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', V = ' ', T = d.CheckMobile.any(), x = (((s = {}).moving = 'wait_finishing'), (s.wait_finishing = 'stop'), (s.stop = 'moving'), s), L = { zoomInOut: !0, maximize: !0, scrollLeftRight: !0, resetScale: !0, goToRealtime: !0, }, H = (function () { function t(t, e, i) { (this._widget = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( Object(a.a)(E).querySelector('.control-bar-wrapper'), )), (this._controlBar = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( this._widget.querySelector('.control-bar'), )), (this._back = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( Object(a.a)(V).querySelector('.control-bar__btn--back-present'), )), (this._btnGroups = Array.from( this._controlBar.querySelectorAll('.js-btn-group'), )), (this._backButtonVisible = !1), (this._boundKeydownHandler = null), (this._boundKeyupHandler = null), (this._boundMouseHandler = null), (this._chartBackgroundProperty = null), (this._chartModel = null), (this._checkIntervalId = 0), (this._controlBarVisible = !1), (this._currentDistance = 0), (this._deferredFinishTimeout = 0), (this._finishingTimeout = 0), (this._moveType = ''), (this._movingTimeout = 0), (this._pressedKey = []), (this._priceAxisChanged = null), (this._resetAvailabilityChanged = null), (this._priceAxisName = ''), (this._rafId = 0), (this._startTime = 0), (this._state = 'stop'), (this._visibilityTypeProperty = null), (this._boundUpdateMaximizeButtonsVisibility = this._updateMaximizeButtonsVisibility.bind( this, )), (this._boundToggleFullscreenButtons = this._toggleFullscreenButtons.bind( this, )), (this._paneWidth = 0), (this._leftPriceScaleWidth = 0), (this._rightPriceScaleWidth = 0), (this._chart = t), (this._parent = e), (this._options = Object.assign({}, L, i)), (this._visibilityPrioritizedGroups = this._initGroupDescriptions()), this._init(), this._initHandlers(), this.updatePosition(); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { if ( (null !== this._visibilityTypeProperty && (this._visibilityTypeProperty.unsubscribe( this, this._onVisibilityTypeChange, ), (this._visibilityTypeProperty = null)), null !== this._boundMouseHandler && (this._parent.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', this._boundMouseHandler, !1, ), this._parent.removeEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._boundMouseHandler, !1, ), (this._boundMouseHandler = null)), null !== this._boundKeydownHandler && (this._parent.ownerDocument.removeEventListener( 'keydown', this._boundKeydownHandler, ), (this._boundKeydownHandler = null)), null !== this._boundKeyupHandler && (this._parent.ownerDocument.removeEventListener( 'keyup', this._boundKeyupHandler, ), (this._boundKeyupHandler = null)), clearTimeout(this._movingTimeout), null !== this._priceAxisChanged && (this._priceAxisChanged.unsubscribe( this, this._updateBackBtnPosition, ), (this._priceAxisChanged = null)), null !== this._chartBackgroundProperty && (clearInterval(this._checkIntervalId), this._chartBackgroundProperty.unsubscribe( this, this._updateBgBarStyle, ), (this._chartBackgroundProperty = null)), null !== this._resetAvailabilityChanged) ) { this._resetAvailabilityChanged.unsubscribe( this, this._updateResetScalesButtonVisibility, ); var t = this._chart.getResizerDetacher(); t.fullscreenable.unsubscribe( this._boundUpdateMaximizeButtonsVisibility, ), t.fullscreen.unsubscribe(this._boundToggleFullscreenButtons), (this._resetAvailabilityChanged = null); } this._chart = null; }), (t.prototype.updatePosition = function () { var t = this._chart.paneWidgets(); if (0 !== t.length) { (this._paneWidth = t[0].width()), (this._leftPriceScaleWidth = this._chart.getPriceAxisMaxWidthByName( 'left', )), (this._rightPriceScaleWidth = this._chart.getPriceAxisMaxWidthByName( 'right', )); var e = this._chart.timeAxisHeight() + this._bottomMargin(); (this._widget.style.bottom = e + 'px'), (this._back.style.bottom = e + 'px'), this._updateBtnGroupVisibility(); } }), (t.prototype._bottomMargin = function () { var t, e = this._chart.paneWidgets(); return (null !== (t = this._chart.maximizedPaneWidget()) && void 0 !== t ? t : e[e.length - 1] ).containsMainSeries() ? 32 : 5; }), (t.prototype._init = function () { var t = this; if (d.CheckMobile.any()) for (var e = 0, i = this._btnGroups; e < i.length; e++) { i[e].classList.add('js-hidden'); } (this._buttons = { zoomIn: this._widget.querySelector( '.control-bar__btn--zoom-in', ), zoomOut: this._widget.querySelector( '.control-bar__btn--zoom-out', ), moveLeft: this._widget.querySelector( '.control-bar__btn--move-left', ), moveRight: this._widget.querySelector( '.control-bar__btn--move-right', ), turn: this._widget.querySelector( '.control-bar__btn--turn-button', ), maximize: this._widget.querySelector( '.control-bar__btn--maximize', ), minimize: this._widget.querySelector( '.control-bar__btn--minimize', ), }), this._initVisibility(), this._parent.appendChild(this._widget), this._parent.appendChild(this._back), (this._backButtonVisible = !1), (this._priceAxisName = Object(l.isRtl)() ? 'left' : 'right'), this._chart.withModel(this, function () { (t._chartModel = t._chart.model()), (t._priceAxisChanged = t._chart.getPriceAxisWidthChangedByName( t._priceAxisName, )), (t._resetAvailabilityChanged = t._chartModel .model() .isScalesResetAvailableChanged()), t._priceAxisChanged.subscribe(t, t._updateBackBtnPosition), t._resetAvailabilityChanged.subscribe( t, t._updateResetScalesButtonVisibility, ); var e = t._chart.getResizerDetacher(); e.fullscreenable.subscribe( t._boundUpdateMaximizeButtonsVisibility, ), e.fullscreen.subscribe(t._boundToggleFullscreenButtons), t._updateMaximizeButtonsVisibility(), t._updateBackBtnPosition(), t._back.addEventListener('click', function () { null !== t._chartModel && t._chartModel.timeScale().scrollToRealtime(!0); }), (t._checkIntervalId = setInterval(function () { return t._check(); }, 1e3)), (t._chartBackgroundProperty = t._chartModel .model() .properties().paneProperties.background), null !== t._chartBackgroundProperty && t._chartBackgroundProperty.subscribe( t, t._updateBgBarStyle, ), t._updateBgBarStyle(); }); }), (t.prototype._initHandlers = function () { var t = this, e = Modernizr.mobiletouch ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown', i = Modernizr.mobiletouch ? ['touchend'] : ['mouseup', 'mouseout']; this._buttons.moveLeft.addEventListener(e, function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t._moveByBar(1), t._trackEvent('Move Left'); }), this._buttons.moveRight.addEventListener(e, function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t._moveByBar(-1), t._trackEvent('Move Right'); }); for (var s = 0, o = i; s < o.length; s++) { var n = o[s]; this._buttons.moveLeft.addEventListener(n, function () { return t._stopMoveByBar(); }), this._buttons.moveRight.addEventListener(n, function () { return t._stopMoveByBar(); }); } this._buttons.turn.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t._chart.GUIResetScales(), t._trackEvent('Reset to Default Settings'); }), this._buttons.zoomOut.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(), null !== t._chartModel && t._chartModel.zoomOut(), t._trackEvent('Zoom Out'); }), this._buttons.zoomIn.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(), null !== t._chartModel && t._chartModel.zoomIn(), t._trackEvent('Zoom In'); }), this._buttons.maximize.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t._chart.setActive(!0), t._chart.getResizerDetacher().requestFullscreen(), t._trackEvent(' Maximize Chart'); }), this._buttons.minimize.addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(), t._chart.getResizerDetacher().exitFullscreen(), t._trackEvent(' Restore Chart'); }), (this._boundKeydownHandler = this._keydownHandler.bind(this)), (this._boundKeyupHandler = this._keyupHandler.bind(this)), this._parent.ownerDocument.addEventListener( 'keydown', this._boundKeydownHandler, ), this._parent.ownerDocument.addEventListener( 'keyup', this._boundKeyupHandler, ); }), (t.prototype._initGroupDescriptions = function () { var t = this; return [ { shouldBeHiddenOnMobile: !1, available: this._isMaximizeButtonAvailable.bind(this), className: 'js-btn-group-maximize', element: this._getBtnGroup('js-btn-group-maximize'), totalWidth: 50, }, { shouldBeHiddenOnMobile: !1, available: function () { return t._options.resetScale; }, className: 'js-btn-group-reset-scale', element: this._getBtnGroup('js-btn-group-reset-scale'), totalWidth: 50, }, { shouldBeHiddenOnMobile: !0, available: function () { return t._options.zoomInOut; }, className: 'js-btn-group-zoom', element: this._getBtnGroup('js-btn-group-zoom'), totalWidth: 86, }, { shouldBeHiddenOnMobile: !0, available: function () { return t._options.scrollLeftRight; }, className: 'js-btn-group-scroll', element: this._getBtnGroup('js-btn-group-scroll'), totalWidth: 86, }, ]; }), (t.prototype._check = function () { if (null !== this._chartModel && this._options.goToRealtime) { var t = this._chartModel.timeScale().rightOffset() < 0; t !== this._backButtonVisible && ((this._backButtonVisible = t), this._back.classList.toggle( 'control-bar__btn--btn-hidden', !this._backButtonVisible, )); } }), (t.prototype._initVisibility = function () { (this._visibilityTypeProperty = Object(n.actualBehavior)()), this._visibilityTypeProperty.subscribe( this, this._onVisibilityTypeChange, ), this._onVisibilityTypeChange(); }), (t.prototype._onVisibilityTypeChange = function () { if (null !== this._visibilityTypeProperty) { var t = this._visibilityTypeProperty.value(); 'alwaysOn' === t || 'alwaysOff' === t ? ((this._controlBarVisible = 'alwaysOn' === t), null !== this._boundMouseHandler && (this._parent.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', this._boundMouseHandler, !1, ), this._parent.removeEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._boundMouseHandler, !1, ), (this._boundMouseHandler = null))) : ((this._controlBarVisible = !1), this._boundMouseHandler || ((this._boundMouseHandler = this._visibilityMouseHandler.bind( this, )), this._parent.addEventListener( 'mousemove', this._boundMouseHandler, ), this._parent.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._boundMouseHandler, ))), this._updateControlBarVisibility(); } }), (t.prototype._visibilityMouseHandler = function (t) { if ( !( t.buttons || (null !== this._chartModel && this._chartModel.lineBeingCreated()) ) ) { var e = 'mouseleave' !== t.type; if ('mousemove' === t.type) { var i = this._widget.getBoundingClientRect(), s = 100 - this._bottomMargin(); e = t.clientX >= i.left - 100 && t.clientX <= i.right + 100 && t.clientY >= i.top - s && t.clientY <= i.bottom + 100; } this._controlBarVisible !== e && ((this._controlBarVisible = e), null === this._rafId && (this._rafId = this._controlBar.ownerDocument.defaultView.requestAnimationFrame( this._updateControlBarVisibility.bind(this), ))); } }), (t.prototype._updateControlBarVisibility = function () { (this._rafId = null), this._controlBar.classList.toggle( 'control-bar--hidden', !this._controlBarVisible, ); }), (t.prototype._updateBackBtnPosition = function () { if ( 'left' === this._priceAxisName || 'right' === this._priceAxisName ) { var t = this._chart.getPriceAxisMaxWidthByName(this._priceAxisName) + 14; t && (this._back.style.marginRight = t + 'px'); } }), (t.prototype._updateBgBarStyle = function () { if (null !== this._chartModel) { for ( var t = Object(r.getLuminance)( this._chartModel .model() .properties() .paneProperties.background.value(), ) < 0.5, e = 0, i = Object.values(this._buttons); e < i.length; e++ ) { i[e].classList.toggle('control-bar__btn--dark', t); } this._back.classList.toggle('control-bar__btn--dark', t); } }), (t.prototype._updateBtnGroupVisibility = function () { for ( var t = this._leftPriceScaleWidth + this._paneWidth, e = (t + this._rightPriceScaleWidth) / 2, i = 2 * Math.min(t - e, e - this._leftPriceScaleWidth) - 50 - 50, s = !1, o = 0, n = this._visibilityPrioritizedGroups; o < n.length; o++ ) { var l = n[o]; (l.enoughSpaceForGroup = !1), l.available() && (!T || !l.shouldBeHiddenOnMobile) && ((i -= l.totalWidth), (l.enoughSpaceForGroup = i >= 0 && !s), (s = s || !l.enoughSpaceForGroup)), !l.enoughSpaceForGroup !== l.element.classList.contains('js-hidden') && l.element.classList.toggle( 'js-hidden', !l.enoughSpaceForGroup, ); } this._updateControlBarPosition(); }), (t.prototype._getBtnGroup = function (t) { return Object(o.ensureDefined)( this._btnGroups.find(function (e) { return e.classList.contains(t); }), ); }), (t.prototype._updateControlBarPosition = function () { var t = this._visibilityPrioritizedGroups.reduce(function (t, e) { return t + (e.enoughSpaceForGroup ? e.totalWidth : 0); }, 0), e = (this._paneWidth + this._leftPriceScaleWidth + this._rightPriceScaleWidth) / 2 - Math.ceil(t / 2); this._widget.style.left = e + 'px'; }), (t.prototype._updateResetScalesButtonVisibility = function () { if (null !== this._chartModel) { var t = this._chartModel.model().isScalesResetAvailable(); this._buttons.turn.classList.toggle( 'control-bar__btn--btn-hidden', !t, ); } }), (t.prototype._updateMaximizeButtonsVisibility = function () { this._updateBtnGroupVisibility(); }), (t.prototype._toggleFullscreenButtons = function () { var t = this._chart.getResizerDetacher().fullscreen.value(); this._buttons.maximize.classList.toggle('js-hidden', t), this._buttons.minimize.classList.toggle('js-hidden', !t); }), (t.prototype._isMaximizeButtonAvailable = function () { return this._options.maximize, !1; }), (t.prototype._move = function (t) { var e = this; if ( (null !== this._chartModel && 'stop' === this._state && this._chartModel.beginUndoMacro( 1 === t ? 'Move Left' : 'Move Right', ), (this._state = x.stop), (this._moveType = 'animated'), this._deferredFinishTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._deferredFinishTimeout), (this._deferredFinishTimeout = 0)), this._finishingTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._finishingTimeout), (this._finishingTimeout = 0)), (this._startTime = Date.now()), 0 === this._movingTimeout) ) { var i = this._startTime, s = function () { e._moveStep(i, 0, 50 * t, 1e3), (e._movingTimeout = setTimeout(s, 10)); }; this._movingTimeout = setTimeout(s, 10); } }), (t.prototype._moveStep = function (t, e, i, s) { if ( null !== this._chartModel && !this._chartModel.timeScale().isEmpty() ) { var o = Date.now(); o < t && (t = o); var n = (o - t) / s; (n > 1 || !isFinite(n)) && (n = 1); var l = 1 - Math.pow(1 - n, 3); return ( (this._currentDistance = (i - e) * l + e), this._chartModel.scrollChart(this._currentDistance), n ); } }), (t.prototype._finishMove = function () { var t = this; clearTimeout(this._movingTimeout), (this._movingTimeout = 0), (this._deferredFinishTimeout = 0); var e = this._currentDistance, i = Date.now(), s = function () { var o = t._moveStep(i, e, 0, 700); o && o < 1 ? (t._finishingTimeout = setTimeout(s, 10)) : null !== t._chartModel && ((t._state = x.wait_finishing), (t._moveType = ''), (t._movingTimeout = 0), (t._currentDistance = 0), t._chartModel.endUndoMacro()); }; this._finishingTimeout = setTimeout(s, 10); }), (t.prototype._stopMove = function () { 'moving' === this._state && ((this._state = x.moving), Date.now() - this._startTime < 200 ? (this._deferredFinishTimeout = setTimeout( this._finishMove.bind(this), 200 - (Date.now() - this._startTime), )) : this._finishMove()); }), (t.prototype._moveByBar = function (t) { var e = this; if (null !== this._chartModel) { var i = this._chartModel.timeScale(); if (i.isEmpty()) return; if ( ('stop' === this._state && this._chartModel.beginUndoMacro( 1 === t ? 'Move Left' : 'Move Right', ), null !