjectType = "mainSeries" | "drawing" | "study" | "other";
export declare type EmptyCallback = () => void;
export declare type EntityId = Nominal<string, "EntityId">;
export declare type ErrorCallback = (reason: string) => void;
export declare type FieldDescriptor = TimeFieldDescriptor | SeriesFieldDescriptor | StudyFieldDescriptor;
export declare type GetMarksCallback<T> = (marks: T[]) => void;
export declare type GroupLockState = "Locked" | "Unlocked" | "Partial";
export declare type GroupVisibilityState = "Visible" | "Invisible" | "Partial";
export declare type HistoryCallback = (bars: Bar[], meta: HistoryMetadata) => void;
export declare type IBasicDataFeed = IDatafeedChartApi & IExternalDatafeed;
export declare type INumberFormatter = IFormatter<number>;
export declare type InputFieldValidator = (value: any) => InputFieldValidatorResult;
export declare type InputFieldValidatorResult = PositiveBaseInputFieldValidatorResult | NegativeBaseInputFieldValidatorResult;
export declare type LanguageCode = "ar" | "zh" | "cs" | "da_DK" | "nl_NL" | "en" | "et_EE" | "fr" | "de" | "el" | "he_IL" | "hu_HU" | "id_ID" | "it" | "ja" | "ko" | "fa" | "pl" | "pt" | "ro" | "ru" | "sk_SK" | "es" | "sv" | "th" | "tr" | "vi";
export declare type LayoutType = SingleChartLayoutType | MultipleChartsLayoutType;
export declare type MarkConstColors = "red" | "green" | "blue" | "yellow";
export declare type MultipleChartsLayoutType = "2h" | "2v" | "2-1" | "3s" | "3h" | "3v" | "4" | "6" | "8" | "1-2" | "3r" | "4h" | "4v" | "4s" | "1-3" | "2-2" | "1-4" | "5s" | "6c" | "8c";
* This is the generic type useful for declaring a nominal type,
* which does not structurally matches with the base type and
* the other types declared over the same base type
* Usage:
* @example
* type Index = Nominal<number, 'Index'>;
* // let i: Index = 42; // this fails to compile
* let i: Index = 42 as Index; // OK
* @example
* type TagName = Nominal<string, 'TagName'>;
export declare type Nominal<T, Name extends string> = T & {
[Symbol.species]: Name;
export declare type OnReadyCallback = (configuration: DatafeedConfiguration) => void;
export declare type Order = PlacedOrder | BracketOrder;
export declare type PineJS = any;
export declare type QuoteData = QuoteOkData | QuoteErrorData;
export declare type QuotesCallback = (data: QuoteData[]) => void;
export declare type ResolutionBackValues = "D" | "M";
export declare type ResolutionString = Nominal<string, "ResolutionString">;
export declare type ResolveCallback = (symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo) => void;
export declare type RssNewsFeedItem = RssNewsFeedInfo | RssNewsFeedInfo[];
export declare type SearchSymbolsCallback = (items: SearchSymbolResultItem[]) => void;
export declare type SeriesFormat = "price" | "volume";
export declare type SeriesPriceScale = "new-left" | "new-right" | "no-scale" | EntityId;
export declare type ServerTimeCallback = (serverTime: number) => void;
export declare type ShapePoint = StickedPoint | PricedPoint | TimePoint;
export declare type ShapesGroupId = Nominal<string, "ShapesGroupId">;
export declare type SingleChartLayoutType = "s";
export declare type StandardFormatterName = "date" | "dateOrDateTime" | "default" | "fixed" | "variablePrecision" | "formatQuantity" | "formatPrice" | "formatPriceForexSup" | "integerSeparated" | "localDate" | "localDateOrDateTime" | "percentage" | "pips" | "profit" | "side" | "status" | "symbol" | "type" | "unixTimeAgo" | "marginPercent";
export declare type StudyInputId = Nominal<string, "StudyInputId">;
export declare type StudyInputValue = string | number | boolean;
export declare type StudyOverrideValueType = string | number | boolean;
export declare type StudyPriceScale = "new-left" | "new-right" | "no-scale" | "as-series";
export declare type SubscribeBarsCallback = (bar: Bar) => void;
export declare type SupportedLineTools = "text" | "anchored_text" | "note" | "anchored_note" | "double_curve" | "arc" | "icon" | "arrow_up" | "arrow_down" | "arrow_left" | "arrow_right" | "price_label" | "arrow_marker" | "flag" | "vertical_line" | "horizontal_line" | "cross_line" | "horizontal_ray" | "trend_line" | "info_line" | "trend_angle" | "arrow" | "ray" | "extended" | "parallel_channel" | "disjoint_angle" | "flat_bottom" | "pitchfork" | "schiff_pitchfork_modified" | "schiff_pitchfork" | "balloon" | "inside_pitchfork" | "pitchfan" | "gannbox" | "gannbox_square" | "gannbox_fixed" | "gannbox_fan" | "fib_retracement" | "fib_trend_ext" | "fib_speed_resist_fan" | "fib_timezone" | "fib_trend_time" | "fib_circles" | "fib_spiral" | "fib_speed_resist_arcs" | "fib_channel" | "xabcd_pattern" | "cypher_pattern" | "abcd_pattern" | "callout" | "triangle_pattern" | "3divers_pattern" | "head_and_shoulders" | "fib_wedge" | "elliott_impulse_wave" | "elliott_triangle_wave" | "elliott_triple_combo" | "elliott_correction" | "elliott_double_combo" | "cyclic_lines" | "time_cycles" | "sine_line" | "long_position" | "short_position" | "forecast" | "date_range" | "price_range" | "date_and_price_range" | "bars_pattern" | "ghost_feed" | "projection" | "rectangle" | "rotated_rectangle" | "ellipse" | "triangle" | "polyline" | "curve" | "cursor" | "dot" | "arrow_cursor" | "eraser" | "measure" | "zoom" | "brush";
export declare type SymbolType = "stock" | "index" | "forex" | "futures" | "bitcoin" | "crypto" | "undefined" | "expression" | "spread" | "cfd";
export declare type TableElementFormatFunction = (inputs: TableFormatterInputs) => string | JQuery;
export declare type TableValue = number | string | Side | OrderType | OrderStatus | DateOrDateTime;
export declare type TextInputFieldValidator = (value: string) => InputFieldValidatorResult;
export declare type ThemeName = "Light" | "Dark";
export declare type Timezone = "Etc/UTC" | CustomTimezones;
export declare type TradingDialogCustomField = TextWithCheckboxFieldMetaInfo | CustomComboBoxMetaInfo;
export declare type WatchListSymbolListAddedCallback = (listId: string, symbols: string[]) => void;
export declare type WatchListSymbolListChangedCallback = (listId: string) => void;
export declare type WatchListSymbolListRemovedCallback = (listId: string) => void;
export declare type WatchListSymbolListRenamedCallback = (listId: string, oldName: string, newName: string) => void;
export declare type WatchedValueCallback<T> = (value: T) => void;
export interface AccessList {
type: "black" | "white";
tools: AccessListItem[];
export interface AccessListItem {
name: string;
grayed?: boolean;
export interface AccountInfo {
id: string;
name: string;
currency?: string;
currencySign?: string;
export interface AccountManagerColumn {
id?: string;
label: string;
className?: string;
formatter?: StandardFormatterName | "orderSettings" | "posSettings" | string;
property?: string;
sortProp?: string;
modificationProperty?: string;
notSortable?: boolean;
help?: string;
highlightDiff?: boolean;
fixedWidth?: boolean;
notHideable?: boolean;
hideByDefault?: boolean;
export interface AccountManagerInfo {
accountTitle: string;
accountsList?: AccountInfo[];
account?: IWatchedValue<AccountInfo>;
summary: AccountManagerSummaryField[];
customFormatters?: TableElementFormatter[];
orderColumns: OrderTableColumn[];
orderColumnsSorting?: SortingParameters;
historyColumns?: AccountManagerColumn[];
historyColumnsSorting?: SortingParameters;
positionColumns?: AccountManagerColumn[];
tradeColumns?: AccountManagerColumn[];
pages: AccountManagerPage[];
possibleOrderStatuses?: OrderStatus[];
marginUsed?: IWatchedValue<number>;
contextMenuActions?(contextMenuEvent: JQueryEventObject, activePageActions: ActionMetaInfo[]): Promise<ActionMetaInfo[]>;
export interface AccountManagerPage {
id: string;
