(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['drawing-toolbar'], { '/KDZ': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return a; }); var n = o('mrSG'), i = o('q1tI'), a = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._handleChange = function () { o.forceUpdate(); }), (o.state = { query: window.matchMedia(o.props.rule) }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this._subscribe(this.state.query); }), (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (e, t) { this.state.query !== t.query && (this._unsubscribe(t.query), this._subscribe(this.state.query)); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this._unsubscribe(this.state.query); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { return this.props.children(this.state.query.matches); }), (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function (e, t) { return e.rule !== t.query.media ? { query: window.matchMedia(e.rule) } : null; }), (t.prototype._subscribe = function (e) { e.addListener(this._handleChange); }), (t.prototype._unsubscribe = function (e) { e.removeListener(this._handleChange); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent); }, '11r7': function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { item: 'item-19VSB8co', label: 'label-1NuMQGIE' }; }, '1TxM': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'c', function () { return s; }), o.d(t, 'a', function () { return c; }), o.d(t, 'b', function () { return u; }); var n = o('q1tI'), i = o.n(n), a = o('17x9'), r = o.n(a), l = i.a.createContext({}); function s(e, t) { r.a.checkPropTypes(t, e, 'context', 'RegistryContext'); } function c(e) { var t = e.validation, o = e.value; return s(o, t), i.a.createElement(l.Provider, { value: o }, e.children); } function u() { return l; } }, '5f7t': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.r(t); var n = o('mrSG'), i = o('q1tI'), a = o.n(i), r = o('i8i4'), l = o('Eyy1'), s = (o('YFKU'), o('bf9a'), o('TSYQ')), c = o.n(s), u = o('Vdly'), d = o('Kxc7'), p = o('mMWL'), m = o('zL3Q'), h = o('FQhm'), b = o('aIyQ'), v = o.n(b), f = o('qFKp'), g = (o('mNbo'), o('MP+M')), _ = (function () { function e(e) { this._drawingsAccess = e || { tools: [], type: 'black' }; } return ( (e.prototype.isToolEnabled = function (e) { var t = this._findTool(e); return ( !(!t || !t.grayed) || ('black' === this._drawingsAccess.type ? !t : !!t) ); }), (e.prototype.isToolGrayed = function (e) { var t = this._findTool(e); return Boolean(t && t.grayed); }), (e.prototype._findTool = function (e) { return this._drawingsAccess.tools.find(function (t) { return t.name === e; }); }), e ); })(), w = o('/3z9'), y = o('+GxX'), T = [ { id: 'linetool-group-cursors', title: window.t('Cursors'), items: [ { name: 'cursor' }, { name: 'dot' }, { name: 'arrow' }, { name: 'eraser' }, ], }, { id: 'linetool-group-trend-line', title: window.t('Trend Line Tools'), items: [ { name: 'LineToolTrendLine', hotkeyHash: w.Modifiers.Alt + 84 }, { name: 'LineToolInfoLine' }, { name: 'LineToolTrendAngle' }, null, { name: 'LineToolHorzLine', hotkeyHash: w.Modifiers.Alt + 72 }, { name: 'LineToolHorzRay' }, { name: 'LineToolVertLine', hotkeyHash: w.Modifiers.Alt + 86 }, { name: 'LineToolCrossLine', hotkeyHash: w.Modifiers.Alt + 67 }, { name: 'LineToolArrow' }, { name: 'LineToolRay' }, { name: 'LineToolExtended' }, { name: 'LineToolParallelChannel' }, { name: 'LineToolDisjointAngle' }, { name: 'LineToolFlatBottom' }, null, ].filter(Boolean), }, { id: 'linetool-group-gann-and-fibonacci', title: window.t('Gann and Fibonacci Tools'), items: [ { name: 'LineToolPitchfork' }, { name: 'LineToolSchiffPitchfork2' }, { name: 'LineToolSchiffPitchfork', }, { name: 'LineToolInsidePitchfork' }, { name: 'LineToolPitchfan' }, { name: 'LineToolGannSquare' }, { name: 'LineToolGannComplex' }, { name: 'LineToolGannFixed' }, { name: 'LineToolGannFan' }, { name: 'LineToolFibRetracement', hotkeyHash: w.Modifiers.Alt + 70, }, { name: 'LineToolTrendBasedFibExtension' }, { name: 'LineToolFibSpeedResistanceFan' }, { name: 'LineToolFibTimeZone' }, { name: 'LineToolTrendBasedFibTime' }, { name: 'LineToolFibCircles' }, { name: 'LineToolFibSpiral' }, { name: 'LineToolFibSpeedResistanceArcs' }, { name: 'LineToolFibWedge' }, { name: 'LineToolFibChannel' }, ], }, { id: 'linetool-group-geometric-shapes', title: window.t('Geometric Shapes'), items: [ { name: 'LineToolBrush' }, { name: 'LineToolRectangle' }, { name: 'LineToolRotatedRectangle' }, { name: 'LineToolEllipse' }, { name: 'LineToolTriangle' }, { name: 'LineToolPolyline' }, { name: 'LineToolBezierQuadro' }, { name: 'LineToolBezierCubic' }, { name: 'LineToolArc' }, ], }, { id: 'linetool-group-annotation', title: window.t('Annotation Tools'), items: [ { name: 'LineToolText' }, { name: 'LineToolTextAbsolute' }, { name: 'LineToolNote' }, { name: 'LineToolNoteAbsolute' }, { name: 'LineToolCallout' }, { name: 'LineToolBalloon' }, { name: 'LineToolPriceLabel' }, { name: 'LineToolArrowMarker' }, { name: 'LineToolArrowMarkLeft' }, { name: 'LineToolArrowMarkRight' }, { name: 'LineToolArrowMarkUp' }, { name: 'LineToolArrowMarkDown' }, { name: 'LineToolFlagMark' }, ], }, { id: 'linetool-group-patterns', title: window.t('Patterns'), items: [ { name: 'LineTool5PointsPattern' }, { name: 'LineToolCypherPattern' }, { name: 'LineToolABCD' }, { name: 'LineToolTrianglePattern' }, { name: 'LineToolThreeDrivers' }, { name: 'LineToolHeadAndShoulders' }, { name: 'LineToolElliottImpulse' }, { name: 'LineToolElliottTriangle' }, { name: 'LineToolElliottTripleCombo' }, { name: 'LineToolElliottCorrection' }, { name: 'LineToolElliottDoubleCombo' }, { name: 'LineToolCircleLines' }, { name: 'LineToolTimeCycles' }, { name: 'LineToolSineLine' }, ], }, { id: 'linetool-group-prediction-and-measurement', title: window.t('Prediction and Measurement Tools'), items: [ { name: 'LineToolRiskRewardLong' }, { name: 'LineToolRiskRewardShort' }, { name: 'LineToolPrediction' }, { name: 'LineToolDateRange' }, { name: 'LineToolPriceRange' }, { name: 'LineToolDateAndPriceRange' }, { name: 'LineToolBarsPattern' }, Object(y.isFeatureEnabled)('remove-line-tool-ghost-feed') ? null : { name: 'LineToolGhostFeed' }, { name: 'LineToolProjection' }, ].filter(Boolean), }, ], C = o('OiSa'), k = o('XmVn'), S = o('Iivm'), O = o('beCu'), E = o('j1f4'), M = o('uJ8n'), D = o('Vike'), N = { isVisibleScrollbar: !0 }, L = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._scroll = null), (o._handleScrollTop = function () { o.animateTo( Math.max(0, o.currentPosition() - (o.state.heightWrap - 50)), ); }), (o._handleScrollBot = function () { o.animateTo( Math.min( (o.state.heightContent || 0) - (o.state.heightWrap || 0), o.currentPosition() + (o.state.heightWrap - 50), ), ); }), (o._handleResizeWrap = function (e) { var t = e.height; o.setState({ heightWrap: t }); }), (o._handleResizeContent = function (e) { var t = e.height; o.setState({ heightContent: t }); }), (o._handleScroll = function () { var e = o.props.onScroll; e && e(o.currentPosition(), o.isAtTop(), o.isAtBot()), o._checkButtonsVisibility(); }), (o._checkButtonsVisibility = function () { var e = o.state, t = e.isVisibleTopButton, n = e.isVisibleBotButton, i = o.isAtTop(), a = o.isAtBot(); i || t ? i && t && o.setState({ isVisibleTopButton: !1 }) : o.setState({ isVisibleTopButton: !0 }), a || n ? a && n && o.setState({ isVisibleBotButton: !1 }) : o.setState({ isVisibleBotButton: !0 }); }), (o.state = { heightContent: 0, heightWrap: 0, isVisibleBotButton: !1, isVisibleTopButton: !1, }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this._checkButtonsVisibility(); }), (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (e, t) { (t.heightWrap === this.state.heightWrap && t.heightContent === this.state.heightContent) || this._handleScroll(); }), (t.prototype.currentPosition = function () { return this._scroll ? this._scroll.scrollTop : 0; }), (t.prototype.isAtTop = function () { return this.currentPosition() <= 1; }), (t.prototype.isAtBot = function () { return ( this.currentPosition() + this.state.heightWrap >= this.state.heightContent - 1 ); }), (t.prototype.animateTo = function (e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = E.dur); var o = this._scroll; o && Object(O.doAnimate)({ onStep: function (e, t) { o.scrollTop = t; }, from: o.scrollTop, to: Math.round(e), easing: E.easingFunc.easeInOutCubic, duration: t, }); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t, o, n, i, r = this, l = this.props, s = l.children, u = l.isVisibleScrollbar, d = l.isVisibleFade, p = l.isVisibleButtons, m = l.onMouseOver, h = l.onMouseOut, b = this.state, v = b.heightContent, f = b.heightWrap, g = b.isVisibleBotButton, _ = b.isVisibleTopButton; return a.a.createElement( k, { whitelist: ['height'], onMeasure: this._handleResizeWrap }, a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: M.wrap, onMouseOver: m, onMouseOut: h }, a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: c()( M.scrollWrap, ((e = {}), (e[M.noScrollBar] = !u), e), ), onScroll: this._handleScroll, ref: function (e) { return (r._scroll = e); }, }, a.a.createElement( k, { onMeasure: this._handleResizeContent, whitelist: ['height'], }, a.a.createElement('div', { className: M.content }, s), ), ), d && a.a.createElement('div', { className: c()( M.fadeTop, ((t = {}), (t[M.isVisible] = _ && v > f), t), ), }), d && a.a.createElement('div', { className: c()( M.fadeBot, ((o = {}), (o[M.isVisible] = g && v > f), o), ), }), p && a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: c()( M.scrollTop, ((n = {}), (n[M.isVisible] = _ && v > f), n), ), onClick: this._handleScrollTop, }, a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: M.iconWrap }, a.a.createElement(S.Icon, { icon: D, className: M.icon, }), ), ), p && a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: c()( M.scrollBot, ((i = {}), (i[M.isVisible] = g && v > f), i), ), onClick: this._handleScrollBot, }, a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: M.iconWrap }, a.a.createElement(S.Icon, { icon: D, className: M.icon, }), ), ), ), ); }), (t.defaultProps = N), t ); })(a.a.PureComponent), j = o('lxNp'), A = o('tWVy'), x = o('wZIs'), B = [ 61536, 61537, 61538, 61539, 61725, 61726, 61575, 61576, 61796, 61797, 61779, 61780, 61781, 61782, 61783, 61784, 61785, 61786, 61440, 61441, 61442, 61444, 61445, 61446, 61447, 61448, 61452, 61453, 61454, 61456, 61457, 61458, 61459, 61460, 61461, 61463, 61464, 61466, 61467, 61469, 61470, 61473, 61475, 61476, 61488, 61502, 61504, 61505, 61507, 61510, 61523, 61524, 61525, 61526, 61527, 61528, 61529, 61530, 61531, 61532, 61533, 61534, 61540, 61541, 61542, 61543, 61544, 61545, 61546, 61547, 61548, 61550, 61552, 61553, 61554, 61555, 61557, 61558, 61559, 61560, 61565, 61566, 61568, 61572, 61574, 61578, 61588, 61597, 61601, 61602, 61603, 61604, 61605, 61606, 61607, 61608, 61609, 61610, 61611, 61616, 61617, 61635, 61648, 61649, 61654, 61655, 61656, 61657, 61658, 61659, 61666, 61667, 61669, 61670, 61671, 61672, 61673, 61675, 61681, 61682, 61683, 61684, 61696, 61697, 61698, 61699, 61700, 61701, 61702, 61703, 61704, 61705, 61706, 61707, 61712, 61713, 61714, 61715, 61720, 61721, 61722, 61731, 61732, 61736, 61737, 61738, 61746, 61747, 61748, 61749, 61751, 61752, 61753, 61754, 61757, 61758, 61760, 61764, 61768, 61769, 61770, 61771, 61772, 61773, 61774, 61776, 61777, 61778, 61799, 61811, 61812, 61813, 61814, 61815, 61816, 61817, 61818, 61819, 61820, 61821, 61826, 61827, 61828, 61829, 61830, 61831, 61832, 61836, 61838, 61840, 61842, 61845, ], P = o('9dlw'), W = o('QpNh'), I = o('gb5g'); function V(e) { var t, o = e.id, a = e.activeClass, r = e.children, l = e.className, c = e.icon, u = e.isActive, d = e.isGrayed, p = e.isHidden, m = e.isTransparent, h = e.theme, b = void 0 === h ? I : h, v = e.onClick, f = e.title, g = e.buttonHotKey; return i.createElement( 'div', Object(n.__assign)( { id: o, className: s( b.button, l, u && a, ((t = {}), (t['apply-common-tooltip common-tooltip-vertical'] = Boolean( f, )), (t[b.isActive] = u), (t[b.isGrayed] = d), (t[b.isHidden] = p), (t[b.isTransparent] = m), t), ), onClick: v, title: f, 'data-role': 'button', 'data-tooltip-hotkey': g, }, Object(W.a)(e), ), i.createElement( 'div', { className: b.bg }, c && ('string' == typeof c ? i.createElement(S.Icon, { className: b.icon, icon: c }) : i.createElement('span', { className: b.icon }, c)), r, ), ); } var F = o('Sn4D'), R = o('hn2c'), z = o('KmEK'), G = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._toggleDropdown = function (e) { o.setState({ isOpened: void 0 !== e ? e : !o.state.isOpened }); }), (o._handleClose = function () { o._toggleDropdown(!1); }), (o._getDropdownPosition = function () { if (!o._control) return { x: 0, y: 0 }; var e = o._control.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: e.left + e.width + 1, y: e.top - 6 }; }), (o._handleClickArrow = function () { o._toggleDropdown(); }), (o._handleTouchStart = function () { o.props.onClickButton(), o._toggleDropdown(); }), (o._handlePressStart = function () { if (Modernizr.mobiletouch && !o.props.checkable) o._longPressDelay || o.props.onClickButton(); else { if (o._doubleClickDelay) return ( clearTimeout(o._doubleClickDelay), delete o._doubleClickDelay, void o._toggleDropdown(!0) ); o._doubleClickDelay = setTimeout(function () { delete o._doubleClickDelay, o._longPressDelay || o.props.onClickButton(); }, 175); } o._longPressDelay = setTimeout(function () { delete o._longPressDelay, o._toggleDropdown(!0); }, 300); }), (o._handlePressEnd = function () { o._longPressDelay && (clearTimeout(o._longPressDelay), delete o._longPressDelay, o.state.isOpened ? o._toggleDropdown(!1) : o.props.checkable || o.state.isOpened || !o.props.isActive || Modernizr.mobiletouch ? o._doubleClickDelay || o.props.onClickButton() : o._toggleDropdown(!0)); }), (o.state = { isOpened: !1 }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t = this, o = this.props, a = o.buttonActiveClass, r = o.buttonClass, l = o.buttonIcon, c = o.buttonTitle, u = o.buttonHotKey, d = o.dropdownTooltip, p = o.children, m = o.isActive, h = o.isGrayed, b = o.onClickWhenGrayed, v = o.checkable, f = o.isSmallTablet, g = this.state.isOpened, _ = Object(W.a)(this.props); return i.createElement( 'div', { className: s( z.dropdown, ((e = {}), (e[z.isGrayed] = h), (e[z.isActive] = m), (e[z.isOpened] = g), e), ), onClick: h ? b : void 0, }, i.createElement( 'div', Object(n.