== i.visibleBarsStrictRange()) ) { var s = i.indexToCoordinate(i.visibleBarsStrictRange().lastBar()) + i.barSpacing() / 2; Math.abs(i.width() - s) > i.barSpacing() / 6 && this._chartModel.scrollChart(i.width() - s); } if ( ((this._state = x.stop), (this._moveType = 'by_bar'), (this._startTime = Date.now()), !this._movingTimeout) ) { var o = 0, n = 150, l = function () { e._moveByBarStep(t), o++, n > 100 && (n -= (o / 5) * 20), (e._movingTimeout = setTimeout(l, n)); }; (this._movingTimeout = setTimeout(l, 400)), this._moveByBarStep(t); } } }), (t.prototype._moveByBarStep = function (t) { if (null !== this._chartModel) { if (this._chartModel.timeScale().isEmpty()) return; this._chartModel.scrollChartByBar(t); } }), (t.prototype._stopMoveByBar = function () { 'moving' === this._state && (clearTimeout(this._movingTimeout), (this._movingTimeout = 0), (this._state = x.wait_finishing), (this._moveType = ''), (this._movingTimeout = 0), (this._currentDistance = 0), null !== this._chartModel && this._chartModel.endUndoMacro()); }), (t.prototype._keydownHandler = function (t) { if (!t.metaKey) { var e = t.which; if ( !( (37 !== e && 39 !== e) || this._pressedKey[e] || ((this._pressedKey[e] = !0), t.target.closest('input, textarea')) ) ) { var i = 37 === e ? 1 : -1; t.ctrlKey || t.altKey ? this._move(i) : this._moveByBar(i), t.preventDefault(); } } }), (t.prototype._keyupHandler = function (t) { var e = t.which; (37 !== e && 39 !== e) || t.target.closest('input, textarea') || ((this._pressedKey[t.which] = !1), 'by_bar' === this._moveType ? this._stopMoveByBar() : this._stopMove()); }), (t.prototype._trackEvent = function (t) { 0; }), t ); })(); }, Tq3g: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, Uua9: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, VrXG: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, VrrN: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, WYzw: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, 'Y+EN': function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, YGQl: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, ZKFq: function (t, e, i) { t.exports = { 'css-value-pane-controls-padding-left': '1px', 'css-value-pane-controls-padding-right': '5px', paneControls: 'paneControls-3t_VmRy0', hasTopMargin: 'hasTopMargin-2samtQKI', hidden: 'hidden-3ndYaA31', forceHidden: 'forceHidden-2qoGxuLX', button: 'button-1T73noHe pane-button-3IbFaPrJ', buttonIcon: 'buttonIcon-1vsadlK4', minimize: 'minimize-UL6CPYKt', newButton: 'newButton-2UJTRB7V', touchMode: 'touchMode-33C2amJm', maximize: 'maximize-2gtRCsC0', 'maximize-animation-up-bracket': 'maximize-animation-up-bracket-PKA42SoI', 'maximize-animation-down-bracket': 'maximize-animation-down-bracket-6VpX9y4d', 'minimize-animation-up-bracket': 'minimize-animation-up-bracket-1ZcEx180', 'minimize-animation-down-bracket': 'minimize-animation-down-bracket-2sZM5-ln', up: 'up-3-Dp9Ytc', 'up-animation': 'up-animation-2oGxHhg9', down: 'down-2qp_j-xN', 'down-animation': 'down-animation-28i3s7Bs', buttonsWrapper: 'buttonsWrapper-326cDko9', }; }, cbig: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, e2QN: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, e8Rm: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, eYcT: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, fBig: function (t, e, i) { t.exports = { loader: 'loader-1ON1rkY9', loaderItem: 'loaderItem-6asdclOe', 'loader-animation': 'loader-animation-1vbmOmyN', shown: 'shown-1QFCxvPl', touchMode: 'touchMode-I-CBM3V3', }; }, fk9O: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, gKdq: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, i9xP: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, jXu8: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, jrhZ: function (t, e, i) { t.exports = { 'animation-minimize-corner-left-top': 'animation-minimize-corner-left-top-1QFR0TYG', 'animation-minimize-corner-right-top': 'animation-minimize-corner-right-top-2OigqFDd', 'animation-minimize-corner-right-bottom': 'animation-minimize-corner-right-bottom-171Xjuh0', 'animation-minimize-corner-left-bottom': 'animation-minimize-corner-left-bottom-Gj_EWVOk', 'animation-maximize-corner-left-top': 'animation-maximize-corner-left-top-1dOMET94', 'animation-maximize-corner-right-top': 'animation-maximize-corner-right-top-X6SjWmdM', 'animation-maximize-corner-right-bottom': 'animation-maximize-corner-right-bottom-2lZ_pYbV', 'animation-maximize-corner-left-bottom': 'animation-maximize-corner-left-bottom-28bRbB5v', }; }, ku84: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, lvAK: function (t, e, i) { 'use strict'; i.r(e); var s = i('RspR'), o = i('3ClC'), n = (i('H72D'), i('Eyy1')), l = (i('eJTA'), i('+jnJ')), a = i('Zo2/'), r = i('EV8o'), u = i('ZKFq'), d = i('0jws'), h = (function () { function t(t, e, i) { (this._parentEl = document.createElement('div')), (this._listActionsWrapperEl = null), (this._listActionsElements = {}), (this._actionsSpawns = {}), (this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler = null), (this._mouseOverWidget = !1), (this._wrapEl = t), (this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler = this._onMouseEnterLeaveEvent.bind( this, )), this._wrapEl.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler, ), this._wrapEl.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler, ), (this._actions = e), (this._globalVisibility = i.globalVisibility.spawn()), this._globalVisibility.subscribe( this._updatePaneControlsWidgetVisibility.bind(this), ), (this._visibilityType = i.visibilityType.spawn()), this._visibilityType.subscribe( this._updatePaneControlsWidgetVisibility.bind(this), ), (this._doNotSwitchToContextMenuMode = i.doNotSwitchToContextMenuMode), (this._themedColor = i.themedColor.spawn()), this._themedColor.subscribe(this._updateThemedColor.bind(this)); for ( var s = 0, o = Object.entries(this._actions); s < o.length; s++ ) { var n = o[s], l = n[0], r = n[1], d = l; (this._actionsSpawns[d] = { visible: r.visible.spawn(), title: void 0 === r.title ? null : r.title.spawn(), }), this._actionsSpawns[d].visible.subscribe( this._updateActionVisibilities.bind(this, d), ); var h = this._actionsSpawns[d].title; null !== h && h.subscribe(this._updateActionTitle.bind(this, d)); } this._render(), this._updatePaneControlsWidgetVisibility(), this._updateThemedColor(this._themedColor.value()), this._parentEl.classList.toggle( u.touchMode, a.trackingModeIsAvailable, ), this._parentEl.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (t) { return t.preventDefault(); }); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { this._visibilityType.destroy(), this._themedColor.destroy(); for ( var t = 0, e = Object.keys(this._actionsSpawns); t < e.length; t++ ) { var i = e[t]; this._actionsSpawns[i].visible.destroy(); var s = this._actionsSpawns[i].title; null !== s && s.destroy(); } null !== this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler && (this._wrapEl.removeEventListener( 'mouseenter', this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler, ), this._wrapEl.removeEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler, ), (this._onMouseEnterLeaveEventHandler = null)), (this._parentEl.innerHTML = ''), delete this._parentEl; }), (t.prototype.getElement = function () { return this._parentEl; }), (t.prototype.updateWidgetModeByWidth = function (t) { var e = t < 666.65; this._doNotSwitchToContextMenuMode.value() && e && (e = !1); var i = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(this._listActionsWrapperEl), s = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(this._listActionsElements.more); i.classList.toggle(d.blockHidden, e), s.classList.toggle( d.blockHidden, !e || !this._actions.more.visible.value(), ); }), (t.prototype._render = function () { this._renderActions(), this._parentEl.classList.add(u.paneControls), this._wrapEl.append(this._parentEl); }), (t.prototype._renderActions = function () { null === this._listActionsWrapperEl && ((this._listActionsWrapperEl = document.createElement('div')), this._listActionsWrapperEl.classList.add(u.buttonsWrapper), this._parentEl.append(this._listActionsWrapperEl)), (this._listActionsElements.up = Object(r.a)( this._actions.up, u.button, u.buttonIcon, d.blockHidden, )), (this._listActionsElements.down = Object(r.a)( this._actions.down, u.button, u.buttonIcon, d.blockHidden, )), (this._listActionsElements.close = Object(r.a)( this._actions.close, u.button, u.buttonIcon, d.blockHidden, )), (this._listActionsElements.maximize = Object(r.a)( this._actions.maximize, u.button, u.buttonIcon, d.blockHidden, )), (this._listActionsElements.minimize = Object(r.a)( this._actions.minimize, u.button, u.buttonIcon, d.blockHidden, )), this._listActionsWrapperEl.append( this._listActionsElements.up, this._listActionsElements.down, this._listActionsElements.close, this._listActionsElements.maximize, this._listActionsElements.minimize, ), (this._listActionsElements.more = Object(r.a)( this._actions.more, u.button, u.buttonIcon, d.blockHidden, )), this._parentEl.append(this._listActionsElements.more); }), (t.prototype._updateActionVisibilities = function (t, e) { Object(n.ensureNotNull)( this._listActionsElements[t], ).classList.toggle(d.blockHidden, !e); }), (t.prototype._updateActionTitle = function (t, e) { Object(n.ensureNotNull)( this._listActionsElements[t], ).setAttribute('title', e); }), (t.prototype._onMouseEnterLeaveEvent = function (t) { (this._mouseOverWidget = 'mouseenter' === t.type), this._visibilityType.value() === l.a.VisibleOnMouseOver && this._updatePaneControlsWidgetVisibility(); }), (t.prototype._updatePaneControlsWidgetVisibility = function () { var t, e = !1; switch (this._visibilityType.value()) { case l.a.AlwaysOff: (t = !1), (e = !0); break; case l.a.AlwaysOn: t = this._globalVisibility.value(); break; case l.a.VisibleOnMouseOver: t = this._globalVisibility.value() && this._mouseOverWidget; } this._parentEl.classList.toggle(u.hidden, !t), this._parentEl.classList.toggle( u.forceHidden, !this._globalVisibility.value() || e, ); }), (t.prototype._updateThemedColor = function (t) { t.length > 0 ? (this._parentEl.style.color = t) : this._parentEl.style.removeProperty('color'); }), t ); })(), c = i('7KDR'), p = i('5VQP'), _ = i('obM5'), b = i('fk9O'), m = i('gKdq'), v = i('WYzw'); function g(t, e) { var i = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(e.target); return (function (t) { var e = []; if (t.maximize.visible.value()) { var i = Object(n.ensure)(t.maximize.title), s = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(t.maximize.action); e.push( new c.Action({ icon: v, label: i.value(), statName: 'Maximize Pane', shortcutHint: w, onExecute: function () { return s(); }, }), ); } else if (t.minimize.visible.value()) { i = Object(n.ensure)(t.minimize.title); var o = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(t.minimize.action); e.push( new c.Action({ icon: v, label: i.value(), statName: 'Minimize Pane', shortcutHint: w, onExecute: function () { return o(); }, }), ); } if (t.up.visible.value()) { i = Object(n.ensure)(t.up.title); var l = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(t.up.action); e.push( new c.Action({ icon: b, label: i.value(), statName: 'Move pane up', onExecute: function () { return l(); }, }), ); } if (t.down.visible.value()) { i = Object(n.ensure)(t.down.title); var a = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(t.down.action); e.push( new c.Action({ icon: m, label: i.value(), statName: 'Move pane down', onExecute: function () { return a(); }, }), ); } if (t.close.visible.value()) { i = Object(n.ensure)(t.close.title); var r = Object(n.ensureNotNull)(t.close.action); e.push( new c.Action({ icon: _, label: i.value(), statName: 'Delete pane', onExecute: function () { return r(); }, }), ); } return p.ContextMenuManager.createMenu(e); })(t).then(function (t) { return ( t.show(function (t) { var e = i.getBoundingClientRect(); return { clientX: e.right - t, clientY: e.top + e.height + 3 }; }), t ); }); } var w = window.t('Double click'); var y = i('hY0g'), f = i.n(y), S = i('EsvI'), C = i('ei7k'), M = i('OJSF'), E = i('PXSR'), V = i('QEZv'), T = i('ku84'), x = i('i9xP'), L = i('1Wf8'), H = i('956S'); i.d(e, 'PaneControlsWidget', function () { return I; }); var k = Modernizr.mobiletouch, A = k ? L : T, O = k ? H : x, P = window.t('Delete pane'), B = window.t('Move pane up'), W = window.t('Move pane down'), D = window.t('Maximize pane'), z = window.t('Restore pane'), j = window.t('Manage panes'), N = window.t('Double click'), R = Object(C.b)({ keys: [''], text: N }), I = (function () { function t(t, e, i, o, n) { var l = this; (this._actions = {}), (this._moreActionCM = null), (this._themedColor = new f.a('')), (this._model = t), (this._paneWidget = e), (this._callbacks = o), (this._closeButtonVisibility = new f.a( this._getCloseButtonVisibility(), )), (this._upButtonVisibility = new f.a( this._getUpButtonVisibility(), )), (this._downButtonVisibility = new f.a( this._getDownButtonVisibility(), )), (this._maximizeButtonVisibility = new f.a( this._getMaximizeButtonVisibility(), )), (this._minimizeButtonVisibility = new f.a( this._getMinimizeButtonVisibility(), )), this._createActions(), (this._visibilityTypeProperty = Object(s.a)()), this._visibilityTypeProperty.subscribe(this, function (t) { l._visibilityType.setValue(t.value()); }), (this._visibilityType = new f.a( this._visibilityTypeProperty.value(), )), (this._isPaneMaximize = new f.a(this._getIsPaneMaximizeValue())), (this._isWidgetShow = new f.a(this._getIsWidgetShow())), (this._backgroundThemeName = i.backgroundThemeName), (this._renderer = new h(n, this._actions, { visibilityType: this._visibilityType.readonly(), globalVisibility: this._isWidgetShow.readonly(), doNotSwitchToContextMenuMode: this._isPaneMaximize.readonly(), themedColor: this._themedColor.readonly(), })); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { this._visibilityTypeProperty.unsubscribeAll(this), this._renderer.destroy(); }), (t.prototype.getElement = function () { return this._renderer.getElement(); }), (t.prototype.action = function () { return this._actions; }), (t.prototype.update = function () { this._updateButtonsVisibility(), this._isPaneMaximize.setValue(this._getIsPaneMaximizeValue()), this._isWidgetShow.setValue(this._getIsWidgetShow()); }), (t.prototype.updateWidgetModeByWidth = function (t) { this._renderer.updateWidgetModeByWidth(t); }), (t.prototype.updateThemedColors = function (t) { null === t && (t = Object(S.getStdThemedValue)( 'chartProperties.paneProperties.background', this._backgroundThemeName.value(), )), this._themedColor.setValue(t || ''); }), (t.prototype._updateButtonsVisibility = function () { this._closeButtonVisibility.setValue( this._getCloseButtonVisibility(), ), this._upButtonVisibility.setValue( this._getUpButtonVisibility(), ), this._downButtonVisibility.setValue( this._getDownButtonVisibility(), ), this._maximizeButtonVisibility.setValue( this._getMaximizeButtonVisibility(), ), this._minimizeButtonVisibility.setValue( this._getMinimizeButtonVisibility(), ); }), (t.prototype._createActions = function () { (this._actions.up = { icon: E, action: this._onUpDownButton.bind(this, 'up'), visible: this._upButtonVisibility, title: new f.a(B), className: u.up, dataset: { name: 'pane-button-up' }, }), (this._actions.down = { icon: V, action: this._onUpDownButton.bind(this, 'down'), visible: this._downButtonVisibility, title: new f.a(W), className: u.down, dataset: { name: 'pane-button-down' }, }), (this._actions.close = { icon: M, action: this._onCloseButton.bind(this), visible: this._closeButtonVisibility, title: new f.a(P), dataset: { name: 'pane-button-close' }, }), (this._actions.maximize = { icon: A, action: this._onToggleMaximizeButton.bind(this), visible: this._maximizeButtonVisibility, title: new f.a(D), hotKeyTitle: R, className: u.maximize, dataset: { name: 'pane-button-maximize' }, }), (this._actions.minimize = { icon: A, action: this._onToggleMaximizeButton.bind(this), visible: this._minimizeButtonVisibility, title: new f.a(z), hotKeyTitle: R, className: u.minimize, dataset: { name: 'pane-button-minimize' }, }), (this._actions.more = { icon: O, action: this._showButtonsInContextMenu.bind(this), visible: new f.a(!k), title: new f.a(j), dataset: { name: 'pane-button-more' }, }); }), (t.prototype._getCloseButtonVisibility = function () { var t = this._paneWidget.state(), e = !1; return ( t.containsMainSeries() || t.isMaximized() || k || (e = t.dataSources().some(function (t) { return Object(o.isStudy)(t); })), e ); }), (t.prototype._onCloseButton = function () { var t = this._model .model() .panes() .indexOf(this._paneWidget.state()); this._model.removePane(t); }), (t.prototype._getUpButtonVisibility = function () { var t = this._paneWidget.state(); return ( this._model.model().panes().indexOf(t) > 0 && !t.isMaximized() && !k ); }), (t.prototype._getDownButtonVisibility = function () { var t = this._paneWidget.state(), e = this._model.model().panes(); return e.indexOf(t) < e.length - 1 && !t.isMaximized() && !k; }), (t.prototype._onUpDownButton = function (t) { var e = this._model .model() .panes() .indexOf(this._paneWidget.state()); this._model.rearrangePanes(e, t); }), (t.prototype._getMaximizeButtonVisibility = function () { var t = this._paneWidget.state(); return ( this._model.model().panes().length > 1 && !t.isMaximized() && !k ); }), (t.prototype._getMinimizeButtonVisibility = function () { var t = this._paneWidget.state(); return this._model.model().panes().length > 1 && t.isMaximized(); }), (t.prototype._onToggleMaximizeButton = function () { this._callbacks.toggleMaximizePane(this._paneWidget); }), (t.prototype._showButtonsInContextMenu = function (t) { var e = this; t.preventDefault(), null !