title: string;
tables: AccountManagerTable[];
export interface AccountManagerSummaryField {
text: string;
wValue: IWatchedValueReadonly<any>;
formatter?: string;
export interface AccountManagerTable {
id: string;
title?: string;
columns: AccountManagerColumn[];
initialSorting?: SortingParameters;
changeDelegate: ISubscription<(data: {}) => void>;
flags?: AccountManagerTableFlags;
getData(paginationLastId?: string | number): Promise<{}[]>;
export interface AccountManagerTableFlags {
supportPagination?: boolean;
export interface ActionDescription {
text?: "-" | string;
separator?: boolean;
shortcut?: string;
tooltip?: string;
checked?: boolean;
checkable?: boolean;
enabled?: boolean;
externalLink?: boolean;
icon?: string;
export interface ActionDescriptionWithCallback extends ActionDescription {
action: (a: ActionDescription) => void;
export interface AreaStylePreferences {
color1: string;
color2: string;
linecolor: string;
linestyle: number;
linewidth: number;
transparency: number;
export interface AvailableZOrderOperations {
bringForwardEnabled: boolean;
bringToFrontEnabled: boolean;
sendBackwardEnabled: boolean;
sendToBackEnabled: boolean;
export interface Bar {
time: number;
open: number;
high: number;
low: number;
close: number;
volume?: number;
export interface BarStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
barColorsOnPrevClose: boolean;
dontDrawOpen: boolean;
thinBars: boolean;
export interface BaseInputFieldValidatorResult {
valid: boolean;
export interface BaselineStylePreferences {
topFillColor1: string;
topFillColor2: string;
bottomFillColor1: string;
bottomFillColor2: string;
topLineColor: string;
bottomLineColor: string;
topLineWidth: number;
bottomLineWidth: number;
transparency: number;
baseLevelPercentage: number;
export interface BracketOrder extends PlacedOrder {
parentId: string;
parentType: ParentType;
export interface Brackets {
stopLoss?: number;
takeProfit?: number;
trailingStopPips?: number;
export interface BrokerConfigFlags {
showQuantityInsteadOfAmount?: boolean;
supportOrderBrackets?: boolean;
supportTrailingStop?: boolean;
supportPositions?: boolean;
supportPositionBrackets?: boolean;
supportTradeBrackets?: boolean;
supportTrades?: boolean;
supportClosePosition?: boolean;
supportCloseTrade?: boolean;
supportEditAmount?: boolean;
supportLevel2Data?: boolean;
supportDOM?: boolean;
supportMultiposition?: boolean;
supportPLUpdate?: boolean;
supportReducePosition?: boolean;
supportReversePosition?: boolean;
supportNativeReversePosition?: boolean;
supportMarketOrders?: boolean;
supportLimitOrders?: boolean;
supportStopOrders?: boolean;
supportStopLimitOrders?: boolean;
supportDemoLiveSwitcher?: boolean;
supportMarketBrackets?: boolean;
supportSymbolSearch?: boolean;
supportModifyDuration?: boolean;
supportModifyOrder?: boolean;
supportMargin?: boolean;
calculatePLUsingLast?: boolean;
supportOrderPreview?: boolean;
supportOrdersHistory?: boolean;
supportAddBracketsToExistingOrder?: boolean;
supportBalances?: boolean;
closePositionCancelsOrders?: boolean;
supportOnlyPairPositionBrackets?: boolean;
supportCryptoExchangeOrderTicket?: boolean;
durationForMarketOrders?: boolean;
cancellingBracketCancelsParentOrder?: boolean;
cancellingOnePositionBracketsCancelsOther?: boolean;
requiresFIFOCloseTrades?: boolean;
* @deprecated
supportBrackets?: boolean;
export interface BrokerCustomUI {
showOrderDialog?: (order: OrderTemplate | Order, focus?: OrderTicketFocusControl) => Promise<boolean>;
showPositionDialog?: (position: Position | Trade, brackets: Brackets, focus?: OrderTicketFocusControl) => Promise<boolean>;
export interface CandleStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
drawWick: boolean;
drawBorder: boolean;
drawBody: boolean;
borderColor: string;
borderUpColor: string;
borderDownColor: string;
wickColor: string;
wickUpColor: string;
wickDownColor: string;
barColorsOnPrevClose: boolean;
export interface ChangeThemeOptions {
disableUndo: boolean;
export interface ChartData {
id: string;
name: string;
symbol: string;
resolution: ResolutionString;
content: string;
export interface ChartMetaInfo {
id: number;
name: string;
symbol: string;
resolution: ResolutionString;
timestamp: number;
export interface ChartingLibraryWidgetConstructor {
new (options: ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions | TradingTerminalWidgetOptions): IChartingLibraryWidget;
export interface ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions {
container_id: string;
datafeed: IBasicDataFeed | (IBasicDataFeed & IDatafeedQuotesApi);
interval: ResolutionString;
symbol?: string;
auto_save_delay?: number;
autosize?: boolean;
debug?: boolean;
disabled_features?: string[];
drawings_access?: AccessList;
enabled_features?: string[];
fullscreen?: boolean;
height?: number;
library_path?: string;
locale: LanguageCode;
numeric_formatting?: NumericFormattingParams;
saved_data?: object;
studies_access?: AccessList;
study_count_limit?: number;
symbol_search_request_delay?: number;
timeframe?: string;
timezone?: "exchange" | Timezone;
toolbar_bg?: string;
width?: number;
charts_storage_url?: string;
charts_storage_api_version?: AvailableSaveloadVersions;
client_id?: string;
user_id?: string;
load_last_chart?: boolean;
studies_overrides?: StudyOverrides;
customFormatters?: CustomFormatters;
custom_formatters?: CustomFormatters;
overrides?: Overrides;
snapshot_url?: string;
preset?: "mobile";
time_frames?: TimeFrameItem[];
custom_css_url?: string;
favorites?: Favorites;
save_load_adapter?: IExternalSaveLoadAdapter;
loading_screen?: LoadingScreenOptions;
settings_adapter?: ISettingsAdapter;
theme?: ThemeName;
compare_symbols?: CompareSymbol[];
custom_indicators_getter?: (PineJS: PineJS) => Promise<ReadonlyArray<CustomIndicator>>;
export interface CompareSymbol {
symbol: string;
title: string;
export interface ContextMenuItem {
position: "top" | "bottom";
text: string;
click: EmptyCallback;
export interface CreateButtonOptions {
align: "right" | "left";
export interface CreateShapeOptions<TOverrides extends object> {
shape?: "arrow_up" | "arrow_down" | "flag" | "vertical_line" | "horizontal_line";
text?: string;
lock?: boolean;
disableSelection?: boolean;
disableSave?: boolean;
disableUndo?: boolean;
overrides?: TOverrides;
zOrder?: "top" | "bottom";
showInObjectsTree?: boolean;
ownerStudyId?: EntityId;
export interface CreateStudyOptions {
checkLimit?: boolean;
priceScale?: StudyPriceScale;
allowChangeCurrency?: boolean;
disableUndo?: boolean;
export interface CreateStudyTemplateOptions {
saveSymbol?: boolean;
saveInterval?: boolean;
export interface CreateTradingPrimitiveOptions {
disableUndo?: boolean;
export interface CrossHairMovedEventParams {
time: number;
price: number;
export interface CryptoBalance {
symbol: string;
total: number;
available: number;
longName?: string;
btcValue?: number;
export interface CustomComboBoxItem {
text: string;
value: string;
export interface CustomComboBoxMetaInfo extends CustomInputFieldMetaInfo {
inputType: "ComboBox";
items: CustomComboBoxItem[];
export interface CustomFields {
[key: string]: any;
export interface CustomFormatter {
format(date: Date): string;
formatLocal(date: Date): string;
export interface CustomFormatters {
timeFormatter: CustomFormatter;
dateFormatter: CustomFormatter;
export interface CustomIndicator {
readonly name: string;
readonly metainfo: any;
readonly constructor: any;
export interface CustomInputFieldMetaInfo {
inputType: string;
id: string;
title: string;
preventModify?: boolean;
placeHolder?: string;
value?: any;
validator?: InputFieldValidator;
customInfo?: any;
saveToSettings?: boolean;
export interface CustomInputFieldsValues {
[fieldId: string]: TextWithCheckboxValue | string | any;