__assign)({}, _, { ref: function (e) { return (t._control = e); }, className: z.control, }), i.createElement( 'div', { className: s(z.buttonWrap, { 'apply-common-tooltip common-tooltip-vertical': Boolean( c || u, ), }), 'data-tooltip-hotkey': u, 'data-tooltip-delay': 1500, 'data-role': 'button', title: c, onMouseDown: h || Modernizr.mobiletouch ? void 0 : this._handlePressStart, onMouseUp: h || Modernizr.mobiletouch ? void 0 : this._handlePressEnd, onTouchStart: !h && v && Modernizr.mobiletouch ? this._handlePressStart : void 0, onTouchEnd: !h && v && Modernizr.mobiletouch ? this._handlePressEnd : void 0, onClick: h || v || !Modernizr.mobiletouch ? void 0 : this._handleTouchStart, }, i.createElement(V, { activeClass: a, className: r, icon: l, isActive: m, isGrayed: h, isTransparent: !v, }), ), !h && !Modernizr.mobiletouch && i.createElement( 'div', { className: s( z.arrow, d && 'apply-common-tooltip common-tooltip-vertical', ), title: d, onClick: this._handleClickArrow, 'data-role': 'menu-handle', }, i.createElement(S.Icon, { className: z.arrowIcon, icon: R, }), ), ), !h && (f ? g && i.createElement( F.a, { onClose: this._handleClose, position: 'Bottom' }, p, ) : i.createElement( P.a, { doNotCloseOn: this, isOpened: g, onClose: this._handleClose, position: this._getDropdownPosition, }, p, )), ); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent), H = o('KKsp'), U = o('EA32'), q = { icon: window.t('Icon'), dropdownTooltip: window.t('Icons') }, K = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._renderItem = function (e, t) { var n = o.props.isSmallTablet, a = c()( U.item, n && U.smallTablet, t && n && o.state.isActive && e === o.state.current && U.active, ); return i.createElement( 'div', { className: a, key: e, onClick: function () { o._handleSelect(e), Object(A.b)(); }, }, String.fromCharCode(e), ); }), (o._onChangeDrawingState = function () { o.setState({ isActive: o._isActive() }); }), (o._handleSelect = function (e) { Object(x.saveDefaults)( 'linetoolicon', Object(n.__assign)( Object(n.__assign)({}, Object(x.defaults)('linetoolicon')), { icon: e }, ), ), p.tool.setValue('LineToolIcon'); var t = o.state.recents, i = t.indexOf(e); -1 !== i && t.splice(i, 1), (t = Object(n.__spreadArrays)([e], t.slice(0, 9))), Object(u.setJSON)('linetoolicon.recenticons', t), o.setState({ current: e, recents: t }); }), (o.state = { current: Object(x.defaults)('linetoolicon').icon, recents: Object(u.getJSON)('linetoolicon.recenticons') || [], }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { p.tool.subscribe(this._onChangeDrawingState), u.onSync.subscribe(this, this._onSyncSettings); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { p.tool.unsubscribe(this._onChangeDrawingState), u.onSync.unsubscribe(this, this._onSyncSettings); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = this.props, o = t.isGrayed, a = t.toolName, r = t.isSmallTablet, l = this.state, s = l.current, u = l.isActive, d = l.recents, p = Object(W.a)(this.props), m = c()(U.wrap, r && U.smallTablet); return i.createElement( G, Object(n.__assign)( { buttonClass: U.button, buttonIcon: i.createElement( 'div', { className: U.buttonIcon }, String.fromCharCode(s || B[0]), ), buttonTitle: q.icon, dropdownTooltip: q.dropdownTooltip, isActive: u, isGrayed: o, isSmallTablet: r, onClickButton: function () { return e._handleSelect(s || B[0]); }, onClickWhenGrayed: function () { return Object(h.emit)('onGrayedObjectClicked', { type: 'drawing', name: g.a[a].localizedName, }); }, }, p, ), d && i.createElement( i.Fragment, null, r && i.createElement( 'div', { className: U.title }, window.t('Recently used'), ), i.createElement( 'div', { className: m }, d.map(function (t) { return e._renderItem(t, !0); }), ), i.createElement(H.a, { className: c()(r && U.separator) }), ), i.createElement( 'div', { key: 'all', className: m }, B.map(function (t) { return e._renderItem(t); }), ), ); }), (t.prototype._isActive = function () { return p.tool.value() === this.props.toolName; }), (t.prototype._onSyncSettings = function () { this.setState({ recents: Object(u.getJSON)('linetoolicon.recenticons'), }); }), t ); })(i.Component), Q = o('Ocx9'), X = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._handleClick = function () { o.props.saveDefaultOnChange && Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!0); var e = !o.props.property.value(); o.props.property.setValue(e), o.props.saveDefaultOnChange && Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!1), o.props.onClick && o.props.onClick(e); }), (o.state = { isActive: o.props.property.value() }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this.props.property.subscribe(this, this._onChange); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.props.property.unsubscribe(this, this._onChange); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.toolName, t = this.state.isActive, o = g.a[e]; return i.createElement(V, { icon: t && o.iconActive ? o.iconActive : o.icon, isActive: t, onClick: this._handleClick, title: o.localizedName, 'data-name': e, }); }), (t.prototype._onChange = function (e) { this.setState({ isActive: e.value() }); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent), Y = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._handleClick = function () { p.tool.setValue(o.props.toolName); }), (o._onChange = function () { o.setState({ isActive: p.tool.value() === o.props.toolName }); }), (o.state = { isActive: p.tool.value() === o.props.toolName }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { p.tool.subscribe(this._onChange); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { p.tool.unsubscribe(this._onChange); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.toolName, t = this.state.isActive, o = g.a[e]; return i.createElement(V, { icon: g.a[e].icon, isActive: t, isTransparent: !0, onClick: this._handleClick, title: o.localizedName, buttonHotKey: o.hotKey, 'data-name': e, }); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent); function J(e) { var t = e.id, o = e.action, n = e.isActive, a = e.isHidden, r = e.isTransparent, l = e.toolName; return i.createElement(V, { id: t, icon: g.a[l].icon, isActive: n, isHidden: a, isTransparent: r, onClick: o, title: g.a[l].localizedName, 'data-name': l, }); } var Z, $ = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._boundUndoModel = null), (o._handleClick = function () { var e = o._activeChartWidget().model(); e && e.zoomFromViewport(); }), (o._syncUnzoomButton = function () { var e = o._activeChartWidget(), t = e.model(), n = !1; t ? (o._boundUndoModel !