== this._moreActionCM && this._moreActionCM.isShown() ? (this._moreActionCM = null) : g(this._actions, t).then(function (t) { e._moreActionCM = t; }); }), (t.prototype._getIsPaneMaximizeValue = function () { return this._paneWidget.state().isMaximized(); }), (t.prototype._getIsWidgetShow = function () { return this._model.model().panes().length > 1; }), t ); })(); }, nFx7: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, obM5: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, qfuz: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, rGGD: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, rh3U: function (t, e, i) { t.exports = { 'css-value-medium-size': '18px', 'css-value-border-radius-medium-size': '9px', 'css-value-large-size': '22px', 'css-value-border-radius-large-size': '11px', statuses: 'statuses-29yrFaoA', statusItem: 'statusItem-1gsKvHgg', medium: 'medium-zcMrbLxb', large: 'large-2E_Sb0cV', oneWidgetsVisible: 'oneWidgetsVisible-17p3P_dQ', twoWidgetsVisible: 'twoWidgetsVisible-3kEfsgAz', threeWidgetsVisible: 'threeWidgetsVisible-sIjrbNL1', marketStatusOpen: 'marketStatusOpen-2d8WAYHQ', marketStatusClose: 'marketStatusClose-2LgI3IBx', marketStatusPre: 'marketStatusPre-3tiNWinG', marketStatusPost: 'marketStatusPost-1wCjJrHi', marketStatusHoliday: 'marketStatusHoliday-HyAcvqXa', invalidSymbol: 'invalidSymbol-2tnvnmzm', replayMode: 'replayMode-2O_B03jx', delay: 'delay-NXuSKUfA', notAccurate: 'notAccurate-2qEIEgim', eod: 'eod-TNCDZArR', dataProblemHigh: 'dataProblemHigh-2SJE6Anp', dataProblemLow: 'dataProblemLow-iRGvvWWe', }; 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} var m = _.CheckMobile.any(), v = [c.title1st, c.title2nd, c.title3rd, c.title4th]; var g = (function () { function t(t, e, i) { var s = this; (this._el = null), (this._firstLineWrapper = null), (this._titleParentEl = null), (this._titleElements = []), (this._valuesParentEl = null), (this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl = null), (this._valuesElements = []), (this._actionsParentEl = null), (this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl = null), (this._stayInHoveredMode = !1), (this._showActionsHandler = null), (this._hideActionsHandler = null), (this._selectedSourceHandler = null), (this._mouseEventHandlers = []), (this._disableTimeout = null), (this._loader = null), (this._model = t), (this._parentEl = e), (this._disabled = this._model.disabled().spawn()), this._disabled.subscribe(this._updateDisabledState.bind(this)), (this._selected = this._model.selected().spawn()), this._selected.subscribe(this._updateSelectedState.bind(this)), (this._loading = this._model.loading().spawn()), this._loading.subscribe( (function (t, e) { var i = 0; return function (s) { clearTimeout(i), Boolean(s) ? t() : (i = setTimeout(t, e, !1)); }; })(this._updateLoadingState.bind(this), 700), ), (this._isTitleHidden = this._model.isTitleHidden().spawn()), (this._isValuesHidden = this._model.isValuesHidden().spawn()), (this._isRowHidden = this._model.isRowHidden().spawn()), this._isTitleHidden.subscribe(this._updateShowTitles.bind(this)), this._isValuesHidden.subscribe(this._updateShowValues.bind(this)), this._isRowHidden.subscribe(this._updateShowLine.bind(this)), (this._titlesSpawns = this._model.titles().map(function (t) { return t.spawn(); })); for (var n = 0; n < this._titlesSpawns.length; n++) this._titlesSpawns[n].subscribe( this._updateTitlesHandler.bind(this, n), ); (this._values = this._model.values().spawn()), this._values.subscribe(this._updateValues.bind(this)), this._createValuesSpawns(), this._addValuesSpawnsSubscriptions(), (this._actionsSpawnArray = this._model .actions() .map(function (t) { return { visible: t.visible.spawn(), title: void 0 === t.title ? null : t.title.spawn(), }; })); for (n = 0; n < this._actionsSpawnArray.length; n++) { this._actionsSpawnArray[n].visible.subscribe( this._updateActionVisibilities.bind(this, n), ); var l = this._actionsSpawnArray[n].title; null !== l && l.subscribe(this._updateActionTitle.bind(this, n)); } (this._withActions = i.withActions), this._render(), this._updateStates(), this._updateShowTitles(), this._updateShowValues(), this._updateShowLine(), null !== this._valuesParentEl && (this._loader = new h(this._valuesParentEl, { className: c.loader, })), (this._customTextColor = i.customTextColor.spawn()), this._customTextColor.subscribe( this._updateCustomTextColor.bind(this), ), this._updateCustomTextColor(), this._withActions && ((this._showActionsHandler = Object(u.b)( this._showActions.bind(this), )), (this._hideActionsHandler = Object(u.b)( this._hideActions.bind(this), )), (this._selectedSourceHandler = Object(u.b)( this._model.setSourceSelected.bind(this._model), )), null !== this._titleParentEl && (this._titleParentEl.addEventListener( 'touchend', this._selectedSourceHandler, ), this._titleParentEl.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this._selectedSourceHandler, ), m || (this._titleParentEl.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', this._showActionsHandler, ), this._titleParentEl.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._hideActionsHandler, )), this._mouseEventHandlers.push( new r.MouseEventHandler( Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._el), { contextMenuEvent: function (t) { Object(o.ensureNotNull)(s._actionsParentEl).contains( t.target, ) || s._model.onContextMenuShow(t); }, }, { treatVertTouchDragAsPageScroll: !1, treatHorzTouchDragAsPageScroll: !1, }, ), ), this._mouseEventHandlers.push( new r.MouseEventHandler( this._titleParentEl, { mouseDoubleClickEvent: this._model.onShowSettings.bind( this._model, ), }, { treatVertTouchDragAsPageScroll: !1, treatHorzTouchDragAsPageScroll: !1, }, ), )), null === this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl || m || (this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', this._showActionsHandler, ), this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._hideActionsHandler, ))); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { this._disabled.destroy(), this._selected.destroy(), this._loading.destroy(), this._isTitleHidden.destroy(), this._isValuesHidden.destroy(), this._isRowHidden.destroy(), this._customTextColor.destroy(), null !== this._disableTimeout && clearTimeout(this._disableTimeout); for (var t = 0, e = this._titlesSpawns; t < e.length; t++) { e[t].destroy(); } if (null !== this._titleParentEl) { for ( var i = 0, s = this._mouseEventHandlers; i < s.length; i++ ) { s[i].destroy(); } (this._titleElements = []), this._withActions && null !== this._selectedSourceHandler && null !== this._showActionsHandler && null !== this._hideActionsHandler && (this._titleParentEl.removeEventListener( 'touchend', this._selectedSourceHandler, ), this._titleParentEl.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this._selectedSourceHandler, ), m || (this._titleParentEl.removeEventListener( 'mouseenter', this._showActionsHandler, ), this._titleParentEl.removeEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._hideActionsHandler, ))), (this._titleParentEl = null); } for (var n = 0, l = this._actionsSpawnArray; n < l.length; n++) { var a = l[n]; a.visible.destroy(); var r = a.title; null !== r && r.destroy(); } (null !== this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl && (this._withActions && null !== this._showActionsHandler && null !== this._hideActionsHandler && !m && (this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl.removeEventListener( 'mouseenter', this._showActionsHandler, ), this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl.removeEventListener( 'mouseleave', this._hideActionsHandler, )), (this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl = null)), (this._actionsParentEl = null), this._removeValuesSpawnsSubscriptions(), this._values.destroy(), null !== this._valuesParentEl && ((this._valuesElements = []), (this._valuesParentEl = null)), null !== this._el) && (Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._el.parentNode).removeChild( this._el, ), (this._el = null)); }), (t.prototype.getHeight = function () { return null === this._el ? null : 24; }), (t.prototype._render = function () { this._renderTitle(), this._renderActions(), this._renderValues(); }), (t.prototype._renderTitle = function () { null === this._titleParentEl && ((this._titleParentEl = document.createElement('div')), this._titleParentEl.classList.add(c.titleWrapper)); for ( var t = this._titleParentEl, e = 0; e < this._titlesSpawns.length; e++ ) { var i = document.createElement('div'); i.classList.add(c.title, v[e], 'apply-overflow-tooltip'), (i.dataset.name = 'legend-source-title'); var s = this._titlesSpawns[e].value(); s.length > 0 ? (i.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s)), i.classList.add(c.withDot)) : i.classList.add(p.blockHidden), t.appendChild(i), this._titleElements.push(i); } }), (t.prototype._renderActions = function () { if (this._withActions) { null === this._actionsParentEl && ((this._actionsParentEl = document.createElement('div')), this._actionsParentEl.classList.add(c.buttonsWrapper), this._parentEl.append(this._actionsParentEl), (this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl = document.createElement( 'div', )), this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl.classList.add(c.buttons), this._actionsParentEl.appendChild( this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl, )); for ( var t = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( this._actionAdditionalWrapperEl, ), e = 0, i = this._model.actions(); e < i.length; e++ ) { var s = i[e], n = Object(a.a)(s, c.button, c.buttonIcon, p.blockHidden); t.appendChild(n); } } }), (t.prototype._updateTitlesHandler = function (t, e) { var i = Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._titleElements[t]), s = 0 === e.length; i.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, s), i.classList.toggle(c.withDot, !s), b(i, e); }), (t.prototype._updateStates = function (t) { this._updateDisabledState(), this._updateSelectedState(), this._updateLoadingState(), t && this._clearDisableState(); }), (t.prototype._updateValuesHTMLElHandler = function (t, e) { b(Object(o.ensure)(this._valuesElements[t].value), e), this._updateShowValues(); }), (t.prototype._updateValueColorHandler = function (t, e) { void 0 === e && (e = ''), (Object(o.ensure)( this._valuesElements[t].value, ).style.color = e); }), (t.prototype._updateValueVisibleHandler = function (t, e) { var i = Object(o.ensure)(this._valuesElements[t].value).closest( '.' + c.valueItem, ); null !== i && i.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, !e); }), (t.prototype._updateShowLine = function () { null !== this._el && this._el.classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, this._isRowHidden.value(), ); }), (t.prototype._createValuesSpawns = function () { this._valuesSpawnArray = this._values.value().map(function (t) { return { value: t.value.spawn(), color: t.color.spawn(), visible: t.visible.spawn(), }; }); }), (t.prototype._removeValuesSpawnsSubscriptions = function () { for (var t = 0, e = this._valuesSpawnArray; t < e.length; t++) { var i = e[t]; i.value.destroy(), i.color.destroy(), i.visible.destroy(); } this._valuesSpawnArray = []; }), (t.prototype._addValuesSpawnsSubscriptions = function () { for (var t = 0; t < this._valuesSpawnArray.length; t++) { var e = this._valuesSpawnArray[t]; e.value.subscribe( this._updateValuesHTMLElHandler.bind(this, t), ), e.color.subscribe( this._updateValueColorHandler.bind(this, t), ), e.visible.subscribe( this._updateValueVisibleHandler.bind(this, t), ); } }), (t.prototype._updateShowValues = function () { null !== this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl && this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl.classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, this._isValuesShouldBeHidden(), ); }), (t.prototype._isValuesShouldBeHidden = function () { return !this._valuesSpawnArray.some(function (t) { return t.value.value().length > 0; }); }), (t.prototype._showActions = function () { if (null !== this._el && this._withActions) { this._el.classList.add(c.withAction); var t = null !== this._valuesParentEl && null !== this._titleParentEl && this._valuesParentEl.offsetTop === this._titleParentEl.offsetTop; this._el.classList.toggle(c.withTail, t); } }), (t.prototype._hideActions = function () { null !== this._el && this._withActions && !this._stayInHoveredMode && (this._el.classList.remove(c.withAction), null !== this._valuesParentEl && this._valuesParentEl.classList.remove(c.withTail)); }), (t.prototype._updateDisabledState = function () { var t = this; null !== this._el && (null !== this._disableTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._disableTimeout), (this._disableTimeout = null), this._el.classList.remove('tempDisabled'), this._el.classList.remove(c.hiddenLoading)), this._disabled.value() ? this._el.classList.add(c.disabled) : (this._el.classList.add('tempDisabled'), this._el.classList.add(c.hiddenLoading), (this._disableTimeout = setTimeout(function () { null !== t._el && !t._loading.value() && t._el.classList.contains('tempDisabled') && (t._el.classList.remove('tempDisabled'), t._el.classList.remove(c.hiddenLoading), t._el.classList.toggle( c.disabled, t._disabled.value(), )); }, 1e3)))); }), (t.prototype._clearDisableState = function () { null !== this._el && (this._el.classList.remove(c.hiddenLoading), this._el.classList.remove(c.disabled), this._el.classList.remove('tempDisabled')); }), (t.prototype._updateSelectedState = function () { null !== this._el && this._withActions && this._el.classList.toggle(c.selected, this._selected.value()); }), (t.prototype._updateLoadingState = function () { if (null !== this._el) { this._el.classList.contains('tempDisabled') && (this._loading.value() ? this._el.classList.add(c.hiddenLoading) : this._clearDisableState()); var t = this._loading.value(); this._el.classList.toggle(c.loading, t), null !== this._loader && this._loader.toggleVisibility(t); } }), (t.prototype._updateShowTitles = function () { null !== this._titleParentEl && (this._titleParentEl.classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, this._isTitleHidden.value(), ), null !== this._actionsParentEl && this._actionsParentEl.classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, this._isTitleHidden.value(), )); }), (t.prototype._updateValues = function () { this._removeValuesSpawnsSubscriptions(), this._createValuesSpawns(), null !