export interface DOMData {
snapshot: boolean;
asks: DOMLevel[];
bids: DOMLevel[];
export interface DOMLevel {
price: number;
volume: number;
export interface DatafeedConfiguration {
exchanges?: Exchange[];
supported_resolutions?: ResolutionString[];
currency_codes?: string[];
supports_marks?: boolean;
supports_time?: boolean;
supports_timescale_marks?: boolean;
symbols_types?: DatafeedSymbolType[];
export interface DatafeedQuoteValues {
ch?: number;
chp?: number;
short_name?: string;
exchange?: string;
description?: string;
lp?: number;
ask?: number;
bid?: number;
spread?: number;
open_price?: number;
high_price?: number;
low_price?: number;
prev_close_price?: number;
volume?: number;
original_name?: string;
[valueName: string]: string | number | undefined;
export interface DatafeedSymbolType {
name: string;
value: string;
export interface DateOrDateTime {
dateOrDateTime: number;
hasTime: boolean;
export interface DefaultContextMenuActionsParams {
export interface DefaultDropdownActionsParams {
showFloatingToolbar?: boolean;
showDOM?: boolean;
showOrderPanel?: boolean;
tradingProperties?: boolean;
selectAnotherBroker?: boolean;
disconnect?: boolean;
showHowToUse?: boolean;
export interface DialogParams<CallbackType> {
title: string;
body: string;
callback: CallbackType;
export interface EditObjectDialogEventParams {
objectType: EditObjectDialogObjectType;
scriptTitle: string;
export interface EntityInfo {
id: EntityId;
name: string;
export interface ErrorFormatterParseResult extends FormatterParseResult {
error?: string;
res: false;
export interface Exchange {
value: string;
name: string;
desc: string;
export interface Execution extends CustomFields {
symbol: string;
price: number;
qty: number;
side: Side;
time: number;
export interface ExportDataOptions {
from?: number;
to?: number;
includeTime?: boolean;
includeSeries?: boolean;
includedStudies: ReadonlyArray<string> | "all";
export interface ExportedData {
schema: FieldDescriptor[];
data: Float64Array[];
export interface Favorites {
intervals: ResolutionString[];
chartTypes: string[];
export interface FormatterParseResult {
res: boolean;
export interface GrayedObject {
type: "drawing" | "study";
name: string;
export interface HeikinAshiStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
drawWick: boolean;
drawBorder: boolean;
drawBody: boolean;
borderColor: string;
borderUpColor: string;
borderDownColor: string;
wickColor: string;
wickUpColor: string;
wickDownColor: string;
showRealLastPrice: boolean;
barColorsOnPrevClose: boolean;
export interface HiLoStylePreferences {
color: string;
showBorders: boolean;
borderColor: string;
showLabels: boolean;
labelColor: string;
fontSize: number;
drawBody: boolean;
export interface HistoryDepth {
resolutionBack: ResolutionBackValues;
intervalBack: number;
export interface HistoryMetadata {
noData: boolean;
nextTime?: number | null;
export interface HollowCandleStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
drawWick: boolean;
drawBorder: boolean;
drawBody: boolean;
borderColor: string;
borderUpColor: string;
borderDownColor: string;
wickColor: string;
wickUpColor: string;
wickDownColor: string;
export interface IBrokerCommon {
chartContextMenuActions(context: TradeContext, options?: DefaultContextMenuActionsParams): Promise<ActionMetaInfo[]>;
isTradable(symbol: string): Promise<boolean | IsTradableResult>;
connectionStatus(): ConnectionStatus;
orders(): Promise<Order[]>;
ordersHistory?(): Promise<Order[]>;
positions?(): Promise<Position[]>;
trades?(): Promise<Trade[]>;
executions(symbol: string): Promise<Execution[]>;
symbolInfo(symbol: string): Promise<InstrumentInfo>;
accountInfo(): Promise<AccountInfo>;
accountManagerInfo(): AccountManagerInfo;
formatter?(symbol: string, alignToMinMove: boolean): Promise<INumberFormatter>;
spreadFormatter?(symbol: string): Promise<INumberFormatter>;
quantityFormatter?(symbol: string): Promise<INumberFormatter>;
export interface IBrokerConnectionAdapterFactory {
createDelegate<T extends Function>(): IDelegate<T>;
createWatchedValue<T>(value?: T): IWatchedValue<T>;
createPriceFormatter(priceScale?: number, minMove?: number, fractional?: boolean, minMove2?: number): IPriceFormatter;
export interface IBrokerConnectionAdapterHost {
factory: IBrokerConnectionAdapterFactory;
defaultFormatter(symbol: string, alignToMinMove: boolean): Promise<INumberFormatter>;
numericFormatter(decimalPlaces: number): Promise<INumberFormatter>;
quantityFormatter(decimalPlaces?: number): Promise<INumberFormatter>;
defaultContextMenuActions(context: TradeContext, params?: DefaultContextMenuActionsParams): Promise<ActionMetaInfo[]>;
defaultDropdownMenuActions(options?: Partial<DefaultDropdownActionsParams>): ActionMetaInfo[];
floatingTradingPanelVisibility(): IWatchedValue<boolean> | null;
domPanelVisibility(): IWatchedValue<boolean> | null;
orderPanelVisibility(): IWatchedValue<boolean> | null;
silentOrdersPlacement(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
patchConfig(config: Partial<BrokerConfigFlags>): void;
patchOrderDialogOptions(options: OrderDialogOptions): void;
patchPositionDialogOptions(options: PositionDialogOptions): void;
setDurations(durations: OrderDurationMetaInfo[]): void;
orderUpdate(order: Order): void;
orderPartialUpdate(id: string, orderChanges: Partial<Order>): void;
positionUpdate(position: Position, isHistoryUpdate?: boolean): void;
positionPartialUpdate(id: string, positionChanges: Partial<Position>): void;
tradeUpdate(trade: Trade, isHistoryUpdate?: boolean): void;
tradePartialUpdate(id: string, tradeChanges: Partial<Trade>): void;
executionUpdate(execution: Execution, isHistoryUpdate?: boolean): void;
fullUpdate(): void;
realtimeUpdate(symbol: string, data: TradingQuotes): void;
plUpdate(positionId: string, pl: number): void;
pipValueUpdate(symbol: string, pipValues: PipValues): void;
tradePLUpdate(tradeId: string, pl: number): void;
equityUpdate(equity: number): void;
marginAvailableUpdate(marginAvailable: number): void;
cryptoBalanceUpdate(symbol: string, balance: CryptoBalance): void;
domeUpdate(symbol: string, equity: DOMData): void;
showOrderDialog?<T extends PreOrder>(order: T, focus?: OrderTicketFocusControl): Promise<boolean>;
showNotification(title: string, text: string, notificationType?: NotificationType): void;
showCancelOrderDialog(orderId: string, handler: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
showCancelMultipleOrdersDialog(symbol: string, side: Side, qty: number, handler: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
showCancelBracketsDialog(orderId: string, handler: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
showCancelMultipleBracketsDialog(orderId: string, handler: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void>;
showClosePositionDialog(positionId: string, handler: () => Promise<boolean>): Promise<boolean>;
showReversePositionDialog(position: string, handler: () => Promise<boolean>): Promise<boolean>;
showPositionBracketsDialog(position: Position | Trade, brackets: Brackets, focus: OrderTicketFocusControl): Promise<boolean>;
setButtonDropdownActions(descriptions: ActionMetaInfo[]): void;
activateBottomWidget(): Promise<void>;
showTradingProperties(): void;
suggestedQty(): SuggestedQuantity;
symbolSnapshot(symbol: string): Promise<QuotesBase>;
showMessageDialog(caption: string, message: string): void;
export interface IBrokerTerminal extends IBrokerWithoutRealtime {
subscribeRealtime(symbol: string): void;
unsubscribeRealtime(symbol: string): void;
export interface IBrokerWithoutRealtime extends IBrokerCommon {
subscribeDOME?(symbol: string): void;
unsubscribeDOME?(symbol: string): void;
placeOrder(order: PreOrder, confirmId?: string): Promise<void>;