== t && (o._boundUndoModel && o._boundUndoModel .zoomStack() .onChange() .unsubscribe(null, o._syncUnzoomButton), t .zoomStack() .onChange() .subscribe(null, o._syncUnzoomButton), (o._boundUndoModel = t)), (n = !t.zoomStack().isEmpty())) : e.withModel(null, o._syncUnzoomButton), o.setState({ isVisible: n }); }), (o.state = { isVisible: !1 }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { this.props.chartWidgetCollection.activeChartWidget.subscribe( this._syncUnzoomButton, { callWithLast: !0 }, ); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.props.chartWidgetCollection.activeChartWidget.unsubscribe( this._syncUnzoomButton, ); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { return this.state.isVisible ? i.createElement(J, { action: this._handleClick, isTransparent: !0, toolName: 'zoom-out', }) : i.createElement('div', null); }), (t.prototype._activeChartWidget = function () { return this.props.chartWidgetCollection.activeChartWidget.value(); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent), ee = o('b2d7'), te = o('pr86'), oe = o('N5tr'), ne = o('dhVi'), ie = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; (o._onChangeDrawingState = function () { var e = o._getActiveToolIndex(); o.setState({ current: -1 !== e ? e : o.state.current, isActive: -1 !== e, }); }), (o._handleClickButton = function () { if (!f.CheckMobile.any()) { var e = o._getCurrentToolName(); o._selectTool(e); } }), (o._handleClickItem = function (e) { o._selectTool(e); }), (o._handleGrayedClick = function (e) { Object(h.emit)('onGrayedObjectClicked', { type: 'drawing', name: g.a[e].localizedName, }); }), (o._handleClickFavorite = function (e) { o.state.favState && o.state.favState[e] ? ee.a.removeFavorite(e) : ee.a.addFavorite(e); }), (o._onAddFavorite = function (e) { var t; o.setState({ favState: Object(n.__assign)( Object(n.__assign)({}, o.state.favState), ((t = {}), (t[e] = !0), t), ), }); }), (o._onRemoveFavorite = function (e) { var t; o.setState({ favState: Object(n.__assign)( Object(n.__assign)({}, o.state.favState), ((t = {}), (t[e] = !1), t), ), }); }), (o._onSyncFavorites = function () { o.setState({ favState: o._composeFavState() }); }); var i = o._getActiveToolIndex(); return ( (o.state = { current: -1 === i ? o._firstNonGrayedTool() : i, favState: o._composeFavState(), isActive: -1 !== i, }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { p.tool.subscribe(this._onChangeDrawingState), ee.a.favoriteAdded.subscribe(null, this._onAddFavorite), ee.a.favoriteRemoved.subscribe(null, this._onRemoveFavorite), ee.a.favoritesSynced.subscribe(null, this._onSyncFavorites); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { p.tool.unsubscribe(this._onChangeDrawingState), ee.a.favoriteAdded.unsubscribe(null, this._onAddFavorite), ee.a.favoriteRemoved.unsubscribe(null, this._onRemoveFavorite), ee.a.favoritesSynced.unsubscribe(null, this._onSyncFavorites); }), (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (e, t) { e.lineTools !== this.props.lineTools && this.setState({ favState: this._composeFavState() }); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this, t = this.props, o = t.favoriting, a = t.grayedTools, r = t.lineTools, l = t.dropdownTooltip, s = t.isSmallTablet, c = this.state, u = c.current, d = c.favState, p = c.isActive, m = this._getCurrentToolName(), h = g.a[m], b = this._showShortcuts(), v = Object(W.a)(this.props); return i.createElement( 'span', null, i.createElement( G, Object(n.__assign)( { buttonIcon: h.icon, buttonTitle: h.localizedName, buttonHotKey: h.hotKey, dropdownTooltip: l, isActive: p, onClickButton: this._handleClickButton, isSmallTablet: s, }, v, ), r.map(function (t, n) { var r = t.name, l = g.a[r], c = a[r]; return i.createElement(oe.b, { key: r, 'data-name': t.name, theme: s ? ne.a : void 0, dontClosePopup: c, forceShowShortcuts: b, shortcut: !s && t.hotkeyHash ? Object(w.humanReadableHash)(t.hotkeyHash) : void 0, icon: l.icon, isActive: p && u === n, appearAsDisabled: c, label: l.localizedName, onClick: c ? e._handleGrayedClick : e._handleClickItem, onClickArg: r, showToolboxOnHover: !d[r], toolbox: o && !c ? i.createElement(te.a, { isActive: p && u === n, isFilled: d[r], onClick: function () { return e._handleClickFavorite(r); }, }) : void 0, }); }), ), ); }), (t.prototype._getCurrentToolName = function () { var e = this.state.current; return this.props.lineTools[e || 0].name; }), (t.prototype._firstNonGrayedTool = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.grayedTools; return e.lineTools.findIndex(function (e) { return !t[e.name]; }); }), (t.prototype._getActiveToolIndex = function () { return this.props.lineTools.findIndex(function (e) { return e.name === p.tool.value(); }); }), (t.prototype._showShortcuts = function () { return this.props.lineTools.some(function (e) { return 'shortcut' in e; }); }), (t.prototype._selectTool = function (e) { p.tool.setValue(e); }), (t.prototype._composeFavState = function () { var e = {}; return ( this.props.lineTools.forEach(function (t) { e[t.name] = ee.a.isFavorite(t.name); }), e ); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent), ae = o('PC8g'), re = o('nPPD'), le = o('11r7'), se = Object(re.a)(oe.a, le), ce = { all: window.t('Remove Drawings & Indicators'), drawings: window.t('Remove Drawings'), studies: window.t('Remove Indicators'), }, ue = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._handleRemoveToolClick = function () { Modernizr.mobiletouch || t._handleRemoveDrawings(); }), (t._handleRemoveDrawings = function () { Object(ae.trackEvent)( 'GUI', 'Chart Left Toolbar', 'remove drawing', ), t.props.chartWidgetCollection.activeChartWidget .value() .removeAllDrawingTools(); }), (t._handleRemoveStudies = function () { Object(ae.trackEvent)( 'GUI', 'Chart Left Toolbar', 'remove indicator', ), t.props.chartWidgetCollection.activeChartWidget .value() .removeAllStudies(); }), (t._handleRemoveAll = function () { Object(ae.trackEvent)( 'GUI', 'Chart Left Toolbar', 'remove all', ), t.props.chartWidgetCollection.activeChartWidget .value() .removeAllStudiesDrawingTools(); }), t ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.isSmallTablet ? se : void 0; return i.createElement( G, { buttonIcon: g.a[this.props.toolName].icon, buttonTitle: ce.drawings, onClickButton: this._handleRemoveToolClick, isSmallTablet: this.props.isSmallTablet, 'data-name': this.props.toolName, }, i.createElement(oe.b, { 'data-name': 'remove-drawing-tools', label: ce.drawings, onClick: this._handleRemoveDrawings, theme: e, }), i.createElement(oe.b, { 'data-name': 'remove-studies', label: ce.studies, onClick: this._handleRemoveStudies, theme: e, }), i.createElement(oe.b, { 'data-name': 'remove-all', label: ce.all, onClick: this._handleRemoveAll, theme: e, }), ); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent), de = o('g5Qf'), pe = o('85c9'), me = window.t('Show Favorite Drawing Tools Toolbar'), he = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._instance = null), (t._promise = null), (t._bindedForceUpdate = function () { return t.forceUpdate(); }), (t._handleClick = function () { null !