== this._valuesParentEl && null !== this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl && ((this._valuesElements = []), (this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl.innerHTML = '')), this._renderValues(), this._addValuesSpawnsSubscriptions(), this._updateShowValues(); }), (t.prototype._updateActionVisibilities = function (t) { null !== this._actionsParentEl && this._actionsParentEl .querySelectorAll('.' + c.button) [t].classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, !this._actionsSpawnArray[t].visible.value(), ); }), (t.prototype._updateActionTitle = function (t) { var e = this._actionsSpawnArray[t].title; null !== this._actionsParentEl && null !== e && this._actionsParentEl .querySelectorAll('.' + c.button) [t].setAttribute('title', e.value()); }), (t.prototype._updateCustomTextColor = function () { for ( var t = this._customTextColor.value() || '', e = 0, i = this._titleElements; e < i.length; e++ ) { var s = i[e]; null !== s && (s.style.color = t); } for ( var n = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( this._valuesParentEl, ).querySelectorAll('.' + c.valueTitle), l = 0; l < n.length; l++ ) n[l].style.color = t; Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._el).classList.toggle( c.withCustomTextColor, Boolean(t), ); }), t ); })(), w = (function (t) { function e(e, i, s) { var o = t.call(this, e, i, s) || this; return ( (o._clientHeight = null), (o._allButtonsWidth = null), (o._lastStatusesWrapperWidth = null), (o._lastActionWrapperWidth = null), (o._statusesWrapper = null), (o._resizeObserver = null), (o._flagged = o._model.flagged().spawn()), o._flagged.subscribe(o._updateFlaggedState.bind(o)), o._updateStates(), s.statusWidget && (o._addStatusesWidget(s.statusWidget), (o._resizeObserver = new l.default( o._handlerRestrictTitleWidth.bind(o), )), null !== o._actionsParentEl && o._resizeObserver.observe(o._actionsParentEl), null !== o._statusesWrapper && o._resizeObserver.observe(o._statusesWrapper)), o._selected.subscribe(o._updateTitleMaxWidth.bind(o)), o ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { t.prototype.destroy.call(this), void 0 !== this._flagged && this._flagged.destroy(), null !== this._resizeObserver && (this._resizeObserver.disconnect(), (this._resizeObserver = null)); }), (e.prototype.getHeight = function () { return null === this._el ? null : (null === this._clientHeight && ((this._clientHeight = this._el.clientHeight), 0 === this._clientHeight && (this._clientHeight = null)), this._clientHeight); }), (e.prototype._render = function () { t.prototype._render.call(this), (this._el = document.createElement('div')), this._el.classList.add(c.item, c.series), this._el.classList.toggle( c.onlyOneButtonCanBeStick, this._model.isOneButtonCanBeStick(), ), (this._el.dataset.name = 'legend-series-item'), (this._firstLineWrapper = document.createElement('div')), this._firstLineWrapper.classList.add(c.noWrapWrapper), this._el.appendChild(this._firstLineWrapper); var e = Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._titleParentEl); this._firstLineWrapper.appendChild(e), null !== this._actionsParentEl && this._firstLineWrapper.appendChild(this._actionsParentEl); var i = Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._valuesParentEl); this._el.appendChild(i), this._parentEl.append(this._el); }), (e.prototype._updateStates = function () { t.prototype._updateStates.call(this), this._updateFlaggedState(); }), (e.prototype._renderValues = function () { null === this._valuesParentEl && ((this._valuesParentEl = document.createElement('div')), this._valuesParentEl.classList.add(c.valuesWrapper), (this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl = document.createElement( 'div', )), this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl.classList.add( c.valuesAdditionalWrapper, ), this._valuesParentEl.appendChild( this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl, )); for ( var t = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl, ), e = 0, i = this._values.value(); e < i.length; e++ ) { var s = i[e], n = document.createElement('div'); n.classList.add(c.valueItem), n.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, !s.visible.value()); var l = document.createElement('div'), a = s.title.value() || ''; l.classList.add(c.valueTitle), l.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, 0 === a.length), l.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)), n.appendChild(l); var r = document.createElement('div'); r.classList.add(c.valueValue), (r.style.color = s.color.value() || ''), r.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s.value.value())), n.appendChild(r), this._valuesElements.push({ title: l, value: r }), t.appendChild(n); } }), (e.prototype._createValuesSpawns = function () { var e = this; t.prototype._createValuesSpawns.call(this), this._values.value().forEach(function (t, i) { e._valuesSpawnArray[i].title = t.title.spawn(); }); }), (e.prototype._removeValuesSpawnsSubscriptions = function () { for (var e = 0, i = this._valuesSpawnArray; e < i.length; e++) { i[e].title.destroy(); } t.prototype._removeValuesSpawnsSubscriptions.call(this); }), (e.prototype._addValuesSpawnsSubscriptions = function () { t.prototype._addValuesSpawnsSubscriptions.call(this); for (var e = 0; e < this._valuesSpawnArray.length; e++) this._valuesSpawnArray[e].title.subscribe( this._updateValuesTitleHTMLElHandler.bind(this, e), ); }), (e.prototype._isValuesShouldBeHidden = function () { return !this._valuesSpawnArray.some(function (t) { return ( t.value.value().length > 0 || (t.title.value() || '').length > 0 ); }); }), (e.prototype._updateValuesTitleHTMLElHandler = function (t, e) { void 0 === e && (e = ''); var i = Object(o.ensure)(this._valuesElements[t].title); b(i, e), i.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, 0 === e.length), this._updateShowValues(); }), (e.prototype._showActions = function () { t.prototype._showActions.call(this), this._updateTitleMaxWidthWithButton(); }), (e.prototype._hideActions = function () { t.prototype._hideActions.call(this), this._updateTitleMaxWidth(); }), (e.prototype._updateFlaggedState = function () { void 0 !== this._flagged && (this._updateTitleMaxWidth(), Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._el).classList.toggle( c.flagged, Boolean(this._flagged.value()), )); }), (e.prototype._addStatusesWidget = function (t) { (this._statusesWrapper = document.createElement('div')), this._statusesWrapper.classList.add(c.statusesWrapper), this._statusesWrapper.appendChild(t.getElement()), Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._firstLineWrapper).appendChild( this._statusesWrapper, ); }), (e.prototype._handlerRestrictTitleWidth = function (t) { if ( null !== this._actionsParentEl && null !== this._firstLineWrapper ) { for (var e = null, i = null, s = 0, o = t; s < o.length; s++) { var n = o[s]; n.target === this._statusesWrapper && (e = n.contentRect.width), n.target === this._actionsParentEl && (i = n.contentRect.width); } (e === this._lastStatusesWrapperWidth && i === this._lastActionWrapperWidth) || (null !== e && (this._lastStatusesWrapperWidth = e), null !== i && (this._lastActionWrapperWidth = i), this._updateTitleMaxWidth()); } }), (e.prototype._updateTitleMaxWidth = function () { if (null !== this._firstLineWrapper) if (this._isWidthButtonsMode()) this._updateTitleMaxWidthWithButton(); else { var t = this._lastActionWrapperWidth || 0, e = (this._lastStatusesWrapperWidth || 0) + t; this._firstLineWrapper.style.maxWidth = e > 0 ? 'calc(100% - ' + e + 'px)' : ''; } }), (e.prototype._updateTitleMaxWidthWithButton = function () { if ( null !== this._firstLineWrapper && null !== this._actionsParentEl ) { var t = this._lastActionWrapperWidth || 0, e = (this._lastStatusesWrapperWidth || 0) + t; if ( null === this._allButtonsWidth && null !== this._lastActionWrapperWidth ) { var i = this._actionsParentEl.querySelector('.' + c.buttons); this._allButtonsWidth = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( i, ).clientWidth; } var s = this._allButtonsWidth || 0; this._firstLineWrapper.style.maxWidth = 'calc(100% - ' + Math.max(s, e) + 'px)'; } }), (e.prototype._isWidthButtonsMode = function () { return ( null !== this._el && (this._el.classList.contains(c.withAction) || Object(o.ensureDefined)(this._flagged).value() || this._disabled.value() || this._selected.value() || this._stayInHoveredMode) ); }), e ); })(g), y = (function (t) { function e(e, i, s) { var o = t.call(this, e, i, s) || this; return ( (o._globalRowVisibility = o._model.globalVisibility().spawn()), o._globalRowVisibility.subscribe(o._updateShowLine.bind(o)), (o._error = o._model.error().spawn()), o._error.subscribe(o._updateErrorState.bind(o)), (o._has5Buttons = o._model.isPineScriptDataSource().spawn()), o._has5Buttons.subscribe(o._update5ButtonsStyles.bind(o)), o._updateStates(!o._disabled.value()), o ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { t.prototype.destroy.call(this), void 0 !== this._error && this._error.destroy(), this._has5Buttons.destroy(), this._globalRowVisibility && this._globalRowVisibility.destroy(); }), (e.prototype._updateShowLine = function () { if (null !== this._el && void 0 !== this._globalRowVisibility) { var e = !this._globalRowVisibility.value(); e ? this._el.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, e) : t.prototype._updateShowLine.call(this); } }), (e.prototype._render = function () { t.prototype._render.call(this), (this._el = document.createElement('div')), this._el.classList.add(c.item, c.study), (this._el.dataset.name = 'legend-source-item'); var e = Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._titleParentEl); this._el.appendChild(e), null !== this._actionsParentEl && this._el.appendChild(this._actionsParentEl); var i = Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._valuesParentEl); this._el.appendChild(i), this._parentEl.append(this._el); }), (e.prototype._renderValues = function () { null === this._valuesParentEl && ((this._valuesParentEl = document.createElement('div')), this._valuesParentEl.classList.add(c.valuesWrapper), (this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl = document.createElement( 'div', )), this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl.classList.add( c.valuesAdditionalWrapper, ), this._valuesParentEl.appendChild( this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl, )); for ( var t = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( this._valuesAdditionalWrapperEl, ), e = 0, i = this._values.value(); e < i.length; e++ ) { var s = i[e], n = document.createElement('div'); n.classList.add(c.valueItem), n.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, !s.visible.value()); var l = document.createElement('div'); l.classList.add(c.valueValue), (l.style.color = s.color.value() || ''), l.appendChild(document.createTextNode(s.value.value())), n.appendChild(l), this._valuesElements.push({ value: l }), t.appendChild(n); } }), (e.prototype._updateStates = function (e) { t.prototype._updateStates.call(this, e), this._updateErrorState(); }), (e.prototype._updateErrorState = function () { void 0 !== this._error && void 0 !== this._error.value() && Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._el).classList.toggle( c.error, this._error.value(), ); }), (e.prototype._update5ButtonsStyles = function (t) { null !== this._el && this._el.classList.toggle(c.has5Buttons, t); }), e ); })(g), f = i('Zo2/'), S = i('6dGu'), C = i('rGGD'), M = i('Y+EN'), E = i('vYP1'), V = window.t('Hide Indicator Legend'), T = window.t('Show Indicator Legend'), x = window.t('Show Object Tree'), L = (function () { function t(t, e, i) { (this._el = null), (this._counterEl = null), (this._arrowIconEL = null), (this._objectTreeEl = null), (this._mode = 0), (this._parentEl = t), (this._themedColor = e.spawn()), this._themedColor.subscribe(this._updateThemedColor.bind(this)), (this._sourceCount = i.visibleDataSourceCount.spawn()), this._sourceCount.subscribe(this._updateSourceCount.bind(this)), (this._isStateOpen = i.isDataSourcesCollapsed.spawn()), this._isStateOpen.subscribe(this._updateState.bind(this)), (this._showObjectsTree = i.showObjectsTree.spawn()), this._showObjectsTree.subscribe( this._updateObjectTreeVisibility.bind(this), ), this._render(), this._updateState(), this._updateThemedColor(this._themedColor.value()), this._updateObjectTreeVisibility(this._showObjectsTree.value()), (this._toggleStateHandler = Object(u.b)(i.onCollapseDataSources)), (this._showObjectTreeHandler = Object(u.b)( i.onShowObjectsTreeDialog, )), null !== this._el && (this._el.addEventListener( 'touchend', this._toggleStateHandler, ), this._el.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this._toggleStateHandler, )), null !== this._objectTreeEl && (this._objectTreeEl.addEventListener( 'touchend', this._showObjectTreeHandler, ), this._objectTreeEl.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this._showObjectTreeHandler, )); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { this._sourceCount.destroy(), this._isStateOpen.destroy(), null !== this._objectTreeEl && (this._objectTreeEl.removeEventListener( 'touchend', this._showObjectTreeHandler, ), this._objectTreeEl.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this._showObjectTreeHandler, ), (this._objectTreeEl = null)), (this._arrowIconEL = null), (this._counterEl = null), null !== this._el && (this._el.removeEventListener( 'touchend', this._toggleStateHandler, ), this._el.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this._toggleStateHandler, ), (this._el.innerHTML = ''), (this._el = null)); }), (t.prototype.setMode = function (t) { (this._mode = t ? 1 : 0), this._updateTooltip(); }), (t.prototype._render = function () { (this._el = document.createElement('div')), (this._el.className = c.toggler + ' apply-common-tooltip'), (this._arrowIconEL = document.createElement('div')), this._arrowIconEL.classList.add(c.iconArrow), (this._arrowIconEL.innerHTML = f.trackingModeIsAvailable ? C : S), this._el.appendChild(this._arrowIconEL), (this._objectTreeEl = document.createElement('div')), this._objectTreeEl.classList.add(c.objectTree), (this._objectTreeEl.innerHTML = f.trackingModeIsAvailable ? E : M), this._el.appendChild(this._objectTreeEl), (this._counterEl = document.createElement('div')), this._counterEl.classList.add(c.counter), this._counterEl.appendChild( document.createTextNode(String(this._sourceCount.value())), ), this._el.appendChild(this._counterEl), this._parentEl.appendChild(this._el); }), (t.prototype._updateThemedColor = function (t) { null !== this._el && (t.length > 0 ? (this._el.style.backgroundColor = t) : this._el.style.removeProperty('background-color')); }), (t.prototype._updateSourceCount = function (t) { b(Object(o.ensureNotNull)(this._counterEl), String(t)), this._updateCounterVisibility(t); }), (t.prototype._updateCounterVisibility = function (t) { if (null !== this._counterEl) { var e = 1 === t; this._counterEl.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, e); } }), (t.prototype._updateState = function () { var t = !this._isStateOpen.value(); this._parentEl.classList.toggle(c.closed, t), this._updateTooltip(), vi((t ? 'Hide' : 'Show') + ' not main sources'); }), (t.prototype._tooltip = function () { return 1 === this._mode ? x : this._isStateOpen.value() ? V : T; }), (t.prototype._updateTooltip = function () { null !== this._el && this._el.setAttribute('title', this._tooltip()); }), (t.prototype._updateObjectTreeVisibility = function (t) { null !