previewOrder?(order: PreOrder): Promise<OrderPreviewResult>;
modifyOrder(order: Order): Promise<void>;
cancelOrder(orderId: string): Promise<void>;
cancelOrders(symbol: string, side: Side | undefined, ordersIds: string[]): Promise<void>;
reversePosition?(positionId: string): Promise<void>;
closePosition?(positionId: string): Promise<void>;
closeTrade?(tradeId: string): Promise<void>;
editPositionBrackets?(positionId: string, brackets: Brackets, customFields?: CustomInputFieldsValues): Promise<void>;
editTradeBrackets?(tradeId: string, brackets: Brackets): Promise<void>;
* @deprecated Brokers should always send PL and equity updates
subscribePL?(positionId: string): void;
subscribeEquity?(): void;
subscribeMarginAvailable?(symbol: string): void;
subscribePipValue?(symbol: string): void;
unsubscribePipValue?(symbol: string): void;
unsubscribeMarginAvailable?(symbol: string): void;
* @deprecated
unsubscribePL?(positionId: string): void;
unsubscribeEquity?(): void;
export interface IChartWidgetApi {
onDataLoaded(): ISubscription<() => void>;
onSymbolChanged(): ISubscription<() => void>;
onIntervalChanged(): ISubscription<(interval: ResolutionString, timeFrameParameters: {
timeframe?: string;
}) => void>;
onVisibleRangeChanged(): ISubscription<(range: VisibleTimeRange) => void>;
dataReady(callback: () => void): boolean;
crossHairMoved(callback: (params: CrossHairMovedEventParams) => void): void;
setVisibleRange(range: VisibleTimeRange, options?: SetVisibleRangeOptions): Promise<void>;
setSymbol(symbol: string, callback: () => void): void;
setResolution(resolution: ResolutionString, callback: () => void): void;
resetData(): void;
executeActionById(actionId: ChartActionId): void;
getCheckableActionState(actionId: ChartActionId): boolean;
refreshMarks(): void;
clearMarks(): void;
setChartType(type: SeriesStyle): void;
getAllShapes(): EntityInfo[];
getAllStudies(): EntityInfo[];
availableZOrderOperations(sources: ReadonlyArray<EntityId>): AvailableZOrderOperations;
sendToBack(entities: ReadonlyArray<EntityId>): void;
bringToFront(sources: ReadonlyArray<EntityId>): void;
bringForward(sources: ReadonlyArray<EntityId>): void;
sendBackward(sources: ReadonlyArray<EntityId>): void;
* @deprecated Use shape/study API instead ([getStudyById] / [getShapeById])
setEntityVisibility(entityId: EntityId, isVisible: boolean): void;
createStudy<TStudyInputValue extends StudyInputValue, TOverrides extends StudyOverrides>(name: string, forceOverlay: boolean, lock?: boolean, inputs?: TStudyInputValue[], overrides?: TOverrides, options?: CreateStudyOptions): Promise<EntityId | null>;
getStudyById(entityId: EntityId): IStudyApi;
getSeries(): ISeriesApi;
createShape<TOverrides extends object>(point: ShapePoint, options: CreateShapeOptions<TOverrides>): EntityId | null;
createMultipointShape<TOverrides extends object>(points: ShapePoint[], options: CreateShapeOptions<TOverrides>): EntityId | null;
getShapeById(entityId: EntityId): ILineDataSourceApi;
removeEntity(entityId: EntityId, options?: RemoveEntityOptions): void;
removeAllShapes(): void;
removeAllStudies(): void;
selection(): ISelectionApi;
showPropertiesDialog(studyId: EntityId): void;
createStudyTemplate(options: CreateStudyTemplateOptions): object;
applyStudyTemplate(template: object): void;
createOrderLine(options: CreateTradingPrimitiveOptions): IOrderLineAdapter;
createPositionLine(options: CreateTradingPrimitiveOptions): IPositionLineAdapter;
createExecutionShape(options: CreateTradingPrimitiveOptions): IExecutionLineAdapter;
symbol(): string;
symbolExt(): SymbolExt;
resolution(): ResolutionString;
getVisibleRange(): VisibleTimeRange;
* @deprecated Use Price Scale API instead
getVisiblePriceRange(): VisiblePriceRange;
scrollPosition(): number;
defaultScrollPosition(): number;
priceFormatter(): INumberFormatter;
chartType(): SeriesStyle;
setTimezone(timezone: "exchange" | Timezone): void;
getTimezone(): "exchange" | Timezone;
getPanes(): IPaneApi[];
exportData(options?: ExportDataOptions): Promise<ExportedData>;
canZoomOut(): boolean;
zoomOut(): void;
setZoomEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
setScrollEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
shapesGroupController(): IShapesGroupControllerApi;
barTimeToEndOfPeriod(unixTime: number): number;
endOfPeriodToBarTime(unixTime: number): number;
export interface IChartingLibraryWidget {
headerReady(): Promise<void>;
onChartReady(callback: EmptyCallback): void;
onGrayedObjectClicked(callback: (obj: GrayedObject) => void): void;
onShortcut(shortCut: string, callback: EmptyCallback): void;
subscribe<EventName extends keyof SubscribeEventsMap>(event: EventName, callback: SubscribeEventsMap[EventName]): void;
unsubscribe<EventName extends keyof SubscribeEventsMap>(event: EventName, callback: SubscribeEventsMap[EventName]): void;
chart(index?: number): IChartWidgetApi;
getLanguage(): LanguageCode;
setSymbol(symbol: string, interval: ResolutionString, callback: EmptyCallback): void;
remove(): void;
closePopupsAndDialogs(): void;
selectLineTool(linetool: SupportedLineTools): void;
selectedLineTool(): SupportedLineTools;
save(callback: (state: object) => void): void;
load(state: object): void;
getSavedCharts(callback: (chartRecords: SaveLoadChartRecord[]) => void): void;
loadChartFromServer(chartRecord: SaveLoadChartRecord): void;
saveChartToServer(onComplete?: EmptyCallback, onFail?: EmptyCallback, options?: SaveChartToServerOptions): void;
removeChartFromServer(chartId: string, onCompleteCallback: EmptyCallback): void;
onContextMenu(callback: (unixTime: number, price: number) => ContextMenuItem[]): void;
createButton(options?: CreateButtonOptions): HTMLElement;
showNoticeDialog(params: DialogParams<() => void>): void;
showConfirmDialog(params: DialogParams<(confirmed: boolean) => void>): void;
showLoadChartDialog(): void;
showSaveAsChartDialog(): void;
symbolInterval(): SymbolIntervalResult;
mainSeriesPriceFormatter(): INumberFormatter;
getIntervals(): string[];
getStudiesList(): string[];
addCustomCSSFile(url: string): void;
applyOverrides<TOverrides extends StudyOverrides>(overrides: TOverrides): void;
applyStudiesOverrides(overrides: object): void;
watchList(): IWatchListApi;
activeChart(): IChartWidgetApi;
chartsCount(): number;
layout(): LayoutType;
setLayout(layout: LayoutType): void;
layoutName(): string;
changeTheme(themeName: ThemeName, options?: ChangeThemeOptions): void;
getTheme(): ThemeName;
takeScreenshot(): void;
takeClientScreenshot(): Promise<HTMLCanvasElement>;
lockAllDrawingTools(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
hideAllDrawingTools(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
magnetEnabled(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
magnetMode(): IWatchedValue<number>;
symbolSync(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
intervalSync(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
crosshairSync(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
timeSync(): IWatchedValue<boolean>;
undoRedoState(): UndoRedoState;
export interface IDatafeedChartApi {
calculateHistoryDepth?(resolution: ResolutionString, resolutionBack: ResolutionBackValues, intervalBack: number): HistoryDepth | undefined;
getMarks?(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, from: number, to: number, onDataCallback: GetMarksCallback<Mark>, resolution: ResolutionString): void;
getTimescaleMarks?(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, from: number, to: number, onDataCallback: GetMarksCallback<TimescaleMark>, resolution: ResolutionString): void;
* This function is called if configuration flag supports_time is set to true when chart needs to know the server time.