== t._instance && (t._instance.isVisible() ? t._instance.hide() : t._instance.show()); }), t ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e = this, t = (this._promise = Object(l.ensureNotNull)( Object(de.getFavoriteDrawingToolbarPromise)(), )); t.then(function (o) { e._promise === t && ((e._instance = o), e._instance.canBeShown().subscribe(e._bindedForceUpdate), e._instance.visibility().subscribe(e._bindedForceUpdate), e.forceUpdate()); }); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { (this._promise = null), null !== this._instance && (this._instance .canBeShown() .unsubscribe(this._bindedForceUpdate), this._instance .visibility() .unsubscribe(this._bindedForceUpdate), (this._instance = null)); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { return null !== this._instance && this._instance.canBeShown().value() ? i.createElement(V, { id: this.props.id, icon: pe, isActive: this._instance.isVisible(), onClick: this._handleClick, title: me, }) : null; }), t ); })(i.PureComponent), be = o('Ijvb'), ve = o('4o++'); !(function (e) { (e.Screenshot = 'drawing-toolbar-screenshot'), (e.FavoriteDrawings = 'drawing-toolbar-favorite-drawings'), (e.ObjectTree = 'drawing-toolbar-object-tree'); })(Z || (Z = {})); var fe = o('8d0Q'), ge = o('XAms'), _e = o('7RN7'), we = o('X0gx'), ye = o('Wz44'), Te = ye, Ce = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'; function ke(e) { var t = e.direction, o = e.theme, n = void 0 === o ? ye : o; return i.createElement( 'svg', { xmlns: Ce, width: '9', height: '27', viewBox: '0 0 9 27', className: s(n.container, 'right' === t ? n.mirror : null), onContextMenu: ge.a, }, i.createElement( 'g', { fill: 'none', fillRule: 'evenodd' }, i.createElement('path', { className: n.background, d: 'M4.5.5a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v18a4 4 0 1 1-8 0v-18a4 4 0 0 1 4-4z', }), i.createElement('path', { className: n.arrow, d: 'M5.5 10l-2 3.5 2 3.5', }), ), ); } var Se = o('ybOa'), Oe = Object(re.a)(Te, Se), Ee = { hide: window.t('Hide Drawings Toolbar'), show: window.t('Show Drawings Toolbar'), }, Me = (function (e) { function t() { var t = (null !== e && e.apply(this, arguments)) || this; return ( (t._toggleVisibility = function () { C.isDrawingToolbarVisible.setValue( !C.isDrawingToolbarVisible.value(), ); }), t ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e = this.props.toolbarVisible; return i.createElement( 'div', { className: s( Oe.toggleButton, 'apply-common-tooltip common-tooltip-vertical', !e && Oe.collapsed, ), onClick: this._toggleVisibility, title: e ? Ee.hide : Ee.show, }, i.createElement(ke, { direction: e ? 'left' : 'right', theme: e ? void 0 : Oe, }), ); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent), De = o('mkWe'), Ne = o('uhCe'), Le = o('/KDZ'), je = { chartWidgetCollection: o('17x9').any.isRequired }, Ae = o('1TxM'), xe = o('JQKp'), Be = { weakMagnet: window.t('Weak Magnet'), strongMagnet: window.t('Strong Magnet'), }, Pe = Object(f.onWidget)(), We = new v.a(), Ie = ae.trackEvent.bind(null, 'GUI', 'Chart Left Toolbar'), Ve = function (e, t) { return Ie(e + ' ' + (t ? 'on' : 'off')); }; function Fe() { var e = !p.properties().childs().magnet.value(); Ve('magnet mode', e), Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!0), p.properties().childs().magnet.setValue(e), Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!1); } function Re() { Object(ae.trackEvent)('GUI', 'Magnet mode', 'Weak'), Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!0), p.properties().childs().magnetMode.setValue(ve.MagnetMode.WeakMagnet), p.properties().childs().magnet.setValue(!0), Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!1); } function ze() { Object(ae.trackEvent)('GUI', 'Magnet mode', 'Strong'), Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!0), p .properties() .childs() .magnetMode.setValue(ve.MagnetMode.StrongMagnet), p.properties().childs().magnet.setValue(!0), Object(Q.saveDefaultProperties)(!1); } var Ge = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o, n = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (n._grayedTools = {}), (n._handleDrawingClick = function (e) { Ve('drawing mode', e); }), (n._handleLockClick = function (e) { Ve('lock all drawing', e); }), (n._handleHideClick = function (e) { Ve('hide', e); }), (n._handleSyncClick = function (e) { Ve('sync', e); }), (n._handleMouseOver = function (e) { Object(fe.a)(e) && n.setState({ isHovered: !0 }); }), (n._handleMouseOut = function (e) { Object(fe.a)(e) && n.setState({ isHovered: !1 }); }), (n._handleChangeVisibility = function (e) { n.setState({ isVisible: e }); }), (n._handleEsc = function () { p.resetToCursor(!0); }), (n._updateMagnetEnabled = function () { var e = { magnet: Object(m.a)().value() }; n.setState(e); }), (n._updateMagnetMode = function () { var e = { magnetMode: Object(m.b)().value() }; n.setState(e); }), (n._handleWidgetbarSettled = function (e) { var t; n.setState({ isWidgetbarVisible: null === (t = window.widgetbar) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.visible().value(), widgetbarSettled: e, }); }), (n._handleWidgetbarVisible = function (e) { n.setState({ isWidgetbarVisible: e }); }), p.init(), (n._toolsFilter = new _(n.props.drawingsAccess)), (n._filteredLineTools = T.map(function (e) { return { id: e.id, title: e.title, items: e.items.filter(function (e) { return n._toolsFilter.isToolEnabled( g.a[e.name].localizedName, ); }), }; }).filter(function (e) { return 0 !== e.items.length; })), n._filteredLineTools.forEach(function (e) { return e.items.forEach(function (e) { n._grayedTools[e.name] = n._toolsFilter.isToolGrayed( g.a[e.name].localizedName, ); }); }), (n.state = { isHovered: !1, isVisible: C.isDrawingToolbarVisible.value(), isWidgetbarVisible: Boolean( null === (o = window.widgetbar) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.visible().value(), ), widgetbarSettled: void 0 !== window.widgetbar, magnet: p.properties().childs().magnet.value(), magnetMode: p.properties().childs().magnetMode.value(), }), (n._features = { favoriting: !Pe && d.enabled('items_favoriting'), multicharts: d.enabled('support_multicharts'), tools: !Pe || d.enabled('charting_library_base'), }), (n._registry = { chartWidgetCollection: n.props.chartWidgetCollection, }), n._negotiateResizer(), n ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.componentDidMount = function () { var e; C.isDrawingToolbarVisible.subscribe(this._handleChangeVisibility), A.a.subscribe(this, this._handleGlobalClose), Object(m.a)().subscribe(this._updateMagnetEnabled), Object(m.b)().subscribe(this._updateMagnetMode), (this._tool = p.tool.spawn()), this._tool.subscribe(this._updateHotkeys.bind(this)), this._initHotkeys(), this.props.widgetbarSettled && (this.props.widgetbarSettled.subscribe( this, this._handleWidgetbarSettled, ), f.CheckMobile.any() && (null === (e = window.widgetbar) || void 0 === e || e.visible().subscribe(this._handleWidgetbarVisible))); }), (t.