== this._objectTreeEl && this._objectTreeEl.classList.toggle(p.blockHidden, !t); }), t ); })(), H = i('glKZ'), k = i('R5JZ'), A = (function () { function t(t, e) { (this._renderToggler = null), (this._mainDataSourceRenderer = null), (this._dataSourceRenderers = []), (this._wrapText = null), (this._parentEl = document.createElement('div')), (this._dataSourcesEl = null), (this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl = null), (this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl = null), (this._collapsedDataSourcesEl = null), (this._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip = null), (this._options = t), (this._togglerOptions = e), (this._isStudiesLegendHidden = t.isStudiesLegendHidden.spawn()), this._isStudiesLegendHidden.subscribe( this._updateLegendVisibility.bind(this), ), (this._isAllLegendHidden = t.isAllLegendHidden.spawn()), this._isAllLegendHidden.subscribe( this._updateLegendVisibility.bind(this), ), this._updateLegendVisibility(), (this._themedColor = t.themedColor.spawn()), this._themedColor.subscribe(this._setCustomBg.bind(this)), (this._showBackground = t.showBackground.spawn()), this._showBackground.subscribe(this._setCustomBg.bind(this)), (this._backgroundTransparency = t.backgroundTransparency.spawn()), this._backgroundTransparency.subscribe( this._setCustomBg.bind(this), ), (this._collapsedDataSourcesCountSpawn = t.collapsedDataSourcesCount.spawn()), this._collapsedDataSourcesCountSpawn.subscribe( this._updateCollapsedSourcesCount.bind(this), ), (this._showCollapsedDataSourcesTooltipHandler = this._showCollapsedDataSourcesTooltip.bind( this, )), f.trackingModeIsAvailable || ((this._wrapText = t.wrapText.spawn()), this._wrapText.subscribe(this._updateWrapText.bind(this)), this._updateWrapText(this._wrapText.value())), this._parentEl.classList.add(c.legend), this._parentEl.classList.toggle( c.noActions, !this._options.withActions, ), this._parentEl.classList.toggle( c.touchMode, f.trackingModeIsAvailable, ), this._parentEl.classList.toggle(c.newCollapser, !1), (this._parentEl.dataset.name = 'legend'), this._parentEl.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (t) { return t.preventDefault(); }); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { if ( (this._isStudiesLegendHidden.destroy(), this._isAllLegendHidden.destroy(), this._themedColor.destroy(), this._showBackground.destroy(), this._backgroundTransparency.destroy(), this._collapsedDataSourcesCountSpawn.destroy(), f.trackingModeIsAvailable && null !== this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl && this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl.removeEventListener( 'touchend', this._showCollapsedDataSourcesTooltipHandler, ), this._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip && this._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip(), null !== this._wrapText && this._wrapText.destroy(), null !== this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl && ((this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl.innerHTML = ''), (this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl = null)), null !== this._dataSourcesEl && ((this._dataSourcesEl.innerHTML = ''), (this._dataSourcesEl = null)), null !== this._renderToggler && (this._renderToggler.destroy(), (this._renderToggler = null)), null !== this._mainDataSourceRenderer && (this._mainDataSourceRenderer.destroy(), (this._mainDataSourceRenderer = null)), 0 !== this._dataSourceRenderers.length) ) { for ( var t = 0, e = this._dataSourceRenderers; t < e.length; t++ ) { e[t].destroy(); } this._dataSourceRenderers = []; } (this._parentEl.innerHTML = ''), delete this._parentEl; }), (t.prototype.addMainDataSource = function (t, e) { var i = this; if (null === this._mainDataSourceRenderer) { var s = document.createDocumentFragment(); (this._mainDataSourceRenderer = new w(t, s, { withActions: this._options.withActions, customTextColor: this._options.customTextColor, statusWidget: e, })), this._parentEl.insertBefore(s, this._dataSourcesEl), this._updateLegendVisibility(); } t.onDestroy().subscribe( this, function () { null !== i._mainDataSourceRenderer && (i._mainDataSourceRenderer.destroy(), (i._mainDataSourceRenderer = null)); }, !0, ); }), (t.prototype.addDataSources = function (t) { var e = this; null === this._dataSourcesEl && ((this._dataSourcesEl = document.createElement('div')), this._dataSourcesEl.classList.add(c.sourcesWrapper), this._renderToggle(this._dataSourcesEl), (this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl = document.createElement( 'div', )), this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl.classList.add(c.sources), this._dataSourcesEl.appendChild( this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl, ), this._renderCollapsedCounter( this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl, ), this._parentEl.appendChild(this._dataSourcesEl)); for ( var i = Object(o.ensureNotNull)( this._dataSourcesAdditionalWrapperEl, ), s = function (t) { var s = new y(t, i, { withActions: n._options.withActions, customTextColor: n._options.customTextColor, }); n._dataSourceRenderers.push(s), n._updateLegendVisibility(), t.onDestroy().subscribe( n, function () { var t = e._dataSourceRenderers.indexOf(s); -1 !== t && (e._dataSourceRenderers[t].destroy(), e._dataSourceRenderers.splice(t, 1)); }, !0, ); }, n = this, l = 0, a = t; l < a.length; l++ ) { s(a[l]); } }), (t.prototype.firstTitle = function () { return this._parentEl.firstElementChild; }), (t.prototype.getElement = function () { return this._parentEl; }), (t.prototype.updateMode = function (t) { var e = t < 213, i = t < 120; this._parentEl.classList.toggle(c.minimized, e && !i), this._parentEl.classList.toggle(c.micro, i), null !== this._renderToggler && this._renderToggler.setMode(i); var s = f.trackingModeIsAvailable || t < 550; this._parentEl.classList.toggle(c.directionColumn, s); }), (t.prototype.getMainSourceHeight = function () { return null === this._mainDataSourceRenderer ? 0 : this._mainDataSourceRenderer.getHeight(); }), (t.prototype.getDataSourceHeight = function () { return 0 === this._dataSourceRenderers.length ? 0 : this._dataSourceRenderers[0].getHeight(); }), (t.prototype._renderToggle = function (t) { this._options.showToggleButton && (this._renderToggler = new L( t, this._options.themedColor, this._togglerOptions, )); }), (t.prototype._renderCollapsedCounter = function (t) { (this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl = document.createElement( 'div', )), (this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl.className = c.item + ' ' + c.last), (this._collapsedDataSourcesEl = document.createElement('span')), (this._collapsedDataSourcesEl.className = c.text + ' apply-common-tooltip'), this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl.append( this._collapsedDataSourcesEl, ), t.append(this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl), f.trackingModeIsAvailable && this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl.addEventListener( 'touchend', this._showCollapsedDataSourcesTooltipHandler, ), this._updateCollapsedSourcesCount( this._collapsedDataSourcesCountSpawn.value(), ); }), (t.prototype._showCollapsedDataSourcesTooltip = function () { Object(H.showOnElement)(this._collapsedDataSourcesEl, { text: this._options.collapsedDataSourcesTitle.value(), }), this._addOutsideEventForHideTooltip(); }), (t.prototype._addOutsideEventForHideTooltip = function () { var t = this; null !== this._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip && this._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip(), (this._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip = Object(k.a)( new CustomEvent('timestamp').timeStamp, this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl, function () { null !== t._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip && t._outsideEventForCollapsedTooltip(), Object(H.hide)(); }, window.document, { touchEnd: !0 }, )); }), (t.prototype._updateCollapsedSourcesCount = function (t) { if ( null !== this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl && null !== this._collapsedDataSourcesEl ) { var e = 0 === t; this._collapsedDataSourcesWrapperEl.classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, e, ), e || (b(this._collapsedDataSourcesEl, '+' + t), this._collapsedDataSourcesEl.setAttribute( 'title', this._options.collapsedDataSourcesTitle.value(), )); } }), (t.prototype._updateLegendVisibility = function () { this._parentEl.classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, this._isAllLegendHidden.value(), ), null !== this._dataSourcesEl && this._dataSourcesEl.classList.toggle( p.blockHidden, this._isStudiesLegendHidden.value(), ); }), (t.prototype._setCustomBg = function () { var t = this._showBackground.value(), e = this._themedColor.value(), i = this._backgroundTransparency.value(), s = ''; if (t) { var o = Object(n.parseRgb)(e), l = o[0], a = o[1], r = o[2]; s = Object(n.rgbaToString)([ l, a, r, Object(n.normalizeAlphaComponent)(1 - i / 100), ]); } this._parentEl.style.color = s; }), (t.prototype._updateWrapText = function (t) { this._parentEl.classList.toggle(c.noWrap, !t); }), t ); })(), O = i('hY0g'), P = i.n(O), B = i('Tmoa'), W = i('aIyQ'), D = i.n(W), z = i('Ialn'), j = i('QloM'), N = i('1AAW'), R = i('CLNU'); function I(t) { return void 0 !== t ? B.resetTransparency(t) : t; } var F = window.t('Show'), G = window.t('Hide'), U = (function () { function t(t, e, i, s, o) { var n = this; (this._values = new P.a([])), (this._actions = []), (this._onDestroy = new D.a()), (this._loading = new P.a(!1)), (this._moreActionCM = null), (this._model = t), (this._source = e), (this._options = i), (this._callbacks = s), (this._contextMenuOptions = o), (this._disabled = new P.a(this._getDisabledState())), (this._selected = new P.a(!1)), (this._isTitleHidden = new P.a(this._getTitleHiddenValue())), (this._isValuesHidden = new P.a(this._getValuesHiddenValue())), (this._isRowHidden = new P.a(this._getRowHiddenValue())), Object(N.a)( function () { return {}; }, this._isTitleHidden, this._isValuesHidden, this._disabled, ).subscribe(this._updateRowVisibilities.bind(this)), this._values.subscribe(function () { n._isValuesHidden.setValue(n._getValuesHiddenValue()); }); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () {}), (t.prototype.onDestroy = function () { return this._onDestroy; }), (t.prototype.titles = function () { return this._titles.map(function (t) { return t.readonly(); }); }), (t.prototype.values = function () { return this._values.readonly(); }), (t.prototype.actions = function () { return this._actions; }), (t.prototype.disabled = function () { return this._disabled.readonly(); }), (t.prototype.selected = function () { return this._selected.readonly(); }), (t.prototype.loading = function () { return this._loading.readonly(); }), (t.prototype.isTitleHidden = function () { return this._isTitleHidden.readonly(); }), (t.prototype.isValuesHidden = function () { return this._isValuesHidden.readonly(); }), (t.prototype.isRowHidden = function () { return this._isRowHidden.readonly(); }), (t.prototype.update = function () { this._updateTitle(), this._updateValues(), this._updateStates(); }), (t.prototype.updateSource = function (t) { this._source !== t && ((this._source = t), this.update()); }), (t.prototype.onToggleDisabled = function () { var t = this._source.properties().childs().visible, e = !t.value(); this._model.setProperty( t, e, (e ? 'Show' : 'Hide') + ' ' + this._source.title(), ), vi((e ? 'Show' : 'Hide') + ' source'); }), (t.prototype.onShowSettings = function () { this._source.userEditEnabled() && (this.setSourceSelected(), this._callbacks.showChartPropertiesForSource( this._source, j.TabNames.style, ), vi('Settings for source')); }), (t.prototype.onShowMoreActions = function (t) { return this._options.readOnlyMode ? Promise.resolve(null) : (this._callbacks.updateActions(), this._callbacks.showContextMenuForSources( [this._source], this._calcNewPosition(t), this._contextMenuOptions, )); }), (t.prototype.onContextMenuShow = function (t, e) { return this._options.readOnlyMode ? Promise.resolve(null) : (vi('Show legend context menu'), this._callbacks.showLegendWidgetContextMenu( this._calcNewPosition(t), e, )); }), (t.prototype.setSourceSelected = function () { var t = this; this._model.selectionMacro(function (e) { e.clearSelection(), e.addSourceToSelection(t._source); }); }), (t.prototype._moreActionHandler = function (t) { var e = this; t.preventDefault(), null !== this._moreActionCM && this._moreActionCM.isShown() ? (this._moreActionCM = null) : (this.setSourceSelected(), this.onShowMoreActions(t).then(function (t) { e._moreActionCM = t; })); }), (t.prototype._updateTitle = function () { var t = this._source.statusView(); if (null !== t) for ( var e = t.getSplitTitle(), i = 0; i < this._titles.length; i++ ) { var s = e[i], o = Object(R.clean)( Array.isArray(s) ? s.join(' ') : s || '', !0, ); this._titles[i].setValue(o); } }), (t.prototype._updateStates = function () { this._disabled.setValue(this._getDisabledState()), this._selected.setValue( this._model.selection().isSelected(this._source), ), this._loading.setValue(Boolean(this._source.isLoading())); }), (t.prototype._hasValues = function () { return this._values.value().length > 0; }), (t.prototype._getEyeTitle = function () { return this._disabled.value() ? F : G; }), (t.prototype._getDisabledState = function () { return !this._source.properties().visible.value(); }), (t.prototype._updateRowVisibilities = function () { this._isRowHidden.setValue(this._getRowHiddenValue()); }), (t.prototype._getRowHiddenValue = function () { return ( (this._options.readOnlyMode && this._disabled.value()) || (this._isTitleHidden.value() && (this._isValuesHidden.value() || this._disabled.value())) ); }), (t.prototype._calcNewPosition = function (t) { var e = {}; if ( (function (t) { return t.hasOwnProperty('touches'); })(t) && t.touches.length > 0 ) e = { clientX: t.touches[0].clientX, clientY: t.touches[0].clientY, }; else if (null !== t.target) { var i = t.target.getBoundingClientRect(); e = { clientX: Object(z.isRtl)() ? i.right : i.left, clientY: i.top + i.height + 3, }; } else { var s = t; e = { clientX: s.clientX, clientY: s.clientY }; } return e; }), t ); })(), K = i('z4c1'), X = i('vWJB'), Z = i('Kxc7'), q = window.t('More'), Y = window.t('Flag Symbol'), J = window.t('Unflag Symbol'), Q = Z.enabled('show_hide_button_in_legend'), $ = (function (t) { function e(e, i, s, o, n) { var l = t.call(this, e, i, s, o, n) || this; (l._titles = [new P.a(''), new P.a(''), new P.a(''), new P.a('')]), (l._symbolMarker = null), (l._flagged = new P.a(null)), (l._symbolAction = null), (l._symbol = null), (l._isOneButtonCanBeStick = !1), l._createActions(), l._updateSymbolMarker(), l._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showSeriesTitle.subscribe( l, function () { l._isTitleHidden.setValue(l._getTitleHiddenValue()); }, ); for ( var a = 0, r = [ l._model.model().properties().paneProperties.legendProperties .showSeriesOHLC, l._model.model().properties().paneProperties.legendProperties .showBarChange, ]; a < r.length; a++ ) { r[a].subscribe(l, function () { l._isValuesHidden.setValue(l._getValuesHiddenValue()); }); } return ( l.update(), l._source.onStatusChanged().subscribe(l, function () { l._loading.setValue(l._source.isLoading()); }), l ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { t.prototype.destroy.call(this), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showSeriesTitle.unsubscribeAll( this, ), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showSeriesOHLC.unsubscribeAll( this, ), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showBarChange.unsubscribeAll( this, ), this._source.onStatusChanged().unsubscribeAll(this), this._onDestroy.fire(); }), (e.prototype.flagged = function () { return this._flagged.readonly(); }), (e.prototype.onShowSettings = function () { this._source.userEditEnabled() && this._callbacks.showGeneralChartProperties(j.TabNames.style); }), (e.prototype.isOneButtonCanBeStick = function () { return this._isOneButtonCanBeStick; }), (e.prototype._updateValues = function () { var t = this._source.legendView(), e = this._values.value(), i = t.marketTitle(), s = t.marketTitle().length > 0; if (0 === e.length) { var o = { value: new P.a(''), color: new P.a(''), visible: new P.a(s), title: new P.a(i), }, n = t.items().map(function (t) { return { value: new P.a(t.value()), color: new P.a(I(t.color())), visible: new P.a(t.visible()), title: new P.a(t.title()), }; }); this._values.setValue([o].concat(n)); } else { e[0].title.setValue(i), e[0].visible.setValue(s); for (var l = t.items(), a = 0; a < l.length; a++) { var r = l[a]; e[a + 1].value.setValue(r.value()), e[a + 1].color.setValue(I(r.color())), e[a + 1].visible.setValue(r.visible()), e[a + 1].title.setValue(r.title()); } } }), (e.prototype._updateStates = function () { t.prototype._updateStates.call(this), this._updateSymbolMarker(); }), (e.prototype._getTitleHiddenValue = function () { return !this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showSeriesTitle.value(); }), (e.prototype._getValuesHiddenValue = function () { return ( !this._hasValues() || (!this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showSeriesOHLC.value() && !this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showBarChange.value()) ); }), (e.prototype._createActions = function () { var t = this; if (Q) { var e = { icon: K, action: Object(u.b)(this.onToggleDisabled.bind(this)), visible: new P.a(!0), className: c.eye, title: new P.a(this._getEyeTitle()), dataset: { name: 'legend-show-hide-action' }, }; this._actions.push(e), this._disabled.subscribe(function () { e.title.setValue(t._getEyeTitle()); }); } this._actions.push({ icon: X, action: this._moreActionHandler.bind(this), visible: new P.a(!0), title: new P.a(q), dataset: { name: 'legend-more-action' }, }); }), (e.prototype._getMarkerTitle = function () { return null !