* The charting library expects callback to be called once.
* The time is provided without milliseconds. Example: 1445324591. It is used to display Countdown on the price scale.
getServerTime?(callback: ServerTimeCallback): void;
searchSymbols(userInput: string, exchange: string, symbolType: string, onResult: SearchSymbolsCallback): void;
resolveSymbol(symbolName: string, onResolve: ResolveCallback, onError: ErrorCallback): void;
getBars(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, resolution: ResolutionString, rangeStartDate: number, rangeEndDate: number, onResult: HistoryCallback, onError: ErrorCallback, isFirstCall: boolean): void;
subscribeBars(symbolInfo: LibrarySymbolInfo, resolution: ResolutionString, onTick: SubscribeBarsCallback, listenerGuid: string, onResetCacheNeededCallback: () => void): void;
unsubscribeBars(listenerGuid: string): void;
subscribeDepth?(symbol: string, callback: DomeCallback): string;
unsubscribeDepth?(subscriberUID: string): void;
export interface IDatafeedQuotesApi {
getQuotes(symbols: string[], onDataCallback: QuotesCallback, onErrorCallback: (msg: string) => void): void;
subscribeQuotes(symbols: string[], fastSymbols: string[], onRealtimeCallback: QuotesCallback, listenerGUID: string): void;
unsubscribeQuotes(listenerGUID: string): void;
export interface IDelegate<TFunc extends Function> extends ISubscription<TFunc> {
fire: TFunc;
export interface IExecutionLineAdapter {
remove(): void;
getPrice(): number;
setPrice(value: number): this;
getTime(): number;
setTime(value: number): this;
getDirection(): Direction;
setDirection(value: Direction): this;
getText(): string;
setText(value: string): this;
getTooltip(): string;
setTooltip(value: string): this;
getArrowHeight(): number;
setArrowHeight(value: number): this;
getArrowSpacing(): number;
setArrowSpacing(value: number): this;
getFont(): string;
setFont(value: string): this;
getTextColor(): string;
setTextColor(value: string): this;
getArrowColor(): string;
setArrowColor(value: string): this;
export interface IExternalDatafeed {
onReady(callback: OnReadyCallback): void;
export interface IExternalSaveLoadAdapter {
getAllCharts(): Promise<ChartMetaInfo[]>;
removeChart<T extends number | string>(id: T): Promise<void>;
saveChart(chartData: ChartData): Promise<number>;
getChartContent(chartId: number): Promise<string>;
getAllStudyTemplates(): Promise<StudyTemplateMetaInfo[]>;
removeStudyTemplate(studyTemplateInfo: StudyTemplateMetaInfo): Promise<void>;
saveStudyTemplate(studyTemplateData: StudyTemplateData): Promise<void>;
getStudyTemplateContent(studyTemplateInfo: StudyTemplateMetaInfo): Promise<string>;
export interface IFormatter<T> {
format(value?: T): string;
parse?(value: string): ErrorFormatterParseResult | SuccessFormatterParseResult<T>;
export interface ILineDataSourceApi {
isSelectionEnabled(): boolean;
setSelectionEnabled(enable: boolean): void;
isSavingEnabled(): boolean;
setSavingEnabled(enable: boolean): void;
isShowInObjectsTreeEnabled(): boolean;
setShowInObjectsTreeEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
isUserEditEnabled(): boolean;
setUserEditEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
bringToFront(): void;
sendToBack(): void;
getProperties(): object;
setProperties(newProperties: object): void;
getPoints(): PricedPoint[];
setPoints(points: ShapePoint[]): void;
export interface IOrderLineAdapter {
remove(): void;
onModify(callback: () => void): this;
onModify<T>(data: T, callback: (data: T) => void): this;
onMove(callback: () => void): this;
onMove<T>(data: T, callback: (data: T) => void): this;
onCancel(callback: () => void): this;
onCancel<T>(data: T, callback: (data: T) => void): this;
getPrice(): number;
setPrice(value: number): this;
getText(): string;
setText(value: string): this;
getTooltip(): string;
setTooltip(value: string): this;
getModifyTooltip(): string;
setModifyTooltip(value: string): this;
getCancelTooltip(): string;
setCancelTooltip(value: string): this;
getQuantity(): string;
setQuantity(value: string): this;
getEditable(): boolean;
setEditable(value: boolean): this;
getExtendLeft(): boolean;
setExtendLeft(value: boolean): this;
getLineLength(): number;
setLineLength(value: number): this;
getLineStyle(): number;
setLineStyle(value: number): this;
getLineWidth(): number;
setLineWidth(value: number): this;
getBodyFont(): string;
setBodyFont(value: string): this;
getQuantityFont(): string;
setQuantityFont(value: string): this;
getLineColor(): string;
setLineColor(value: string): this;
getBodyBorderColor(): string;
setBodyBorderColor(value: string): this;
getBodyBackgroundColor(): string;
setBodyBackgroundColor(value: string): this;
getBodyTextColor(): string;
setBodyTextColor(value: string): this;
getQuantityBorderColor(): string;
setQuantityBorderColor(value: string): this;
getQuantityBackgroundColor(): string;
setQuantityBackgroundColor(value: string): this;
getQuantityTextColor(): string;
setQuantityTextColor(value: string): this;
getCancelButtonBorderColor(): string;
setCancelButtonBorderColor(value: string): this;
getCancelButtonBackgroundColor(): string;
setCancelButtonBackgroundColor(value: string): this;
getCancelButtonIconColor(): string;
setCancelButtonIconColor(value: string): this;
export interface IPaneApi {
hasMainSeries(): boolean;
getLeftPriceScales(): ReadonlyArray<IPriceScaleApi>;
getRightPriceScales(): ReadonlyArray<IPriceScaleApi>;
getMainSourcePriceScale(): IPriceScaleApi | null;
getHeight(): number;
setHeight(height: number): void;
moveTo(paneIndex: number): void;
paneIndex(): number;
export interface IPositionLineAdapter {
remove(): void;
onClose(callback: () => void): this;
onClose<T>(data: T, callback: (data: T) => void): this;
onModify(callback: () => void): this;
onModify<T>(data: T, callback: (data: T) => void): this;
onReverse(callback: () => void): this;
onReverse<T>(data: T, callback: (data: T) => void): this;
getPrice(): number;
setPrice(value: number): this;
getText(): string;
setText(value: string): this;
getTooltip(): string;
setTooltip(value: string): this;
getProtectTooltip(): string;
setProtectTooltip(value: string): this;
getCloseTooltip(): string;
setCloseTooltip(value: string): this;
getReverseTooltip(): string;
setReverseTooltip(value: string): this;
getQuantity(): string;
setQuantity(value: string): this;
getExtendLeft(): boolean;
setExtendLeft(value: boolean): this;
getLineLength(): number;
setLineLength(value: number): this;
getLineStyle(): number;
setLineStyle(value: number): this;
getLineWidth(): number;
setLineWidth(value: number): this;
getBodyFont(): string;
setBodyFont(value: string): this;
getQuantityFont(): string;
setQuantityFont(value: string): this;
getLineColor(): string;
setLineColor(value: string): this;
getBodyBorderColor(): string;
setBodyBorderColor(value: string): this;
getBodyBackgroundColor(): string;
setBodyBackgroundColor(value: string): this;
getBodyTextColor(): string;
setBodyTextColor(value: string): this;
getQuantityBorderColor(): string;