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () { var e; null === (e = window.widgetbar) || void 0 === e || e.visible().unsubscribe(this._handleWidgetbarVisible), C.isDrawingToolbarVisible.unsubscribe( this._handleChangeVisibility, ), A.a.unsubscribe(this, this._handleGlobalClose), Object(m.a)().unsubscribe(this._updateMagnetEnabled), Object(m.b)().unsubscribe(this._updateMagnetMode), this._tool.destroy(), this._hotkeys.destroy(); }), (t.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (e, t) { var o, n = this.state, i = n.isVisible, a = n.widgetbarSettled; i !== t.isVisible && (h.emit('toggle_sidebar', !i), u.setValue('ChartDrawingToolbarWidget.visible', i), this._negotiateResizer()), t.widgetbarSettled !== a && a && f.CheckMobile.any() && (null === (o = window.widgetbar) || void 0 === o || o.visible().subscribe(this._handleWidgetbarVisible)); }), (t.prototype.render = function () { var e, t = this, o = this.props, n = o.bgColor, a = o.chartWidgetCollection, r = o.readOnly, l = this.state, c = l.isHovered, u = l.isVisible, d = l.magnet, m = l.magnetMode, h = { backgroundColor: n && '#' + n }; e = i.createElement(Me, { toolbarVisible: u }); return i.createElement( Ae.a, { validation: je, value: this._registry }, i.createElement( we.a.Provider, { value: We }, i.createElement( De.b, null, i.createElement( Le.a, { rule: Ne.a.TabletSmall }, function (o) { var n; return i.createElement( 'div', { id: 'drawing-toolbar', className: s( xe.drawingToolbar, ((n = {}), (n[xe.isHidden] = !u), n), ), style: h, onClick: t.props.onClick, onContextMenu: ge.b, }, i.createElement( L, { onScroll: t._handleGlobalClose, isVisibleFade: Modernizr.mobiletouch, isVisibleButtons: !Modernizr.mobiletouch && c, isVisibleScrollbar: !1, onMouseOver: t._handleMouseOver, onMouseOut: t._handleMouseOut, }, i.createElement( 'div', { className: xe.inner }, !r && i.createElement( 'div', { className: xe.group, style: h }, t._filteredLineTools.map(function (e, n) { return i.createElement(ie, { 'data-name': e.id, chartWidgetCollection: a, favoriting: t._features.favoriting, grayedTools: t._grayedTools, key: n, dropdownTooltip: e.title, lineTools: e.items, isSmallTablet: o, }); }), t._toolsFilter.isToolEnabled('Font Icons') && i.createElement(K, { 'data-name': 'linetool-group-font-icons', isGrayed: t._grayedTools['Font Icons'], toolName: 'LineToolIcon', isSmallTablet: o, }), ), !r && i.createElement( 'div', { className: xe.group, style: h }, i.createElement(Y, { toolName: 'measure' }), i.createElement(Y, { toolName: 'zoom' }), i.createElement($, { chartWidgetCollection: a, }), ), !r && i.createElement( 'div', { className: xe.group, style: h }, i.createElement( G, { 'data-name': 'magnet-button', buttonIcon: m === ve.MagnetMode.StrongMagnet ? be.a.strongMagnet : be.a.magnet, buttonTitle: g.a.magnet.localizedName, isActive: d, onClickButton: Fe, buttonHotKey: g.a.magnet.hotKey, checkable: !0, isSmallTablet: o, }, i.createElement(oe.b, { key: 'weakMagnet', className: o ? xe.popupMenuItem : void 0, 'data-name': 'weakMagnet', icon: be.a.magnet, isActive: d && m !== ve.MagnetMode.StrongMagnet, label: Be.weakMagnet, onClick: Re, }), i.createElement(oe.b, { key: 'strongMagnet', className: o ? xe.popupMenuItem : void 0, 'data-name': 'strongMagnet', icon: be.a.strongMagnet, isActive: d && m === ve.MagnetMode.StrongMagnet, label: Be.strongMagnet, onClick: ze, }), ), t._features.tools && i.createElement(X, { property: p.properties().childs() .stayInDrawingMode, saveDefaultOnChange: !0, toolName: 'drawginmode', onClick: t._handleDrawingClick, }), t._features.tools && i.createElement(X, { property: p.lockDrawings(), toolName: 'lockAllDrawings', onClick: t._handleLockClick, }), t._features.tools && i.createElement(X, { property: p.hideAllDrawings(), toolName: 'hideAllDrawings', onClick: t._handleHideClick, }), !1, ), !r && t._features.tools && i.createElement( 'div', { className: xe.group, style: h }, i.createElement(ue, { chartWidgetCollection: a, isSmallTablet: o, toolName: 'removeAllDrawingTools', }), ), i.createElement('div', { className: xe.fill, style: h, }), !r && (t._features.tools || !1) && i.createElement( 'div', { className: s(xe.group, xe.lastGroup), style: h, }, !1, t._features.tools && t._features.favoriting && i.createElement(he, { id: Z.FavoriteDrawings, }), !1, ), ), ), e, ); }, ), ), ), ); }), (t.prototype._activeChartWidget = function () { return this.props.chartWidgetCollection.activeChartWidget.value(); }), (t.prototype._negotiateResizer = function () { var e = _e.a; this.props.resizerBridge.negotiateWidth( this.state.isVisible ? _e.b : e, ); }), (t.prototype._handleGlobalClose = function () { We.fire(); }), (t.prototype._updateHotkeys = function () { this._hotkeys.promote(); }), (t.prototype._initHotkeys = function () { var e = this; (this._hotkeys = j.createGroup({ desc: 'Drawing Toolbar' })), this._hotkeys.add({ desc: 'Reset', hotkey: 27, handler: function () { return e._handleEsc(); }, isDisabled: function () { return p.toolIsCursor(p.tool.value()); }, }); }), t ); })(i.PureComponent); o.d(t, 'DrawingToolbarRenderer', function () { return He; }); var He = (function () { function e(e, t) { var o = this; (this._component = null), (this._handleRef = function (e) { o._component = e; }), (this._container = e), r.render( i.createElement( Ge, Object(n.__assign)({}, t, { ref: this._handleRef }), ), this._container, ); } return ( (e.prototype.destroy = function () { r.unmountComponentAtNode(this._container); }), (e.prototype.getComponent = function () { return Object(l.ensureNotNull)(this._component); }), e ); })(); }, '85c9': function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, '8d0Q': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'b', function () { return i; }), o.d(t, 'a', function () { return a; }); var n = o('q1tI'); function i() { var e = Object(n.useState)(!1), t = e[0], o = e[1]; return [ t, { onMouseOver: function (e) { a(e) && o(!0); }, onMouseOut: function (e) { a(e) && o(!1); }, }, ]; } function a(e) { return !e.currentTarget.contains(e.relatedTarget); } }, '9dlw': function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return p; }); var n = o('mrSG'), i = o('q1tI'), a = o.n(i), r = o('i8i4'), l = o.n(r), s = (o('bf9a'), o('AiMB')), c = o('DTHj'), u = o('X0gx'), d = o('8Rai'); function p(e) { var t = e.controller, o = e.children, r = e.isOpened, p = e.closeOnClickOutside, m = void 0 === p || p, h = e.doNotCloseOn, b = e.onClickOutside, v = e.onClose, f = Object(n.__rest)(e, [ 'controller', 'children', 'isOpened', 'closeOnClickOutside', 'doNotCloseOn', 'onClickOutside', 'onClose', ]), g = Object(i.useContext)(u.a), _ = Object(d.a)({ handler: function (e) { b && b(e); if (!m) return; if (h && e.target instanceof Node) { var t = l.a.findDOMNode(h); if (t instanceof Node && t.contains(e.target)) return; } v(); }, mouseDown: !0, touchStart: !0, }); return r ? a.a.createElement( s.a, { top: '0', left: '0', right: '0', bottom: '0', pointerEvents: 'none', }, a.a.createElement( 'span', { ref: _, style: { pointerEvents: 'auto' } }, a.a.createElement( c.a, Object(n.