import React from 'react' import Modal from './Modal' import Button from './Button' import useLocalStorageState from '../hooks/useLocalStorageState' export const ALPHA_MODAL_KEY = 'mangoAlphaAccepted-3.06' const AlphaModal = ({ isOpen, onClose, }: { isOpen: boolean onClose?: (x) => void }) => { const [, setAlphaAccepted] = useLocalStorageState(ALPHA_MODAL_KEY, false) const handleAccept = () => { setAlphaAccepted(true) } return (
Welcome to Mango V3
The V3 protocol is in public beta. This is unaudited software, use at your own risk.
V3 is a new and separate program from V2. You can access your V2 account in the "More" section of the top bar or by using this link:{' '}
🙂 🥭🤝
) } export default React.memo(AlphaModal)