setQuantityBorderColor(value: string): this;
getQuantityBackgroundColor(): string;
setQuantityBackgroundColor(value: string): this;
getQuantityTextColor(): string;
setQuantityTextColor(value: string): this;
getReverseButtonBorderColor(): string;
setReverseButtonBorderColor(value: string): this;
getReverseButtonBackgroundColor(): string;
setReverseButtonBackgroundColor(value: string): this;
getReverseButtonIconColor(): string;
setReverseButtonIconColor(value: string): this;
getCloseButtonBorderColor(): string;
setCloseButtonBorderColor(value: string): this;
getCloseButtonBackgroundColor(): string;
setCloseButtonBackgroundColor(value: string): this;
getCloseButtonIconColor(): string;
setCloseButtonIconColor(value: string): this;
export interface IPriceFormatter extends INumberFormatter {
format(price: number, signPositive?: boolean, tailSize?: number, signNegative?: boolean, useRtlFormat?: boolean): string;
export interface IPriceScaleApi {
getMode(): PriceScaleMode;
setMode(newMode: PriceScaleMode): void;
isInverted(): boolean;
setInverted(isInverted: boolean): void;
getVisiblePriceRange(): VisiblePriceRange | null;
setVisiblePriceRange(range: VisiblePriceRange): void;
hasMainSeries(): boolean;
getStudies(): EntityId[];
export interface ISelectionApi {
add(entities: EntityId[]): void;
set(entities: EntityId[]): void;
remove(entities: EntityId[]): void;
contains(entity: EntityId): boolean;
allSources(): EntityId[];
isEmpty(): boolean;
clear(): void;
onChanged(): ISubscription<() => void>;
canBeAddedToSelection(entity: EntityId): boolean;
export interface ISeriesApi {
isUserEditEnabled(): boolean;
setUserEditEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
mergeUp(): void;
mergeDown(): void;
unmergeUp(): void;
unmergeDown(): void;
detachToRight(): void;
detachToLeft(): void;
detachNoScale(): void;
changePriceScale(newPriceScale: SeriesPriceScale): void;
isVisible(): boolean;
setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
bringToFront(): void;
sendToBack(): void;
entityId(): EntityId;
chartStyleProperties<T extends ChartStyle>(chartStyle: T): SeriesPreferencesMap[T];
setChartStyleProperties<T extends ChartStyle>(chartStyle: T, newPrefs: Partial<SeriesPreferencesMap[T]>): void;
export interface ISettingsAdapter {
initialSettings?: InitialSettingsMap;
setValue(key: string, value: string): void;
removeValue(key: string): void;
export interface IShapesGroupControllerApi {
createGroupFromSelection(): ShapesGroupId;
removeGroup(groupId: ShapesGroupId): void;
groups(): ReadonlyArray<ShapesGroupId>;
shapesInGroup(groupId: ShapesGroupId): ReadonlyArray<EntityId>;
excludeShapeFromGroup(groupId: ShapesGroupId, shapeId: EntityId): void;
availableZOrderOperations(groupId: ShapesGroupId): AvailableZOrderOperations;
bringToFront(groupId: ShapesGroupId): void;
sendToBack(groupId: ShapesGroupId): void;
bringForward(groupId: ShapesGroupId): void;
sendBackward(groupId: ShapesGroupId): void;
insertAfter(groupId: ShapesGroupId, target: ShapesGroupId | EntityId): void;
insertBefore(groupId: ShapesGroupId, target: ShapesGroupId | EntityId): void;
setGroupVisibility(groupId: ShapesGroupId, value: boolean): void;
groupVisibility(groupId: ShapesGroupId): GroupVisibilityState;
setGroupLock(groupId: ShapesGroupId, value: boolean): void;
groupLock(groupId: ShapesGroupId): GroupLockState;
getGroupName(groupId: ShapesGroupId): string;
setGroupName(groupId: ShapesGroupId, name: string): void;
canBeGroupped(shapes: ReadonlyArray<EntityId>): boolean;
export interface IStudyApi {
isUserEditEnabled(): boolean;
setUserEditEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
getInputsInfo(): StudyInputInfo[];
getInputValues(): StudyInputValueItem[];
setInputValues(values: StudyInputValueItem[]): void;
mergeUp(): void;
mergeDown(): void;
unmergeUp(): void;
unmergeDown(): void;
changePriceScale(newPriceScale: StudyPriceScale | EntityId): void;
isVisible(): boolean;
setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
bringToFront(): void;
sendToBack(): void;
applyOverrides<TOverrides extends StudyOverrides>(overrides: TOverrides): void;
export interface ISubscription<TFunc extends Function> {
subscribe(obj: object | null, member: TFunc, singleshot?: boolean): void;
unsubscribe(obj: object | null, member: TFunc): void;
unsubscribeAll(obj: object | null): void;
export interface IWatchListApi {
defaultList(): string[];
getList(id?: string): string[] | null;
getAllLists(): WatchListSymbolListMap | null;
setActiveList(id: string): void;
getActiveListId(): string | null;
setList(symbols: string[]): void;
updateList(listId: string, symbols: string[]): void;
renameList(listId: string, newName: string): void;
createList(listName?: string, symbols?: string[]): WatchListSymbolList | null;
saveList(list: WatchListSymbolList): boolean;
deleteList(listId: string): void;
onListChanged(): ISubscription<WatchListSymbolListChangedCallback>;
onActiveListChanged(): ISubscription<EmptyCallback>;
onListAdded(): ISubscription<WatchListSymbolListAddedCallback>;
onListRemoved(): ISubscription<WatchListSymbolListRemovedCallback>;
onListRenamed(): ISubscription<WatchListSymbolListRenamedCallback>;
export interface IWatchedValue<T> extends IWatchedValueReadonly<T> {
value(): T;
setValue(value: T, forceUpdate?: boolean): void;
subscribe(callback: WatchedValueCallback<T>, options?: WatchedValueSubscribeOptions): void;
unsubscribe(callback?: WatchedValueCallback<T> | null): void;
export interface IWatchedValueReadonly<T> {
value(): T;
subscribe(callback: (value: T) => void, options?: WatchedValueSubscribeOptions): void;
unsubscribe(callback?: ((value: T) => void) | null): void;
export interface InitialSettingsMap {
[key: string]: string;
export interface InstrumentInfo {
qty: QuantityMetainfo;
pipValue: number;
pipSize: number;
minTick: number;
lotSize?: number;
type?: SymbolType;
brokerSymbol?: string;
description: string;
domVolumePrecision?: number;
leverage?: string;
marginRate?: number;
limitPriceStep?: number;
stopPriceStep?: number;
allowedDurations?: string[];
currency?: string;
baseCurrency?: string;
quoteCurrency?: string;
export interface IsTradableResult {
tradable: boolean;
reason?: string;
export interface KagiStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
upColorProjection: string;
downColorProjection: string;
export interface LibrarySymbolInfo {
* Symbol Name
name: string;
full_name: string;
base_name?: [string];
* Unique symbol id
ticker?: string;
description: string;
type: string;
* @example "1700-0200"
session: string;
* @example "20181105,20181107,20181112"
holidays?: string;
* @example "1900F4-2350F4,1000-1845:20181113;1000-1400:20181114"
corrections?: string;
* Traded exchange
* @example "NYSE"
exchange: string;
listed_exchange: string;
timezone: Timezone;
* Prices format: "price" or "volume"
format: SeriesFormat;
* Code (Tick)
* @example 8/16/.../256 (1/8/100 1/16/100 ... 1/256/100) or 1/10/.../10000000 (1 0.1 ... 0.0000001)
pricescale: number;
* The number of units that make up one tick.