== this._symbolMarker ? this._symbolMarker.isMarked() ? J : Y : ''; }), (e.prototype._symbolActionHandler = function () { null !== this._symbolMarker && (this._updateSymbolMarker(), vi('Change flag state')); }), (e.prototype._updateSymbolMarker = function () { this._isOneButtonCanBeStick = !0; }), e ); })(U), tt = i('3ClC'), et = i('oNDq'); var it = i('z61+'), st = i('uOxu'), ot = i('RgOa'), nt = i('2CEX'), lt = i('D8x7'), at = (Object(st.getLogger)('Chart.LegendWidget'), window.t('Settings')), rt = window.t('Source code'), ut = window.t('Remove'), dt = window.t('More'), ht = (window.t('Error'), window.t('Could not get Pine source code.'), Z.enabled('study_buttons_in_legend'), Z.enabled('show_hide_button_in_legend')), ct = Z.enabled('property_pages'), pt = Z.enabled('format_button_in_legend'), _t = Z.enabled('delete_button_in_legend'), bt = (function (t) { function e(e, i, s, o, n) { var l = t.call(this, e, i, s, o, n) || this; return ( (l._titles = [new P.a(''), new P.a('')]), (l._error = new P.a(!1)), (l._isPineScriptDataSource = new P.a(!1)), (l._pineAction = null), (l._globalVisibility = new P.a(!0)), l._createActions(), l._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyTitles.subscribe( l, function () { l._isTitleHidden.setValue(l._getTitleHiddenValue()); }, ), l._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyValues.subscribe( l, function () { l._isValuesHidden.setValue(l._getValuesHiddenValue()); }, ), l.update(), l ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { t.prototype.destroy.call(this), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyTitles.unsubscribeAll( this, ), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyValues.unsubscribeAll( this, ), this._onDestroy.fire(); }), (e.prototype.error = function () { return this._error.readonly(); }), (e.prototype.isPineScriptDataSource = function () { return this._isPineScriptDataSource.readonly(); }), (e.prototype.updateSource = function (e) { this._source !== e && (this._values.setValue([]), t.prototype.updateSource.call(this, e), this._updateAbleShowSourceCode()); }), (e.prototype.onRemoveSource = function () { var t; this._source.isUserDeletable() && (this._source.hasChildren() ? ((t = this._model.removeSource.bind( this._model, this._source, !1, )), Object(et.createConfirmDialog)({ type: 'modal', title: window.t('Confirm Remove Study Tree'), content: window.t( "Do you really want to delete study and all of it's children?", ), }).then(function (e) { e.on('action:yes', function (e) { t(), e.close(); }), e.open(); })) : this._model.removeSource(this._source, !1), vi('Remove sources')); }), (e.prototype.onShowSourceCode = function () {}), (e.prototype.setGlobalVisibility = function (t) { this._globalVisibility.setValue(t); }), (e.prototype.globalVisibility = function () { return this._globalVisibility.readonly(); }), (e.prototype.getFullTitle = function () { return this._titles .map(function (t) { return t.value(); }) .join(' '); }), (e.prototype._updateValues = function () { var t = this._source.legendView(); if (null !== t && 0 !== t.items().length) { var e = this._values.value(); if (0 === e.length) { var i = t.items().map(function (t) { return { value: new P.a(t.value()), color: new P.a(I(t.color())), visible: new P.a(t.visible()), }; }); this._values.setValue(i); } else for (var s = t.items(), o = 0; o < s.length; o++) { var n = e[o], l = s[o]; n.value.setValue(l.value()), n.color.setValue(I(l.color())), n.visible.setValue(l.visible()); } } }), (e.prototype._updateStates = function () { t.prototype._updateStates.call(this), void 0 !== this._error && this._error.setValue(Boolean(this._source.isFailed())); }), (e.prototype._getTitleHiddenValue = function () { return !this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyTitles.value(); }), (e.prototype._getValuesHiddenValue = function () { return ( !this._hasValues() || !this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showStudyValues.value() ); }), (e.prototype._updateAbleShowSourceCode = function () {}), (e.prototype._updateVisibilityPineAction = function (t) { null !== this._pineAction && (this._pineAction.visible.setValue(t), this._isPineScriptDataSource.setValue(t)); }), (e.prototype._createActions = function () { var t = this; if (!this._options.readOnlyMode) { if ( ((this._pineAction = { icon: nt, action: Object(u.b)(this.onShowSourceCode.bind(this)), visible: new P.a(!1), title: new P.a(rt), dataset: { name: 'legend-pine-action' }, }), ht) ) { var e = { icon: K, action: Object(u.b)(this.onToggleDisabled.bind(this)), visible: new P.a(!0), className: c.eye, title: new P.a(this._getEyeTitle()), dataset: { name: 'legend-show-hide-action' }, }; this._actions.push(e), this._disabled.subscribe(function () { e.title.setValue(t._getEyeTitle()); }); } ct && pt && (!Object(tt.isStudy)(this._source) || new it.a( this._source.metaInfo(), ).hasUserEditableOptions()) && this._actions.push({ icon: ot, action: Object(u.b)(this.onShowSettings.bind(this)), visible: new P.a(!0), title: new P.a(at), dataset: { name: 'legend-settings-action' }, }), _t && this._actions.push({ icon: lt, action: Object(u.b)(this.onRemoveSource.bind(this)), visible: new P.a(!0), title: new P.a(ut), dataset: { name: 'legend-delete-action' }, }), this._actions.push({ icon: X, action: this._moreActionHandler.bind(this), visible: new P.a(!0), title: new P.a(dt), dataset: { name: 'legend-more-action' }, }); } }), e ); })(U), mt = i('EsvI'), vt = i('ogJP'), gt = i('+DwS'), wt = i('LIFs'), yt = i('rh3U'), ft = (function () { function t(t) { (this._status = new P.a(null)), (this._fullTooltip = new P.a(null)), (this._iconClassNames = new P.a(null)), (this._visible = new P.a(!1)), (this._tooltip = new P.a(null)), (this._icon = new P.a(null)), (this._className = new P.a(null)), (this._infoMaps = t), (this._size = t.size || 'medium'), this._status.subscribe(this._updateByStatus.bind(this), { callWithLast: !0, }), this._className.subscribe(this._updateIconClassName.bind(this)); } return ( (t.prototype.status = function () { return this._status; }), (t.prototype.tooltip = function () { return this._tooltip; }), (t.prototype.icon = function () { return this._icon; }), (t.prototype.className = function () { return this._className; }), (t.prototype.visible = function () { return this._visible; }), (t.prototype.size = function () { return this._size; }), (t.prototype.fullInfo = function () { return this._fullTooltip; }), (t.prototype._getTooltip = function (t) { var e, i; return null !== (i = null === (e = this._infoMaps.tooltipMap) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.get(t)) && void 0 !== i ? i : null; }), (t.prototype._getIcon = function (t) { var e, i = this._infoMaps.iconMap.get(t); return void 0 !== i && (e = i.get(this._size)), e || null; }), (t.prototype._getClassName = function (t) { return this._infoMaps.classNameMap.get(t) || null; }), (t.prototype._getTitle = function (t) { var e, i; return null !== (i = null === (e = this._infoMaps.titleMap) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.get(t)) && void 0 !== i ? i : null; }), (t.prototype._getTitleColor = function (t) { var e, i; return null !== (i = null === (e = this._infoMaps.titleColorMap) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.get(t)) && void 0 !== i ? i : null; }), (t.prototype._getHtml = function (t) { var e, i, o; return Object(s.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return Object(s.__generator)(this, function (s) { return [ 2, null !== (o = null === (i = null === (e = this._infoMaps.htmlMap) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.get(t)) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.map(wt.b)) && void 0 !== o ? o : null, ]; }); }); }), (t.prototype._getAction = function (t) { var e, i; return null !== (i = null === (e = this._infoMaps.actionMap) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.get(t)) && void 0 !== i ? i : null; }), (t.prototype._updateFullTooltipByStatus = function (t) { return Object(s.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var e; return Object(s.__generator)(this, function (i) { switch (i.label) { case 0: return [4, this._getHtml(t)]; case 1: return ( (e = i.sent()), this._status.value() !== t ? [2] : (this._fullTooltip.setValue([ { icon: this._icon.value(), iconClassName: this._iconClassNames.value(), title: this._getTitle(t), titleColor: this._getTitleColor(t), html: e, size: this._size, action: this._getAction(t), }, ]), [2]) ); } }); }); }), (t.prototype._updateByStatus = function (t) { null !== t ? (this._icon.setValue(this._getIcon(t)), this._className.setValue(this._getClassName(t)), this._tooltip.setValue(this._getTooltip(t)), this._visible.setValue(!0), this._updateFullTooltipByStatus(t)) : this._visible.setValue(!1); }), (t.prototype._updateIconClassName = function (t) { null !== t ? this._iconClassNames.setValue([yt.statusItem, t]) : this._iconClassNames.setValue(null); }), t ); })(), St = i('PC8g'), Ct = i('HGP3'), Mt = i('Cf1E'), Et = i('VrrN'), Vt = i('VrXG'), Tt = i('LIcf'), xt = i('Uua9'), Lt = i('9Crk'), Ht = i('Tq3g'), kt = Object(st.getLogger)('Chart.LegendWidget'), At = new Map([ [ 'DelayToRealtime', new Map([ ['medium', Et], ['large', Vt], ]), ], [ 'DelayNoRealtime', new Map([ ['medium', Et], ['large', Vt], ]), ], [ 'TFEXDelayForGuest', new Map([ ['medium', Et], ['large', Vt], ]), ], [ 'MOEXDelayForGuest', new Map([ ['medium', Et], ['large', Vt], ]), ], [ 'EOD', new Map([ ['medium', Tt], ['large', xt], ]), ], [ 'TickByTick', new Map([ ['medium', Lt], ['large', Ht], ]), ], [ 'BATSToRealtime', new Map([ ['medium', Lt], ['large', Ht], ]), ], ]), Ot = new Map([ ['DelayToRealtime', yt.delay], ['DelayNoRealtime', yt.delay], ['TFEXDelayForGuest', yt.delay], ['MOEXDelayForGuest', yt.delay], ['EOD', yt.eod], ['TickByTick', yt.notAccurate], ['BATSToRealtime', yt.notAccurate], ]), Pt = new Map([ ['DelayToRealtime', Ct.colorsPalette['color-delay-mode']], ['DelayNoRealtime', Ct.colorsPalette['color-delay-mode']], ['TFEXDelayForGuest', Ct.colorsPalette['color-delay-mode']], ['MOEXDelayForGuest', Ct.colorsPalette['color-delay-mode']], ['EOD', Ct.colorsPalette['color-eod-mode']], ['TickByTick', Ct.colorsPalette['color-delay-mode']], ['BATSToRealtime', Ct.colorsPalette['color-delay-mode']], ]), Bt = window.t('Data is delayed'), Wt = window.t('End of day data'), Dt = window.t('One update per second'), zt = window.t('Cboe BZX'), jt = Object(wt.b)( window.t('{symbolName} data is delayed by {time} minutes.'), ), Nt = Object(wt.b)( window.t( '{listedExchange} real-time data is available for free to registered users.', ), ), Rt = Object(wt.b)( window.t( 'To get real-time data for {description}, please buy the real-time data package.', ), ), It = Object(wt.b)( window.t( 'Real-time data for {description} is not supported right now. We may support it in the future.', ), ), Ft = Object(wt.b)(window.t('Data is updated once a day.')), Gt = Object(wt.b)( window.t( 'Data on our Basic plan is updated once per second, even if there are more updates on the market.', ), ), Ut = Object(wt.b)( window.t( 'Data is updated once per second, even if there are more updates on the market.', ), ), Kt = Object(wt.b)(window.t('Paid plans feature faster data updates.')), Xt = Object(wt.b)( window.t( 'Real-time data for {symbolName} is provided by {exchange} exchange.', ), ), Zt = Object(wt.b)( window.t( 'This data is real-time, but it’s slightly different to its official counterpart coming from primary exchanges.', ), ), qt = (window.t('Create a free account'), window.t('Learn more'), (function (t) { function e(e, i, s) { var o = t.call(this, { iconMap: At, classNameMap: Ot, titleColorMap: Pt, size: i, }) || this; return ( (o._options = s), (o._model = e), (o._dataUpdatedMode = e.status().spawn()), o._dataUpdatedMode.subscribe(o._updateStatus.bind(o), { callWithLast: !0, }), o ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { this._dataUpdatedMode.destroy(); }), (e.prototype._getTooltip = function () { var t = this._getShortTexts(); return null === t ? null : Object.values(t).join(' · '); }), (e.prototype._updateFullTooltipByStatus = function () { return Object(s.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var t, e, i, o, n, l, a, r; return Object(s.__generator)(this, function (s) { switch (s.label) { case 0: return null === (t = this._dataUpdatedMode.value()) ? (this._fullTooltip.setValue(null), [2]) : ((e = this._getShortTexts()), [4, this._getHtmls()]); case 1: return (i = s.sent()), [4, this._getActions()]; case 2: if ( ((o = s.sent()), t !== this._dataUpdatedMode.value()) ) return [2]; for (n = [], l = 0, a = t; l < a.length; l++) (r = a[l]), n.push({ icon: this._getIcon(r), iconClassName: this._iconClassNames.value(), title: e && e[r], titleColor: this._getTitleColor(r), html: i && i[r], size: this._size, action: o && o[r], }); return this._fullTooltip.setValue(n), [2]; } }); }); }), (e.prototype._updateStatus = function (e) { var i = null !== e ? e[0] : null; t.prototype._updateByStatus.call(this, i); }), (e.prototype._getHtmls = function () { return Object(s.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var t, e, i, o, n, l, a, r, u; return Object(s.__generator)(this, function (s) { switch (s.label) { case 0: if (null === (t = this._dataUpdatedMode.value())) return [2, Promise.resolve(null)]; (e = {}), (i = this._model.symbolName()), (o = null), (n = null), (s.label = 1); case 1: return ( s.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, this._model.description()] ); case 2: return ( (o = s.sent()), (n = this._model.exchange()), [3, 4] ); case 3: return ( (l = s.sent()), kt.logError( "Can't get exchange description, reason: " + Object(Mt.a)(l), ), [3, 4] ); case 4: for (a = 0, r = t; a < r.length; a++) (u = r[a]), (e[u] = []), ('DelayToRealtime' !== u && 'DelayNoRealtime' !== u && 'TFEXDelayForGuest' !== u && 'MOEXDelayForGuest' !== u) || (e[u].push( jt.format({ symbolName: i, time: this._model.time().toString(), }), ), this._options.subscriptionFullInfo && null !== o && 'DelayToRealtime' === u && e[u].push( Rt.format({ description: '' + o + '', }), ), null !