__assign)({}, f, { isOpened: r, onClose: v, onScroll: function (t) { var o = e.onScroll; o && o(t); t.stopPropagation(); }, customCloseDelegate: g, ref: t, }), o, ), ), ) : null; } }, ASyk: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { 'tablet-normal-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 768px)', 'small-height-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-height: 360px)', 'tablet-small-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 419px)', }; }, EA32: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { wrap: 'wrap-2I6DAtXG', smallTablet: 'smallTablet-3_DPsWKG', buttonIcon: 'buttonIcon-2rBwJ1QM', item: 'item-31XunD5q', hovered: 'hovered-2A1Cpat5', active: 'active-3xIuXjh4', title: 'title-KfwqaWX5', separator: 'separator-3h4R1USD', button: 'button-21ihqWJ8', }; }, HD8h: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { item: 'item-184T8X5A', label: 'label-20cSBx98', labelRow: 'labelRow-2fmEJqjl', toolbox: 'toolbox-2H0D5bLi', }; }, Iivm: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), o('mrSG').__exportStar(o('swCq'), t); }, JQKp: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { drawingToolbar: 'drawingToolbar-U3_QXRof', isHidden: 'isHidden-2d-PYkzV', inner: 'inner-1xuW-gY4', popupMenuItem: 'popupMenuItem-1b59KAzs', group: 'group-2JyOhh7Z', noGroupPadding: 'noGroupPadding-1TTjVKWk', lastGroup: 'lastGroup-O75UB5Xa', fill: 'fill-1djIbBXv', separator: 'separator-1BAqp1-l', }; }, KKsp: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return l; }); var n = o('q1tI'), i = o('TSYQ'), a = o.n(i), r = o('NOPy'); function l(e) { var t = e.size, o = void 0 === t ? 'normal' : t, i = e.className; return n.createElement('div', { className: a()( r.separator, 'small' === o && r.small, 'normal' === o && r.normal, 'large' === o && r.large, i, ), }); } }, KmEK: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { dropdown: 'dropdown-3_ASLzSj', buttonWrap: 'buttonWrap-3fZWypJl', control: 'control-1TyEfSIx', arrow: 'arrow-1cFKS5Ok', arrowIcon: 'arrowIcon-2wA7q8om', isOpened: 'isOpened-22vLOY9o', hover: 'hover-2eKqN_v0', isGrayed: 'isGrayed-xr-mULNo', }; }, N5tr: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return d; }), o.d(t, 'b', function () { return h; }); var n = o('mrSG'), i = o('q1tI'), a = o.n(i), r = o('TSYQ'), l = o('tWVy'), s = o('PC8g'), c = o('QpNh'), u = o('v1bN'), d = u; function p(e) { var t = e.reference, o = Object(n.__rest)(e, ['reference']), i = Object(n.__assign)(Object(n.__assign)({}, o), { ref: t }); return a.a.createElement(e.href ? 'a' : 'div', i); } function m(e) { e.stopPropagation(); } function h(e) { var t, o, d, h = e.className, b = e.title, v = e.labelRowClassName, f = e.shortcut, g = e.forceShowShortcuts, _ = e.icon, w = e.isActive, y = e.isDisabled, T = e.isHovered, C = e.appearAsDisabled, k = e.label, S = e.link, O = e.showToolboxOnHover, E = e.target, M = e.toolbox, D = e.reference, N = e.onMouseOut, L = e.onMouseOver, j = e.theme, A = void 0 === j ? u : j, x = Object(c.a)(e), B = Object(i.useRef)(null); return a.a.createElement( p, Object(n.__assign)({}, x, { className: r( h, A.item, _ && A.withIcon, ((t = {}), (t[A.isActive] = w), (t[A.isDisabled] = y || C), (t[A.hovered] = T), t), ), title: b, href: S, target: E, reference: function (e) { (B.current = e), D && D(e); }, onClick: function (t) { var o = e.dontClosePopup, n = e.onClick, i = e.onClickArg, a = e.trackEventObject; if (y) return; a && Object(s.trackEvent)(a.category, a.event, a.label); n && n(i, t); o || Object(l.b)(); }, onContextMenu: function (t) { var o = e.trackEventObject, n = e.trackRightClick; o && n && Object(s.trackEvent)( o.category, o.event, o.label + '_rightClick', ); }, onMouseUp: function (t) { var o = e.trackEventObject, n = e.trackMouseWheelClick; if (1 === t.button && S && o) { var i = o.label; n && (i += '_mouseWheelClick'), Object(s.trackEvent)(o.category, o.event, i); } }, onMouseOver: L, onMouseOut: N, }), void 0 !== _ && a.a.createElement('div', { className: A.icon, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: _ }, }), a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: r(A.labelRow, v) }, a.a.createElement('div', { className: A.label }, k), ), (void 0 !== f || g) && a.a.createElement( 'div', { className: A.shortcut }, (d = f) && d.split('+').join(' + '), ), void 0 !== M && a.a.createElement( 'div', { onClick: m, className: r(A.toolbox, ((o = {}), (o[A.showOnHover] = O), o)), }, M, ), ); } }, NOPy: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { separator: 'separator-25lkUpN-', small: 'small-1IE19htj', normal: 'normal-2jX5NqMI', large: 'large-3vmbMIE7', }; }, Sn4D: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return h; }); var n = o('q1tI'), i = o.n(n), a = o('Eyy1'), r = o('TSYQ'), l = o('x0D+'), s = o('33OQ'), c = o('AiMB'), u = o('mkWe'), d = o('qFKp'), p = o('tWVy'), m = o('sHQ4'); function h(e) { var t = e.position, o = e.onClose, h = e.children, b = e.className, v = Object(a.ensureNotNull)(Object(n.useContext)(u.a)), f = Object(n.useState)(0), g = f[0], _ = f[1], w = Object(n.useRef)(null); return ( Object(n.useEffect)(function () { var e; return ( null === (e = w.current) || void 0 === e || e.focus({ preventScroll: !0 }), p.a.subscribe(v, o), Object(s.setFixedBodyState)(!0), d.CheckMobile.iOS() && Object(l.disableBodyScroll)(Object(a.ensureNotNull)(w.current)), _(v.addDrawer()), function () { p.a.unsubscribe(v, o); var e = v.removeDrawer(); d.CheckMobile.iOS() && Object(l.enableBodyScroll)( Object(a.ensureNotNull)(w.current), ), 0 === e && Object(s.setFixedBodyState)(!1); } ); }, []), i.a.createElement( c.a, null, i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: r(m.wrap, m['position' + t]) }, g === v.currentDrawer && i.a.createElement('div', { className: m.backdrop, onClick: o }), i.a.createElement( 'div', { className: r(m.drawer, m['position' + t], b), ref: function (e) { w.current = e; }, tabIndex: -1, }, h, ), ), ) ); } }, Vike: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, Wz44: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { container: 'container-3_8ayT2Q', mirror: 'mirror-crJbq8d0', background: 'background-Q1Fcmxly', arrow: 'arrow-WcYWFXUn', }; }, X0gx: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }); var n = o('q1tI'), i = o.n(n), a = o('tWVy'), r = i.a.createContext(a.a); }, XfUw: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, dhVi: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return r; }); var n = o('nPPD'), i = o('v1bN'), a = o('HD8h'), r = Object(n.a)(i, a); }, fEjm: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { favorite: 'favorite-2V8VHwKe', active: 'active-3pQAvYvT', checked: 'checked-2bhy04CF', }; }, gb5g: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { button: 'button-263WXsg-', hover: 'hover-6KHfIHhL', bg: 'bg-1kRv1Pf2', icon: 'icon-1Y-3MM9F', isActive: 'isActive-2mI1-NUL', isTransparent: 'isTransparent-sRmateFl', isGrayed: 'isGrayed-1kWObWVr', isHidden: 'isHidden-2VzaskeU', }; }, hn2c: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, mkWe: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'b', function () { return r; }), o.d(t, 'a', function () { return l; }); var n = o('mrSG'), i = o('q1tI'), a = o.n(i), r = (function (e) { function t(t) { var o = e.call(this, t) || this; return ( (o._addDrawer = function () { var e = o.state.currentDrawer + 1; return o.setState({ currentDrawer: e }), e; }), (o._removeDrawer = function () { var e = o.state.currentDrawer - 1; return o.setState({ currentDrawer: e }), e; }), (o.state = { currentDrawer: 0 }), o ); } return ( Object(n.