* @example For example, U.S. equities are quotes in decimals, and tick in decimals, and can go up +/- .01. So the tick increment is 1. But the e-mini S&P futures contract, though quoted in decimals, goes up in .25 increments, so the tick increment is 25. (see also Tick Size)
minmov: number;
fractional?: boolean;
* @example Quarters of 1/32: pricescale=128, minmovement=1, minmovement2=4
minmove2?: number;
* false if DWM only
has_intraday?: boolean;
* An array of resolutions which should be enabled in resolutions picker for this symbol.
supported_resolutions: ResolutionString[];
* @example (for ex.: "1,5,60") - only these resolutions will be requested, all others will be built using them if possible
intraday_multipliers?: string[];
has_seconds?: boolean;
* It is an array containing seconds resolutions (in seconds without a postfix) the datafeed builds by itself.
seconds_multipliers?: string[];
has_daily?: boolean;
has_weekly_and_monthly?: boolean;
has_empty_bars?: boolean;
force_session_rebuild?: boolean;
has_no_volume?: boolean;
* Integer showing typical volume value decimal places for this symbol
volume_precision?: number;
data_status?: "streaming" | "endofday" | "pulsed" | "delayed_streaming";
* Boolean showing whether this symbol is expired futures contract or not.
expired?: boolean;
* Unix timestamp of expiration date.
expiration_date?: number;
sector?: string;
industry?: string;
currency_code?: string;
original_currency_code?: string;
export interface LineBreakStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
borderUpColor: string;
borderDownColor: string;
upColorProjection: string;
downColorProjection: string;
borderUpColorProjection: string;
borderDownColorProjection: string;
export interface LineStylePreferences {
color: string;
linestyle: number;
linewidth: number;
styleType: number;
export interface LoadingScreenOptions {
foregroundColor?: string;
backgroundColor?: string;
export interface Mark {
id: string | number;
time: number;
color: MarkConstColors | MarkCustomColor;
text: string;
label: string;
labelFontColor: string;
minSize: number;
export interface MarkCustomColor {
color: string;
background: string;
export interface MenuSeparator extends ActionDescription {
separator: boolean;
export interface MouseEventParams {
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
pageX: number;
pageY: number;
screenX: number;
screenY: number;
export interface NegativeBaseInputFieldValidatorResult extends BaseInputFieldValidatorResult {
valid: false;
errorMessage: string;
export interface NewsItem {
fullDescription: string;
link?: string;
published: number;
shortDescription?: string;
source: string;
title: string;
export interface NewsProvider {
is_news_generic?: boolean;
get_news(symbol: string, callback: (items: NewsItem[]) => void): void;
export interface NumericFormattingParams {
decimal_sign: string;
export interface OrderDialogOptions extends TradingDialogOptions {
export interface OrderDuration {
* type is OrderDurationMetaInfo.value
type: string;
datetime?: number;
export interface OrderDurationMetaInfo {
hasDatePicker?: boolean;
hasTimePicker?: boolean;
default?: boolean;
name: string;
value: string;
supportedOrderTypes?: OrderType[];
export interface OrderOrPositionMessage {
type: OrderOrPositionMessageType;
text: string;
export interface OrderPreviewInfoItem {
title: string;
value: string;
export interface OrderPreviewResult {
info: OrderPreviewInfoItem[];
confirmId?: string;
export interface OrderRule {
id: string;
severity: "warning" | "error";
export interface OrderTableColumn extends AccountManagerColumn {
supportedStatusFilters?: OrderStatusFilter[];
* Input value of the order ticket
* This info is not sufficient to place an order
export interface OrderTemplate {
symbol: string;
type?: OrderType;
side?: Side;
qty?: number;
stopPrice?: number;
limitPrice?: number;
takeProfit?: number;
stopLoss?: number;
trailingStopPips?: number;
duration?: OrderDuration;
customFields?: CustomInputFieldsValues;
export interface Overrides {
[key: string]: string | number | boolean;
export interface PipValues {
buyPipValue: number;
sellPipValue: number;
* Info about a placed order
export interface PlacedOrder extends CustomFields {
id: string;
symbol: string;
type: OrderType;
side: Side;
qty: number;
status: OrderStatus;
stopLoss?: number;
trailingStopPips?: number;
stopType?: StopType;
takeProfit?: number;
duration?: OrderDuration;
customFields?: CustomInputFieldsValues;
filledQty?: number;
avgPrice?: number;
updateTime?: number; /** unix timestamp in milliseconds */
limitPrice?: number;
stopPrice?: number;
message?: OrderOrPositionMessage;
export interface PnFStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
upColorProjection: string;
downColorProjection: string;
export interface Position {
id: string;
symbol: string;
qty: number;
shortQty?: number;
longQty?: number;
side: Side;
avgPrice: number;
message?: OrderOrPositionMessage;
[key: string]: any;
export interface PositionDialogOptions extends TradingDialogOptions {
export interface PositiveBaseInputFieldValidatorResult extends BaseInputFieldValidatorResult {
valid: true;
* Output value of the order ticket and input value of the broker's place order command
* This info is sufficient to place an order
export interface PreOrder extends OrderTemplate {
symbol: string;
type: OrderType;
side: Side;
qty: number;
seenPrice: number | null;
export interface PricedPoint extends TimePoint {
price: number;
export interface QuantityMetainfo {
min: number;
max: number;
step: number;
default?: number;
export interface QuoteErrorData {
s: "error";
n: string;
v: object;
export interface QuoteOkData {
s: "ok";
n: string;
v: DatafeedQuoteValues;
export interface QuotesBase {
change: number;
change_percent: number;
last_price: number;
fractional: boolean;
minmov: number;
minmove2: number;
pricescale: number;
description: string;
export interface RemoveEntityOptions {
disableUndo?: boolean;
export interface RenkoStylePreferences {
upColor: string;
downColor: string;
borderUpColor: string;
borderDownColor: string;
upColorProjection: string;
downColorProjection: string;
borderUpColorProjection: string;
borderDownColorProjection: string;
wickUpColor: string;
wickDownColor: string;
export interface RestBrokerConnectionInfo {
url: string;
access_token: string;
export interface RssNewsFeedInfo {
url: string;
name: string;
export interface RssNewsFeedParams {
default: RssNewsFeedItem;
[symbolType: string]: RssNewsFeedItem;
export interface SaveChartToServerOptions {
chartName?: string;
defaultChartName?: string;
export interface SaveLoadChartRecord {
id: string;
name: string;
image_url: string;
modified_iso: number;
short_symbol: string;
interval: ResolutionString;
export interface SearchSymbolResultItem {
symbol: string;
full_name: string;
description: string;
exchange: string;
ticker: string;
type: string;
export interface SeriesFieldDescriptor {
type: "value";
sourceType: "series";
plotTitle: string;
export interface SeriesPreferencesMap {
[ChartStyle.Bar]: BarStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.Candle]: CandleStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.Line]: LineStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.Area]: AreaStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.Renko]: RenkoStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.Kagi]: KagiStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.PnF]: PnFStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.LineBreak]: LineBreakStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.HeikinAshi]: HeikinAshiStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.HollowCandle]: HollowCandleStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.Baseline]: BaselineStylePreferences;