== o && 'DelayNoRealtime' === u && e[u].push( It.format({ description: '' + o + '', }), ), this._options.subscriptionFullInfo && (u.includes('TFEXDelayForGuest') || u.includes('MOEXDelayForGuest')) && e[u].push( Nt.format({ listedExchange: this._model.listedExchange(), }), )), 'EOD' === u && (e[u] = [Ft]), 'TickByTick' === u && (e[u].push( this._options.subscriptionFullInfo ? Gt : Ut, ), this._options.subscriptionFullInfo && e[u].push(Kt)), null !== n && 'BATSToRealtime' === u && e[u].push( Xt.format({ symbolName: i, exchange: n }), Zt, ); return Object.keys(e).length > 0 ? [2, e] : [2, null]; } }); }); }), (e.prototype._getActions = function () { return Object(s.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var t, e, i, o, n; return Object(s.__generator)(this, function (s) { switch (s.label) { case 0: return null === this._dataUpdatedMode.value() ? [2, null] : ((t = {}), [3, 4]); case 1: return i < o.length ? ((n = o[i]), [5, e(n)]) : [3, 4]; case 2: s.sent(), (s.label = 3); case 3: return i++, [3, 1]; case 4: return Object.keys(t).length > 0 ? [2, t] : [2, null]; } }); }); }), (e.prototype._getShortTexts = function () { var t = this._dataUpdatedMode.value(); if (null === t) return null; for (var e = {}, i = 0, s = t; i < s.length; i++) { var o = s[i]; ('DelayToRealtime' !== o && 'DelayNoRealtime' !== o && 'TFEXDelayForGuest' !== o && 'MOEXDelayForGuest' !== o) || (e[o] = Bt), 'EOD' === o && (e[o] = Wt), 'TickByTick' === o && (e[o] = Dt), 'BATSToRealtime' === o && (e[o] = zt); } return Object.keys(e).length > 0 ? e : null; }), e ); })(ft)), Yt = (i('YFKU'), i('JmzL')), Jt = i('M3mX'), Qt = window.t('Data problem'), $t = new Map([ [ 'high', new Map([ ['medium', Yt], ['large', Jt], ]), ], [ 'low', new Map([ ['medium', Yt], ['large', Jt], ]), ], ]), te = new Map([ ['high', yt.dataProblemHigh], ['low', yt.dataProblemLow], ]), ee = new Map([ ['high', Qt], ['low', Qt], ]), ie = new Map([ ['high', Ct.colorsPalette['color-data-problem']], ['low', Ct.colorsPalette['color-data-problem']], ]); var se = (function (t) { function e(e, i) { var s = t.call(this, { tooltipMap: ee, iconMap: $t, classNameMap: te, titleMap: ee, titleColorMap: ie, size: i, }) || this; return ( (s._isDataProblemCritical = new P.a(!1)), (s._dataProblem = e.spawn()), s._dataProblem.subscribe(s._updateStatus.bind(s), { callWithLast: !0, }), s ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { this._dataProblem.destroy(); }), (e.prototype.isDataProblemCritical = function () { return this._isDataProblemCritical; }), (e.prototype._getHtml = function (t) { return Object(s.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var t; return Object(s.__generator)(this, function (e) { return null === (t = this._dataProblem.value()) ? [2, null] : [2, [Object(wt.b)(t.text)]]; }); }); }), (e.prototype._updateStatus = function (t) { var e, i = null !== (e = null == t ? void 0 : t.severity) && void 0 !== e ? e : null; this._status.setValue(i), this._isDataProblemCritical.setValue( (function (t) { return 'high' === t; })(i), ); }), e ); })(ft), oe = (function (t) { function e(e, i) { var s = t.call(this, i) || this; return ( (s._booleanStatus = e.spawn()), s._booleanStatus.subscribe(s._updateStatus.bind(s), { callWithLast: !0, }), s ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { this._booleanStatus.destroy(); }), (e.prototype._updateStatus = function (t) { t ? this._status.setValue(!0) : this._status.setValue(null); }), e ); })(ft), ne = i('YGQl'), le = i('Jjb7'), ae = window.t('Invalid Symbol'), re = window.t("This symbol doesn't exist, please pick another one."), ue = new Map([ [ !0, new Map([ ['medium', ne], ['large', le], ]), ], [ !1, new Map([ ['medium', ''], ['large', ''], ]), ], ]), de = new Map([ [!0, yt.invalidSymbol], [!1, null], ]), he = new Map([ [!0, ae], [!1, null], ]), ce = new Map([ [!0, ae], [!1, null], ]), pe = new Map([ [!0, Ct.colorsPalette['color-invalid-symbol']], [!1, null], ]), _e = new Map([ [!0, [re]], [!1, null], ]), be = new Map([ [!0, null], [!1, null], ]), me = (function () { function t(t) { (this._el = document.createElement('div')), (this._prevCustomClass = null), (this._icon = t.icon.spawn()), this._icon.subscribe(this._updateIcon.bind(this), { callWithLast: !0, }), (this._className = t.className.spawn()), this._className.subscribe(this._updateClassName.bind(this), { callWithLast: !0, }), (this._visible = t.visible.spawn()), this._visible.subscribe(this._updateVisibility.bind(this), { callWithLast: !0, }), (this._size = t.size || 'medium'), this._render(t.parentEl); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { this._visible.destroy(), this._icon.destroy(); }), (t.prototype._render = function (t) { this._el.classList.add(yt.statusItem, yt[this._size]), t.appendChild(this._el); }), (t.prototype._updateVisibility = function (t) { this._el.classList.toggle('js-hidden', !t); }), (t.prototype._updateIcon = function (t) { null !== t && (this._el.innerHTML = t); }), (t.prototype._updateClassName = function (t) { this._prevCustomClass !== t && (null !== this._prevCustomClass && this._el.classList.remove(this._prevCustomClass), null !== t && this._el.classList.add(t), (this._prevCustomClass = t)); }), t ); })(); function ve(t) { return null !== t.value(); } var ge = (function () { function t(t, e) { var i, o = this; (this.element = document.createElement('div')), (this._visibilitySpawns = []), (this._tooltipSpawns = []), (this._iconsRenderers = []); var n = [yt.statuses, 'apply-common-tooltip']; f.trackingModeIsAvailable && n.push(yt.touchMode), (i = this.element.classList).add.apply( i, Object(s.__spreadArrays)(n, [yt[t]]), ), (this._onClick = function (t) { t.preventDefault(); var i = o.element.getBoundingClientRect(), s = 14; o._visibleWidgetsCount() > 1 && (s -= 2); var n = { x: i.left - s, y: i.bottom + 4 }; e.onClick(n); }), this.element.addEventListener('click', this._onClick); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { for (var t = 0, e = this._iconsRenderers; t < e.length; t++) { e[t].destroy(); } for (var i = 0, s = this._visibilitySpawns; i < s.length; i++) { s[i].destroy(); } for (var o = 0, n = this._tooltipSpawns; o < n.length; o++) { n[o].destroy(); } this.element.removeEventListener('click', this._onClick), this.element.remove(); }), (t.prototype.addStatusModel = function (t) { this._iconsRenderers.push( new me({ visible: t.visible, icon: t.model.icon(), className: t.model.className(), size: t.model.size(), parentEl: this.element, }), ); var e = t.visible.spawn(); e.subscribe(this._updateSpecialClassAndTooltip.bind(this)), this._visibilitySpawns.push(e); var i = t.model.tooltip().spawn(); i.subscribe(this._updateTooltip.bind(this)), this._tooltipSpawns.push(i); }), (t.prototype._getTooltip = function () { var t = this; return this._tooltipSpawns .filter(function (e, i) { return t._visibilitySpawns[i].value(); }) .filter(ve) .map(function (t) { return t.value(); }) .join(' · '); }), (t.prototype._updateTooltip = function () { this.element.setAttribute('title', this._getTooltip()); }), (t.prototype._updateSpecialClassAndTooltip = function () { var t = this._visibleWidgetsCount(); this.element.classList.toggle(yt.oneWidgetsVisible, 1 === t), this.element.classList.toggle(yt.twoWidgetsVisible, 2 === t), this.element.classList.toggle(yt.threeWidgetsVisible, 3 === t), this._updateTooltip(); }), (t.prototype._visibleWidgetsCount = function () { return this._visibilitySpawns.filter(function (t) { return t.value(); }).length; }), t ); })(), we = i('9lPX'), ye = i('MyT/'), fe = i('jXu8'), Se = i('cbig'), Ce = i('G2LI'), Me = i('QkND'), Ee = i('Gp/h'), Ve = i('S48P'), Te = window.t('Market open'), xe = window.t('Pre-market'), Le = window.t('Post-market'), He = window.t('Market closed'), ke = window.t('Holiday'), Ae = window.t("All's well — Market is open."), Oe = window.t('Morning. Market is open for pre-market trading.'), Pe = window.t('Evening. Market is open for post-market trading.'), Be = window.t('Time for a walk — this market is closed.'), We = window.t('Market is currently on holiday. Lucky them.'), De = new Map([ [ 'market', new Map([ ['medium', ye], ['large', fe], ]), ], [ 'pre_market', new Map([ ['medium', Ee], ['large', Ve], ]), ], [ 'post_market', new Map([ ['medium', Ce], ['large', Me], ]), ], [ 'out_of_session', new Map([ ['medium', we], ['large', we], ]), ], [ 'holiday', new Map([ ['medium', Se], ['large', Se], ]), ], ]), ze = new Map([ ['market', yt.marketStatusOpen], ['pre_market', yt.marketStatusPre], ['post_market', yt.marketStatusPost], ['out_of_session', yt.marketStatusClose], ['holiday', yt.marketStatusHoliday], ]), je = new Map([ ['market', Te], ['pre_market', xe], ['post_market', Le], ['out_of_session', He], ['holiday', ke], ]), Ne = new Map([ ['market', Te], ['pre_market', xe], ['post_market', Le], ['out_of_session', He], ['holiday', ke], ]), Re = new Map([ ['market', Ct.colorsPalette['color-market-open']], ['pre_market', Ct.colorsPalette['color-pre-market']], ['post_market', Ct.colorsPalette['color-post-market']], ['out_of_session', Ct.colorsPalette['color-market-closed']], ['holiday', Ct.colorsPalette['color-market-holiday']], ]), Ie = new Map([ ['market', [Ae]], ['pre_market', [Oe]], ['post_market', [Pe]], ['out_of_session', [Be]], ['holiday', [We]], ]), Fe = new Map([ ['market', null], ['pre_market', null], ['post_market', null], ['out_of_session', null], ['holiday', null], ]), Ge = window.t('You can turn this data on or off.'), Ue = (function (t) { function e(e, i, s) { var o = t.call(this, { tooltipMap: je, iconMap: De, classNameMap: ze, titleMap: Ne, titleColorMap: Re, htmlMap: Ie, actionMap: Fe, size: i, }) || this; return ( (o._options = s), (o._marketStatus = e.spawn()), o._marketStatus.subscribe(o._updateStatus.bind(o), { callWithLast: !0, }), o ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { this._marketStatus.destroy(); }), (e.prototype._getHtml = function (e) { return Object(s.__awaiter)(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var i; return Object(s.__generator)(this, function (s) { switch (s.label) { case 0: return [4, t.prototype._getHtml.call(this, e)]; case 1: return ( null !== (i = s.sent()) && (this._options.preMarketSolution || this._options.postMarketSolution) && ('pre_market' === e && this._options.preMarketSolution && i.push(Ge), 'post_market' === e && this._options.postMarketSolution && i.push(Ge)), [2, i] ); } }); }); }), (e.prototype._getAction = function (e) { return t.prototype._getAction.call(this, e); }), (e.prototype._updateStatus = function (t) { this._status.setValue(t); }), e ); })(ft); var Ke = (function () { function t(t, e) { var i = this; if ( ((this._size = f.trackingModeIsAvailable ? 'large' : 'medium'), (this._statusWidgetInfos = []), (this._renderer = new ge(this._size, { onClick: this._handleToggleDropdown.bind(this), })), (this._symbolInvalidShow = new P.a(!1)), (this._marketStatusShow = new P.a(!1)), (this._dataUpdatedModeShow = new P.a(!1)), (this._dataProblemShow = new P.a(!1)), (this._symbolInvalidVisibility = new P.a(!1)), (this._marketStatusVisibility = new P.a(!1)), (this._dataUpdatedModeVisibility = new P.a(!1)), (this._dataProblemVisibility = new P.a(!1)), (this._isDataProblemCritical = null), (this._container = document.createElement('div')), (this._menuOpened = !1), (this._menuPosition = null), (this._source = t), (this._options = e), this._options.sourceStatusesEnabled) ) { this._isSymbolInvalid = Object(gt.a)( t.isSymbolInvalid.bind(t), t.onStatusChanged(), ); var s = new oe(this._isSymbolInvalid, { tooltipMap: he, iconMap: ue, classNameMap: de, titleMap: ce, titleColorMap: pe, htmlMap: _e, actionMap: be, size: this._size, }), o = { visible: this._symbolInvalidVisibility, model: s }; this._statusWidgetInfos.push(o), this._renderer.addStatusModel(o), Object(N.a)( function () { return {}; }, this._symbolInvalidShow, s.visible(), ).subscribe(function () { i._symbolInvalidVisibility.setValue( i._symbolInvalidShow.value() && s.visible().value(), ); }); } if (this._options.marketStatusEnabled) { var n = t.marketStatusModel(); if (null !== n) { var l = new Ue( n.status(), this._size, this._options.marketStatus, ), a = { visible: this._marketStatusVisibility, model: l }; this._statusWidgetInfos.push(a), this._renderer.addStatusModel(a), Object(N.a)( function () { return {}; }, this._marketStatusShow, l.visible(), ).subscribe(function () { i._marketStatusVisibility.setValue( i._marketStatusShow.value() && l.visible().value(), ); }); } } if (this._options.dataUpdateModeEnabled) { var r = t.dataUpdatedModeModel(); if (null !== r) { var u = new qt(r, this._size, this._options.dataUpdateMode), d = { visible: this._dataUpdatedModeVisibility, model: u }; this._statusWidgetInfos.push(d), this._renderer.addStatusModel(d), Object(N.a)( function () { return {}; }, this._dataUpdatedModeShow, u.visible(), ).subscribe(function () { i._dataUpdatedModeVisibility.setValue( i._dataUpdatedModeShow.value() && u.visible().value(), ); }); } } if (this._options.dataUpdateModeEnabled) { var h = t.dataProblemModel(); if (null !== h) { var c = new se(h.status(), this._size); this._isDataProblemCritical = c.isDataProblemCritical().spawn(); d = { visible: this._dataProblemVisibility, model: c }; this._statusWidgetInfos.push(d), this._renderer.addStatusModel(d), Object(N.a)( function () { return {}; }, this._dataProblemShow, c.visible(), ).subscribe(function () { i._dataProblemVisibility.setValue( i._dataProblemShow.value() && c.visible().value(), ); }); } } this._addVisibilitySubscriptions(); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { var t; Object(tt.isStudy)(this._source) || this._source .properties() .symbol.listeners() .unsubscribeAll(this), this._options.sourceStatusesEnabled && this._isSymbolInvalid.destroy(), null === (t = this._isDataProblemCritical) || void 0 === t || t.destroy(); for (var e = 0, i = this._statusWidgetInfos; e < i.length; e++) { i[e].model.destroy(); } this._renderer.destroy(); }), (t.prototype.getElement = function () { return this._renderer.element; }), (t.prototype._addVisibilitySubscriptions = function () { var t; this._options.sourceStatusesEnabled && (this._isSymbolInvalid.subscribe( this._updateSymbolInvalidShow.bind(this), { callWithLast: !0 }, ), this._isSymbolInvalid.subscribe( this._updateForceStatusActive.bind(this), { callWithLast: !0 }, )), this._options.dataProblemEnabled && (null === (t = this._isDataProblemCritical) || void 0 === t || t.subscribe(this._updateForceStatusActive.bind(this))); }), (t.prototype._updateForceStatusActive = function () { var t = this._isForceStatusActive(); this._marketStatusShow.setValue(!t), this._dataUpdatedModeShow.setValue(!t), this._dataProblemShow.setValue( !this._isDataProblemShouldBeHide(), ); }), (t.prototype._isDataProblemShouldBeHide = function () { return this._isSymbolInvalid.value(); }), (t.prototype._isForceStatusActive = function () { var t, e; return ( this._isDataProblemShouldBeHide() || (null !== (e = null === (t = this._isDataProblemCritical) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.value()) && void 0 !== e && e) ); }), (t.prototype._updateSymbolInvalidShow = function (t) { this._symbolInvalidShow.setValue(t); }), (t.prototype._getWidgetsTooltip = function () { for ( var t = [], e = 0, i = this._statusWidgetInfos; e < i.length; e++ ) { var s = i[e]; if (s.visible.value()) { var o = s.model.tooltip().value(); null !