(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([ ['change-interval-dialog'], { MuC6: function (t, i, e) { 'use strict'; var n = e('PC8g').trackEvent, s = e('PT1i').linking, o = e('h24c').parseIntervalValue, a = e('h24c').intervalIsSupported, r = e('Kxc7'), l = e('pPtI'), p = e('GAqT').TVOldDialogs, h = e('LxhU').Interval, u = $.t( 'Type the interval number for minute charts (i.e. 5 if it is going to be a five minute chart). Or number plus letter for H (Hourly), D (Daily), W (Weekly), M (Monthly) intervals (i.e. D or 2H)', ), d = $.t( "Type the interval number for minute charts (i.e. 5 if it's going to be a five minute chart). Or number plus letter for other intervals: S for 1 second chart (15S for 15 second chart, etc.), H (Hourly), D (Daily), W (Weekly), M (Monthly) intervals (i.e. D or 2H)", ), c = [1, 5, 15, 30]; function _(t) { (this._options = t || {}), this._setInput(), (this._caption = $('').html(' ')), (this._helpTooltipTrigger = $( '', ) .text('?') .attr('title', v() ? d : u)), (this._dialogTitle = $.t('Change Interval')); } function v() { return r.enabled('seconds_resolution'); } (_.prototype._setInput = function () { (this._input = $( '', )), this._input .on('keypress', this._handleInput.bind(this)) .on( 'input', function () { this._validate(), this._updateCaption(); }.bind(this), ) .on( 'blur', function () { setTimeout(this._submit.bind(this), 0); }.bind(this), ); }), (_.prototype._validate = function () { var t = this._input.val(); (this._parsed = o(t)), (this._valid = !this._parsed.error), (this._supported = !this._parsed.error && a(t)); var i = this._parsed.unit; if (this._supported) if ('R' === i && this._parsed.qty > l.getMaxResolutionValue('R')) this._supported = !1; else if (null === i || 'H' === i) { this._parsed.qty * ('H' === i ? 60 : 1) > 1440 && (this._supported = !1); } else 'S' !== i || c.includes(this._parsed.qty) || (this._supported = !1); }), (_.prototype._updateCaption = function () { var t; if (this._valid && this._supported) { var i = this._parsed.qty || 1, e = this._parsed.unit || ''; (t = l.getTranslatedResolutionModel(i + e).hint), this._input.add(this._caption).removeClass('error'); } else (t = this._parsed.error ? ' ' : $.t('Not applicable')), this._input.add(this._caption).addClass('error'); this._caption.html(t); }), (_.prototype._handleInput = function (t) { var i, e, n; 13 !== t.which ? t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || !t.charCode || !t.which || t.which <= 32 || ((i = String.fromCharCode(t.charCode)), (e = /[\dhdwms]/i), (n = /[\dhdwm]/i), (v() ? e.test(i) : n.test(i)) || t.preventDefault()) : this._submit(); }), (_.prototype._submit = function () { if (p.isOpen(this._dialogTitle)) { if (this._valid && this._supported) { var t = h.normalize(this._input.val()), i = s.interval.value(); t && i !== t && 'function' == typeof this._options.callback && this._options.callback(t); } p.destroy(this._dialogTitle); } }), (_.prototype._setInitialValue = function (t) { var i = '', e = !1; (t = t || this._options.initialValue) && ',' !== t ? (i = h.normalize(t) || '') : ((i = t = s.interval.value()), (e = !0)), this._input.val(i), e && this._input.select(); }), (_.prototype.isValid = function () { return Boolean(this._valid); }), (_.prototype.show = function (t) { n('GUI', 'Show Change Interval Dialog', t); var i = p.createDialog(this._dialogTitle, { hideCloseCross: !0, addClass: 'change-interval-dialog', ownerDocument: this._options.ownerDocument, }), e = i.find('._tv-dialog-content'); return ( i.css('min-width', 0), e .css('min-width', 0) .mousedown( function (t) { this._input.is(t.target) || t.preventDefault(); }.bind(this), ) .append( this._input.add(this._caption).add(this._helpTooltipTrigger), ), p.applyHandlers(i), p.positionDialog(i), this._setInitialValue(t), this._validate(), this._updateCaption(), i ); }), (t.exports.ChangeIntervalDialog = _); }, }, ]);