[ChartStyle.HiLo]: HiLoStylePreferences;
export interface SetVisibleRangeOptions {
applyDefaultRightMargin?: boolean;
percentRightMargin?: number;
export interface SingleBrokerMetaInfo {
configFlags: BrokerConfigFlags;
customNotificationFields?: string[];
durations?: OrderDurationMetaInfo[];
orderDialogOptions?: OrderDialogOptions;
positionDialogOptions?: PositionDialogOptions;
orderRules?: OrderRule[];
customUI?: BrokerCustomUI;
export interface SortingParameters {
columnId: string;
asc?: boolean;
export interface StickedPoint extends TimePoint {
channel: "open" | "high" | "low" | "close";
export interface StudyFieldDescriptor {
type: "value";
sourceType: "study";
sourceId: string;
sourceTitle: string;
plotTitle: string;
export interface StudyInputInfo {
id: StudyInputId;
name: string;
type: string;
localizedName: string;
export interface StudyInputValueItem {
id: StudyInputId;
value: StudyInputValue;
export interface StudyOrDrawingAddedToChartEventParams {
value: string;
export interface StudyOverrides {
[key: string]: StudyOverrideValueType;
export interface StudyTemplateData {
name: string;
content: string;
export interface StudyTemplateMetaInfo {
name: string;
export interface SubscribeEventsMap {
toggle_sidebar: (isHidden: boolean) => void;
indicators_dialog: EmptyCallback;
toggle_header: (isHidden: boolean) => void;
edit_object_dialog: (params: EditObjectDialogEventParams) => void;
chart_load_requested: (savedData: object) => void;
chart_loaded: EmptyCallback;
mouse_down: (params: MouseEventParams) => void;
mouse_up: (params: MouseEventParams) => void;
drawing: (params: StudyOrDrawingAddedToChartEventParams) => void;
study: (params: StudyOrDrawingAddedToChartEventParams) => void;
undo: EmptyCallback;
redo: EmptyCallback;
undoRedoStackChanged: (state: UndoRedoState) => void;
reset_scales: EmptyCallback;
compare_add: EmptyCallback;
add_compare: EmptyCallback;
"load_study template": EmptyCallback;
onTick: (tick: Bar) => void;
onAutoSaveNeeded: EmptyCallback;
onScreenshotReady: (url: string) => void;
onMarkClick: (markId: Mark["id"]) => void;
onTimescaleMarkClick: (markId: TimescaleMark["id"]) => void;
onSelectedLineToolChanged: EmptyCallback;
layout_about_to_be_changed: (newLayoutType: LayoutType) => void;
layout_changed: EmptyCallback;
activeChartChanged: (chartIndex: number) => void;
drawing_event: (soursceId: string, drawingEventType: DrawingEventType) => void;
export interface SuccessFormatterParseResult<T> extends FormatterParseResult {
res: true;
value: T;
suggest?: string;
export interface SuggestedQuantity {
changed: IDelegate<(symbol: string) => void>;
value(symbol: string): Promise<number>;
setValue(symbol: string, value: number): void;
export interface SymbolExt {
symbol: string;
full_name: string;
exchange: string;
description: string;
type: string;
export interface SymbolIntervalResult {
symbol: string;
interval: ResolutionString;
export interface TableElementFormatter {
name: string;
format: TableElementFormatFunction;
export interface TableFormatterInputs {
value: TableValue;
prevValue?: number | undefined;
row: TableRow;
$container: JQuery;
priceFormatter?: INumberFormatter;
export interface TableRow {
priceFormatter?: INumberFormatter;
[name: string]: any;
export interface TextWithCheckboxFieldCustomInfo {
checkboxTitle: string;
asterix?: boolean;
export interface TextWithCheckboxFieldMetaInfo extends CustomInputFieldMetaInfo {
inputType: "TextWithCheckBox";
value: TextWithCheckboxValue;
customInfo: TextWithCheckboxFieldCustomInfo;
validator?: TextInputFieldValidator;
export interface TextWithCheckboxValue {
text: string;
checked: boolean;
export interface TimeFieldDescriptor {
type: "time";
export interface TimeFrameItem {
text: string;
resolution: ResolutionString;
description?: string;
title?: string;
export interface TimePoint {
time: number;
export interface TimescaleMark {
id: string | number;
time: number;
color: MarkConstColors | string;
label: string;
tooltip: string[];
export interface Trade extends CustomFields {
id: string;
date: number;
symbol: string;
qty: number;
side: Side;
price: number;
export interface TradeContext {
symbol: string;
displaySymbol: string;
value: number | null;
formattedValue: string;
last: number;
export interface TradingCustomization {
position: Overrides;
order: Overrides;
export interface TradingDialogOptions {
customFields?: TradingDialogCustomField[];
export interface TradingQuotes {
trade?: number;
size?: number;
bid?: number;
bid_size?: number;
ask?: number;
ask_size?: number;
spread?: number;
isDelayed?: boolean;
export interface TradingTerminalWidgetOptions extends ChartingLibraryWidgetOptions {
brokerConfig?: SingleBrokerMetaInfo;
broker_config?: SingleBrokerMetaInfo;
restConfig?: RestBrokerConnectionInfo;
widgetbar?: WidgetBarParams;
rss_news_feed?: RssNewsFeedParams;
news_provider?: NewsProvider;
trading_customization?: TradingCustomization;
brokerFactory?(host: IBrokerConnectionAdapterHost): IBrokerWithoutRealtime | IBrokerTerminal;
broker_factory?(host: IBrokerConnectionAdapterHost): IBrokerWithoutRealtime | IBrokerTerminal;
export interface UndoRedoState {
enableUndo: boolean;
undoText: string | undefined;
enableRedo: boolean;
redoText: string | undefined;
export interface VisiblePriceRange {
from: number;
to: number;
export interface VisibleTimeRange {
from: number;
to: number;
export interface WatchListSymbolList extends WatchListSymbolListData {
id: string;
export interface WatchListSymbolListData {
symbols: string[];
title: string;
export interface WatchListSymbolListMap {
[listId: string]: WatchListSymbolList;
export interface WatchedValueSubscribeOptions {
once?: boolean;
callWithLast?: boolean;
export interface WidgetBarParams {
details?: boolean;
watchlist?: boolean;
news?: boolean;
watchlist_settings?: {
default_symbols: string[];
readonly?: boolean;
export type CustomTimezones = "Africa/Cairo" | "Africa/Johannesburg" | "Africa/Lagos" | "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires" | "America/Bogota" | "America/Caracas" | "America/Chicago" | "America/El_Salvador" | "America/Juneau" | "America/Lima" | "America/Los_Angeles" | "America/Mexico_City" | "America/New_York" | "America/Phoenix" | "America/Santiago" | "America/Sao_Paulo" | "America/Toronto" | "America/Vancouver" | "Asia/Almaty" | "Asia/Ashkhabad" | "Asia/Bahrain" | "Asia/Bangkok" | "Asia/Chongqing" | "Asia/Dubai" | "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh" | "Asia/Hong_Kong" | "Asia/Jakarta" | "Asia/Jerusalem" | "Asia/Kathmandu" | "Asia/Kolkata" | "Asia/Kuwait" | "Asia/Muscat" | "Asia/Qatar" | "Asia/Riyadh" | "Asia/Seoul" | "Asia/Shanghai" | "Asia/Singapore" | "Asia/Taipei" | "Asia/Tehran" | "Asia/Tokyo" | "Atlantic/Reykjavik" | "Australia/ACT" | "Australia/Adelaide" | "Australia/Brisbane" | "Australia/Perth" | "Australia/Sydney" | "Europe/Athens" | "Europe/Belgrade" | "Europe/Berlin" | "Europe/Copenhagen" | "Europe/Helsinki" | "Europe/Istanbul" | "Europe/London" | "Europe/Luxembourg" | "Europe/Madrid" | "Europe/Moscow" | "Europe/Oslo" | "Europe/Paris" | "Europe/Riga" | "Europe/Rome" | "Europe/Stockholm" | "Europe/Tallinn" | "Europe/Vilnius" | "Europe/Warsaw" | "Europe/Zurich" | "Pacific/Auckland" | "Pacific/Chatham" | "Pacific/Fakaofo" | "Pacific/Honolulu" | "Pacific/Norfolk" | "US/Mountain";
export as namespace TradingView;
export {};