__extends)(t, e), (t.prototype.render = function () { return a.a.createElement( l.Provider, { value: { addDrawer: this._addDrawer, removeDrawer: this._removeDrawer, currentDrawer: this.state.currentDrawer, }, }, this.props.children, ); }), t ); })(a.a.PureComponent), l = a.a.createContext(null); }, nPPD: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; function n(e, t, o) { void 0 === o && (o = {}); for ( var n = Object.assign({}, t), i = 0, a = Object.keys(t); i < a.length; i++ ) { var r = a[i], l = o[r] || r; l in e && (n[r] = [e[l], t[r]].join(' ')); } return n; } function i(e, t, o) { return void 0 === o && (o = {}), Object.assign({}, e, n(e, t, o)); } o.d(t, 'b', function () { return n; }), o.d(t, 'a', function () { return i; }); }, pr86: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return d; }); var n = o('mrSG'), i = (o('YFKU'), o('q1tI')), a = o('TSYQ'), r = o('Iivm'), l = o('sg5d'), s = o('XfUw'), c = o('fEjm'), u = { add: window.t('Add to favorites'), remove: window.t('Remove from favorites'), }; function d(e) { var t = e.className, o = e.isFilled, d = e.isActive, p = e.onClick, m = Object(n.__rest)(e, [ 'className', 'isFilled', 'isActive', 'onClick', ]); return i.createElement( r.Icon, Object(n.__assign)({}, m, { className: a( c.favorite, 'apply-common-tooltip', o && c.checked, d && c.active, t, ), icon: o ? l : s, onClick: p, title: o ? u.remove : u.add, }), ); } }, sHQ4: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { wrap: 'wrap-3vvdSnDX', backdrop: 'backdrop-1knaw_yl', positionBottom: 'positionBottom-3zJf6Byh', drawer: 'drawer-1_nJUEiM', positionLeft: 'positionLeft-2wxVhi9G', }; }, sg5d: function (e, t) { e.exports = ''; }, swCq: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(t, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var n = o('mrSG'), i = o('q1tI'); t.Icon = i.forwardRef(function (e, t) { var o = e.icon, a = void 0 === o ? '' : o, r = n.__rest(e, ['icon']); return i.createElement( 'span', n.__assign({}, r, { ref: t, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: a } }), ); }); }, uJ8n: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { wrap: 'wrap-1h7U5nKd', scrollWrap: 'scrollWrap-3gtPS0Fe', noScrollBar: 'noScrollBar-ieMwbfur', content: 'content-YhoA_L2m', icon: 'icon-2xObs8DI', scrollBot: 'scrollBot-2HHpZNuf', scrollTop: 'scrollTop-1eXi8ltS', isVisible: 'isVisible-3zZOL3TO', iconWrap: 'iconWrap-2Q69rfEO', fadeBot: 'fadeBot-3JstnoWq', fadeTop: 'fadeTop-3oJzNyTq', }; }, uhCe: function (e, t, o) { 'use strict'; o.d(t, 'a', function () { return i; }); var n = o('ASyk'), i = { SmallHeight: n['small-height-breakpoint'], TabletSmall: n['tablet-small-breakpoint'], TabletNormal: n['tablet-normal-breakpoint'], }; }, v1bN: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { 'tablet-small-breakpoint': 'screen and (max-width: 419px)', item: 'item-2xPVYue0', hovered: 'hovered-1uf45E05', isDisabled: 'isDisabled-1wLqKupj', isActive: 'isActive-2j-GhQs_', shortcut: 'shortcut-30pveiCO', toolbox: 'toolbox-3ulPxfe-', withIcon: 'withIcon-1xBjf-oB', icon: 'icon-2Qm7YIcz', labelRow: 'labelRow-3Q0rdE8-', label: 'label-3Xqxy756', showOnHover: 'showOnHover-1q6ySzZc', }; }, 'x0D+': function (e, t, o) { var n, i, a; (i = [t]), void 0 === (a = 'function' == typeof (n = function (e) { 'use strict'; function t(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var t = 0, o = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) o[t] = e[t]; return o; } return Array.from(e); } Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }); var o = !1; if ('undefined' != typeof window) { var n = { get passive() { o = !0; }, }; window.addEventListener('testPassive', null, n), window.removeEventListener('testPassive', null, n); } var i = 'undefined' != typeof window && window.navigator && window.navigator.platform && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.platform), a = [], r = !1, l = -1, s = void 0, c = void 0, u = function (e) { return a.some(function (t) { return !( !t.options.allowTouchMove || !t.options.allowTouchMove(e) ); }); }, d = function (e) { var t = e || window.event; return ( !!u(t.target) || 1 < t.touches.length || (t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), !1) ); }, p = function () { setTimeout(function () { void 0 !== c && ((document.body.style.paddingRight = c), (c = void 0)), void 0 !== s && ((document.body.style.overflow = s), (s = void 0)); }); }; (e.disableBodyScroll = function (e, n) { if (i) { if (!e) return void console.error( 'disableBodyScroll unsuccessful - targetElement must be provided when calling disableBodyScroll on IOS devices.', ); if ( e && !a.some(function (t) { return t.targetElement === e; }) ) { var p = { targetElement: e, options: n || {} }; (a = [].concat(t(a), [p])), (e.ontouchstart = function (e) { 1 === e.targetTouches.length && (l = e.targetTouches[0].clientY); }), (e.ontouchmove = function (t) { var o, n, i, a; 1 === t.targetTouches.length && ((n = e), (a = (o = t).targetTouches[0].clientY - l), !u(o.target) && ((n && 0 === n.scrollTop && 0 < a) || ((i = n) && i.scrollHeight - i.scrollTop <= i.clientHeight && a < 0) ? d(o) : o.stopPropagation())); }), r || (document.addEventListener( 'touchmove', d, o ? { passive: !1 } : void 0, ), (r = !0)); } } else { (h = n), setTimeout(function () { if (void 0 === c) { var e = !!h && !0 === h.reserveScrollBarGap, t = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth; e && 0 < t && ((c = document.body.style.paddingRight), (document.body.style.paddingRight = t + 'px')); } void 0 === s && ((s = document.body.style.overflow), (document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden')); }); var m = { targetElement: e, options: n || {} }; a = [].concat(t(a), [m]); } var h; }), (e.clearAllBodyScrollLocks = function () { i ? 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(p(), (a = [])) : (a = a.filter(function (t) { return t.targetElement !== e; })); }); }) ? n.apply(t, i) : n) || (e.exports = a); }, ybOa: function (e, t, o) { e.exports = { toggleButton: 'toggleButton-3TAD9tll', collapsed: 'collapsed-2PwwPYYB', background: 'background-1bSnR2Ey', arrow: 'arrow-liYbPQ3o', }; }, }, ]);