== o && t.push(o); } } return t.join(', '); }), (t.prototype._updateDropdownMenu = function () { var t = this; Promise.all([ i.e('react'), i.e(2), i.e(23), i.e(89), i.e(1), i.e(10), i.e('full-tooltips-popup'), ]) .then(i.bind(null, 'vR7+')) .then(function (e) { e.render( t._menuOpened, t._container, t._renderer.element, t._statusWidgetInfos, t._handleDropdownMenuClose.bind(t), Object(o.ensureNotNull)(t._menuPosition), ); }); }), (t.prototype._handleDropdownMenuClose = function () { (this._menuOpened = !1), Object(tt.isStudy)(this._source) || this._source .properties() .symbol.listeners() .unsubscribeAll(this), this._updateDropdownMenu(); }), (t.prototype._handleToggleDropdown = function (t) { var e; (this._menuPosition = t), (this._menuOpened = !this._menuOpened), this._menuOpened && (Object(tt.isStudy)(this._source) || this._source .properties() .symbol.listeners() .subscribe(this, this._handleDropdownMenuClose), (e = 'Open full tooltip for statuses: ' + this._getWidgetsTooltip()), Object(St.trackEvent)('GUI', "Statuses widget's action", e)), this._updateDropdownMenu(); }), t ); })(), Xe = i('AH3n'), Ze = window.t('Replay mode'), qe = window.t( "You're in Replay mode. You're in Replay mode. You're in Replay mode.", ), Ye = (new Map([ [ !0, new Map([ ['medium', Xe], ['large', Xe], ]), ], [ !1, new Map([ ['medium', ''], ['large', ''], ]), ], ]), new Map([ [!0, yt.replayMode], [!1, null], ]), new Map([ [!0, Ze], [!1, null], ]), new Map([ [!0, Ze], [!1, null], ]), new Map([ [!0, Ct.colorsPalette['color-replay-mode']], [!1, null], ]), new Map([ [!0, [qe]], [!1, null], ]), new Map([ [!0, null], [!1, null], ]), (function (t) { function e(e, i, s) { var o = t.call(this, e, s) || this; return ( (o._isInReplay = new P.a(!1).readonly().spawn()), (o._isInReplayShow = new P.a(!1)), (o._isInReplayVisibility = new P.a(!1)), o ); } return ( Object(s.__extends)(e, t), (e.prototype.destroy = function () { t.prototype.destroy.call(this); }), (e.prototype._isDataProblemShouldBeHide = function () { var e, i; return ( t.prototype._isDataProblemShouldBeHide.call(this) || (null !== (i = null === (e = this._isInReplay) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.value()) && void 0 !== i && i) ); }), (e.prototype._updateIsInReplay = function (t) { this._isInReplayShow.setValue(t), this._updateForceStatusActive(); }), e ); })(Ke)), Je = i('7KDR'), Qe = i('5VQP'), $e = i('x2L+'), ti = i('MXV9'); function ei(t, e, i) { t.setProperty(e, !e.value(), i); } function ii(t, e, i, s, o) { return (function (t, e, i, s) { var o = [], n = t.model().properties().paneProperties.legendProperties; o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: n.showSeriesTitle.value(), label: si, statName: 'Show Symbol', onExecute: function () { return ei( t, n.showSeriesTitle, 'Change Symbol Description Visibility', ); }, }), ), e.showOpenMarketStatus && o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: $e.b.value(), label: oi, statName: 'Show Open market status', onExecute: function () { return ei(t, $e.b, 'Change open market status visibility'); }, }), ); o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: n.showSeriesOHLC.value(), label: ni, statName: 'Show OHLC Values', onExecute: function () { return ei(t, n.showSeriesOHLC, 'Change OHLC Values Visibility'); }, }), ), o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: n.showBarChange.value(), label: li, statName: 'Show Bar Change Values', onExecute: function () { return ei(t, n.showBarChange, 'Change Bar Change Visibility'); }, }), ), o.push(new Je.Separator()), o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: n.showStudyTitles.value(), label: ai, statName: 'Show Indicator Titles', onExecute: function () { return ei( t, n.showStudyTitles, 'Change Indicator Titles Visibility', ); }, }), ), o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: n.showStudyArguments.value(), label: ri, statName: 'Show Indicator Arguments', onExecute: function () { return ei( t, n.showStudyArguments, 'Change Indicator Arguments Visibility', ); }, }), ), o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: n.showStudyValues.value(), label: ui, statName: 'Show Indicator Values', onExecute: function () { return ei( t, n.showStudyValues, 'Change Indicator Values Visibility', ); }, }), ), hi || (o.push(new Je.Separator()), o.push( new Je.Action({ checkable: !0, checked: n.wrapText.value(), label: di, statName: 'Wrap Text', onExecute: function () { ei(t, n.wrapText, 'Change wrap text'), vi('Change wrap text ' + (n.wrapText ? 'on' : 'off')); }, }), )); e.settings && (o.push(new Je.Separator()), o.push( new Je.Action({ label: window.t('Settings...'), icon: ti, statName: 'Settings...', onExecute: function () { return i(j.TabNames.legend); }, }), )); return Qe.ContextMenuManager.createMenu(o, {}, s); })(t, e, i, o).then(function (t) { return t.show(s), t; }); } var si = window.t('Show Symbol'), oi = window.t('Show Open market status'), ni = window.t('Show OHLC Values'), li = window.t('Show Bar Change Values'), ai = window.t('Show Indicator Titles'), ri = window.t('Show Indicator Arguments'), ui = window.t('Show Indicator Values'), di = window.t('Wrap text'), hi = _.CheckMobile.any(); var ci = i('PoSe'), pi = i.n(ci); i('Vdly'); i.d(e, 'trackLegendEvent', function () { return vi; }), i.d(e, 'LegendWidget', function () { return gi; }); var _i = { readOnlyMode: !1, contextMenu: { settings: !0, mainSeries: !0, studies: !0, showOpenMarketStatus: !1, }, symbolMarkerEnabled: !1, showToggleButton: !0, canShowSourceCode: !1, statusesWidgets: { sourceStatusesEnabled: !1, marketStatusEnabled: !1, marketStatus: { preMarketSolution: !0, postMarketSolution: !0 }, dataUpdateMode: { subscriptionFullInfo: !0 }, dataUpdateModeEnabled: !0, dataProblemEnabled: !0, }, }, bi = (Z.enabled('hide_legend_by_default'), Z.enabled('fundamental_widget')), mi = Z.enabled('legend_context_menu'); function vi(t) { Object(St.trackEvent)('GUI', 'Legend action', t); } var gi = (function () { function t(t, e, i, o, n, l) { var a = this; (this._mainSeriesViewModel = null), (this._dataSourceViewModels = []), (this._visibleDataSourceCount = new P.a(0)), (this._themedColor = new P.a('')), (this._mainSeriesRowHidden = null), (this._dataSourceRowsHidden = []), (this._allLegendHidden = new P.a(!1)), (this._studiesLegendHidden = new P.a(!1)), (this._onLegendVisibilityToggled = null), (this._availableHeight = 0), (this._collapsedDataSourcesCount = new P.a(0)), (this._collapsedDataSourcesTitle = new P.a('')), (this._model = t), (this._paneWidget = e), (this._options = Object(vt.merge)(Object(vt.clone)(_i), n)), (this._callbacks = Object(s.__assign)(Object(s.__assign)({}, l), { showLegendWidgetContextMenu: this.onShowLegendWidgetContextMenu.bind( this, ), })), (this._mainSeriesViewModelsOptions = { readOnlyMode: this._options.readOnlyMode, symbolMarkerEnabled: this._options.symbolMarkerEnabled, }), (this._dataSourceViewModelsOptions = Object(s.__assign)( Object(s.__assign)({}, this._mainSeriesViewModelsOptions), { canShowSourceCode: this._options.canShowSourceCode }, )), (this._backgroundThemeName = i); var r = this._showLegendCalculatedProperty(); (this._isDataSourcesCollapsed = new P.a(r.value())), r.subscribe(this, function () { a._isDataSourcesCollapsed.setValue(r.value()); }); var u = new P.a(this._getCustomTextColorValue()); this._model .model() .properties() .scalesProperties.textColor.subscribe(this, function () { u.setValue(a._getCustomTextColorValue()); }); var d = this._model.model().properties().paneProperties .legendProperties.showBackground, h = new P.a(d.value()); d.subscribe(this, function () { h.setValue(d.value()); }); var c = this._model.model().properties().paneProperties .legendProperties.backgroundTransparency, p = new P.a(c.value()); c.subscribe(this, function () { p.setValue(c.value()); }); var _ = this._model.model().properties().paneProperties .legendProperties.wrapText; (this._wrapText = new P.a(_.value())), _.subscribe(this, function () { a._wrapText.setValue(_.value()), a._updateCollapsedSourcesMode(); }), (this._hideNotMainSources = o.spawn()), this._hideNotMainSources.subscribe( this._updateVisibilityNotMainSources.bind(this), ), (this._isPaneMain = new P.a(this._getIsPaneMainValue())), (this._updateCollapsedSourcesModeThrottle = pi()( this._updateCollapsedSourcesMode.bind(this), 100, )), (this._renderer = new A( { withActions: !this._options.readOnlyMode, showToggleButton: this._options.showToggleButton, isStudiesLegendHidden: this._studiesLegendHidden.readonly(), isAllLegendHidden: this._allLegendHidden.readonly(), customTextColor: u.readonly(), themedColor: this._themedColor.readonly(), showBackground: h.readonly(), backgroundTransparency: p.readonly(), wrapText: this._wrapText.readonly(), collapsedDataSourcesCount: this._collapsedDataSourcesCount.readonly(), collapsedDataSourcesTitle: this._collapsedDataSourcesTitle.readonly(), }, { visibleDataSourceCount: this._visibleDataSourceCount.readonly(), isDataSourcesCollapsed: this._isDataSourcesCollapsed.readonly(), showObjectsTree: this._isPaneMain.readonly(), onCollapseDataSources: this.onCollapseDataSources.bind(this), onShowObjectsTreeDialog: this._callbacks.showObjectsTreeDialog, }, )); } return ( (t.prototype.destroy = function () { this._hideNotMainSources.destroy(), null !== this._mainSeriesViewModel && this._mainSeriesViewModel.destroy(); for (var t = 0, e = this._dataSourceViewModels; t < e.length; t++) { e[t].destroy(); } this._clearVisibilitiesSubscriptions(), this._renderer.destroy(), delete this._renderer, this._showLegendCalculatedProperty().unsubscribeAll(this), this._showLegendOriginalProperty().unsubscribeAll(this), this._model .model() .properties() .scalesProperties.textColor.unsubscribeAll(this), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.showBackground.unsubscribeAll( this, ), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.backgroundTransparency.unsubscribeAll( this, ), this._model .model() .properties() .paneProperties.legendProperties.wrapText.unsubscribeAll(this); }), (t.prototype.onShowLegendWidgetContextMenu = function (t, e) { return mi ? ii( this._model, this._options.contextMenu, this._callbacks.showGeneralChartProperties, t, e, ) : Promise.resolve(null); }), (t.prototype.onCollapseDataSources = function () { var t = this._showLegendOriginalProperty(); t.setValue(!t.value()); }), (t.prototype.updateLayout = function () { var t = this._paneWidget .state() .orderedSources() .filter(function (t) { return null !== t.statusView(); }), e = this._model.mainSeries(), i = t.indexOf(e); i > -1 ? (t.splice(i, 1), bi || null !== this._mainSeriesViewModel || ((this._mainSeriesViewModel = new $( this._model, e, this._mainSeriesViewModelsOptions, this._callbacks, this._options.contextMenu, )), this._renderer.addMainDataSource( this._mainSeriesViewModel, new Ye( e, this._model.model(), this._options.statusesWidgets, ), ))) : null !== this._mainSeriesViewModel && (this._mainSeriesViewModel.destroy(), (this._mainSeriesViewModel = null)); var s = [], o = this._dataSourceViewModels.length; if (0 === o) for (var n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) s.push( new bt( this._model, t[n], this._dataSourceViewModelsOptions, this._callbacks, this._options.contextMenu, ), ); else { var l = 0; for (n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) this._dataSourceViewModels[l] ? this._dataSourceViewModels[l].updateSource(t[n]) : s.push( new bt( this._model, t[n], this._dataSourceViewModelsOptions, this._callbacks, this._options.contextMenu, ), ), l++; for (n = l; n < this._dataSourceViewModels.length; n++) this._dataSourceViewModels[n].destroy(); this._dataSourceViewModels.splice( l, this._dataSourceViewModels.length - l, ); } 0 !== s.length && (this._renderer.addDataSources(s), (this._dataSourceViewModels = this._dataSourceViewModels.concat( s, ))), o !== this._dataSourceViewModels.length && this._updateCollapsedSourcesMode(), this._recreateVisibilitiesSubscriptions(), this._isPaneMain.setValue(this._getIsPaneMainValue()), this.update(); }), (t.prototype.update = function () { null !== this._mainSeriesViewModel && this._mainSeriesViewModel.update(); for (var t = 0, e = this._dataSourceViewModels; t < e.length; t++) { e[t].update(); } }), (t.prototype.updateThemedColors = function (t) { null === t && (t = Object(mt.getStdThemedValue)( 'chartProperties.paneProperties.background', this._backgroundThemeName.value(), )), this._themedColor.setValue(t || ''); }), (t.prototype.dataSourceAtPoint = function (t, e) { return null; }), (t.prototype.firstTitle = function () { return this._renderer.firstTitle(); }), (t.prototype.getElement = function () { return this._renderer.getElement(); }), (t.prototype.updateWidgetModeBySize = function (t) { this._updateWidgetModeByWidth(t.w), this._updateWidgetModeByHeight(t.h); }), (t.prototype._updateWidgetModeByWidth = function (t) { this._renderer.updateMode(t); }), (t.prototype._updateWidgetModeByHeight = function (t) { (this._availableHeight = 0.9 * t), this._updateCollapsedSourcesModeThrottle(); }), (t.prototype._updateCollapsedSourcesMode = function () { var t = this._dataSourceViewModels.length; if (!this._wrapText.value() && this._availableHeight > 0 && t > 2) { var e = this._renderer.getMainSourceHeight(), i = this._renderer.getDataSourceHeight(); if (null !== e && null !== i) { var s = Math.floor((this._availableHeight - e) / i), o = Math.max(s, 2) - 1; if (t > o + 1) { for (var n = '', l = 0; l < t; l++) { var a = l < o; this._dataSourceViewModels[l].setGlobalVisibility(a), a || (n += (0 === n.length ? '' : ', ') + this._dataSourceViewModels[l].getFullTitle()); } return ( this._collapsedDataSourcesTitle.setValue(n), void this._collapsedDataSourcesCount.setValue(t - o) ); } } } for (var r = 0, u = this._dataSourceViewModels; r < u.length; r++) { u[r].setGlobalVisibility(!0); } this._collapsedDataSourcesCount.setValue(0), this._collapsedDataSourcesTitle.setValue(''); }), (t.prototype._getCustomTextColorValue = function () { var t = this._model .model() .properties() .scalesProperties.textColor.value(); return Object(mt.isStdThemedDefaultValue)( 'chartProperties.scalesProperties.textColor', t, Object(mt.getCurrentTheme)().name, ) ? null : t; }), (t.prototype._clearVisibilitiesSubscriptions = function () { null !== this._mainSeriesRowHidden && (this._mainSeriesRowHidden.destroy(), (this._mainSeriesRowHidden = null)); for (var t = 0, e = this._dataSourceRowsHidden; t < e.length; t++) { e[t].destroy(); } this._dataSourceRowsHidden = []; }), (t.prototype._recreateVisibilitiesSubscriptions = function () { this._clearVisibilitiesSubscriptions(), null !== this._mainSeriesViewModel && ((this._mainSeriesRowHidden = this._mainSeriesViewModel .isRowHidden() .spawn()), this._mainSeriesRowHidden.subscribe( this._updateLegendVisibilities.bind(this), )); for (var t = 0, e = this._dataSourceViewModels; t < e.length; t++) { var i = e[t]; this._dataSourceRowsHidden.push(i.isRowHidden().spawn()); } for (var s = 0, o = this._dataSourceRowsHidden; s < o.length; s++) { var n = o[s]; n.subscribe(this._updateVisibleDataSourceCount.bind(this)), n.subscribe(this._updateLegendVisibilities.bind(this)); } this._updateVisibleDataSourceCount(), this._updateLegendVisibilities(); }), (t.prototype._updateLegendVisibilities = function () { var t = this._dataSourceRowsHidden.every(function (t) { return t.value(); }), e = this._hideNotMainSources.value() || t; this._studiesLegendHidden.setValue(e); var i = null === this._mainSeriesRowHidden || this._mainSeriesRowHidden.value(); this._allLegendHidden.setValue(t && i); }), (t.prototype._updateVisibleDataSourceCount = function () { var t = this._dataSourceRowsHidden.filter(function (t) { return !t.value(); }).length; this._visibleDataSourceCount.setValue(t); }), (t.prototype._setLegendVisibilityToggled = function () {}), (t.prototype._getIsPaneMainValue = function () { return this._paneWidget.containsMainSeries(); }), (t.prototype._updateVisibilityNotMainSources = function () { this._updateLegendVisibilities(), this._hideNotMainSources.value() || this._updateCollapsedSourcesMode(); }), (t.prototype._showLegendCalculatedProperty = function () { return this._showLegendOriginalProperty(); }), (t.prototype._showLegendOriginalProperty = function () { return this._model.model().properties().paneProperties .legendProperties.showLegend; }), t ); })(); }, vWJB: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, vYP1: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, vg09: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, z4c1: function (t, e) { t.exports = ''; }, }, ]);